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Who has had CV19 symptoms in the last 6 months but no test?

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posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 12:06 AM

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Nobody in the medical field knew what it was yet; it’s called covering your losses..... which in this case; the aftermath of this will lead to a ton of lawsuits and legal turmoil due to the absolute negligence and outright lying by the media and by public health “officials”......

You clearly dont like facts and only want to hear you’re own echo. May I recommend a myth called Narcissus..... hope you find your puddle.
edit on 29-3-2020 by SeektoUnderstand because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 12:15 AM

originally posted by: SeektoUnderstand
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Nobody in the medical field knew what it was yet; it’s called covering your losses..... which in this case; the aftermath of this will lead to a ton of lawsuits and legal turmoil due to the absolute negligence and outright lying by the media and by public health “officials”......

You clearly dont like facts and only want to hear you’re own echo. May I recommend a myth called Narcissus..... hope you find your puddle.

Covering their losses, like a criminal covers their crime...that's novel.

What have medical staff done to you to cause such mistrust

edit on 29-3-2020 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 12:59 AM
I a reply to: EnigmaChaser

I did in the end of November. I was sick but not normal sick. It started out with a really sore throat for 3-4 days, fever, chills,etc. After that I started having a real hard time breathing and would have coughing fits so hard I would throw up. This went on for about two weeks. I had an upset stomach too. It is hard to explain, but not like any flu or cold I have ever had. I had been around a bad forest fire in August so I kind of thought I just had the flu and because of the smoke exposure earlier in the year thats what was causing the coughing. It was bad. I would have to prop myself up I was coughing so bad.

Once they started putting out wutang virus symptoms, I've been thinking its exactly like what I had. I don't know? What I do know is nothing about this adds up. It doesn't make any sense at all. I am glad someone posted this topic.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 07:18 AM
I think the problem is the media

People have their influence when talking about this.

When do you think it started in Wuhan? What cities fly in and out of Wuhan the most? When did Wuhan shut down it’s airport

It seems like either this virus ain’t easy to catch but when you get it the Kung Flu kicks your butt
It’s very easy to catch but with a Very low death rate.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 08:56 AM
Had 'something' in January! Something like I never, ever, had before! Down for the count for almost 3 weeks! Thought that I was going to cough up a lung! Could taste blood. A very dry cough! Went from bed to the recliner all day, then back to bed. I help out an elderly cancer patient, so I stayed away the first two weeks! The third week I was better, but really weak!

This was more like the kind of 'flu' that we got when we were kids, but no upchucking this time. Same dizziness, sweats, achiness, extreme weakness, a little bit of nausea, no appetite, a headache the first couple of days. I tried taking Delsym when the cough started, but it didn't touch it until about the third day! Or did it just start resolving on it's own by then? When the cough was over, it hurt really bad across my abdomen below my ribs! Maybe my diaphragm from so much coughing? When it was almost over, the last three or four nights, my head sweat so bad that I soaked the pillow! Only my head though. So weird!

I was able to eat, but not as much as usual. Just no appetite. Nothing sounded good. One weird part that lasted fairly long was, I would eat, but if hubby went back for seconds, smelling his food made me slightly nauseous, even though I had just eaten the same food! Weird! I didn't lose all taste or smell, but maybe it was reduced?

I wish that I had payed more attention. I have forgotten some things. But I do remember saying, "What the heck is this?!" Luckily hubby never got it!

Youngest son & his wife who live in Texas, came home for three weeks at Christmas time. They went back the second week of January. He got sick going to the airport. His wife had to drive. He was fine the night before! About a week after that, oldest son & I started with it. I had it the worst, but I'm almost twice their age! Nobody went to the doctor. It was only a weird flu! 🙄

Since then, I've heard of other people that had something similiar, also saying it wasn't like anything that they ever had before either! Once this whole Covid thing started, they are ALL wondering the same thing! Did I have it already?! There is supposed to be an antibody blood test available so that you can find out. I will be asking my doc for it for sure!


posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 10:27 AM
To be clear, most of us here are not saying "I definitely had Covid-19."

We are recounting recent illnesses we had with similar symptoms.

Those coming in here whining "you don't have any proof," that's completely besides the point. No one is claiming to know for sure we had it.

