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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Dec, 24 2021 @ 10:40 AM
Double post.

edit on 24-12-2021 by MonkeyBalls2 because: problems with previous post not appearing.

posted on Dec, 24 2021 @ 08:25 PM
analysis of Molnupiravir Trials, Phase II/III

Molnupiravir worsens COVID-19, re-analysis shows
November 29, 2021healthcare-, mini, short
My preprint Re-Analysis of Molnupiravir Trials, Phase II/III is published by the TrialSite News. It is paywalled, but a free copy is here Molnupiravir-Trial-2.pdf.

The main observation is that the earlier patients are started on Molnupiravir, the worse their outcomes tend to be. Also, the Molnupiravir arm of the the Part 2 Trial had 33% higher risk of hospitalization or death, compared with the placebo arm. Conclusion: Molnupiravir is not effective for COVID-19.

So wonder if the FDA will change their mind or will there be enough money to be made before the deaths get to high?

FDA Authorizes Additional Oral Antiviral for Treatment of COVID-19 in Certain Adults

posted on Dec, 25 2021 @ 04:48 AM
a reply to: puzzled2

Yeah, it should never have been approved.

The Forbes Guy also had a couple of articles on it a while back, reposted here : Sup ercharging New Viral Variants: The Dangers Of Molnupiravir (Part 1)

Harming Those Who Receive It: The Dangers Of Molnupiravir (Part 2)

Lets not forget its an approved drug in the UK too :

UK Approval Of Molnupiravir May Create New And More Dangerous Covid-19 Variants

Not sure if its the money that's got it approved, but that approval process needs examining very closely, both in the US and the UK...

posted on Dec, 25 2021 @ 07:41 AM
Merry Christmas to everyone in this epic thread. Thanks for sharing all of your research and input.

May you all have a happy and healthy new year!

posted on Dec, 25 2021 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: McGinty

Same to you, Merry Christmas!

posted on Dec, 25 2021 @ 11:46 AM
Merry Christmas Everyone.

Lets hope this will be the last one in the shadow of Covid.

I raise my glass to the New Year, hoping our leaders will have learnt a bit from the previous two.
(We can always hope...)

posted on Dec, 27 2021 @ 08:41 AM
This is for any UK members.
Below are two photos.
Anyone here want to explain this or know anything please? This was sent to me by a 70 year old lady who is un-jabberwockied.
What is a 3rd DOSE and not to be confused with a booster pray tell?


posted on Dec, 27 2021 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

It was announced a little while back that the immunocompromised will all be offered a 3rd jab immediately, no matter their demographic. In this case I think ‘primary course’ and ‘booster’ are just semantics.

So I may be wrong, but my interpretation would be that they’re calling it part of the ‘primary course’ as opposed to the booster to make it clear that this 3rd jab doesn’t replace the booster, which they’ll be eligible for in 6 months.

If that is the case, then they certainly could’ve made it clearer, but messaging hasn’t been this government’s strong suit (the strong suits being lies and venality).

Although since it’s becoming obvious that boosters will be offered and coerced in decreasing intervals; currently sitting at 3 months from recent smoke signals, it does seem incredibly moot to tell these people they’ll still be eligible for a booster in 6 months. But then again making sure all the Ts are crossed on a ticket to a train station that they themselves just recently demolished is England to a T.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 08:23 AM
COVID boosters - my wife and I received the Pfizer booster. Originally, we were given Moderna which was pretty awful with the second dose. The booster is close to mandatory for our fields. She is a health care provider in ABA therapy for children and travels throughout the state. I help image deceased COVID patients in virtual autopsies, ventilate them, and then use CT to determine what happened. I also work in BSL3 labs on SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, and the bat strains like RaTG13.

I received my booster from the military when we had some extra boosters that were going to be thrown out. It wasn’t too bad, intermittent fever and swollen lymph nodes on the side of the injection. No heart inflammation, I got it a week before a pulmonary vein isolation ablation procedure for my AFib that I got after a respiratory infection almost 2 years ago.

My wife got swollen lymph nodes, especially near the clavicle and the axillary region. She may have had a flare-up of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis post booster as well. She got her cycle two weeks early, which is interesting because I’m curious as to the exact cause immunology wise.

The autoimmune flare-up could be expected especially with how T-cell activation and targeting can occur in the regions stimulated by the vaccine or a concurrent respiratory infection. The early period is interesting, there are ongoing studies exploring this and I would expect reactions and issues to be short term since impacting the germ line in humans is currently illegal with gene therapy technologies which mRNA falls under currently. Plus, males have extensive protections that check cells and females already have theirs generated.

Other than that, all is well, I’ve had ongoing blood testing during all of this because of the ablation and other evaluations and my wife is going soon. Will update if there are any negative changes.

posted on Dec, 28 2021 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

Thanks for the update! Very glad to hear that you and your wife are well.

