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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

If 20 million people have died by the end of the year, i won't be saying it's a "miniscule amount of death's" anymore.

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
New York revises the death toll to add 3,700 people whom they suspect could have had coronavirus when they died.

I wonder if that will throw the numbers off for the day. They should have been including them all along, otherwise the numbers would be off on the low side.

Governor Cuomo said masks are now required if social distancing cant be kept. So basically any stores, public transportation, etc., you need a mask of some sort.

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: CrazeeWorld777

Without a Coroners Report on Clinical Autopsies done on Alleged Suspect Covid-19 Cadavers , the Number of Deaths Reported by the Media must be looked upon as Highly Fictitious IMO .

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

If 20 million people have died by the end of the year, i won't be saying it's a "miniscule amount of death's" anymore.
The numbers given assume that China's numbers where very much higher also. Minimum 145,000 deaths based on Italy and Spain populations and that was without any exponential consideration.
I would like to have the answers on the mentioned missing 20m mobile network users.

I would ask

1. Is the 21m missing network users the true figure?
2. How can this be explained?
3. Has such a large drop happened before?
4. Why did that happen?

If the answers are
1. is true
2. it cant and there is no precedent
3. if it has not
4. there is not possible cause other than users failing to connect their phones/sims account

then the answer is self evident!
edit on 15-4-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: MrRCflying

Imagine how grieving relatives must now be notified and told that they need to order a revised death certificate, because they're father could have died due to coronavirus, and not from cancer!

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: Byrd
Zinc isn't a key factor in destroying the virus as far as I can tell.

Then you need to do more research. NIH has proven it dramatically inhibits viral replication in the cells.

Again - the hydroxychloraquine wasn't what was stopping the virus, it was the zinc. The hydroxy merely assisted getting the zinc into the cells.

It doesn't kill the virus, it slows it down dramatically giving the body time to heal itself.

Remember - drugs don't cure or heal anything - the best they may do is allow the body to heal itself.

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Thank you! I couldn't remember what ingredient it is that enables hydroxychloroquine to work properly.

Its ZINC that armchair Physicians Tom Hanks and his wife did not utilize.

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Or could another medicine she was taking have helped?

Lupus patients already take HCQ or chloroquine, Blood pressure patients already take ARB and calcium inhibitors

So saying "a 98 woman survived" is about as useful as counting people who died WITH covid-19 infection as the same as people who died OF covid-19 complications.

WHO seems to want it to be 1 number but eventually for herd immunity they will be counting 70-80% of all deaths to covid-19.

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

So if the Wuhan Lab followed all known safety precautions, did everything required and beyond could this research enable the Chinese to save enough face to admit that it was a lab accidental leak not their cultural food chain

Still would want better hygiene in the wet markets and all food chain handling around the world.

After all every year the "flu strain" originates first in china and they are fully 100% responsible for that.

What every happens they will always be blamed for all this.

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Obviously a dash of The Philosopher's Stone to activate the magic.

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite
Just hearing on the UK Sky news this morning about a 98 year old lady who was in hospital for 5 days with the Chrojan Virus (Covid-19) and she had breathing difficulties etc but managed to recover and is now at home convalescing.

Here is a wild speculation about the virus.

It appears that the virus is in control when it comes to whether it kills you or not

Or, she had a very healthy immune system and no underlying conditions.

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: puzzled2
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Or could another medicine she was taking have helped?

Lupus patients already take HCQ or chloroquine, Blood pressure patients already take ARB and calcium inhibitors

So saying "a 98 woman survived" is about as useful as counting people who died WITH covid-19 infection as the same as people who died OF covid-19 complications.

WHO seems to want it to be 1 number but eventually for herd immunity they will be counting 70-80% of all deaths to covid-19.
I suppose so. Could it even be diet, heavy on the Vit C & D, kiwi fruit, honey, ginger and zinz supps. Who knows.

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite
Just hearing on the UK Sky news this morning about a 98 year old lady who was in hospital for 5 days with the Chrojan Virus (Covid-19) and she had breathing difficulties etc but managed to recover and is now at home convalescing.

Here is a wild speculation about the virus.

It appears that the virus is in control when it comes to whether it kills you or not

Or, she had a very healthy immune system and no underlying conditions.
Have there been recorded cases whereby a person was known to have a strong healthy immune system but died? There has certainly been cases of very fit people. I recall a 39 year old Italy runner who was pretty fit but died of the Chrojan!

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 02:04 PM
"A dinner table chat between husband and wife may help solve the coronavirus mask shortage
She’s a doctor, he’s an engineer. Their conversation led to a new system that can decontaminate 80,000 masks a day." Jyece-gVls73CL8sKm4ntXhEkgjeUiCnRfM8

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

I have posted this before, but the mobile numbers could be due to a migration to 5G? See the link below, it states China Mobile 5G subscriptions rose by 13 million from December to February alone. So maybe it’s not a reduction just a switch?

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord
So it looks like the corvid 19 virus can survive at very high heat to the point of boiling. Meaning that it may not be a seasonal pandemic and may continue to reproduce year round. The types of bacteria floating in the air may change with the seasons as well as the usual cold and flu seasons but corvid 19 may be there alongside with them the entire time regardless of temperatures.

Coronavirus can survive long exposure to high temperature, a threat to lab staff around world: paper
French scientists had to bring the temperature to almost boiling point to kill virus
Results have implications for the safety of lab technicians working with the virus
The new coronavirus can survive long exposure to high temperatures, according to an experiment by a team of French scientists.
Professor Remi Charrel and colleagues at the Aix-Marseille University in southern France heated the virus that causes Covid-19 to 60 degrees Celsius (140 Fahrenheit) for an hour and found that some strains were still able to replicate.
The scientists had to bring the temperature to almost boiling point to kill the virus completely, according to their non-peer-reviewed paper released on on Saturday. The results have implications for the safety of lab technicians working with the virus.
I was listening to talk radio in Spain this morning and they said there was evidence that there were more cases where it was cooler as opposed to warmer and a particular temp range had the lesser cases. An example was Madrid and the basque country because they were in that range of between 9-15c I think. Cant remember the exact ranges given. Were it was outside that range and higher there were a lot less cases. Something or nothing!

Yea, tell those people on the radio to say that to the people in Guayaquil, Ecuador.

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Italy and Spain have not included deaths at home or care-home from some data for these two country's there figure will already be at 60k to 90k.

If you're just guessing your number/ please don't.

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 02:43 PM
Numbers Update for Europe, and Elsewhere :

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 02:43 PM
Another new case of covid19 in my area 3 days ago and it hasn't even hit the national list yet. My question would be how many that are infected and don't know? So what you see on Hopkins website isn't as accurate as people think.
edit on 15-4-2020 by sean because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 02:53 PM
Here's this afternoons update for NY this morning it was 203123 now 213779, with 11586 dead:

Then we have this from cuomo, everyone will be required to wear face coverings in public:

NEW YORK (AP) - New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said state residents will be required to wear face coverings when they are out and coming in close contact with other people. The new mandate will require a mask or face covering on busy streets, public transit or any situation where people cannot maintain six feet of social distancing.

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