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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Oct, 11 2022 @ 12:06 PM
double post
edit on 11-10-2022 by Soloprotocol because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 08:13 AM
Here in Japan, this is what we are being told:

Vaccination may result in the body reacting to the vaccine through local reactions that include pain in the area where the shot was administered and systemic reactions such as fever or headaches. These reactions are more frequent after the second dose than the first dose and the older the recipient is, the less frequently they occur. It is best to be vaccinated when your physical condition is essentially fine and to take things easy after receiving the vaccine.
People with a history of severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, will be observed for longer than usual (30 minutes) after the injection is given, and should anaphylaxis occur, necessary treatment will be provided by medical workers.
The Government recommends that people get vaccinated because at present, serious safety concerns have not arisen and the benefits of taking the vaccine outweigh the drawbacks of side reactions.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

Can you put in a freedom of information request to find out what evidence is being used to make these claims?

I have one friend that done this here when the government was advertising the vax as safe and effective. The information he eventually got back was appalling and pointed the blame to another government organization - ATAGI.

With the way this thing is going, one thing you will find is who is pushing this agenda.

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 05:03 PM

“The CDC Director was working with the Chinese Communist Party’s People’s Liberation Army…the whole time…” -Dr. Naomi Wolf

Just the usual--CDC/Pfiezer/CCP all operating together as though they are all parts of the same machine..
Chinese citizens still don't get the pfeizer shots do they?

Yet it looks as though their own government and mlitary are helping make them for pfeizer-which are pushed on the west..

Nothing remotley suspicious about that scenario,I am certain of that.

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 03:35 AM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

Xi recently told his army to prepare. Probably due to rising east/west tension, or even a plan to move on Taiwan. However, is there's something more widespread that he's expecting to happen thanks to Pfeizer? It's tin foil hat territory, but it's equally daft to dismiss the possibility out of hand.

And if we'll already down the crazy-conspiracy rabbit hole, then what's the harm in going all the way? Would said expected events due to the vaccine be on an inbuilt timer, or be dependent on something triggering the effects? What could be that widespread enough? KFC, 5G, or K-pop?

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 04:20 AM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

Been a long time since we've heard from you both...

Hope you're well and still fighting the good fight

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 09:21 AM
Tokyo November 12, 2022 Friday

1. Cases infected today 79500 ( this is really crazy ) but true

2. Critical condition in the hospital 224

3. Corona virus deaths today 95

Seems like it is getting worse now. Not sure what the reason for the increase that has happened so rapidly in the 30 days. I really am puzzled if this virus actually grows in the air and nothing can stop it.
Any ideas on this?

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 04:42 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

First of all we have to wonder how accurate or manipulated those stats are.

Could they be using other cause stats to enhance the numbers? It's possible, i imagine! But to what ends? That'd be the big question. Is it money (are private companies profiting from vaccine use in Japan?), or something else.

If the stats are accurate, then could the increase it be seasonal? Is the colder weather drawing in in Japan? If so then that probably means more people spending more time together in enclosed spaces; that'd give the figures a bump.

If it's indeed covid, then the only really important stats are the last 2, ICU and deaths, since the infection stat may be a variant that's less harmful. Are those last 2 way up on previous stats?

...If there is indeed profit going anywhere from vaccine manufacture and sale, then i'm going to err towards this being stat manipulation to prolong and increase those profits.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: McGinty
a reply to: musicismagic

First of all we have to wonder how accurate or manipulated those stats are.

Could they be using other cause stats to enhance the numbers? It's possible, i imagine! But to what ends? That'd be the big question. Is it money (are private companies profiting from vaccine use in Japan?), or something else.

If the stats are accurate, then could the increase it be seasonal? Is the colder weather drawing in in Japan? If so then that probably means more people spending more time together in enclosed spaces; that'd give the figures a bump.

If it's indeed covid, then the only really important stats are the last 2, ICU and deaths, since the infection stat may be a variant that's less harmful. Are those last 2 way up on previous stats?

