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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 11:08 PM

originally posted by: Halfswede

The people making policy and statements aren't super geniuses, and I am not excusing their lack of and delay of important information, but they are ordinary people with ordinary people aides and interns compiling the latest data and info.

The fact that the CDC just put out a statement that they have "learned" you can transmit "presymptomatic" in addition to "asymptomatic" (duh) shows how the people at the top are only good at compiling knowledge and not necessarily good at, or have the time for critical thinking.

It took me a little while and lots of frustration to understand how this stuff falls through the cracks. We have a resource here (ATS) with a lot of time on their hands compiling information and littered with people capable of thinking clearly. They have people without technical skills compiling what they think might be useful and passing it on to people who don't have time to search for or learn about anything. They are busy trying to put out fires.

Again, I'm not excusing any of it, but I think most of the delayed info (weeks, sometimes months -- some incredibly embarrassing) is just due to the kinds of people compiling the info and not so much about intentional misinformation. That said, there have definitely been some intentionally poor recommendations that were clearly done to control panic and hoarding, which were made contrary to evidence.

Sorry, but with the kind of budget that the CDC has, they really have no excuses to be making boneheaded mistakes about something as serious as this. If that is what we can expect from them, then our tax dollars would be much better spent elsewhere. IMHO.

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 11:23 PM
Update Apr.05/20
Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Global Cases (by JHU CSSE)

Canada *** Total= 15,871 ***
7,944-Quebec, 4,466-Ontario, 1,203-British Columbia, 1,181-Alberta,
249-Saskatchewan, 203-Manitoba, 13-Grand Princess, 101-New Brunswick,
217-Newfoundland & Labrador, 262-Nova Scotia 22-Prince Edward Island,
4-Northwest Territories, 6-Yukon USA & Canada Updates

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 11:44 PM

originally posted by: Jaellma
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

I've also been closely monitoring the data on the Worldometer site for the past several weeks. I'm telling you the data has barely moved for US in the past 4+ hours. I am not sure if they are using a rolling 24 hours and it's different for each state because most of top states reporting (NY, NJ, MI, LA, MA, PA, IL, etc have not reported any new cases nor deaths since 4 PM EST. veryyyy strange). Other states have reported numbers, such as CA, CO, TX etc so not sure why the big ones haven't unless they want to manipulate the data and spread the missing numbers out over the coming week?

The sources (I've been monitoring Texas) have changed and they put data out at different times. They're inconsistent (which is why national coordination is desperately needed... and we're not getting it.) Here in Texas, the number of available tests varies and not everyone who needs it is getting tested. Labs take up to 4 days to process a test. Texas changed its methodology on March 24.

So... they pick up the results from one of the official sources (Texas had two different ones at one time) and when the agency responsible schedules its release (generally noon for Texas but it's been 8pm of the previous day now for Texas for several days.)

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 11:52 PM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2
OK, its possibly from this :
Chemrxiv. org

A Chinese research paper from an Engineering university by two authors who have no other papers that I find and no identification as to type of scholarship (medical, physician, PhD biomedical researcher... a first year student who's learning computer science and had a bright idea?)

I'm thinking "nope."

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 11:53 PM

originally posted by: pasiphae

originally posted by: Jaellma
So, it appears they are saying there is a "slowdown" in cases and deaths in NY. Cuomo even said there were 594 deaths in NY on Sunday, lower than the 630 number from yesterday. The day is not even over yet so why is the number capped at 594 for NY.

Also, unless I am mistaken, there have been no updated new cases or new deaths added to the numbers as posted per the Worldometer site. What's stranger is the numbers have not moved at all on that site since 4 pm today, except for some cases in CA.

Not sure what is going on. Maybe they are trying to spin some positive news for the early Monday, Tuesday to help pump up the stock market but something definitely is weird with the new data.

