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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -XXV-

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posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 12:15 PM
Omg thank you.

I needed that laugh. Binging Seinfeld is awfully enticing. It has been many years since I’ve even had cable though 😂

that show most def. influenced my personality.... and it shows. 🍺

a reply to: RadioRobert

Cranky that is a great insight, thank you for responding.

Great visual as well....

a reply to: crankyoldman

edit on 31-3-2020 by SouthernGift because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 12:16 PM
Not sure if this is real though:

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: Madrusa

I've given you the decency of a reply but I'm not getting dragged into a long debate about it.

(a)There ARE relationships, beyond the superficial, between posts and I/others have proven that over 25 threads. You are relating your beliefs to me so de facto there IS a relationship between us,

(b) It has to be convoluted to require effort by both us and deep state to interpret. Effort spent on defense draws from that available for attack.

(c) Download the spreadsheet and you wil see that I HAVE mapped them and they DO play a logically consistent game. It IS a systematic approach as you will see if you look at the spreadsheet. There need to be 60 sectors to map to minutes on a clock and timestamps.

(d)I'm the first, to my knowledge, to have discovered this technique.

(e( Who's to say it is NOT intended? Bible refs are also recorded in spreadsheet but something I may expand on (thanks for the idea).

(f) Your view.

(g) I have answered and its NOT meaningess.

Non Mordero Piu

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: brewtiger
a reply to: crankyoldman

Just saw this tweet too...

If Phase III is a Traitor's Justice, could this be a tip of the hat on how the plan evolves after the Great Awakening and Unity?

WH will have a Clean House, control of FED and 0 interest rates, but is facing high unemployment and getting the economy back on its feet. Use these newly gained advantages to wipe out the negatives and also upgrade our aging infrastructure.

BT, this one is tough when looking from inside the fishbowl. The ENTIRE system known as economy is built on Humans As Currency, Manipulation, Drugs (meds too) and Compound Interest in a system created by beings who hate themselves and the entire population.

For one person this is not a life's experience, but as a whole this is our foundation. For those out of work today, or stressed about x, this whole picture doesn't matter at all. I get it, but the nature of our fractured world is the problem.

Now is the convergence. Now we have to show as a whole we fully reject enslavement as an acceptable byproduct of having super fun apps on our iPhone.

At some point we have to commit to the divorce, and accept the change it brings.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 12:45 PM

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 12:48 PM
If you search Twitter for “10 Days of Darkness” there is an idea catching on that the following tweet by DJT ends with “Phase 4” which is mirrored in a Q post that said to think of mirrors and leads to the date. What do our ATS Qs think or know? Is the 10-days of darkness starting a midnight? Someone pointed out it will end on 4/10/20 and of the alphabet:


I have only begun to learn about Q and am also behind on this massive thread so my apologies if this has been discussed.


edit on 31-3-2020 by raedar because: Clarify

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: raedar
Sorry - I'm more of a lurker in these threads and have been since day one (thanks again Dash!). I really don't have much to add usually, because when I discover something new - it will have already been discussed lol.

Anyway, I have also read the interpretations that say the 10 days of darkness will begin tomorrow, 4/1/20 and end on "Good Friday" 4/10/20... but I've also seen a few "10 days of darkness is upon us" posts come and go with no darkness.

Do any of you excellent Q-berts in this thread have insight on where the implication is that this 10 days of darkness begins tomorrow? I am one of the "essential" workers during this whole "stay home, stay safe" order in Washington State, and I am grateful for still working, but a little jealous of everyone on lockdown right now! I can go home today and lock my doors and survive for a few months without leaving, so I'm ready to be told to shelter in place!

Let the mass arrests begin Q!

EDITED TO ADD: Is it something to do with the 4-10-20 thing that we originally believed was Trump's initials, but now we maybe think is a date? Friday, 4/10/20?
edit on 31-3-2020 by tallcool1 because: additional comment

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Cavv, the timing of this change makes it look like facilitating the background detainment of the departing MI5 Director General who was in charge since 2013 and would have used FVEY partners to spy on British citizens.

This BBC article shows that the new guy has good experience of Northern Ireland, which I think is a deep state strong hold still to be addressed!

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: SuperStudChuck

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Says the fear pandering deep state mongrel swamp creature from hell...

