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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:01 PM
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edit on 5/13/2022 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2022 @ 11:16 PM
My wife was in the hospital last week, and they asked if she had been vaccinated. "Nope," she said, "and not planning on getting it." They didn't bat an eye.

But now here is the terrifying part. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, stage 4, since there were three total masses. All were removed during surgery. Her original problem for showing up in the emergency room was because of a persistent cough, during a CT scan showing fluid surrounding her right lung. They removed 2.6 liters of fluid. Lab work determined cancer cells in that fluid. She stated chemo this past Wednesday. Six sessions, 3 weeks apart. So for the next 18+ weeks we have to be on pins and needles that she won't come in contact with COVID. We are in a very rural area, and the case count is real low in our county. But heck, she has always eaten healthy, taken vitamin supplements and always only eaten foods that were healthy. Organic, non-gmo, gluten free, etc. etc. All for nothing, since cancer just didn't care.

So whenever I go out to go to the post office, do some curbside pickup for groceries, or bring in the groceries delivered here, I will be in terror that I might be bringing in something that would likely kill her. So I have to double down on the sanitation regimen, which was already pretty strict, but now it goes into full blown paranoia stage.

I really didn't worry overly about COVID since I figured we were both strong enough and immune system boosted enough to fight it off. But the game has changed now.

If this is off topic, please just move it to where ever it would be on topic.

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 02:52 AM
a reply to: Rich Z
OMG Rich! I am so sorry to hear this about your wife.
I'm sure you both must still be reeling from the diagnosis. It's still early days to take it all on board.
Your wife sounds like a tough cookie and she has a good man by her side.
I am going to say this, thank god she hasn't had the jab.
Please keep us updated, you too need support which I'm sure you have from family and friends, but you also have friends here on ATS.
Biggest of sunny Rainbows to you both.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

HI Jane
did you attend?

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 05:31 PM
Did anyone catch this from a Senate Health and Human Services (03/30) ?

The extract on why masks have a problem

If you want the full 4 hour video it is linked in the notes --

This is the comment from Ivor Cummins - 203K subscribers

Blown away the other day when I came across Stephen Petty (B.S.Ch.E. M.S.Ch.E. M.B.A.) and his evidence deposition at a USA public hearing - I took an excerpt, fixed up the audio levels and just had to release it as a podcast! But don't worry - I'll be getting him on to the podcast as soon as I can, for a full discussion. Here is a document with references which he and a team submitted to NIH and CDC:
The original video is here:
Also please do follow his podcast and other materials here - he's a gem of a genuine expert!

posted on May, 17 2022 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: puzzled2
I thought it wasn't until the 22nd?
I'll check your links again.

posted on May, 17 2022 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: Rich Z

Are you doing any preventative protocols?

Here's a link to the best source of 'alternative' Covid prevention info - FLCCC is the group with the most prestigious non-mainstream medical professionals, including Dr. Paul Marik & Dr. Pierre Kory


I've had my family on a committed regimen of part of the Protocols - the recommended amounts of Vitamins D3 & C, the Quercetin, & Zinc, (with melatonin added for myself)

Now, we did all get the J & J vaccine, but it was early April 2021 - and of course, we now know that after 4 months it's effectiveness would have totally worn off...

So, with that said - even on just the partial protocols, none of us have caught the COVID, despite being out and about regularly -

- hubby and daughter work jobs involving lots of 'people contact' (theme park positions), we've even taken several trips, including across the country (& my husband to Switzerland and Scotland)

I don't know whether any of that is helpful but wanted to share just in case...

Your wife is in my prayers - God Bless you both!

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 11:10 PM
Well, I am taking preventatives myself, but the wife (Connie) is leery of taking anything that might affect the chemo treatments negatively. I figure I will be the one going out running errands and such, so I want to be the first line of defense. For the record, I am taking Ivermectin as a preventative. I may get a batch of hydroxychloroquine too. Limiting contact with anyone as much as possible. Curbside pickup and deliveries for groceries and supplies. Darn orders from Amazon are all going to the post office, and I have to do in there during regular business hours to pick them up. I don't know if Amazon has some sort of arrangement with the USPS or not, because prior to me trying out their Prime membership, the USPS used to deliver packages here from Amazon. We took down our mailbox years ago when local kids were running up and down our rural road smashing them all. So we have a post office box. But even then, USPS would still often deliver packages here anyway. So I am going to be putting up a mailbox again REAL soon.

