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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -XXV-

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posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 09:33 PM
Is Peter Nygard the Canadian Epstein?

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 09:36 PM

originally posted by: onehuman
This may be nothing, but just throwing it out there to be considered. When Hanx posted his typewriter I noticed the green ribbon but didnt think too much about it. Though usually the old typewriters used Black, Black and red or sometimes white for correction.
As you can see his has Green.

Then I come across this and it got me to wondering about that green ribbon. I know many thought he was in some sort of military place because of the barcode over his door. This might make sense with that? I thought maybe a Military person could chime in if they do use green Ribbon?

If so, it May mean he was in the states the whole time maybe?

Nothing secret. $9.99 on Amazon &qid=1585449218&sprefix=typewriter+ribbon+gree%2Caps%2C485&sr=8-1

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Frank Guistra.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 09:39 PM

originally posted by: Sabrechucker
a reply to: crankyoldman

The Dead Presidents:

The Dead Presidents Movie

Produced by:

The Hughes Brothers

Movies Produced:

1993 Menace II Society
1995 Dead Presidents - Run time 119 minutes
1999 American Pimp
2001 From Hell
2010 The Book of Eli

Probably nothing, just jonsin for a Quick dig.

It was intended,,,, hence the quotes.

Not regarding deeper meaning, just play on words.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Is Peter Nygard the Canadian Epstein?


posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: CanadianMason

I think the The Crusades were essentially land-based affairs, centered on Antioch. I don't recall any naval aspect to them at all.

On the other hand, I picture Spanish ships of Isabella or maybe Columbus flying that sail. Of course the English adopted the Cross of St George at one point.

I could be wrong, but I'm still raising the flag on that one.

eta I looked into it.

St George, member of the Praetorian Guard for Roman emperor Diocletian, who was sentenced to death for refusing to recant his Christian faith. He became one of the most venerated saints and megalo-martyrs in Christianity, and he has been especially venerated as a military saint since the Crusades.

It might be more of an ode to the crusades. Crusader churches were dedicated to him, but he wasn't a participant. I would def call it a crusader emblem, I just want to be accurate relative to naval regalia. It was a good connection to make to the hospital ships. No wonder the Muslims think of us as the Tenth Crusaders.


Saint George and the Dragon tells of Saint George (died 303) taming and slaying a dragon that demanded human sacrifices

It looks like some of the Minor Crusades were launched at sea, but not to any great effect. I do suppose the sail was widely adopted in the Middle Ages. I don't think of Columbus as a crusader, so it's a little confusing.

From the 6th Crusade...

In August 1227, Frederick set out for the Holy Land from Brindisi but was forced to return when he was struck down by an epidemic that had broken out. Even the master of the Teutonic Knights, Hermann of Salza, recommended that he return to the mainland to recuperate.


The Ninth Crusade is sometimes also counted as part of the Eighth. The crusade is considered a failure after Louis died shortly after arriving on the shores of Tunisia, with his disease-ridden army dispersing back to Europe shortly afterwards

edit on 28-3-2020 by FlyingFox because: HUGH of Valmandois is my crusader king relative, so I was thinking of the Early Crusades

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 09:57 PM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Frank Guistra.

Oh yea, definitely a top contender!

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 10:01 PM
Ive got all the decodes lined up for Q3905 to 3908 but POTUS keeps throwing in TYPO tweets... here's another:

DECODE ID 25RSH200328006D

POTUS 2 part tweet with TYPO at 19:19:25:
Part 1 at 19:19:25

On the recommendation of the White House CoronaVirus Task Force, and upon consultation with the Governor’s of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, I have asked the @CDCgov to issue a strong Travel Advisory, to be administered by the Governors, in consultation with the....

Part 2 at 19:19:31

....Federal Government. A quarantine will not be necessary. Full details will be released by CDC tonight. Thank you!

a) Unrequired apostophe in Governor's gives R and S,
b) Evtra capital= V in CoronaVirus gives V
Added together gives VRS = Volunteer Reserve System (USAF)?

