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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: RexKramerPRT

I smell fowl play, someone offing Boris using Corona as a cover, it's all to convenient.

We'll suddenly decide to stay in the EU. If it's a globalist agenda they'll be after Trump next so let's keep an eye on what happens.

Boris also wanted to use Chinese built 5G, the US said it would compromise their security... quite a lot of conspiracy potential here.
edit on 6-4-2020 by DAZ21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 02:34 PM
You are just now realizing what the nurse told offense, but, that is what Dr. Fauci and Cuomo have been trying to explain for weeks. WTF? Unfortunately, I realize that this is how most Humans are understanding this.

a reply to: Bicent

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

Appreciate all your updates. The one I am keeping an eye on is the cases from the Diamond Princess. Numbers have seen static for a while now though both active and critical cases.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 02:35 PM
News from the front line...
edit on 6-4-2020 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: RexKramerPRT
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

Appreciate all your updates. The one I am keeping an eye on is the cases from the Diamond Princess. Numbers have seen static for a while now though both active and critical cases.

I noticed that the other day and thought it was odd.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 03:01 PM

edit on 6-4-2020 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: Bicent

I hope this sends a message to all of the UK, and elsewhere, that this is serious.

For other peoples sake.

I hope he pulls through.
I'm not one to pray, but no-one deserves this.

edit on 6-4-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: spelling

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 03:21 PM
I would like to share something with you.
I don't know if this is already posted here, maybe it is, but I want to draw your attention to something.

Whether or not COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) was created in the lab, I don't believe we will ever know the origin.
But what caught my attention is another virus. SHC014-CoV.

SHC014-CoV is differ in over 5,000 nucleotides from SARS-CoV-2 (this one is from Wiki) BUT genome similarity is about 80%

SHC014-CoV is created/recombined in the lab sometime around 2014.

Wuhan Institute of Virology (research page)

When they all made this virus together NIF National Institutes of Health has set up a so-called "funding pause" on gain-of-function (GOF) experiments involving influenza. They lifted this again in 2017.

NIF lifts funding pause

Now, since both viruses belong to the same group with a 20% difference and i read everything about SHC014-CoV I think the symptoms and everything else are almost identical with COVID-19.
I do not claim that the COVID-19 was created from SHC014-CoV but what i read about SHC014-CoV is scary AF.

If you have time read it yourself SHC014-CoV

edit on 6-4-2020 by ForsakenX because: Corrected typo from AS to AF

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 03:27 PM
On another note, I was late with the numbers last night because I had a call from a friend who noticed some discrepancies with the French Numbers on John Hopkins site.
A massive jump on the 04/04/2020.
I hadn't seen any news about it, it's easy to miss.
BNO and Worldometers had increased numbers, but not in the 'count per day' columns (I have screencaps going back to when I started posting the data).

Luckily, Worldometers has a multiple day backlog of information, and I found this :

France: on April 3 the French Government reported 17,827 additional cases and 532 additional deaths from nursing homes that had not been reported previously. On April 2, it had reported 884 additional deaths.

66% of Retirement homes had reported one or more cases of COVID-19.
Thats 3000 homes.
The numbers speak for themselves now....
edit on 6-4-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: Spelling, formatting, and added stuff

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: ForsakenX

Yea I don’t really think this was started from a bat in a wet market, the bat is not even from the region, that’s just my opinion, and yep I agree I doubt we will never, know BUT I will say this, if the brits, lose their PM from this virus, we might have a slim, chance of learning. God bless MR. Johnson.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 03:32 PM
Michigan death numbers seem to be to have leveled for the last few days. Infection rates have slowed. There was a graph out there but they got so far off from their predictions they haven't updated in a week. They had us at 170 a day about double

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 03:41 PM

Fifty-one recovered coronavirus patients test positive AGAIN in South Korea amid fears virus can hide in human cells and reactivate