As for the COVID stuff, my wife's sister wants to come down here to help out. But her and her boyfriend were doing some traveling through Louisiana and then Tennessee, and he came down with COVID. Instead of quarantine, they decided to head back home to Delaware. Yeah, why not spread around the goodness? And of course, Connie's sister is now testing positive for COVID too right now. Wouldn't that have just been lovely had she come down here and exposed us to COVID?

Then my wife's niece in law also wanted to come down to help out, but darn if she and her husband (Connie's nephew) both now test positive for COVID. Not sure what is going on, but sure seems to be a mighty strange coincidence that these family members are all coming down with COVID all of a sudden. Not sure which of them have gotten jabs, but my guess is that all of them have. So no, NO ONE is coming to visit here. Period. Anyone who pulls a surprise visit is going to get their own surprise when I run them off with a shotgun.

I was thinking that COVID was on the way out, but sure doesn't seem like it all of a sudden. Is the media just clamming up about it? I ordered some machinery from China and they are saying that most cities there are on lockdown and they are trying to find one that isn't to get the order out, so getting my shipment out might be delayed a bit.

Just real damn bad luck for my wife to get cancer right now and have to be on chemo to blitz her immune system.

Oh yeah, the yearly plague of yellow flies has hit here, and I am scared to death to have Connie go outside and get bitten by those suckers. She would always welt up pretty badly from the bites, so I have no idea what will happen to her if she gets bitten while on chemo and immune compromised.

What a mess.

posted on May, 20 2022 @ 04:13 AM
Some of you might remember that I have suggested some form of TB will be the next big health issue.

First, Last week I did a house call on an elderly client of mine (a spritely 84 year old) who loves her cruises. She was triple vaxxed so she could go on a cruise just before Christmas. On each occasion she has had a jab, that C19 point (as I call it) has shown up on her foot for about 2-3 months on each occasion. I was a bit taken aback on this particular visit as she informed me she had taken her 4th booster just 2 weeks before her treatment with me. I was expecting to find that C19 point again. It has been 100% accurate with each of my clients who have taken the jab and/or boosters. She is the first that I have that has taken a 4th. Not a trace of the C19 point, to which I jokingly said.... "must have been saline this time round". She said she didn't mind because at least she had the paperwork to get away on her cruise in August! Interestingly she also said all 3 of her first jabs were Pfeizer but this booster was Moderna, which she wasn't too happy about, but took it anyway.

As a 'bonus round' for everyone and almost a confirmation to the previous weeks 'incident', I was up in Doncaster for work at the beginning of this week. My senior student has her clinic at a centre which was used as a vaccine hub by the NHS. There are store cupboards along the corridors. She happens to have a master key (another story). A unrelated member of staff needed access to one of said cupboards, she was told to see my student as she has a master key. So off they both toddle to get into one of these larger store cupboards. They were both shocked. In the cupboard were not only boxes and boxes of various PPE, syringes etc but..... wait for it..... boxes and boxes of SALINE VIALS. By rough calculations she said it would have amounted to thousands of vials (each box contained 40 vials). My student is by far not a 'paid up member of the tin foil hat brigade', but being in the profession she is in it took her a split second to see what this amounted to. She also thought twice about taking a photo, she's very tech savvy, and didn't want anything tracing back to her.

