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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: MrRCflying
A bit of good news.

Peak for the US has moved from the 16th to the 11th, and predicted deaths per day have gone down from 3,100 per day to 2,200 at the peak.

Also, total deaths predictions have gone down from 80,000 to about 60,000. Still a lot, but the prediction numbers look a lot better than they did a day or two ago.
Still keeping safe? And how about the family members now, they being more careful?

I am no virologist but think that these numbers for "The Chrojan Virus" are highly conservative, nor do they account for
1. 2nd & 3rd waves
2. "The Chrojan Virus" becoming a seasonal or all seasons Chrojan Flu
3. Potential for dormancy or re-infections later which only those that designed the virus will know about
4. The unknown random mutanic (new word) nature of the virus
5. And.......

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: DavidMK

This might help you out a bit:

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: DavidMK
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

I’m interested to know

1. What evidence do you have that this is a cocktail of viruses as you describe? Doesn’t appear to be what the experts are saying.
2. How do your calculations arrive at that figure? We are hearing that Europe and the US are showing signs that we may now be at the peak of infections, particularly with the lockdowns time lag taken into account
3. If this is a planned cull as you suggest, then how are our ‘overlords’ managing who lives and dies? They will still need the workers to manage the power plants, keep them healthy, feed them etc etc. The survivors would need to be within these professions and in the right locations. And who and how would they be controlled? Do you think armies will protect the rich having seen their families and friends die?

All in all, maybe a good plot for the next resident evil game or zombie apocalypse but if any more than that then please offer some credible evidence.
I don't have any concrete evidence and do hope I am totally wrong but.........everything I have read from the beginning of this thread and from other threads and source information (and note I thought something was not quite right about "The Chrojan Virus" from thread 1 and now in thread 5 my gut feeling has only been affirmed). "The Chrojan Virus" story from day one just does not add up as a natural virus occurrence nor do the coincidences and numerous other factors. Why a cocktail, because when making a soup one can add all kinds of ingredients in an experiment way to achieve an outcome, similarly in a lab one can develop a virus for a desired effect/outcome and the diverse list of symptoms and effects of this virus kind of appear like a soup of capability which one would not normally get from a normal virus, but one made up of other viruses with their varying symptoms/effects add to the soup. e.g. MERS/SARS/HIV/Other/Nerve agent???? Who knows.
I also do not believe that all nations will get to their peaks and steadily then descend to zero deaths and we can all relax.
My calculations which are based on many assumptions and the recorded numbers and timelines to date with suggested impact factors for the numbers. The only way we will know if I am on the right track is to compare the 30 Apr 2020 recorded numbers with the projected numbers by applying a margin of error. But please bare in mind that my numbers also make some allowance for the true nature of numbers recorded.
Also allowance has been made for
1. 2nd & 3rd waves
2. "The Chrojan Virus" becoming a seasonal or all seasons Chrojan Flu
3. Potential for dormancy or re-infections later which only those that designed the virus will know about
4. The unknown random mutanic (new word) nature of the virus
5. And.......

Now answering Q3 is a very difficult one. Note that the outbreak could be by accident so no vaccine in the bank yet.
We would have to ask those responsible for the development of "The Chrojan Virus" for the answers to this one if it was done deliberately and there, maybe answers. There may also be no concern if 2bn is culled because there are nearly 6bn left. Maybe there is a vaccine already and Prince Charles either didn't really get infected or was given the vaccine. I don't know.

But having said all this I could be totally off my rocker on this one and hope I am!!!! But............something's nagging at me and it ain't the wife!!!!!!!

Be safe as you can!

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Thanks for the link, I actually thought that it read fairly positively. 40% of us all may be exposed but not necessarily get ill and death rate lower than 1%. Also, this doesn’t taken into account any treatments that may be discovered, and there are suggestions that various existing drugs may work. As I have noted on here previously, my gf is a nurse and this is a real and nasty disease. However, I am not convinced with the doom porn, end of the world or population culling suggestions. These things unfortunately happen, and with modern travel so easy and our misuse of the environment and animals then it is only inevitable that we are in this position. The good news is that we live in a different and hopefully more enlightened world than in say 1918, and have the knowledge and tools to fight this.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: MrRCflying
A bit of good news.

