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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

About the older people. (Compararing Chile and Ecuador in this case) Chile has an estimated of 2,638,331 persons of 60+ years of age as of 2015 (page 32 of Source PDF (this estimation might be off, the government that did that census, is the same as the one we have now (he got re-elected), and the census had to be done again because he faked the data (yea, he has a tendency to do that, what can you expect of a someone that stole an entire bank, lol. He has also faked economic data among other things). The new census done was a very basic one to try and correct the previous).

While Ecuador has: 1,662,000 60+ of age persons. Source

Total population is nearly the same, 19M in Chile, 16M in Ecuador.

I can only think of population density, average health of the population and health system. Maybe chileans take better care of themselves, but I can't confirm that, we have lots of fat people and a lot with health issues like the ones you mentioned. However a lot of foreigners (specially latin ones) when they come to Chile, they complain about our food i.e. not enough fried food, portions are to small, too healthy, etc. So this might be a cause after all.

If it is about different strains in the virus, wouldn't this mean that a vaccine will be tougher to make?

Thanks for your reply, and by the way "I do NOT trust my any numbers." had to say: "I do NOT trust my government with any numbers." xP

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 02:38 AM
Just hearing on the UK Sky news this morning about a 98 year old lady who was in hospital for 5 days with the Chrojan Virus (Covid-19) and she had breathing difficulties etc but managed to recover and is now at home convalescing.

Here is a wild speculation about the virus.

It appears that the virus is in control when it comes to whether it kills you or not and if a virus does its best to survive could the virus have the innate ability to randomly auto hibernate hence the range of symptoms from loss of sense of smell through to death. So in one person it may randomly auto hibernate after 4 or 6 or 10 days. And would this help explain the re-infections (auto re-infections?).

If the above was true are the implications dire?

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 03:53 AM
Well, NY added something like 3,700 deaths but the kicker is, even though the totals were added the “24 hour” deaths have not been renormalized.

It means while they were reporting that deaths have dropped over last weekend to MSM, the actual numbers were higher! The stoopid part is, those “newly discovered” deaths are not normalized across the statistics being reported.

I have said that there is no magical way that NY has decrease while all other countries at the same point show increases (it is logarithmic after ~750 deaths per day, which the state of NY is not either reporting on, or, is lying to not cause panic.

A 1,000 dead people a day strains any local resource. And is a better indication, I think, of the “accepted” press releases we are being fed.

Drink more Ovaltine!!

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 03:57 AM
And to think, if only some human beings knew basic common sense and some manners.

Have you seen the filth in/outside of a Starbucks? The disgusting sight of a Barnes and Noble bathroom? Human beings can be damn filthy when they are not on their own domicile.

The new thing is people tossing their gloves on the floor as soon as they exit a store. The virus can travel in the air 13 feet and is shown to remain on floors/shoes and we have a population of selfish humans who cannot bare to put the trash in a trash bin or wash their hands.

I was in a public restroom before this happened and I heard a person rush in, not close the stall door, piss, not flush or wash their hands. And they thought nothing of it. But if you say something, you’re the asshole.

Until human beings can grow up and learn collective empathy and responsibility, we’ll have more and more of these cycles.

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 04:11 AM
Remember the US Navy Hospital ship "Mercy" that went to the West coast to provide aide ?
"Navy's Mercy Hospital Ship Off L.A. Now Battling Serious COVID-19 Outbreak Among Crew"

It was supposed to help relieve local California hospitals in the fight against coronavirus, but now it may have become a dangerous source of spreading the disease.

The emergency response ship USNS Mercy, docked since last month in the Port of Los Angeles, has been hit with a significant outbreak on board, with seven total crew members testing positive for COVID-19, the Navy said.

I think there was a story about some COVID-19 accidentally transferred to the Mercy when the first got on station.

All of the infected have now been removed from the ship and put into isolation in an especially worrisome situation given the ship is geared toward housing and caring for vulnerable non-coronavirus patients to take the strain off of area hospitals.