In summary I would suggest given the symptoms of TB, that many people I know of, who have been vaccinated and have 'after symptoms' after still contracting one of the so-called variants have in fact got some form of TB.
I am also going to add that what is going on all over China and their lockdowns is not C19/variant, it is TB or a form of.
TB link

posted on May, 21 2022 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Darn, I didn't need to read that. Anyone else get the feeling that Earth is just unnecessarily hostile to human beings?

posted on May, 22 2022 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Interesting, as a side note, garlic is very hard on TB they were using aerosols of it in the TB hospitals with great success before penicillin was invented. The debilitating effects of it were originally put down to vampire attacks because of the steadily draining aspect of the disease, that's why garlic became a folk lore remedy for vampirism, which of course was endemic TB. Mind you garlic breath would make everyone keep their bugs away as well.

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:20 AM
Brilliant article and well referenced. Well worth the short read.
A heads up of things to come?
Li nk

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 05:19 PM
this was a fake pandemic used to further the NWO agenda and strip people of their rights

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
Some of you might remember that I have suggested some form of TB will be the next big health issue.

First, Last week I did a house call on an elderly client of mine (a spritely 84 year old) who loves her cruises. She was triple vaxxed so she could go on a cruise just before Christmas. On each occasion she has had a jab, that C19 point (as I call it) has shown up on her foot for about 2-3 months on each occasion. I was a bit taken aback on this particular visit as she informed me she had taken her 4th booster just 2 weeks before her treatment with me. I was expecting to find that C19 point again. It has been 100% accurate with each of my clients who have taken the jab and/or boosters. She is the first that I have that has taken a 4th. Not a trace of the C19 point, to which I jokingly said.... "must have been saline this time round". She said she didn't mind because at least she had the paperwork to get away on her cruise in August! Interestingly she also said all 3 of her first jabs were Pfeizer but this booster was Moderna, which she wasn't too happy about, but took it anyway.

As a 'bonus round' for everyone and almost a confirmation to the previous weeks 'incident', I was up in Doncaster for work at the beginning of this week. My senior student has her clinic at a centre which was used as a vaccine hub by the NHS. There are store cupboards along the corridors. She happens to have a master key (another story). A unrelated member of staff needed access to one of said cupboards, she was told to see my student as she has a master key. So off they both toddle to get into one of these larger store cupboards. They were both shocked. In the cupboard were not only boxes and boxes of various PPE, syringes etc but..... wait for it..... boxes and boxes of SALINE VIALS. By rough calculations she said it would have amounted to thousands of vials (each box contained 40 vials). My student is by far not a 'paid up member of the tin foil hat brigade', but being in the profession she is in it took her a split second to see what this amounted to. She also thought twice about taking a photo, she's very tech savvy, and didn't want anything tracing back to her.

In summary I would suggest given the symptoms of TB, that many people I know of, who have been vaccinated and have 'after symptoms' after still contracting one of the so-called variants have in fact got some form of TB.
I am also going to add that what is going on all over China and their lockdowns is not C19/variant, it is TB or a form of.
TB link

i had an idiot coworker who got her and her young kids jabbed so they could go on a cruise. i only feel sad for the kids as they have no choice

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: Rich Z
So is COVID now over with?

Is no news good news about it?

they're on to the next scare tactic. looks like the current one is school shootings so they're using that to further the gun control agenda.

evil never sleeps

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 06:55 AM
a very big issue now is children with liver disease
no one yet knows what is causing it

we will be hearing more about this in the future, hopefully it goes public on Fox news

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 12:30 PM
Not sure if this got mentioned. Sorry if already brought up.

Lots of prominent people in Spain bought fake vax certificates vice getting the jab. Set the example, they did.

President of Spanish Pharma Company on List of over 2,200 People with Faked Vaccine Papers


posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 07:38 AM
After seeing many thousands crammed together in the jubilee celebrations on telly if there isn't an imminent infection spike then surely covid's done with (for the time being at least)

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: Rich Z
I was thinking that COVID was on the way out, but sure doesn't seem like it all of a sudden.

Why on earth would you think that? Is the flu 'out'? It is here to stay, and everyone - everyone - has or eventually will be exposed to it.

Just educate yourself, learn how to deal with potentially severe symptoms (there are lots of viable options that will keep you not only alive but out of the death houses (hospitals), and there is nothing to fear...

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 02:43 AM
edit on 6/10/2022 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

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