Worldometer C-19 stats for US

I think Italy had a lower day and then it was back up again (finally seeing a consistent down turn). Seems to have really blown through NYC though so maybe it IS slowing down there? I find it odd that CA numbers are so slow to go up. Same with my state of TX. Makes no sense. I know everyone on the right was making fun of Kathy Griffen for thinking she had COVID but it was really just GI issues.... she actually couldn't get tested and was diagnosed with a respiratory infection along with GI. She claims her doc told her that only people going into the ICU were being tested. A friend just outside NYC said that they are only testing those who need to be admitted to the hospital and with numbers of around 5K positive tests there per day...... that seems bonkers. The Surgeon Gen said the next 2 weeks was going to be really bad so who the heck knows. It's all a mess.

Bear in mind that the numbers we see today are a reflection of the number of people who got themselves infected maybe 2 weeks ago. So I wouldn't expect to see numbers decreasing until about 2 weeks AFTER some sort of moderate mitigation efforts had been implemented. Assuming a goodly proportion of the population pays attention to the requested efforts, of course. If mandatory lockdowns that were actually enforced were to be implemented, then I would expect things would appear to improve markedly 2 weeks later. Not that I am all that keen about losing any rights, but darn people, you can't have your cake and eat it too. You don't have a right to infect other people.

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: pasiphae
Why? Because he said that the evidence is anecdotal?
A survey of physicians from around the world. 33% of those doctors have used Hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID-19 patients.

Outside the US, Hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the US it wasmost commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients

37% of physicians who have treated COVID-19 patients believe Hydroxychloroquine is the most effective therapy of a list of 15 options

32% of the physicians think that Azithromycin or similar antibiotics is the most effective therapy

32% think that nothing is the most effective therapy, meaning I guess, that nothing really works.

All anecdotal. And not all that convincing. Is there anything stopping doctors from trying it?

Rhetorical, I know the answer, the point is to give Trump an excuse to can Fauci. I get it.

Maybe I am missing something, but I thought that you needed to take Hydroxychloroquine AND a zinc supplement for it to be effective at fighting the coronavirus? Did something change, or did I read that wrong?

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 12:19 AM
Texas and Dallas

6,812 coronavirus cases in Texas.
There were 127 reported deaths.
At least 70,938 tests have been run

Dallas, Texas, US
Confirmed: 1,112
Deaths: 18
Recovered: 0
Active: 1,094

The number for Dallas is unusually low, being an increase of less than one percent. (could be a number of reasons why. I do NOT think we've seen a decline in new cases.)

There is a new dashboard for Texas but I'm not sure how the numbers are being derived. It appears they're tabulating by county and not by city, which leads to... odd results since metroplexes like Houston and Dallas-Ft Worth encroach on several counties.

Pastor who spoke against virus hysteria and went to Mardi Gras to preach to the crowds has died of COVID-19

Controversial Orlando pastor holding church services has lost its insurance

On Wednesday, Rodney Howard-Browne, the head pastor at the River at Tampa Bay Church, who was arrested for holding services during the coronavirus pandemic, said he will not open his megachurch this weekend over fear of his congregation’s safety and to protect them from “government tyranny." However, his lawyer is now saying he also lost his insurance.

Ohio plans sampling to determine how widespread coronavirus is. I think it's an excellent idea but suspect there'll be enough hysteria over it that they won't successfully gather the data they need.

Experts say the US is undercounting COVID-19 mortality statistics I am not surprised.

Fauci says that the US does not have coronavirus under control (no kidding...)

Nurses will be testing residents at five nursing homes amid big concerns for people at these facilities.

edit on 6-4-2020 by Byrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 01:25 AM

originally posted by: pasiphae

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: pasiphae
Tiger at Bronx Zoo Tests Positive for Coronavirus Zoo officials said Nadia and six other large cats have developed a dry cough, but are all expected to recover

Nadia, the COVID-19 positive tiger, was exposed by an asymptomatic worker, the zoo said. The zoo says "appropriate preventative measures" have been implemented to care for the cats and minimize further exposure. According to the Wildlife Conservation Society, six other large cats are also showing symptoms. The test was conducted in Iowa by the USDA's National Veterinary Services Laboratory.
As we are now approaching the warmer weather are mosquito's going to be in anyway an issue.

Mosquitoes don't transmit the virus. It's airborne.