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 04:52 AM

originally posted by: Byrd
Calcium channel blocker amlodipine besylate is associated with reduced case fatality rate of COVID-19 patients with hypertension

Very interesting! Does this suggest that reducing calcium absorption before infection(as well after) may be beneficial?

Reducing dairy and increasing beer, salt and spinach to flush calcium perhaps? But then you risk osteoporosis when your body takes the calcium it needs from your bones.

The really counter intuitive part (when I find something counter intuitive it usually means I don’t know enough about it) is vitamin D’s role. This helps the absorption of calcium, so cutting it out/back may seem logical. Then again there’s this:

Vitamin D can modulate the innate and adaptive immune responses. Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with increased autoimmunity

What to do!?!

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 05:01 AM

originally posted by: Arbitrageur
-If there are more older people in the population, death rates might be higher because people 65 and older don't fare as well.

Cultures in which generations live together, grand children through to grand parents would precipitate wider infection of the old via children at school etc, hence far higher death rates in the old. Delays in closing schools and places of employment would do exponentially greater damage to the old.

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 05:02 AM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Meh, changed my mind.
edit on 15-4-2020 by FinallyAwake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 05:07 AM
a reply to: FinallyAwake

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 05:30 AM
Here's this mornings update for NY:

Also found this interesting, looks like my area is expecting this virus to last into the summer. They've postponed the 4th of July parade and fireworks.

UTICA, N.Y. – The city of Utica has decided to postpone Fourth of July festivities this year, since it is unclear what state mandates will still be in place by the summer. The city of Utica will work with the Genesis Group to reschedule the Independence Day Parade and fireworks to a later date.

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 07:27 AM
So, it looks like CNN's Chris Cuomo either does not care if he spreads Covid to his family, or he never actually had it to begin with. On top of that, he sounds like he has gone a bit mental.

My guess is that he does not really have Covid-19, and it was all part of a publicity stunt to up his, and CNN's ratings.


posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

All of the Mp's of all the parties have the option to claim up to £10000 each for extra costs incurred in setting up an office at home. While I think it's a disgrace it can't be aimed at just the Conservatives.

Like most of the public they should have been furloughed at home on £2500 a month, as too should the Royals. We are all in this together, right?

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: Tortuga

I would not give any of the steam off my crap.

Make them all work 12-hour shifts cleaning hospital wings and old folks homes for minimum wage would be my thinking.

The whole shebang "fit for work" and put to good use instead of sitting on there arses doing SFA!

Edit: Another thought that springs to mind how many MP don't already have an office at home, given the very nature of there job?

My bet would be none. LoL

£10,000 in there back banger which could and should have been spent on PPE for the people that require such imho.
edit on 15-4-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

I guess we got the government we deserve.

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: Tortuga
a reply to: andy06shake
Like most of the public they should have been furloughed at home on £2500 a month, as too should the Royals. We are all in this together, right?

Unless you’re one of the 2 million that run a very small limited company from home, in which case you get about £600 a month to live on, which is impossible. While PAYE that can earn hundreds of thousands p/year are getting that £2500 p/month.

That’s 2 million votes, plus the employs that’ll be jobless after all these fold that won’t be voting Tory ever again. Every cloud...

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: MrRCflying
I think it's safe to say Fredo's always been a little mental. And wouldn't surprise me if he did fake it.

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: McGinty

Says it all really.

But they are all as bad as one another, the plan is there is no plan, and it's not like something like this was not in the post.
edit on 15-4-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: Tortuga

If they were furloughed, they wouldn't be able to work full stop. Then we would have no government at all! However, i agree that that the 10k extra in expenses to themselves is a little ott. The average MP salary is around £81k, so whilst obviously a lot more (over double) the average UK wage, it isnt a ridiculously ludicrous one.
I think as a show of unity, a voluntary 20% payout would be greatly recieved.

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: BowBells

Give them Farmfoods vouchers like the rest of the plebs.

That way they cannot buy alcohol at least.

Fair is fair after all.
edit on 15-4-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

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