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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: lostgirl

They skip over some important issues for some reason. Not sure of their motivation? They’re falling into the same trap as the media now and our government moron friends.

Viral infection is the target with these vaccines, a virus infects a cell. So logically the primary defense pathway for a virus will be a defense that targets the infected cells, not something that targets something outside a cell like an antibody. This is cell mediated immunity, induced by Th1 inflammatory response or reaction to that infection. This is stimulated by receptors that recognize foreign genes in the cell, release an antiviral signaling protocol through interferon, and then activate interferon stimulated genes to fight the infection.

Our target is more easily seen after the virus infects us, it’s like a sliding scale that we target with vaccines used for viruses. We target the replicase complex, we could hit the virus as it’s initially reproducing in the cell. We target the spike, it’s more likely we recognize it as it’s shedding and spreading to other cells. This is because it takes time for cell based defenses to recognize that cells are infected. Antibody responses are much later.

It goes like this: Person inhales virus, virus binds to cell with ACE2 receptor, virus releases genes as pH drops when it enters the cell, genes move to ribosomes for generating viral proteins, proteins hijack cell processes and begin copying viral genes, cell identifies foreign genes and attempts to stop all protein production, virus attempts to bypass halt in protein production, genes are copied and thousands of virions are released and secreted from the cell until the cell is exhausted of resources.

Our bodies (and the virus) can target and interfere with almost every step of the pathway. The most important with a viral infection is interferon. This occurs when the cell recognizes foreign genes. If this is missed and interferon is delayed, the patient progresses to the nasty stages of COVID. So with a virus that can suppress this pathway pretty well, vaccination may not matter.

With our immune response to viral infection it goes like this: Cells identify viral infection and change external receptors to the innate immune system and natural killer cells screen and touch every cell they encounter. Once cells fail the handshake check, NK cells tell them to self destruct, antigen presenting cells take up the pieces, antigen is taken to the lymph nodes and presented to T-cells, or presented to T cells present in that tissue that do not circulate, cytotoxic T cells are trained to go after the infected cells, helper T cells are trained to induce antibody and regulatory responses to fill in immunity gaps from previous infection and vaccination, IgM is released early in infection to combat virus, IgG and IgA are released later in infection, up to days or weeks, to clean up and give additional targets.

IgM is a big wheel like structure that has 10 antigen binding sites and clumps stuff together, IgG has two and is the classic Y shape. It can easily cross barriers and release into many areas. IgA is like two IgG hooked together in structure so it has 4 binding sites and can move through mucous. But with a virus, it’s most important use is following the virion into a cell and binding it there to stop it from releasing genes as pH decreases. Antibodies don’t just sit there and wait, it’s too energy intensive.

We have general ones sure but initial defenses are barrier based, cell based, and intrinsic or occurring within a cell. Those people died of sepsis, most likely caused by a barrier and intrinsic failure leading to a delayed interferon response, although with some of their issues I would expect cell based responses to be hypo or hyper vigilant which could also cause issues.

The vaccine is secondary and it most likely would not have made a difference. Plus, we need more data and specifics about these patients but heart failure as cause of death is appropriate for a virus that caused respiratory failure. Cells infected or presenting as infected are not always destroyed, if they were, every time we got a lung infection or an arm vaccine, we would have gaping wounds pretty quickly.

Secretory IgA is that specific antibody that would be generated by B cells. Serum IgA is that nonspecific type that would be present to help prevent infection in something like tears of the eye or the GI tract. They’re being tricky with words to play on those not educated in the field. Not sure of why but it’s weird.

The vaccine issues seem to be a complement issue or some type of undiagnosed HLA abnormality that causes issues with targeting and determining self from foreign, having a preexisting autoimmune condition does seems to make it worse and they are becoming more common in the developed world, they’re just undiagnosed.

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Well if it helps, when we did this in animals, they had much less severe disease, especially when flu was slightly before sars CoV-2. It primed the innate defenses to prepare for a viral infection and they didn’t progress to more severe forms of COVID.