Peak for the US has moved from the 16th to the 11th, and predicted deaths per day have gone down from 3,100 per day to 2,200 at the peak.

Also, total deaths predictions have gone down from 80,000 to about 60,000. Still a lot, but the prediction numbers look a lot better than they did a day or two ago.
Still keeping safe? And how about the family members now, they being more careful?

I am no virologist but think that these numbers for "The Chrojan Virus" are highly conservative, nor do they account for
1. 2nd & 3rd waves
2. "The Chrojan Virus" becoming a seasonal or all seasons Chrojan Flu
3. Potential for dormancy or re-infections later which only those that designed the virus will know about
4. The unknown random mutanic (new word) nature of the virus
5. And.......

Still staying safe, thank you! Brother in law is still being a moron about it, but others seem to have come around.

I am not sold on your cocktail mix theory yet, but I do agree on the points you made. One you forgot, long term lung or other affects after recovery.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: DavidMK
a reply to: musicismagic

Thanks for the link, I actually thought that it read fairly positively. 40% of us all may be exposed but not necessarily get ill and death rate lower than 1%. Also, this doesn’t taken into account any treatments that may be discovered, and there are suggestions that various existing drugs may work. As I have noted on here previously, my gf is a nurse and this is a real and nasty disease. However, I am not convinced with the doom porn, end of the world or population culling suggestions. These things unfortunately happen, and with modern travel so easy and our misuse of the environment and animals then it is only inevitable that we are in this position. The good news is that we live in a different and hopefully more enlightened world than in say 1918, and have the knowledge and tools to fight this.
That is the natural and rational response, and an expected and sensible perspective to adopt. And I do hope that your optimism of a death rate being lower than 1%. But it is likely that even in the best case over the next few years that the actual real death rate will be over 1% when you consider the likely predicament of Africa and non health service nation states. I hope that your position and the outcome of "The Chrojan Virus" outbreak are the same. But we do not live in a sensible or rational truly caring world where humanity comes first so what I suggest is not necessarily just a plot for another virus movie (they will make one of course but it might turn out to be worse than you imagined) or wrong, but hope I am!!

Also, my first wife was a nurse and my younger sister is a "Senior Sister Nurse" and she is very worried about what is unfolding and what is being experienced by Senior Expert Doctors and that they are afraid and puzzled by this, dare I say it, tool!

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

With cuomo at the helm, I'm pretty sure NY will beat the national numbers.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: MrRCflying
A bit of good news.

Peak for the US has moved from the 16th to the 11th, and predicted deaths per day have gone down from 3,100 per day to 2,200 at the peak.

Also, total deaths predictions have gone down from 80,000 to about 60,000. Still a lot, but the prediction numbers look a lot better than they did a day or two ago.
Still keeping safe? And how about the family members now, they being more careful?

I am no virologist but think that these numbers for "The Chrojan Virus" are highly conservative, nor do they account for
1. 2nd & 3rd waves
2. "The Chrojan Virus" becoming a seasonal or all seasons Chrojan Flu
3. Potential for dormancy or re-infections later which only those that designed the virus will know about
4. The unknown random mutanic (new word) nature of the virus
5. And.......

Still staying safe, thank you! Brother in law is still being a moron about it, but others seem to have come around.

I am not sold on your cocktail mix theory yet, but I do agree on the points you made. One you forgot, long term lung or other affects after recovery.
Good to hear that more are taking this seriously. Well done.

And it is not surprising that the cocktail theory is difficult to perceive and I hope I am full of crap and wrong but when I think about my own background and experience in engineering and IT (Retired Chartered Engineer) I always look at things from the following perspective, be it cause/effect, re-engineering, desired and practical outcomes, risk and mitigation etc etc putting ones self in the shoes of those with a required outcome and therefore when I think about if there was a requirement to depopulate using virus, how would I go about it and what would the scope or requirements be (what would I want the tool to do and how would I build in those requirements. Well I would first identify the scope of the tool, its purpose and desired outcome and how it would best achieve that outcome and be clear about the risks involved during and post development. In order to achieve this I would hold a round table with the necessary experts and establish the final and ongoing objectives, what components would need to be in the tool to ensure it does as pervasive a jobs as required in order to achieve the desired effects and outcomes. I would imagine that building a virus tool would be similar, defining its purpose, how it does it work, what are the target effect aspects on the human body required and what virus attributes would be required and where would they come from (what other viruses). The reason I say cocktail is because of the overwhelming list of symptoms and effects of "The Chrojan Virus" from a single natural virus which just doesn't make sense. It is also surprising how it effect 2 healthy people with no underlying conditions of the same age and sex in such different ways, from just the loss of smell to a quick death (or is there a dormant factor here). The virus almost appears as though someone made a soup virus with multi faceted capability from other viruses available, hence the range of varying/differing symptoms/effects.

