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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2
Just one thought before bed : What about Fog ?

Isn't that just water droplets suspended in the air ?
Would that be able to transport the virus further, between people waiting in lines etc at the supermarket ?

That's an interesting thought but I think viruses travel farther in dry air. I have thought about that though. Here's a link with some info about humidity.

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 08:19 PM
7 confirmed 2 probable cases in Aotearoa/New Zealand today. At 4pm we are suposed to hear in will we go down to alert level three. There is talk that schools and early childhood centres will open for essential workers children. I think this is a stupid idea. Other businesses will have to maintain 2 metre distancing, this is impossible with children especially in early childhood where children need constant close contact with adults who need to nurture and care for them. One teacher could be potentially exposed to as many as 900 exposures outside their own bubble. Also try keeping list hungry teenagers 2 metres apart. I think this will not work. Current petition against opening schools in Aotearoa/New Zealand is at 30,800 signatures.
3 children under one have contracted the virus in Aotearoa/New Zealand , I hope they are ok.

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 08:23 PM
News Desk Why an Idaho Ski Destination Has One of the Highest COVID-19 Infection Rates in the Nation

This starts off talking about D.J. Jazzy Jeff (of Fresh Prince fame) and the annual Black Summit of the National Brotherhood of Skiers (N.B.S.), the largest African-American ski and snowboard association in the world. There were 700 of them and 100 of them got sick. 2 died.

“If we’re going to point the finger at anyone, point it at me, for not closing this town down earlier,” Neil Bradshaw, the mayor of Ketchum, said. “We believe that the virus came in from Seattle, probably a couple of weeks earlier. They probably got the virus from many people here, and for that I feel terrible.” A ski resort is, in many ways, an ideal breeding ground for an epidemic. Skiing and snowboarding may look from a distance like solitary pursuits; the helmets, goggles, and neck warmers may be assumed to function like alpine hazmat suits. But, at major resorts, stretches of brisk, wintry liberation on the slopes are interrupted by long chairlift and gondola rides, during which people sit shoulder to shoulder and knee to knee with a perpetually rotating cast of strangers. The National Brotherhood may not have brought the virus to Idaho, but it did bring the party, and, in ski towns across America and the rest of the world this winter, the two have gone hand in hand. Ski-resort areas in California, Colorado, and elsewhere “show higher infection rates than more densely populated cities nearby,” Adventure Journal noted, including Mono County, California, the home of Mammoth Mountain Ski Area, which now has the highest per-capita rate of COVID-19 in the state. In Europe, several governments tracked hundreds of coronavirus cases to one Austrian ski town, with some epidemiological reports identifying beer-pong tables as a potential source of infection. In Mexico, the chairman of the Mexican Stock Exchange tested positive after returning from a ski trip to Colorado’s Vail resort. ial&mbid=social_twitter&utm_source=twitter&utm_social-type=owned

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 08:26 PM

originally posted by: Cloudbuster
7 confirmed 2 probable cases in Aotearoa/New Zealand today. At 4pm we are suposed to hear in will we go down to alert level three. There is talk that schools and early childhood centres will open for essential workers children. I think this is a stupid idea. Other businesses will have to maintain 2 metre distancing, this is impossible with children especially in early childhood where children need constant close contact with adults who need to nurture and care for them. One teacher could be potentially exposed to as many as 900 exposures outside their own bubble. Also try keeping list hungry teenagers 2 metres apart. I think this will not work. Current petition against opening schools in Aotearoa/New Zealand is at 30,800 signatures.
3 children under one have contracted the virus in Aotearoa/New Zealand , I hope they are ok.

I understand the desire to keep early childhood centers open so that essential workers have child care but they are major hosts who will spread the virus to teachers or come home with it after getting it from another child. I really don't know what the answer is for those who don't have family to help out but this doesn't seem like the solution.

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: pasiphae

I seem to remember a poster in Part 1? of this thread who suggested ozone therapy. Don't remember who it was or if he/she is still around, from what I can remember he took some flak for his opintion.

posted on Apr, 20 2020 @ 12:27 AM
Update Apr.19/20
Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Global Cases (by JHU CSSE)

Canada *** Total= 36,039 ***
18,357-Quebec, 11,561-Ontario, 2,803-Alberta, 1,647-British Columbia,
675-Nova Scotia, 315-Saskatchewan, 253-Manitoba, 118-New Brunswick,
257-Newfoundland & Labrador, 26-Prince Edward Island,
5-Northwest Territories, 9-Yukon, 13-Grand Princess, USA & Canada Updates

posted on Apr, 20 2020 @ 12:28 AM
From the "Department of Things That Are Fairly Useful"
Vitamin D Deficiency in Ireland and COVID-19

Actual title: Vitamin D deficiency in Ireland – implications for COVID-19. Results from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA)

Comment: yes, a real study and overseen by a group based at a real college

Findings (based on analysis of data and not on actual human subject research): Recommending between 15 -20 ug (800-1,000 IU/day) recommended for most at risk groups

Vitamin D is involved in respiratory health and the evidence is strong enough that WHO and other organizations recommend it for at-risk patients.

