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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Dec, 19 2021 @ 04:42 PM
Double post.
edit on 19-12-2021 by MonkeyBalls2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2021 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

Problem is they can't prove that a vaccine does anything for 85% of people.

the figure expected before any vaccine was available
was 85% of people had no symptoms -
of the 15% of people who had symptoms 98% did not need hospitalisation.

so what did the vaccine do for the majority of people -- nothing.

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 03:52 AM
a reply to: puzzled2
Other than compromise their immune systems....


posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 06:08 AM
Yay, test came back negative

Took fecking ages to find a walk-in test place though.
Two of the ones I went to this morning, weren't there, and one was on rendez-vous only.

Had to go to a huge shopping centre, and there it took 5 minutes, they were ready before i'd filled out the online forms

Got the result 15mins later.

Noticed thru our App that I am eligible for the booster, so tried to book 3rd a pfizer, and found out that its reserved for the under 30's only.
Booked a Moderna booster. Not my best choice, but i'll take it and see what happens.
My Colleague who had a bad time with it in August/September had quite a few serious health problems, long term problems.
We'll see what two Pfizers and a Moderna make

One of my best friends in Holland has got long covid. He's been almost completely off work for months now.
Unable to concentrate for longer than an hour or two.
He says he's been neurologically impaired by it.
I really hope it doesn't last very long term, he doesn't deserve it...

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2
My friend I think I mentioned who only last week had 2x Pfizer and 1x Moderna booster, granted he took the booster on the morning before he had Parkinson result. He already had diabetes and hasn't been able to get it under control since 2nd jab. I'm hearing reports of the same from other diabetics. Moderna is the one along with J&J I believe that do carry the coagulopathy warning.
Anyhoo, I was doing some research this morning and stumbled across this about Mangenese. Mind has so many lightbulbs going off at the moment I can't join the dots eloquently enough...
Link to Mangenese


posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

As luck would have it, having been to Hospital with "Intestinal problems" a couple of weeks ago, they did a full Blood/urine test, which came back fine, so I'm hopefully in the clear for any surprises.

I forgot to mention that the colleague that had problems with Moderna, has had the long term problems for many years.
He's only 57 and writes like my 90 year old grandpa used to (very slowly, and with the shakes).
He has monthly checkups with his doctor for the rest of his life.
If I remember correctly, he had a bout of something really bad years ago, and it left him in a pretty crap state health wise.

I'm not chuffed at getting Moderna, but I certainly wouldn't want J&J, and anyway, the only proposed vaccines were Pfizer and Moderna, and they wouldn't give Pfizer.
I could have booked a Pfizer jab though, in March.
I think they are prioritizing getting all the Kids jabbed now, 12+ I think, so they are reserved for them.

One of my colleagues at work has one of the Diabetes, and they would only give him the Pfizer jab again as a booster.
He got it a few weeks back as he is deemed vulnerable here, and they shortened the delay in between doses.

(The reason I don't want J&J is that is has been deemed just pretty crap as a vaccine, and as a booster dose, right across the board. If it's the only one available, why not, but if you have the choice of vaccines...)

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 05:29 PM
So UK is reporting 11% death rate from Omicron hospital cases

Hospitalisations and deaths
Hospitalisations (Confirmed and SGTF*)

England 129
Deaths 14

COVID-19: Omicron daily overview

This includes total cases (UK), England regional breakdown, S-gene target failure (SGTF) as a percentage of cases, hospitalisation and death information.

England, Scotland and Wales data reported is up to 6pm on 18 December. Northern Ireland data reported is up to 4pm on 18 December.

Hospitalisation data is reported on 18 December and has a delay of up to 48 hours.

Does anyone have any information are the poor people a FROM or WITH Case?
They also state 124,954 cases of Omicron or SGTF so far and

We are observing doubling time central estimates of less than 2 days for every region
except the South West.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 08:20 AM
no deaths today

not much else to say

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

no deaths reported in the UK as well but that's because of an IT problem

Trucking along at day 15 as expected
UK total case numbers
Confirmed Omicron cases | Change from previous report | SGTF cases | Change from previous report
Cumulative total 60,508 | +15,363 | 143,252 |+18,656

Should expect around 5 million cases by New year and everyone infected by middle of Jan.