Hope I am totally off the mark of course.

And yes the point you make about longer term effects and impacts of the virus for those who have already recovered from it. We just don't know, apart from the impact on the testes. If the re-infections and dormancy are true then sh.t, maybe they added a bit of Syphilis which has dormancy capability. Who knows.

Again hope I am very very very wrong. And maybe this outbreak will have a positive effect on human nature and be a catalyst to a better way. Developing an acceptable way to gradually depopulate our planet to save it and the human race which is not all bad!
edit on 8-4-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 09:13 AM


posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 09:17 AM


posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 09:22 AM


posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: rickymouse
Does this include covid19?

Steer the immune system to fight the flu and it takes away the immune system's ability to fight the coronavirus and Rhinovirus infections?

I scanned some of the papers citing that one since the study was in 2012 and a small number of participants. It was not a robust finding and other papers ( indicate that vaccines seem to improve the resistance to other types of respiratory illnesses.

See also

...and other papers that cite the one you linked to:

The conclusion on the first link says it seems to inhibit influenza like illnesses. ILI. The Coronavirus is not at all like an influenza like illness, the treatment tends to be completely different. As an example, a chemical that actually steers the immune system to fight viruses by inhibiting an enzyme which is found in blackberries and strawberries has an opposite effect with this SARSCOVID19 virus. It inhibits the bodies ability to break down the papain class enzyme of this virus. The Japanese medicine they created actually targets that enzyme that the covid virus makes. But it would have the opposite effect on influenza. The vaccines steer our bodies to make enzymes in chemistries to fight a particular virus to protect us. That is how antigen chemistry works. The strawberry chemistry actually helps the immune system fight the common cold coronavirus, this virus is novel. I think the way they are treating this disease may be wrong, I spent many hours trying to find how the chemicals in strawberry inhibit an enzyme the body makes that breaks down the enzyme that the coivid19 makes, It took me a long time to figure how to boost the enzyme that destroys covid's enzyme. You can actually stimulate the body to create more of the protective enzyme or introduce an enzyme into circulation that destroys covid's enzyme...which is found in Kiwi and in pineapple in theraputic amounts and in smaller amounts in various fruits and veggies, this enzyme is not heat stable. There are some scientists that are researching just what I research and their information is what I used to figure out natural sources....they are designing medicines to sell to people, I look for natural cures and evaluate negative effects in the foods. I am allergic to kiwi, so I cannot use kiwi, but can use the bromelain from pineapple. Some people are allergic to pineapple, so the allergy sometimes relates to the pineapple enzymes in bromelain.

Bromelain actually treats all viruses and some bacterial infections, it does not cause rapid die off of all microbes in the gut. But for the lung related viruses it does work, but if taken far into the illness, it can destroy too many cells, something I worry about with the Japanese medicine they invented.

I have no college degrees, I just analyze evidence that those with degrees create and try to test things on myself if I can. Trouble is that many things I research I do not have the disease or susceptability to test on myself, so I try to get my information out so someone who has the ability to do proper testing can come up with an idea for treatment options. I actually hack pharmachology to get lots of my ideas, and also research old conclusions of food chemistry that many pharmacuticals are based off of. I had to study how they are making these synthetic meds too to evaluate things.

But not many professionals would listen to me because I have no degrees or crudentials, but I am satisfied getting no credit or money as I put the bug in someone's ear so they can discover and profit from my research....hopefully not overcharging everyone. Remember, I study research, so some have already discovered things but buried it because they cannot patent and profit from it because it is natural chemistry. Hence available supplements can help for some.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 10:18 AM
I expect deaths figures for uk to be 2k per day in 7=14 days might peak to 3k, total death from 80k to 250k. this virus will still be here in 8 weeks hopefully lower deaths like 500 per day in 8 weeks.