ETA: when COVID was first, it got pretty nasty though so there is that aspect. Hopefully they inform people that they can’t combine. One is positive sense and the other is antisense and segmented.
edit on 1-1-2022 by TheAMEDDDoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Replied : )

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 11:33 AM
Got tested after being pinged yesterday, and it came back Negative again

Yay. I can go to work tomorrow...

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268
Thank you. Got it. Will have a bit of a 'think and a play' before I reply directly.
Do you know which tree btw?

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Will have a bit of a 'think and a play' before I reply directly.

Aye, have a play. Infectious mononeucliosis I suggest playing with in a synergistic context.

Do you know which tree btw?

Quillay trees (Quillaja saponaria).

While it is reportedly used in the Novavax and not the other ones. the use of this tree is what got me interested. Then my thinking jumped to the lipids.

The article below describes laboratory grown cells. The lipids, I guess, are similarly grown. That is the connection I have made.

A Chilean tree holds hope for new vaccines . . .

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 07:52 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 08:07 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 02:46 AM
This is interesting a Restaurateaur Peter Sergakis of quebec had now stated the following.

Quebec bars and restaurants push to reopen to fully-vaccinated public

Sergakis, who’s also president of the Quebec Union of Bar Owners, blames the measures, as well as the current surging COVID cases in hospitals, on people who did not get vaccinated against the virus. “Fifteen, 20 per cent of the population cannot take hostage the entire province,” he said.

He demands that every one in the province of Quebec comply. Now he is asking the province assistance to help him open up the bars and restaurant to fully vaccinated only. And went with his union.

His union as well as the Corporation des Propriétaires de Bars, Brasseries et Tavernes du Québec have written a letter to the Quebec government asking to extend the application of the vaccine passport to include services not currently requiring them.

“Shopping centres, stores, any kind of stores, grocery stores, everywhere,” Sergakis told Global News. He believes doing so will force even more people to get vaccinated, thus making it safer to reopen bars and restaurants.

His union is asking the govt to extend the application of the vaccine passport to include services not currently requiring them! that includes

“Shopping centres, stores, any kind of stores, grocery stores, everywhere,”
Sorry Sergakis i have zero sympathy for unions or restaurants who are now trying to force the vax passports onto the people into the stores now and grocery stores.

This is the same Union member who just last year.

Bar and restaurant owners ask for Government assistance

Right now, it’s only the federal government that is helping us and the provincial government has not done very much.” Sergakis said the industry employs 200,000 workers and wonders why the government is not being more proactive about the situation.

He wants to punish those not taking the vax? while claiming last year that the govt didnt gave them loans?

Both Sergakis and Gumbley said that clients are scared to go out even if restaurants and bars are open. Though businesses were operating at 50 per cent, many customers would not even show up according to Gumbley, who criticized the government for being too strict.

This is the same union member who had being in controversies a few times back in the past in Qub.

edit on 6-1-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: vNex92

Funny how so many who've been financially hurt by covid now deem themselves to be scientifically expert.

I wonder if he'd still be willing to open his restaurant to the vaccinated if he was criminally liable for any vaccinated person that dies from covid after eating there. I think he'd come clean about perhaps not knowing best and make a dramatic u-turn.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 06:28 AM
Potentially saved my friends' life who got covid this week.

He's 81 with asthma, asbestosis and heart disease.

I put a health pack together for him and. He feels great 4 days later from near death's door.

Ivermectin x6 per day
Quercetin x1 per day
Iodine nasal spray x4 squirts 4 times a day.
Paracetamol x 16 per 24hrs (if needed)
Dandelion x 1 per day
Corrsodyl mouth wash (the one with hexetidine in it) x4 gargles per day.
Lots of dark green, red and yellow fruit amd veg
Lots of sleep.

IMPORTANT This will only work for very early covid, not for medium or late covid, because it's Important to reduce the viral load in the mouth and nasal passages as early as possible.

His exact words are miraculous as he feels 90% better already.

Just thought I'd share 👍🏼

ETA: I'm not saying we would have had the same results with delta, but tbh I think it would have worked as well with it. Just my opinion.
edit on 6-1-2022 by Albert999 because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-1-2022 by Albert999 because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-1-2022 by Albert999 because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-1-2022 by Albert999 because: I'm a clutz

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 06:30 AM
a reply to: vNex92

This guy sounds like a prize c**t. 😒

edit on 6-1-2022 by Albert999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: Albert999
a reply to: vNex92

This guy sounds like a prize c**t. 😒

Lol! So much more concise, yet all the more accurate. Well said!