Can’t help wondering if the outlawed germ line/gene therapy law still applies to these vaccines given that the manufacturers have been indemnified against prosecution.

posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: McGinty

It should, they would not get IRB approval for clinical trials if the animal studies showed any hint of germ line modification. This is one of the dangers of staggered and quick release studies. If something happens, because the studies are staggered during a pandemic instead of occurring much more sequentially, it could be temporarily missed.

However, the treatments that these were derived from have extensive research and modeling that confirms this does not happen. For it to occur, you would need to induce double stranded breaks in the DNA that will then incorporate new genes, remove genes, or modify genes that will occur in all future cells sourced from that original progenitor.

With an embryo, you impact the embryo or the germ cells that combine to generate that embryo. In a living organism, you target tissue or the stem cells that source that tissue. Cells that have modified DNA will sense that their DNA is modified and will not want to produce daughter cells that continue to pass on those changes in their progeny. Checkpoints will also halt this process and the cells will present abnormally to the immune response and be removed. So you can quickly see how this would not occur in a living organism even with off target effects in a vaccine.

Modifying the germ line is currently considered unethical in humans. It changes gene expression in the organism before it even develops. We also have issues with off target impacts because of how genes combine with the sperm and oocyte. What eventually happens is you start chasing the mutations after curing the disease as the cells work to repair the unexpected consequences of our modifications that we introduced.

It really makes you appreciate the genetic, epigenetic, and other structures involved with DNA. We don’t even understand it completely yet. It’s why we use mRNA and not other methods with a vaccine.

posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

Merry Christmas plus a Hopeful improving of things as Oncoming years approach , All the Best to Each and Everyone your end of the line.

One Question ref; said Booster etc.

I did send previously a well detailed few lines ref; the said COVID 19. Details explained how Oxford UK , had decided to adopt a DNA idea. Today 1 nurse visited my Wife and I , Nurse said she had brought a Pfizer Booster......was going to be 1 or 2 shots each. I Declined as I am still worried about wife who had Tachycardia, , Many years back, Cardio Surgeon did try a sort of operation/ Ablation , that Failed, yet after several Cardio surgeons were approached and one gave a Medicine that Worked right from day one. - - Which made more sense than a suggested Pace Maker. Anyway, did I make a worthy decision by saying "NO" to today's Booster - or have things such as Further Info , plus Good ideas popped up...


edit on 29-12-2021 by steaming because: word corrected

posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

Thanks for excellent explanation. I think I may have actually understood some of that, which is thanks to your articulation 👏

posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 07:48 PM
Tokyo Dec. 29 , 2021

Japan logs over 500 daily COVID-19 cases, 1st time in 2 months.
Remember when 10,000 people a day were tested positive? Well, now I see here the fear factor is starting to play out. sadly this time of year people travel and I mean travel. Only one of 3 times a year that we actually leave an go to our home towns or overseas.
I don't have an update on the hospitalizations today, maybe later in a post.

Of the total, Tokyo reported 76, the highest level since Oct. 16, and Osaka Prefecture logged 61, the highest since Nov. 11. Of Osaka's cases, 11 were infected with the heavily mutated Omicron variant.

Here is the article.

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 03:10 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

I also was asked to get a third full dose (not booster) and then a 4th booster dose shortly after that because I’m immunocompromised. I had Covid in March, got the monoclonal infusion 5 days later, and 91 days afterward got the first Pfizer vax and July 20 the 2nd. They wanted me to come back a month later for the third full dose and I declined because it felt like a bit much. Now my portal reads “2 of 4 vaccines completed”. My IgA antibody is strong (IgM & IgC are just slightly low due to Methotrexate). Honestly, I’d be more comfortable just having the booster dose. It’s a tough decision, especially knowing they want to hit me again with a 4th dose, which is really not something I plan on doing.

edit on 30/12/2021 by Tukota because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: Tukota

Is there any real difference between a 3rd dose and a booster dose regarding what's in the syringe (assuming they're the same brand)? I assumed it'd be the same thing!

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: McGinty

The Booster is only a half-dose, as I understand it.

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

Thanks, MB, I wasn’t aware of that. Guess that explains why I’ve heard there’ll only be a 3 month interval before the fourth booster etc.

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

Hi there -
I would be really appreciative of your opinion on the report (linked below), which is the result of in depth post mortem scrutiny showing evidence that these particular deaths were the direct result of "vaccine induced autoimmune pathology"...

I'm not as concerned with the first half of the paper (explaining why "the vaccines "cannot work"), so if you scroll down to the second part describing the secondary 'in depth' autopsy findings that seem deserving of widespread consideration..

The credentials of the presenting doctors certainly indicate a high degree of validity to the findings.

Histopathalogic Findings

It's not a long read, and may possibly provide info pertinent to your research..

Thanks so much, and I pray that you and your wife continue improving in wellness as time passes since your boosters.

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