Unless all lifeforms go hide under rocks for 21 days, having no contact with any other life form.

So might as well go out and enjoy the experience.

perhaps a nursery rhyme will cheer us up.

"Ring a Ring o Roses, pocket full of posies”. “atishoo, atishoo, we all fall about laughing. ”

unlike during the 1665 pandemic.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 03:56 PM
The Forbes Guy has a very interesting article entitled Another Variant Emerges From An Immunocompromised Patient which details how an immunocompromised patient in France mutated Covid.

A very interesting read.
It's short, but a good explanation of where Omicron and others could be coming from.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 04:44 PM
OK, so Israel is talking about a 4th or 5th vaccine for folks over 60.

It would seem that the intelligent solution to this problem would be to stop the mutations.
Stop the mutations, and the available vaccines would stop covid.
It's the mutations that are screwing us over, as they evade the vaccines.

So we should be sending as many vaccines as possible to places like South Africa, and other countries where there is a large population of immunocompromised people.
Get them vaccinated, and they would only be infected for a short period of time, not allowing the virus to mutate.

Gordon Brown has sort of been saying this for some time.
We need to stop the mutations, as fast as possible.
Then we wont need new vaccines, and new shots all the time.

We need to be pushing to send the vaccines to the 'poor' countries, wherever there are immunocompromised people.
They would probably be glad to have the vaccine too, so they won't get sick for effing ages (and mutate the virus).

The BBC has picked it up as well Omicron: South African scientists probe link between variants and untreated HIV

edit on 21-12-2021 by MonkeyBalls2 because: added link

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 06:01 PM
I guess I have been very lucky. I had medical procedure 3 wks ago yesterday, sx for an inguinal hernia.
Well ended up inguinal hernia, femoral hernia a 3rd hernia & a cyst all in the same area & the cyst was
large went from from down into the pelvic area & part of it (I think 1 of the hernias) had been there for years.
Pathology came back benign.
Sx was on Mon & Bloody Hell on Fri the mate who gave me a ride to & back from sx phoned me & he was sick
sicker than hell, non stop coughing sounded like he was going to kick over at any time. He had Covid &
started getting symptoms on Tue the day after giving me a lift. Damn he must have had a huge viral load
when he gave me the lift? He also had the covid pneumonia but never went to hospital one of his daughters
is an RN. He just went back to work last night & still has issues with fatigue & body aches.
***He, wife & her daughter all fully mates across from me fully jabbed got it this sumnmer.
It's been thru the campground at least 3x from spring until fall.

I have been following the FLCCC guide lines since mid or end of last summer. I stopped the protocol on Sun
due to Sx on Mon & then started back on Wed. I also wore me N95 mask & sat in the backseat behind passenger

One of me sisters works in a prison in WV & also follows same protocol but got covid probably cause not taking Ivermectin
more than once a wk not sure she had bumped up to 2x/wk when it changed in the fall. She probably should
have done 3x a wk, however she never lost sense of taste or smell, had a dry cough, brain fog, aches & pains
but mild covid. Her Dr also gave her IV monoclonal ABs on 3rd day of testing positive.

Now in Virginia UVA is offering monoclonal AB injections to those who are immune compromised or have
allergies to the Jab ingredients. This just started I think last wk & tonight the News is only the Sotrovimab
is effective against the Omicron & there is a shortage on that & I don't think they have any ATM &
might have said only 50k are available in the US.

They did an Abbott rapid test on me the morning of Sx & I didn't say anything but I sure as hell did not want it!
I am at the point that I do not trust the test, what's in the bloody swab & it burned, not sure if the antibody inj
don't have crap in them too. I still do curbside & wipe everything down. Why were there ALL this studies & test
on the survival rate on the surfaces of practically everything with the rates on each surface & the same with masks?
Then all of a sudden that isn't talked about & the stupid 6ft rule when airborne particles are what 16 to 24 ft & hang
out for hrs unless there's wind.

Yes this is a Bloody Clown World from Hell! I'm so tired of living alone in seclusion except going to work
me dog. I hear it's good to catch the Omicron but how do you know it's ok still pretty new & me mate obviously
didn't have Omicron.
Sorry for such a long post.


posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 06:19 AM
How stupid do they think we are -

The new wonder nasal spray for the prevention and killing of covid is Heparin......Heparin is primarily used for the prevention of blood clots and the thinning of blood.