There's still too much we don't know. If it's in our saliva, in our feces, in our urine, it's likely in our blood. The mosquito issue has more to do with the mosquito and if it can contract it and carry it. There is NO way to definitively know that yet. The CDC only just RECENTLY got on board with the airborne thing even though it was obvious from the start. Cats and dogs can get it..... which means other mammals might be able to get it too. Horses? Cows? Rats?? Too much we don't know and aren't even considering (for the most part).

I am wondering if tiny bacteria can be infected by the virus, if so this may be the reason it may spread through the sewers in China and Europe. Also explains how it could be airborne. If its multiplying in bacteria that would mean it has unlimited ability to grow on earth.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 01:27 AM
a reply to: Rich Z

I don't think they want the word to get out that supplemental zinc works. It would cost big pharma a lot of money.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: anonentity

If there is a cheap fix big pharma will make sure it never gets anywhere,you've got to get that vaccine and get chipped before you can socialize or travel again according to Bill Gates.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 02:12 AM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2
OK, its possibly from this :
Chemrxiv. org

A Chinese research paper from an Engineering university by two authors who have no other papers that I find and no identification as to type of scholarship (medical, physician, PhD biomedical researcher... a first year student who's learning computer science and had a bright idea?)

I'm thinking "nope."

It might be a bright idea, though, to consider that here are more than 1 person by that name. :-) Using a decent search engine, you will find other papers by the authors and also their university medical faculty (took me about 3 minutes).

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 02:35 AM
We just had our first confirmed case on our island.
population 2300.

Oh no!

Stay safe everyone!

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 05:12 AM
Major issue in Detroit tonight a couple quotes from Facebook

Some kind of mini sit-it. But nurses saying that's untrue
Detroit scanner Facebook

Sinai-Grace Hospital is experiencing problems right now. The administration of the hospital has ordered the midnight shift of nurses to leave the hospital. The conditions at the hospital are terrible, low staffing, lack of necessary protective gear, not enough nurses to handle the load and no hope of increasing the number of nurses on the midnight shift. There are approximately 7 nurses on the midnight shift, caring for an incredible amount of patients.

There are reports circulating the Internet that these midnight shift nurses walked off, staged a wildcat-strike. Those nurses staged a sit in inside a break room in the hospital, voicing their opinions on the state of care at the hospital. They hadn't signed into work yet. They did not leave on their own accord, the management then ordered them to leave the premises. DEMS is not being redirected and continues to convey patients to the hospital.

The day shift remains on duty, unfortunately for them it's turned into an incredibly long day. The below video is from the nurses who were told to leave. What comes next is anyone's guess.

Saturday when I came in to take report on my assignment ... it was 26 patients 10 vents and it was only TWO nurses... no tech, no clerk... I repeat only TWO nurses held it down till we replaced them at 7am with three nurses including myself

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 07:22 AM
I'm starting to think this is going to get considerably worse than it is already, people think when the numbers start to flatten it'll be the beginning of the end of covid-19, but I now think it will be only the end of the beginning - and the worstwill be to come.

The reason I say this is that it's now infecting animals as well, so before long (if not already) it will enter the food chain.

Imagine one of those huge chicken sheds with thousands of birds in it - how many will it kill. Or dairy herds, or other livestock.

Apart from food shortages if it contaminates animals the meat itself may become a carrier of the virus, and milk and eggs and etc.

Worse than that is that a virus in the wild uses it's hosts as a living petri dish to mutate and adapt - well if it's strewn throughout the animal kingdom imagine what new strains and mutations that will appear, and how fast it will happen.

This virus has supposedly about twice the genomes of a normal virus, so is more stable and will only mutate every few months, whereas shorter viruses are more unstable and can mutate every week, even sometimes twice a week.

Well if this is adapting to all mammals and who knows maybe even other animals then there could be mutations popping up like wild fire.

Imagine as well all of that tons and tons and tons of food that's gone to landfill after the crazy people emptied the stores then let it rot - rodent populations will probably explode as well, and if they start carrying the disease too...

I seriously think we're in for a really REALLY bad time, even worse than the Spanish Flu.