Btw, well done for saving your friend

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268
Short search on the Quillaja gave me this....

When taken by mouth: Quillaia is LIKELY SAFE when taken by mouth in food amounts. But it is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth in medicinal doses. Plants such as quillaia that contain high amounts of tannins can cause stomach and intestinal disturbances, as well as kidney and liver damage. Quillaia also contains chemicals called oxalates that can lower blood calcium levels and cause kidney stones. Quillaia use can also cause diarrhea, stomach pain, serious breathing problems, convulsions, coma, red blood cell destruction, and kidney failure. Quillaia can also irritate and damage the lining of the mouth, throat, and digestive tract.

There's a few more tabs on it.
So as pharma does, it makes a chemical 'copycat' of the lipids in the quillaja. There is not enough of these trees even for Novovax.
Resins from trees are well known for alleviating and treating all sorts of respiratory problems.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: Albert999
That is fabulous Albert. Well done!
May I ask one question please? What was the milligram dosage of the Ivermectin please?

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: Albert999
a reply to: vNex92

This guy sounds like a prize c**t. 😒

Yes he does, he has done quite of a number of things in the province yet gotten away with it.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 06:19 PM
In Canada Ontario a member "Supposed Doctor, Top Health Official sitting at Science Advisory Table" is begging and pleading un vaccinated pregnant women to get vaccinated.

I have no problems seeing women pregnant women to get vaccinated but i want to see actual data and not fast relsult data.

Which they had being doing so far.

I want the data on these covid mRNA vaccines and their data to be analyzed by independent groups not the drug markers themselves or universities.

This is a top official in Ontario Canada pleading that un vaccinated pregnant women get vaccinated. And if babies are born with birth defects or health illness down the road who should be held accountable for them?

These top health officals seem to be spent all day inside their homes. While making demands of others.

edit on 6-1-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 06:28 PM
You have the Omicron variant which entered the country via a fully vaxxed persons and somehow these morons see the un vaccinated as the actual source and problem?

When they admitted before that even a vaccinated person can spread the virus and be infected with it and they still dont want their narrative of "Its the pandemic of Un Vaccinated" To die out.

They locked out all the unvaxed from traveling and going overseas on vacations or even doing businesses. Top Officials like this one on TV still wont even admit that the variant Omicron variant is nothing more than a milder one similar to a cold or flu.

Ironic how all these same experts from the "Science Advisory Tables" had being ignoring "Flu and Cold" mentions or the fact that we are still in a flu season.

Somehow the un vaccinated are a threat to the society. And yet these experts are safely giving interviews from their own homes.

These "Top Experts" seem to ignore their own science. They no longer mention if we are going after herd immunity? are we going to vaccine everyone every six months? every three months? for what?
Variants that are nothing more than like the flu or other cold virses that exist in the germ world?
edit on 6-1-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 06:30 PM
Tokyo Friday 1-7-22
Now doctors, nurses and staff are not going to work due to the virus. Staff shortages, doctor offices closing and entrance to hospitals being curtailed only by emergency or limited appointments. I guess this new variant is going around pretty fast here .
Also in Okinawa, people are calling the restaurants first to see if foreigners are eating there. Owner tells them yes, so don't come now. A lot is happening toward foreigners in Okinawa at the moment. Reason is that the military is letting personal off base and the same in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi.

I'm one of a few foreigners in this area, so far, so good. But the news is getting pretty negative about the relax attitudes of foreigners with this new variant that seems to be spreading like a wild fire.

One thing I've notice is that it is affecting more in the age bracket of 22 to 42 year old, both male and female.

As mentioned above, now is not the time to become ill.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

I am interesting to know i know where i live our MSM outlet local ones are blaming the supply chain, staff shortages on covid surge. But i think staff shortages its because of three reasons.

Mandates,vax passports, and among other reason i wont mention here. They are lying and being dishoesnt when they are blaming it on the covid surge.
edit on 6-1-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

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