Actually I agree here. For better or worse, the world will be a completely different place coming out of this.

More homeschooling
More distance education
More home offices

A bunch of things people said were impossible were proven wrong.

ETA: yes, Kristol is still fearmongering

Don't allow this pos to drag you down to agreement with his doctored shock doctrine image. Agreeing with him means you are agreeing with his deep state fear tactics, lies, and draconian Patriot Act 2.0 bs laws forthcoming and/or whatever else is coming next. Will not all be good and much may not be recognized for many months or years just like after 9/11. Everyone was affected slightly differently, some minor to some didn't even notice to major.

They got away with it after 9/11 and are now fully expecting to get away with it again because they are betting the sheep will remain dormant and stupid. Once deep state gov't acquires new emergency powers it is very rare they give them up after the crisis is over. They never did after 9/11. Sure, they'll roll some of it back but not all. His tweet is testing the waters & planting a seed, probably for his own personal dark curiosity. This pos is a trickster and his idea of change is far different from yours and mine. Hopefully, whatever they have in store, Trump will knock it down but, not holding my breath.

You think [they] are going to allow you to be free in conducting home schooling & distance education? Think again. The Harvard jackals already have plans for distance programming & control.

Harvard Summit to Discuss Regulating Homeschooling

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: Observationalist
a reply to: M4ngo

# me I hope not! Does anyone actually see these happening? You cannot force vaccinate.

China, Italy, France and Germany, have Mandatory Vaccinations programs. There are many who are upset about how they are violating their human rights.

There was a massive protest scheduled for March 21st. They had to Cancel.
Invitation to european protest for medical freedom
Watch the video in that link.

Response to having to cancel protest.

Dear freedom-loving people, We certainly don't have to point out the difficult situation the world is currently in because of the corona hype.

The organisation team of the Munich demonstration has also been thinking about this for days. Due to today's discussion in the core group regarding the announcement by Health Minister Spahn, we decided to postpone the demo until early autumn.

This is for the following reasons: We are not concerned with the fear of the corona virus (this fear is not present), but we are concerned about the official measures against the foreign speakers, but of course also against those who participate in the demo. There is a risk of quarantine as an official deprivation of lfreedom with massive consequences if only one person is tested positive. Or we could be blamed if new cases of corona infection arise in Bavaria afterwards.

The press is not on our side, which is why there is a real risk that when the demo takes place, the participants would be described as irresponsible, ruthless and so on, which would do more harm to our movement than postponing the demo to next autumn.


Please watch the video In the link. Link

Their statement:

We call on all Europeans to stand together in a demand for a united vaccination policy based on freedom of choice and informed consent. We believe that mandatory vaccination is not only a serious risk but a violation of human rights and dignity. We therefore demand transparency and caution as well as recognition and concern for the many vaccine-injured in Europe and beyond.

edit on Mon Mar 30 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: trimmed long quote IMPORTANT: Using Content From Other Websites on ATS

Definitely is a violation of basic human rights.

Sickening. I sincerely hope it does not happen here.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 01:10 PM
Welcome. I was lead here also. Lurking. Give us a low down on yourself. Everyone contributes and nothing is more important then the whole. Drop your coat at the door grab your red solo cup of crazy koolaid... Grab some popcorn...enjoy being in the "know.....
a reply to: tallcool1

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Never let a good crisis go to waste... It MUST be delayed! EU's most powerful group orders Boris to extend Brexit transition period:

a) "Ordered"? They'll get short thrift!

b) With the growing threat that Italy may leave EU, in my view, this is an effort to try to grab more money off the UK to bolster finances and avoid the EU going bankrupt.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: tallcool1

Here is a link to the tweet that links the idea to a Q post-


The user posted Trump Tweet aside a Q post with the comment:


Phase 4 Marker 4 [10]
Potus timestamp 10:4 mirrored 4:10
10 days Darkness/Shutdown

Called it 😉“

My apologies I cannot upload a screen cap due to being on my phone.

edit on 31-3-2020 by raedar because: Typo

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: RadioRobert
Hungary grants their President unlimited power indefinitely.