I hope I'm wrong but my gut instinct is tht things are going to get a whole lot worse.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: DankyDSmythe
I'm starting to think this is going to get considerably worse than it is already, people think when the numbers start to flatten it'll be the beginning of the end of covid-19, but I now think it will be only the end of the beginning - and the worstwill be to come.

The reason I say this is that it's now infecting animals as well, so before long (if not already) it will enter the food chain.

Imagine one of those huge chicken sheds with thousands of birds in it - how many will it kill. Or dairy herds, or other livestock.

Apart from food shortages if it contaminates animals the meat itself may become a carrier of the virus, and milk and eggs and etc.

Worse than that is that a virus in the wild uses it's hosts as a living petri dish to mutate and adapt - well if it's strewn throughout the animal kingdom imagine what new strains and mutations that will appear, and how fast it will happen.

This virus has supposedly about twice the genomes of a normal virus, so is more stable and will only mutate every few months, whereas shorter viruses are more unstable and can mutate every week, even sometimes twice a week.

Well if this is adapting to all mammals and who knows maybe even other animals then there could be mutations popping up like wild fire.

Imagine as well all of that tons and tons and tons of food that's gone to landfill after the crazy people emptied the stores then let it rot - rodent populations will probably explode as well, and if they start carrying the disease too...

I seriously think we're in for a really REALLY bad time, even worse than the Spanish Flu.

I hope I'm wrong but my gut instinct is tht things are going to get a whole lot worse.

It's why we cook animals up to 160 degrees, to kill off stuff. Unless you are into eating raw cow, duck, chicken or bat, I think you are good.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: DankyDSmythe

Well if this is adapting to all mammals and who knows maybe even other animals then there could be mutations popping up like wild fire.

Good point.
A SARS-like virus has been found in pangolins, we know about bats, a dog in Hong Kong, a cat in Europe and now this tiger... your idea of increased mutations hopping back to humans could make this virus even more dangerous.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: ShortBus

It's why we cook animals up to 160 degrees, to kill off stuff. Unless you are into eating raw cow, duck, chicken or bat, I think you are good.

Unless you are a farmer or pet owner that is in close proximity to these mammals and not even eating them.

Or a butcher/slaughterhouse employee, since the carcasses of larger mammals are cut up while they are raw.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: Rich Z

Why do we list so few people as recovered in the United States? We have been doing this for weeks now and they don’t list people that are recovered to scare people. We have had the antibodies test for a while and will not let people take it to prove they have recovered and to give plasma to help others and you still can’t get a test unless you are sick enough to go to the hospital and they will not let people take the malaria drug - zpac combination.

This is a terror mission perpetuated on the masses.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 08:08 AM
Some links you might want to keep bookmarked. Also an update from the US Embassy in Tokyo. Looks like a few places in Japan tomorrow will have a partial shutdown. More on this tomorrow night. It is a voluntary partial shutdown. Kind of "soft toning " it. Which may work. or if not, we'll find out.

Sites that you might want to read.