There's some interesting anecdotal cases, and as we can see here, there's actually a fair number of them.
edit on 29 3 20 by face23785 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 10:34 AM
My son's hockey team was in Germany over American Thanksgiving. More than half the team came back with upper respiratory infections. My son's case though less severe, still had him on antibiotics for almost a month. There were 3 players that ended up in the hospital and 1 for over a week. There was no diagnosis, there was only talk of pneumonia and severe upper respiratory infections.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 10:38 AM
*raises hand

a reply to: EnigmaChaser

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: SeektoUnderstand
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Nobody in the medical field knew what it was yet; it’s called covering your losses..... which in this case; the aftermath of this will lead to a ton of lawsuits and legal turmoil due to the absolute negligence and outright lying by the media and by public health “officials”......

You clearly dont like facts and only want to hear you’re own echo. May I recommend a myth called Narcissus..... hope you find your puddle.

Covering their losses, like a criminal covers their crime...that's novel.

What have medical staff done to you to cause such mistrust

Totally different situation, but up here in Bellingham Washington the main big name health care conglomerate is "Peace Health Group" and after the first case was confirmed in Whatcom county Washington, the patient was seen and released from their main health care facility (not the general hospital in the city they also own), my kid had an ingrown toenail that was infected so I made an appointment and if they would have told me that an infected person was there I would not have even gone there in the first place. Nobody is trying to protect anybody with important information here about covid19. It is Russian Roulette they are playing.

Lots of examples to mistrust health care, but it isn't the front line workers, it's the corporate ownership's and their questionable alliances with certain entities.

edit on 29-3-2020 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: edit/eta

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: face23785
To be clear, most of us here are not saying "I definitely had Covid-19."

We are recounting recent illnesses we had with similar symptoms.

Those coming in here whining "you don't have any proof," that's completely besides the point. No one is claiming to know for sure we had it.

There's some interesting anecdotal cases, and as we can see here, there's actually a fair number of them.

Very good point/post.

I’m definitely not saying everyone should post here and say “oh I definitely had it!!” Rather, there anecdotally seems to be a lot of people who had an unusually severe or novel (to them) illness over the last six months that didn’t shake easily.

The cases also happened long before Covid became what it is today and caused so many problems.

To the point of my experience and my wife’s, it was a unique illness for both of us - whatever we had - and it was definitely not the standard old flu.

2+ weeks on and my wife’s still recovering. Much much better than she was but the cough lingers (now productive) and she’s probably at 80% normal energy.

It all just seems a little too coincidental to me that this many people can in detail recount an illness, this year, that was materially different and more severe than in years past - and the way the illness is presented is consistent with what we now know to be Covid.

To me, this at least introduces the possibility (not certainly) that Covid has been here for a while - which in my view suggests the current steps we’re taking regarding Covid are unnecessary and causing undue harm.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

Unfortunately some people can only think in absolutes. They think because none of those cases were confirmed to be Covid, none of them were. The virus became known in January, so it can't possibly have existed before that. The first known case in the U.S. was in January, so it can't possibly have been here before that.

Small-minded, if you ask me.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 01:54 PM
Out of all the post about this virus i like this one best . After all if it has been around as you hope then that means we will be hitting peak sooner thuse less people die and we can get the world running again sooner .
BUT think about it lets say your right and there were spratic cases here and there for 6 months instead of 4 months what difference does a million you believe had it and got over it make ?
if you have been watching the incress this is GEOMETRIC progression start with 1 penny Dobble it every day in less then 30 days you have a million dollars .Thing is it takes the first 3 weeks to even get to 10,000 $ and its only on day 26 you hit Half a million Yes the acutely time is 27 days .
Earth is around day 4 RIGHT now what We humans are tring to do Is interrupt this effect .
A million 2 months early only means the saturation date will be sooner by a week at best .
There are 7.5 billion people on earth Not a million .
Doing nothing ---- Diamond princess feb 04 - 3500 people 712 get it 1/4 - 10 die 5 WEEKS later 597 recovered 105 STILL SICK 5 WEEKS and 15 critical the longer thous stay critical the lower the chances of living so may as well say its 25 deaths .
Now translate that to any country you wish the US 330 million 1/4 is around 70 - 80 MILLION cases .
the 3.5 percent can be taken from the deaths on the princess but lets say its 1 % LESS then influenza .
well my math isnt up to the numbers But you would be looking at 1.5 to 9 MILLION deaths .
Still country has 330 million right we will be ok right ?
well lest say Only 20 million get sick WHO is running the cash registers ? who is processing the FOOD ? who is delivering the FOOD ? Not any of thous 20 million and Thous 20 million will Be a LARGE chunk of the people we need most as the lower class has LESS access to any help and has been used as the scapegoat for all the worlds ills for ever .
If we FAIL to slow this If the LOW worst is what it is I have to wonder if we will have ANY function government because 7.5 billion people wont sit at home quietly starving .
This is NOT the 1960 s NORE the 1920s we can NO longer expect a out brake to even be handled and got through as easily AND thous were a NIGHTMARE .
I do hope this works because if it fails who will fix your broken leg ? who will deliver the food you need ?
The Governments KNOW this NORAD has been having PEOPLE go and is being prepped as we type . Now if its no big deal then why IS every General being sent there why are all key people being sent there ?
as for links go find them your self I havent got time to stick my head in the sand with you .
I do HOPE your right I do hope every scientist IS a lier and every government is just scamming us for MONEY because as bad as that is them being right is worse .