This is the theme, total power of the ruling class, of AugustusMasonicus' thread with around 100 pages of reply. Some people are looking at forfeiture of rights as a good thing and are not seeing the big picture of a total loss of rights in some areas. There are even some supposed staunch conservatives of ATS in favor of these losses of my and you former freedoms over the Wu Han flu. Fines in some areas are being threatened for stepping out of your house. Beatings in some countries, where do we draw the line?
edit on 31-3-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

PFS, just a thought on these points:

Also, in this context, wouldn't the "rock not cut by human hands" that, "grows to the size of the entire Earth", be us?

If this rock was not cut by human hands, who cut it? What is this saying Q is? Something other than human? God himself?

This reminds me of Jesus telling Peter he is the rock upon which he will build his church.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 01:30 PM
Hey guys it is an epinephrine-injection not adrenaline.

Epinephrine injection is used to treat severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) to insect stings or bites, foods, drugs, and other allergens.

Epinephrine auto-injectors may be kept on hand for self-injection by a person with a history of severe allergic reaction.

Epinephrine is also used to treat exercise-induced anaphylaxis, or to treat low blood pressure that is caused by septic shock.

Epinephrine injection may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.

originally posted by: queenofswords

a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

return them to the pharmacist because 2 out of 10 apparently don't work... but that they will not receive a replacement for the foreseeable future!

This seems exceptionally odd to me. Maybe they think they have been "tainted".

edit on 31-3-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

PFS, just a thought on these points:

Also, in this context, wouldn't the "rock not cut by human hands" that, "grows to the size of the entire Earth", be us?

If this rock was not cut by human hands, who cut it? What is this saying Q is? Something other than human? God himself?

This reminds me of Jesus telling Peter he is the rock upon which he will build his church.

Jesus was trolling Peter

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: NopolleyAnNa

Thanks for the reply, Nopolley.

I'm curious about a portion of your comment:

Jesus stated this to 1 of the 7 churches, like 7 stars, the mystery, John saw in Jesus right hand. The 7 stars are 7 angels, assigned to each church, the lampstands are the 7 churches. As a side note I always associated this with the 7 deadly sins, on a deeper thought.

I'm curious as to where you came up with this. It's been my understanding that the 7 Rays are a reference to the vowels of human language. And also to the constellation of the Pleaides. "Let those with ears to hear."








In the biblical text, it is also said that Jesus bore a name of power on his thigh. This seems to be a reference to the constellation Ursa Major, known to the Egyptians as "the haunch of the bull." Seven Rays, Seven Stars, Haunch (or thigh) of the bull. This all seems to come down from Gnostic Egyptian rituals. The above vowels were recited as a hymn by newly baptized Gnostics in the Egyptian tradition and were said to have been passed down by the God EA. The seven rays, or the seven powers. "In the beginning was the word."

Thank you for this addition though. It took me down another avenue of thought and now I'm back to wondering about the crucifixion of Christ. Most of the material above was brought to Christ's disciples after the events of the crucifixion. In John 20:18 Jesus appears before Mary of Magdalene as a "gardener." He spoke with her for a bit and then when she went to embrace him he warned her not to touch his body. Then, later on he appeared before his disciples and relayed to them the mysteries laid out in the Pistis Sophia. When he was finished, the disciples were transformed into beings of pure light. I find this all very interesting. The mysteries appear to involve language, and the ability to transmute elements. Also, eleven years had passed between the time Christ ascended and then appeared before the disciples to relay the Pistis Sophia cleansing rituals. Christ's work wasn't "finished" when he died on the cross. It seems to me that the larger part of his work was still to come because everything that came before the Pistis Sophia was essentially considered the "lesser mysteries." His big work came later, IMO, and those works aren't really even recognized by the church as they deal heavily with cosmology and ascension.

again for the reply.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

a reply to: CovertID19

And, Peter was the one that denied Jesus, not once, but three times.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, the Ampersand Pairs method gives an interesting result on BIG & BOLD, from that DJT tweet:

BIG & BOLD gematria = 51


Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147643257 📁
Nov 2 2017 13:12:06 (EST)

Dear Patriot.
We hear you.
We hear all Americans such as yourself.
The time has come to take back our great land.
The time is now.

Rest assured POTUS is backed by the absolute finest people alive who are all dedicated to the eradication evil and corruption from the US/World.
Find peace.
God is with us.
God bless and be safe.
-The WH

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