...If there is indeed profit going anywhere from vaccine manufacture and sale, then i'm going to err towards this being stat manipulation to prolong and increase those profits.

1. From what I know is that the stats are very accurate as they are published daily. Although basically, the infection count takes 3 days so if Tuesday's stats say 35000 infected, that would mean that those people were either tested on Friday or Saturday.

2. Deaths from actual covid are spot on since all deaths are govern by the local police department. Although I have no idea how autopsies are carried out.

3. You are right about ICU and deaths are really the most important to keep in mind.

4. Actually now many that are mildly infected are sent home and we have traveling doctors and medical help for home visits these days.

5. There is no profit incentive for doctors to lie about covid treatment here. All medical examinations are price control. For example, a visit for a brain xray cost the patient less then 75 dollars and we have NO Freak'n 5000 dollar deductable like the US has. Our national health insurance is based on our annual income, the more you make the more you pay. I don't know the current cutoff that one must pay if income is high, but when our income was high, it was about 8000 Dollars a year. Currently I pay about 90 dollars a month for national health insurance. Sadly, I don't think NHI covers the treatment for cancer here as I was told. I think you have to have like 30000 dollars and then the NHI covers the treatment, something like that and also, one must pay out of pocket for child birth. Yep! Our insurance does not cover that. Strange , isn't it.

6. Deaths are on the rise. The govt. position now is we just have to live with it or this country will economically crash into a depression of 70% unemployment.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic

6. Deaths are on the rise. The govt. position now is we just have to live with it or this country will economically crash into a depression of 70% unemployment.

That really is a rock and a hard place scenario. One that is likely to become common the world over if waves persist, since i don't see governments having the stomach for more furlough payouts. So long as the variants are mild the public will cooperate, which leads me to suspect that even when they're not mild the governments will claim they are and makes the stats fit.

That of course doesn't immediately square with my suspicion that governments may want to prolong their respective covid epidemics in order to keep making pharma trillions from vaccine sales (from which said politicians would without doubt receive a slice in one form or another)

...That brings me back to my earlier question about who might be making cash from covid in Japan. I wasn't suggesting that individual doctors, or even hospitals were scamming treatments etc. The big money would be made by the vaccine manufacturers selling the vaccines to the government so they can be given to the populace for 'free'. Of course it's not free, because the billions paid to the pharma for the vaccines comes out of the public's tax coffers. It's perhaps the biggest transfer of wealth from the workers into the pockets of private corporations in history.

I don't know if that's the case in Japan; if like the rest of the world the government are buying the vaccines from private big pharma corps, if there's a different arrangement that means the vaccines a truly made for free. However, nothing is ever for free.

posted on Nov, 14 2022 @ 05:41 AM
Very well worth the watch. Interview with pathologist Dr Ryan Cole.
Dr Ryan Cole

posted on Nov, 20 2022 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: McGinty

originally posted by: musicismagic

6. Deaths are on the rise. The govt. position now is we just have to live with it or this country will economically crash into a depression of 70% unemployment.

That really is a rock and a hard place scenario. One that is likely to become common the world over if waves persist, since i don't see governments having the stomach for more furlough payouts. So long as the variants are mild the public will cooperate, which leads me to suspect that even when they're not mild the governments will claim they are and makes the stats fit.

That of course doesn't immediately square with my suspicion that governments may want to prolong their respective covid epidemics in order to keep making pharma trillions from vaccine sales (from which said politicians would without doubt receive a slice in one form or another)

...That brings me back to my earlier question about who might be making cash from covid in Japan. I wasn't suggesting that individual doctors, or even hospitals were scamming treatments etc. The big money would be made by the vaccine manufacturers selling the vaccines to the government so they can be given to the populace for 'free'. Of course it's not free, because the billions paid to the pharma for the vaccines comes out of the public's tax coffers. It's perhaps the biggest transfer of wealth from the workers into the pockets of private corporations in history.