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: midnightstar

Ok, I know you're trying to make a point that's probably important to you and maybe others, but holy god, PLEASE use punctuation and a dictionary/autocorrect feature.

That was extremely painful on the brain to try to read and, well, screw it, I gave up somewhere around whatever "10,000 $"/"ten thousand dollars" was supposed to imply.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 02:18 PM
Mild flu like symptoms a good couple of weeks ago with untypical yet mild short breath for 1-2 days, some people around had a harder time and got MDI's (inhalers) from their doctors, yet no one was tested for the Coronavirus.. could perfectly been the normal flu or some other virus (thats all i know, it wasnt a bacterial infection)

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: midnightstar

Ok, I know you're trying to make a point that's probably important to you and maybe others, but holy god, PLEASE use punctuation and a dictionary/autocorrect feature.

That was extremely painful on the brain to try to read and, well, screw it, I gave up somewhere around whatever "10,000 $"/"ten thousand dollars" was supposed to imply.

Yeah that one made me need to stare at he ceiling for a minute to clear my head.

But, I think I get the point that this is about the compounding effects of viral expansion.

I can't argue with the math about expansion into society/multiplication of those infected. It's how diseases work and that's not something I'm going to argue with.

What I do want to assert is that if I/people on this thread/in society have already had the disease but never got tested/the disease has been here for months then this narrative falls apart - we've already seen geometric expansion.

Which means we're not on "day 4" - and ironically also speaks to this getting better sooner than later - and doesn't support the current freakout factor...

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 02:28 PM
Shows just how Unconnected when someone more concerned with My spelling or grammor then a world wide event .
OK once again for all the people who are slow Dyslexia is a very large problem and sad to say i cant fix there there is no cure .
Amazes ME people still fail so badly at realizing life does not revolve around them not even this has managed to change the worst . I am hopeing people like the posters who enjoy pointing out people with minor problems like mine becomes so rare as to be extinct .
And yes any post I make becomes a mess of bad grammar BUT humans have the ability top understand words even when someone has a problem like mine .
Schools been canceled folks lol go home school if you like .

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: midnightstar

It's not so much the spelling as much as it is your posts are just one long block of rambling. Almost no one is gonna bother to read it in that format, especially when the content leaves much to be desired.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 02:48 PM
So here's a very rough example, based on this thread, that illustrates the impact of not testing people at scale and only reporting/making decisions on "confirmed cases":

US Pop

Posters in thread who were/know people who were suspiciously sick

Total members of ATS

% of all members who observed strange cases

Rough count of illnesses reported in thread

Ratio of strange cases to Posters

US Pop Multiplied by % of members who observed strange illnesses

US Pop Multiplied by % of members who observed strange illnesses multiplied by ratio of cases to posters

US Pop

Posters in thread who were/know people who were suspiciously sick

Total members of ATS

% of all members who observed strange cases as reported in this thread

Rough count of illnesses reported in thread

Ratio of strange cases to Posters
6.75 to 1

US Pop Multiplied by % of members who observed strange illnesses

US Pop Multiplied by % of members who observed strange illnesses multiplied by ratio of cases to posters

Current Confirmed US Covid cases

Total confirmed + potential cases reported in thread extrapoloated on to US population

Current US Covid mortality count

Mortality Rate When Including Suspicious Pre/Early Covid Cases
0.0021 (.21%)

As disclaimed above... these are rough figures but it does a nice job, just looking at this thread, highlighting the impact that scaling has when you actually include even a small number of undiagnosed/tested cases.

For instance, this example, the data based on ATS member responses equates to .31% of the US population being "infected" but not part of the official count... imagine if that number was 5%? 10%? See where I'm going with this?

Again - these are rough calculations but they do illustrate a point.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 03:25 PM
I travel the US weekly for my job and never catch a sniffle. I worked in Seattle the third week in January and came home and had the worst stomach flu imaginable. I didn’t think anything about it until the media started reporting stomach flu symptoms in COVID 19 patients. But it was probably the Norovirus. I guess I’ll never know.

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