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Who has had CV19 symptoms in the last 6 months but no test?

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posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 01:17 PM
I had every single symptom in February. Didn't even think twice. I also have copd from chlorine gas inhalation and while I didn't need a ventilator, it was almost as bad as a case of pneumonia. The virus is no joke but its also not THAT bad. People absolutely die from it but its not a black death or spanish flu. a reply to: EnigmaChaser

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 01:24 PM
I mean right now I sneeze like 10 times a day and have a slight dry cough with no other symptoms outside of maybe being more tired than normal, but that could be because I been stuck in my house for 2 weeks. I know things are blooming, but its been heavy rain here for 7 days straight and at least 10 more to go, and I only get allergies in very short duration, if not at all normally.

So who knows what that 86% asystematic looks like...

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 01:53 PM
My family and I were all sick from Christmas till a little after New Years with all the covid symptoms. With my kids having light reoccurring symptoms, along with conjunctivitis. They were at the Dr 4x and never came back positive for flu. Upper respiratory infections.

I am a barber by trade and a lot of my clients travel overseas and around the states. I have no doubt I had it. I was sicker than I have been in my 39 yrs. Didnt work for 10 days. Lost 20 lbs. Couldnt even drink water. Had no naseau, just no appetite, like my body didnt want anything. I took alka cold and flu, antibiotics, standard cold medicine, nothing helped.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 02:01 PM
Late february early March had a nasty sinus issue that came out of nowhere. All of a sudden, the snot started running double time, low grade fever, loss of energy, soar throat, aches. I went hardcore on it. Lots of vitamin C, lots of gargling warm salt water, neti pot to clean the sinuses, lots of expectorant. Was able to keep it out of my chest but just barely. Chest felt very heavy/tight but the coughs I did have were productive.
Disclaimer: It coincided with the onset of pollen season down here on the gulf coast. So, until there's an antibody test available, no telling. It was the most severe sinus issue I've had in a few years, though.
edit on 31-3-2020 by elDooberino because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 04:11 PM
Late February I had something that lasted over 2 weeks. It was like a mild cold that stuck around forever and turned into a nasty chest cold around day 10. Everybody in the house had it but we never paid much attention to it since it wasn't that bad except for how long it lasted.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 07:02 PM
Same here...
December 23, 2019
Started with a cough and very tired. Had a fever of 102 for like 4 days...felt like a grown man was sitting on my chest and couldnt breathe!!!
Never been sick like that in my entire life!!!!!
Fever / fatigue gone in about 4 days, cough lasted for about 3 weeks.
Went to the doctor; tested negative for the flu, and they said I didn't have pneumonia; said "must be just a virus".

edit on 31-3-2020 by LrBc1275 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2020 @ 01:57 PM
My gp surgery has stopped appointments and just put a note up saying the doors are locked and to first ring reception (impossible) for triage...appointments will resume in May. Their website states that if you do have severe covid 19 symptoms to stay at home....and die there presumably!

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