2) Post delta, Intra delta and Timestamps give:
Q149 USA Freedom Flag Photo

Q49 Sen Grassley and Uranium One: Why is Grassley and others held in a secure location? When did this start? What has been different this week? U1 FBI informant. Have secret sessions been underway? How could this be discovered? What must be reported even if filed under 'State Secrets'? It's a name recognized around the world. Alice & Wonderland.

Q14 Military Intelligence & State Secrets + DURHAM BOAT picture

Q6 POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false. Follow Huma tomorrow. POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons. To suggest this is the plan is false and should be common sense. Focus on Military Intelligence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate - what must be showed? Why is POTUS surrounded by generals ^^

Q719 Russian Detained in Bangkok: What picture was posted? Cages full.

Q1919 Re Bill Maher: Remember, 'conspiracy' friends, LARPS have access to a full stock of 'original' surveillance photos.
Nothing to see here. FAKE NEWS CONSTANT ATTACKS. Nothing to see here. Enjoy the show.

Q19 What were the historical advantages D’s gained by having MSM and famous people peddling narrative? Who exposed the pedo network within H wood? You can’t answer the above but will laugh once disclose details. The network which controls this false narrative which in turns keeps the black pop under control is being dismantled.

Q3119 Picture of Loretta Lynch - Obama's US Attorney General

Q12 Military Intelligence ref above is the absolute biggest inside drop this board will ever receive. Now think about why Antifa plays right into the plan? Always ahead. Good guys are winning.

3) CAPS only simple gematria gives:
a) Part 1 base = OWHCVTFGNYNJCICDCTAG = 217
Q217 Google Keyhole and CIA

b) Part 1 RemoveDupes = 123
Q123 Nothing is random. Everything has meaning. +++

c) Part 2 base = 50
Q50 How did NK and Iran Get Uranium

d) Part 2 RemoveDupes = 32
Q32 The initial wave will be fast and meaningful. It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see the tide turn (not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents).

edit on 28-3-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I'm getting the vibe that the DURHAM boat pictures in Q posts are referring to the USN Mercy & Comfort...

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: queenofswords
Austin reminds me of Lloyd Virgil Christmas-the pumpkin pie hair cutted freak

edit on 28-3-2020 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 10:27 PM
Did the Comfort actually do this course?

Watch the Water.....


Is there some ship tracking site to prove? I have one for Planes but not ships.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 10:27 PM

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: pavil

Yes -

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

a) Unrequired apostophe in Governor's gives R and S,

It may be nothing, Rel, but I noticed two apostrophe errors in Q's post today Q3905. Populations should be population's.


Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations viewpoint re: a desired topic?
Read again – digest.
Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations viewpoint re: a desired topic?

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

So it looks like that "Q" track never happened. Unless that data was wiped. Anyone have any better sources?

originally posted by: pavil
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Just dbl checked. I'll be damned, it did.

Hit track then zoom in. Just north of Virginia Beach


That's weird so one site shows it, and the other doesn't. Well whatever, I guess it's cool. What does it mean though ...

edit on 28-3-2020 by Guyfriday because: I can't see through time apparently

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Just dbl checked. I'll be damned, it did.

Hit track then zoom in. Just north of Virginia Beach


edit on 28-3-2020 by pavil because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-3-2020 by pavil because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

Well then Fido got up off the floor an' he rolled over
An' he looked me straight in the eye
An' you know what he said?
Once upon a time
Somebody say to me
(This is a dog talkin' now)
What is your Conceptual Continuity?
Well, I told him right then
(Fido said)
It should be easy to see
The crux of the biscuit
Is the Apostrophe(')

Well, you know
The man who was talkin' to the dog
Looked at the dog an' he said: (sort of staring in disbelief)
"You can't say that!"
He said:
He told me NO NO NO!
I told him YES YES YES!

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

So it looks like that "Q" track never happened. Unless that data was wiped. Anyone have any better sources?

Sorry, guess I can't hard link from that site.


Punch in "USNS Comfort" in the search box.
Then click past track button.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 10:44 PM

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 10:46 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Thanks, I spotted it through the link that was posted below mine.

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