What a coincidence ehh that the alleged perfect nasal spray is also able to combat the clotting properties of these vaccinations.

Seems like in a underhanded way they are finally doing something about the clotting issues albeit under the disguise of of combating covid.

Quick - all the as yet unaffected from their vaccinations compliance, go get your Heparin nasal spray.

What a joke.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 01:51 PM

originally posted by: CthruU
How stupid do they think we are -

The new wonder nasal spray for the prevention and killing of covid is Heparin......Heparin is primarily used for the prevention of blood clots and the thinning of blood.

What a coincidence ehh that the alleged perfect nasal spray is also able to combat the clotting properties of these vaccinations.

Seems like in a underhanded way they are finally doing something about the clotting issues albeit under the disguise of of combating covid.

Quick - all the as yet unaffected from their vaccinations compliance, go get your Heparin nasal spray.

What a joke.

I thought Heparin was old news, not the " new nasal wonder spray', such as this one?

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Will not the first time they went the nasal spray route is it? 2009 H1N1 Nasal Spray Vaccine

just a few side effects from the 2nd ingredient in 2021 version
carrageenan - Is It Bad for Health? (Dangers and Side Effects)

Researchers and health advocates who insist that carrageenan is dangerous usually quote one of the many studies that claim to link the seaweed food additive to health issues like:

Large bowel ulceration and ulcerative colitis: Animal studies suggest that both undegraded and degraded carrageenan produces ulceration in the large intestine. This has been studied on guinea pigs and rabbits.
Fetal toxicity and birth defects: Research from the 1980s suggests that the food additive may have potential hazards.
Colorectal and liver cancer: An animal study published in 1981 suggests that degradation during passage through the GI tract may increase the risk of food-grade carrageenan cancer.
Glucose intolerance and insulin resistance: Studies on mice and human cells suggest that the food additive impairs glucose tolerance, increases insulin resistance and inhibits insulin signaling.
Inflammation: Studies on mice and cells show that the red algae additive causes the activation of inflammatory pathways.
Immune suppression: Studies on rats show that the antibody response was temporarily suppressed after consumption of the food-grade additive.
Promoting the growth of abnormal colon glands: A 1997 study suggests that carrageenan give as a jelly promotes the growth of abnormal colon glands, which are precursors to polyps.
Independent experts like Joanne Tobacman, M.D., associate professor of clinical medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago, insist that carrageenan exposure clearly causes inflammation.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: puzzled2

Not Heparin, though.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

The particular one you picked no bit defensive eh,

Heparin is Not exactly an old news like you implied tho.
La st Updated: 22nd December, 2021 19:24 IST
Australia: Researchers Trial Blood-thinning Drug Heparin As Nasal Spray To Combat COVID

Seems like a rather upto date report

Back to the concern about Heparin

"It won't matter if a new variant comes along, this drug will block that protein from infecting the cells," BBC reported, quoting Campbell.

Heparin does not enter the bloodstream when inhaled, according to the study. Instead, it sits in the nose, allowing the virus to attach to it rather than human cells. People will take two puffs three times a day to test if it prevents sick residents from infecting non-infected residents in the home. It will be expanded to more social contexts if it shows to be beneficial.

posted on Dec, 23 2021 @ 05:30 AM
Moderna Booster shot done.
No side effects to report.
It's apparently a half dose compared to the first and second doses.
We'll see how it goes.

posted on Dec, 23 2021 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: puzzled2

I think i would have to question a particular element of that study. The part where they say that Heparin does not enter the bloodstream. I'm not sure if it's crucial or not that it does, but all of my biology classes throughout life have kinda indicated to me that anything that is inhaled has potential to enter the lungs, and anything that enters the lungs has potential (and likely will) enter the bloodstream.

Do we know if that's even important with respect to how it works?

posted on Dec, 24 2021 @ 10:28 AM
So still no side effects from Moderna booster, apart from a tiny bit of a sore arm, exactly like when I had the previous two Pfizer vaccines.

Some Piccy updates :

From the COG-UK Mutation Explorer The graph first :

And also the Numbers part (Omicron aka BA.1, was in 3rd place yesterday) :

and an update from :

edit on 24-12-2021 by MonkeyBalls2 because: spelling and stuff

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