The patients - from the country's worst-hit city, Daegu - were put in quarantine after being diagnosed with the virus, then tested positive again days being released. Korea’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) said the virus was likely ‘reactivated’, rather than patients becoming re-infected. Scientists at the Government-run health body believe the virus may lay dormant at undetectable levels in human cells. They say that for unknown reasons the viral particles can then be reactivated - but it is unclear if patients become infectious again. Experts say there is no evidence to prove that the virus acts in this way and studies in monkeys have actually shown the opposite.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 03:43 PM
Chicago mayor is saying that 72% of Chicago covid19 deaths are black patients, even though they make up 30% of the population.
Source: CNN live feed

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: 0zzymand0s
a reply to: DankyDSmythe


This planet is heavy with the stupid.

My friend the Indian shop owner has a friend who also has a shop in a rough area of Leeds.

He said his friend was working long hours and decided to have a beer while behind the counter (highly unprofessional, but hey he's his own boss) and it was a Corona - he told my mate a guy walked in - saw him with the Corona - and turned around and walked straight back out.

He said "next time you come in I'm going to call him so he can tell you because I know you won't believe it otherwise".

So I do believe it.

People are on the whole as dumb as a sack of rocks.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: ForsakenX

WOW.... that's crazy! I don't think anything like that has been posted so far. Thanks!

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
News from the front line...

I'm glad you posted that, I saw it yesterday and spent some time doing some research.

Now, I'm not a doctor (not that this doesn't stop anyone else so here goes) I'm an engineer, and my time was spent fixing faults by finding problems in complex systems (a bit like a human body is a complex system).

That dude reckons it's more like altitude sickness, people just can't get enough oxygen into their blood, but that their lung muscles are working just fine - a ventilator would normally take over when the diaphram isn't working, and the ventilator might be causing more damage.

I know 1 anecdotal case of a young (22 ish year old) fit as a fiddle (county level rugby player), who was okay, started feeling ill, then got hit like a ton of bricks and couldn't breathe - in hours.

What causes you to feel like you can't breathe? - not enough oxygen - or too much CO2 in the lungs.

With altitude sickness you end up with a build up of carbonic anhydrase - which dissolves into the blood and breaks down to water AND - CO2 in the lungs - the lungs have to deal with the extra CO2.

There is a drug called Acetazolamide that tricks the body by altering the blood acidity into thinking there is too much CO2 in the blood and getting your kidneys to excrete the CO2 instead.

It's also used to help patients on ventilators with pneumonia.

I'll bet you a pound to a penny this works - it's just a gut feeling based on systems and system behaviour.

It's got to be worth a try, give it to Boris.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: DAZ21
Sorry if this is off topic. That does sound like a hit. He (correct me if I'm wrong) was the lead in getting Britain out of the EU, and that would make certain areas upset. Hope he pulls through, Britain needs him.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 04:12 PM
I was wondering about that altitude sickness med myself after watching that guy yesterday and hearing him in another video. I really think he's on to something with this. The helmet things they use in Italy seem so much safer than intubating.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 04:16 PM
Yeah that helmet thing seems so much better, less invasive.
Our ICU stats here for this are terrible. Really hoping our doctors and scientists are also learning about this and applying this to treatment where possible. Our recovery rate on worldometers is the worse in Europe by far.

a reply to: pasiphae

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: pasiphae
I was wondering about that altitude sickness med myself after watching that guy yesterday and hearing him in another video. I really think he's on to something with this. The helmet things they use in Italy seem so much safer than intubating.

What he says makes sense - a ventilator is for when the diaphram fails and the lungs can't function.

The lungs muscles are functioning fine - so the ventilator pressure may cause more damage.

If the lungs are working fine but someone can't breathe still, then surely it's got to be CO2 overwhelming the lungs - they just can't keep up.

So a drug that solves that problem by removing the (potential) probem compound to another organ would make sense.

And some reports say that the virus "also attacks the kidneys" - so it may all be related.


Got to be worth looking at.

EDIT: Got to be EASY to check the blood for carbonic anhydrase levels.
edit on 6-4-2020 by DankyDSmythe because: (no reason given)

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