I don't know if that's the case in Japan; if like the rest of the world the government are buying the vaccines from private big pharma corps, if there's a different arrangement that means the vaccines a truly made for free. However, nothing is ever for free.

Hello Mc Ginty
I don't know how to copy and paste some of your quotes here, so I'll try my best.

In Japan, the government controls all medical procedures that are allowed under the National Health Insurance program. There is also private health insurance also available, that covers other stuff.
Currently the vaccinations are free for everyone. This may change. The PCR test may be free. I don't know. I took the anti-gen test for 15 bucks after returning from Okinawa last summer. As far as I know, that is not free. Also there are private companies here that do the PCR test. I heard prices range from 20 dollars to about 250 dollars.
To the best of my knowledge ( my wife teaches many doctors and nurses kids here in town) the President of any hospital would dare not to scam the government out of covid money. No reason too, every one is monitored when hospitalized and itemized for everything the nurse do to the patient. Also, I think shared rooms are about 50 dollars a day or even less.
The system here is built on fair and just treatment for the patient and the doctors know it since any scams, the local police are called in. Here you are guilty till proven innocent and you are JAILED until proven innocent. Many people do not know this. Illegal immigration here runs the same way. No freedom once caught. And you work 8 hours and 6 days a week in jail here. They also learn how to march to the chow hall.
I hope I answered some of your questions.

posted on Nov, 20 2022 @ 09:05 AM
Tokyo Sunday November 20, 2022
Update on Corona Virus

1. Infections of Friday was 77,700 for ONE DAY ( this virus is hitting hard now and I really don't think mask are working against what ever is out there )

2. Sadly, the deaths on Friday was 122 up from 101 a day earlier ( deaths are the main concern I feel these days )

3. Seriously ill on Friday stands at 262 people ( the age, sex and other info is unavailable at the moment ) this figure usually falls inline for future deaths. These people are ALL in the hospital and a percentage of them won't make it out alive.

Thanks for reading my post.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

We would like to inform you that a person infected with the new coronavirus has died in Tokyo.
We pray for the repose of the souls of those who passed away.

1 Deaths related to the new coronavirus (announced today)
number era sex residence Diagnosis date date of death
1 80's male Tokyo November 8th November 16th
2 70's male Tokyo November 15th November 24th
3 70's male Tokyo November 12th November 25
Four 80's Woman Tokyo November 12th November 25
Five fifties male Tokyo November 16th November 17th
6 80's Woman Tokyo October 31st November 14th

Site didn't mention vaccination status so we assume none were natural, all just due to a SARS-COV-2 infection even if vaccinated multiple times.

While I agree it is sad to lose a loved one and feel their pain, each person beliefs will be tested -has the person gone to a better place or are are they just no loner suffering?

From the lack of information supplied by the bulletins there is no indication of the real cause of death.
how many others died over the same period without a sars-cov-2 infection?

seems Japan has
Deaths per Day 4,293

and the papers report about the tiny few who test positive for a viral particle. Very sad really.
edit on 28-11-2022 by puzzled2 because: add statistic

posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 12:22 PM
I might be a little late to the party with this one. My apologies if I am.
Has one Dr Andrew Huff, former Vice President of Echo Health Alliance and his whistle-blower book "The Truth About Wuhan"
been looked into here? I seem to remember there were links/owners of EcoHealth associated with Gates? Yes/No?
Anyway, here is a link that the Sun Online newspaper who claim to have had the exclusive pre-release copy.
Lin k

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 07:21 AM
Tokyo December 10, 2022 Saturday.

Update on the Corona Virus in Japan

12-10-22 a reported 135,761 positive cases of the virus

222 people have died today of the virus ( a yearly count of this would be like 80,000 deaths) that's a lot I think

378 critical cases today have been reported

These are comments translated into English by the Japanese who have replied to the video.