So there you are, kids. Get outside, smile at the sunshine (from a correct social distance) and take your vitamin D. It won't PREVENT anything but it might give you an edge. Tell your household members. Tell your friends. If anyone asks in a skeptical manner, tell 'em a little Byrd-ie told you about it.

edit on 20-4-2020 by Byrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2020 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: BPilgrim

primalfractal did mention it but as was mentioned no profit in the treatment but if it does works big class action court case against Medical insurance companies might get their interest in Cheap treatments instead of pal-pal profit sharing big pharm.

posted on Apr, 20 2020 @ 01:48 AM
a reply to: pasiphae

It seems like cold places have a high infection rate. Or perhaps more people get in the warm together.

posted on Apr, 20 2020 @ 04:23 AM
Another report suggesting everyone should wear masks!

Wish these people would make their minds up.

Everyone in Britain 'should wear a mask': One hundred leading doctors say public should cover their face whenever they go out to limit spread of coronavirus

More than 100 top doctors have backed calls for the public to wear homemade face masks to protect themselves and others from contracting coronavirus when they leave their homes. They signed a letter saying they were 'increasingly alarmed at official inaction over the need for the public to wear face masks'. Ministers could make a decision this week on whether to order the use of protective equipment for millions of Britons in the workplace and on public transport. The doctors spoke out ahead of a meeting of the Government's scientific advisers tomorrow to review evidence on whether masks should be made compulsory.

A bit late now to recommend everyone wear a mask anyway.

posted on Apr, 20 2020 @ 05:00 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Does anyone remember the site with case stats for for the US, but then you could pull up each state individually for the same stats? It was white and green and showed progression over time. I thought it was really helpful, but forgot to bookmark it and now I can't find it.

posted on Apr, 20 2020 @ 05:33 AM
a reply to: BPilgrim

Yes, Tanstaafl proposed it, and I gave him flak for mainly how it was presented as a miraculous medecine, and the links to 'support' the theory.
Mainly I-V Ozone (properly called autohemotherapy)

Ozone Therapy (Wiki) is still considered an 'Alternative medecine', in such that it has not been proven clinically in any way to be beneficial to the human body, and may actually harm it in some use cases.
It has been banned for medical use in the USA since 2016.

All of the COVID-19 uses have been inconclusive due to the fact that it can't be proven that it wasn't the other treatment being administered that helped the patients, and that their sample size was tiny (see the wiki link for the info, and sources to that info).

The Chinese Clinical trials are a very good start, because I can't find anything apart from a paper in 2011, where the trials were ongoing. If Clinical trials are underway, it shouldn't be too hard to find the links to them, with a lot more info on what the trials are, and what they're doing.

(Coffee, and then back to updates)

posted on Apr, 20 2020 @ 05:46 AM
a reply to: drussell41

Not sure if it's the same site but does the same thing I believe

Breakdown in US States
Looks like the first plateau maybe in the graphs. but it is early.

posted on Apr, 20 2020 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: waftist


posted on Apr, 20 2020 @ 06:41 AM
Our UK rate of death and also recovery rate are appalling!
I'm assuming the UK have not updated the recovered numbers - as that just can't possibly be accurate
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

posted on Apr, 20 2020 @ 06:49 AM
From French Live Feed :

- 12h10 : 1,426 new confirmed cases in 24h in Singapore (8,024 total cases since the beginning).
The feared "Second wave" seems to be well under way there.

- 13h20 : " Almost 50% of retirement Home in Mars-la-Tour (France) deceased from COVID-19 "

A retirement home in Mars-la-Tour (Meurthe et Moselle), has had 22 of 51 residents die from COVID-19, in the space of 2 weeks.
" The Virus was like lightning " said Stephanie Rémiatte, head of the home.
" Some residents were showing no symptoms at all, and in the space of a couple of hours, their health plummeted quickly."
19 of the 52 personnel at the home have been tested positive also.

- 13h23 : " Lisbon, Portugal : 139 of ~180 refugees at a Youth Hostel test positive for COVID-19 "

The people have been relocated, and placed into quarantine.
The youth hostel has been evacuated, and the other resdients of the hostel are without symptoms so far.

edit on 20-4-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: Bolding and precisions

posted on Apr, 20 2020 @ 06:52 AM
I'm confused. I'm in Ohio, and supposedly we're reopening May 1. However, when I look at our stats, I'm not seeing it. It looks like everything is still climbing except deaths, which have flattened. Can someone help me understand either the charts or the State's logic? Increased testing inflating the number of cases but we're really not worse off because more people aren't dying????

edit on 20-4-2020 by drussell41 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2020 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: cirrus12

Yes, It does look terrible, but i also didn't see a huge amount of updates yesterday on BNO.

Hopefully it will pick up today, or tomorrow with some better data (it being Sunday yesterday, and the numbers tend to be less on the weekends as well).
It could just be that the people are still in hospital, or under some form of care.
It can take weeks to recover fully.
Cross fingers it gets better as time goes on.

posted on Apr, 20 2020 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2
a reply to: pasiphae
We used 70% alcohol wipes in the beginning, but have moved to bleach spray and cloths.
(Never any wipes in stock at the store, just like Flour...)

I’m filling a large jug with warm water and a cap of disinfectant, then dipping everything i buy. That seems to get a better coverage, but I don’t scrub. Hoping that works.

posted on Apr, 20 2020 @ 07:31 AM
Double post
edit on 20-4-2020 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

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