I think this is a good low number for the uk.
edit on 8-4-2020 by doggodlol because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 10:27 AM
Ok there is a lot of information about synthetic DNA and how it is being used to create a vaccine for the coronavirus/corvid 19.

Starting everyone on vaccines could be the beginning of a synthetic evolution of humanity.
Scary dystopian times however synthetic DNA has a lot of potential to be something really exciting.
If a vaccine becomes mandatory I could foresee a new race of post humans developing a lot of abilities depending on who is the designer of the synthetic DNA.
Coronavirus vaccine to be developed from digital DNA sequencing

The Synthetic Biology Companies Racing To Fight Coronavirus

COVID-19 Symposium: Synthetic DNA as a Vaccine Approach for EID | Dr. David Weiner

As Synthetic DNA Is Being Researched, Ethical Questions Arise
Ethics are being questioned over a project to make synthetic genetic code at Harvard Medical School.

We Could Back Up The Entire Internet On A Gram Of DNA
Nature's code for life is stored in DNA, but what if we could code anything we wanted into DNA? Scientists are figuring out how.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 10:29 AM


(post by doggodlol removed for a manners violation)

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 10:39 AM

UK announces 936 more coronavirus victims pushing Britain's death toll up to 7,095 - yet another record daily high in the nation's deepening crisis amid fears it is 'nowhere near' the end of lockdown

The UK has announced 936 more deaths from the coronavirus today, taking the total number of fatalities to 7,095 and marking another record one-day high in the nation's deepening crisis. NHS England confirmed 828 more people have died in its hospitals, with patients aged between 22 and 103 years old and of whom 42 had been otherwise healthy. Scotland, where 77 more deaths have been confirmed, also diagnosed a further 336 infections in the past 24 hours, Public Health Wales announced 284 more positive tests and 33 deaths, while five more fatalities were recorded in Northern Ireland. Today's surge in deaths brings Britain within touching distance of the worst days experienced in Europe, which saw 969 deaths in Italy on March 28 and 950 in Spain on April 2. China never recorded more than 254 in a day. But the numbers are dwarfed by the US, which is being hammered by the virus and recorded 1,799 deaths yesterday.

Many of the fatalities announced each afternoon happened days or weeks ago, and many of the people who have actually died in the past 24 hours will not be counted in the numbers for days or weeks to come. This means that each day's death count does not represent the date on which it is announced - it includes almost entirely deaths which happened more than 24 hours ago, and all the fatalities which actually happened on that day are announced officially in dribs and drabs in the days and weeks that follow.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 10:43 AM
Another report that states wearing masks doesn't prevent people from contracting the virus:

Face masks DO NOT stop healthy people from catching coronavirus and should only be worn by healthcare workers and patients, says WHO

The United Nations’ health body was forced to review new evidence from Hong Kong claiming mass-issuing masks may have helped contain the pandemic. But the WHO maintains the public should not wear them outside because there is still no proof they prevent infection, it says. In updated guidance published on Monday, the health body said masks were only useful for healthcare workers and patients who test positive. The advice is in stark contrast to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which urges all Americans to wear them. The CDC has even went one step further and advised people use makeshift masks out of scarves when travelling on public transport or in supermarkets. UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock still insists 'well' Britons do not need to wear masks because evidence on them being useless had been 'very clear from the start'. Scientists are split on the effectiveness of masks, with some claiming they could prevent asymptotic patients from spreading the disease before they know they're ill.

Anyone else find this conflicting and confusing??

WHO is right??

I will be wearing a mask and gloves when I go out shopping. I think i'll be wearing them for months to come, just like the chinese.

What a waste of money all this CCTV HAS BEEN in the end... if we have to wear these masks for the next 10 years.
edit on 8-4-2020 by CrazeeWorld777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 10:45 AM


posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite
LOL. Yeah, cuomo did such a great job making NY number one in corona virus cases, I think he's trying to make sure no other state can get as many as we do.

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