1. Living in Japan was not fun for me.
2. Japan is literally the only country still doing this.
3. Other countries returned to normal over a year ago. No one is wearing a mask and no one cares.
Even China has stood up to the government to end all this.
When will the Japanese do the same?
4. Even if I regret ignoring the public opinion of the Olympic Paralympic Games for one summer, my illness won't go away

Here is a chart of todays video.

posted on Dec, 12 2022 @ 05:00 AM
Just watching the latest video release from Dr John Campbell in the UK.
For those of you not familiar with him, he has followed the whole plandemic since 2020. He has gone from espousing the jab to diametrically the opposite view.... well, as far as You Tube regulations allow him. I love what he has as a 'backdrop' to his videos btw, very clever!
Anyhoo, this current video (posted yesterday at time of my writing) is really interesting. He's taking a look at the Chinese vaccine. As most of you know, China did not adopt the mRNA technology, but preferred to stick to the 'old fashioned' vaccines.
At 8 minutes in, he asks a very pertinent question, "Why didn't we adopt this method of vaccination?" Bam! I had a lightbulb moment: What if one of the vaccine control groups wasn't even say saline, but the Chinese vaccine? See where I'm going with this?


posted on Dec, 13 2022 @ 02:08 AM
One of the more interesting nuggets of information that I found interesting in that book The Real Anthony Fauci was the eye opening detailing of the dirty tricks pharmaceutical companies will pull with their so-called "clinical trials" of new drugs. If there is no control group, in other words, ALL members of the trial group are administered the same thing, then the drug would get a pass concerning dangerous side effects because there would be no difference in what is supposed to be the control group and the test subjects. So the argument could be made that ALL side effects are just background noise for the entire group. Of course, that would show no benefits to the drug, neither, but it would certainly give the company plausible deniability about them administering a damaging drug to the participants. If 10 out of 100 die in the control group and the same number die in the test subject group, there would be no evidence of the dangerous nature of the test drug.

Another trick is to give a known drug with worse side effects than the test drug to the supposed control group. In this manner, the test drug will appear to be safer, and perhaps even more effective at the goal desired, than the placebo given to the control group, again, claiming that it is just background noise causing side effects. If 20 out of 100 die in the control group and only 10 out of 100 die in the test subject group, there would be no evidence of the dangerous nature of the test drug. The test drug would appear to be safer than the placebo being administered.

When a trial is going badly, midstream one of the two above switcheroos will often take place to try to save the project. Pharmaceutical companies do NOT want to lose all the time, effort and money (including potential income) from one of their darling drugs being tested. And if that book mentioned is accurate, there are drugs being administered today that are now available only because of those dirty tricks above being implemented. Doesn't that just give you a nice warm fuzzy feeling?

Also many trials will take place in remote areas of third world (or lower) countries where there is no oversight or even any sort of unbiased experts who could possibly oversee the trial and blow the whistle on what is going on.

Yeah, it's a real dirty business going on out there. With my wife undergoing chemo treatment right now, of course I am wondering what sort of authentic testing was done on the drugs that are being pumped into her body. Seriously makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck sometimes thinking about that.

I have said this before, and I will say it again, READ THAT BOOK. It is an eye opener, to say the least. But a word of warning. Prepare to get REALLY pissed off reading it.

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 02:45 AM
I’m thinking…

China is apparently experiencing surging covid rates. Meanwhile partially in response to the protests their track and trace being mothballed (at least that’s how the msm I was watching was spinning it).

That’s obviously a recipe for a huge wave and new variants. So once Chinese New Year comes along and in early February and family make their visits to China and then return west are we not goi g to see a massive spike in covid around the start of March?

I’m guessing there’ll be not measures taken to mitigate this, whilst Pfizer will be rubbing their hands in glee at the coming profit boost

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 12:43 PM
Has anyone watched the Covid Chronicles Movie

Made by experts.

Is this the final proof of how lockdowns didnot work?

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