Health Alert – U.S. Embassy Tokyo (April 6, 2020)
Location: Japan
Date: April 6, 2020
Certain areas of Japan continue to experience significant increases in COVID-19 cases. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced April 6 that he intends to declare on April 7 a state of emergency regarding the coronavirus pandemic for seven areas of Japan – Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama, Osaka, Hyogo and Fukuoka – for a period of around one month. After the emergency declaration is issued, prefectural governors in the areas designated will have the authority to take emergency measures. Please refer to Japanese government announcements for up-to-date information on protective measures being taken in the area where you reside. U.S. citizens should be aware that U.S. Forces Japan has declared a public health emergency for bases and facilities in the Kanto Plain. Read more here. Residents of Tokyo should check the Tokyo Metropolitan Government website for updates and information in English on COVID-19. The U.S. Embassy Chargé d’Affaires issued a video message April 2 to U.S. citizens in Japan in light of the global spread of COVID-19.
Japan Immigration Notice: 90-day Visa Status Extensions
Japan’s immigration authorities announced April 3, 2020 the extension of visitor visas for foreign nationals in Japan for an additional 90 days beyond the initial expiration date. This 90-status extension includes U.S. citizens admitted to Japan for 90 days as temporary visitors (visa waiver). U.S. citizens who want to extend their status in Japan, beyond the initial expiration, may visit an immigration office after their original status expires, but before 90 days after that initial expiration date. Immigration authorities further advise against visiting their offices in person at this time if possible due to crowding. If you are concerned about extending your visa status in Japan, please refer to Japan’s Immigration Services Agency website for guidance.
The Immigration Service Agency is posting updates on new policies in response to COVID-19 on this webpage. Please direct Japan immigration and extension-of-stay in Japan-related questions to Japan’s Immigration Information Center at 0570-013-904 (from overseas +81-3-5796-7112), the nearest immigration office or email: [email protected]. Contact information for immigration offices throughout Japan is available here. Policies are changing quickly and Japan’s Immigration Services Agency is the authority on such matters.
Border Control Measures
Japan has barred admission to travelers who have recently visited any country that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has designated “Level 3” for infectious disease concerns, which includes the United States. Travelers from the United States are not permitted to enter Japan and should not board Japan-bound flights. For details and exemptions, please refer to:
• The Japan National Tourism Organization’s website.
• An April 3, 2020 Ministry of Justice document that describes “special exceptional circumstances” and specific rules that apply to foreign nationals who are permanent residents of Japan or immediate family members of Japanese citizens.
• Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs website on strengthened border control and visa restrictions put in place due to COVID-19.
Decrease in International Flights
Only about 10 percent of the pre-COVID-19 commercial flight capacity between Japan and the United States remains in operation. While we cannot predict what will happen next, it is reasonable to expect further reductions in commercial air service in the near- and medium-term. Travelers currently in Japan seeking return flights to the United States, or any U.S. citizens who are considering flying to the United States, are urged to consult with their air carriers on arrangements to depart immediately while commercial flights are still available. U.S. citizens should bear in mind that a decrease in flights to the United States may make it more difficult or even impossible to return to the United States for a family emergency in a timely manner. U.S. citizens who are not planning to return to the United States should be prepared to remain indefinitely in Japan. More generally, U.S. citizens who reside abroad should avoid all international travel.
At this time, Japanese authorities advise that passengers transiting Tokyo’s Narita or Haneda airports without clearing immigration will still be allowed to proceed to their onward destinations in other countries. Passengers will not be permitted to transit between airports or transfer from an international flight to a domestic flight.
The Japan National Tourism Organization maintains up-to-date information on screening and quarantine measures for travelers. It also operates a 24/7 visitor hotline, available in English. To call from Japan: 050-3816-2787; from overseas: +81-50-3816-2787.

edit on 0400000035082020-04-06T08:08:35-05:00083504am8 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: ShortBus

originally posted by: DankyDSmythe
I'm starting to think this is going to get considerably worse than it is already, people think when the numbers start to flatten it'll be the beginning of the end of covid-19, but I now think it will be only the end of the beginning - and the worstwill be to come.

The reason I say this is that it's now infecting animals as well, so before long (if not already) it will enter the food chain.

Imagine one of those huge chicken sheds with thousands of birds in it - how many will it kill. Or dairy herds, or other livestock.

Apart from food shortages if it contaminates animals the meat itself may become a carrier of the virus, and milk and eggs and etc.

Worse than that is that a virus in the wild uses it's hosts as a living petri dish to mutate and adapt - well if it's strewn throughout the animal kingdom imagine what new strains and mutations that will appear, and how fast it will happen.

This virus has supposedly about twice the genomes of a normal virus, so is more stable and will only mutate every few months, whereas shorter viruses are more unstable and can mutate every week, even sometimes twice a week.

Well if this is adapting to all mammals and who knows maybe even other animals then there could be mutations popping up like wild fire.

Imagine as well all of that tons and tons and tons of food that's gone to landfill after the crazy people emptied the stores then let it rot - rodent populations will probably explode as well, and if they start carrying the disease too...

I seriously think we're in for a really REALLY bad time, even worse than the Spanish Flu.

I hope I'm wrong but my gut instinct is tht things are going to get a whole lot worse.

It's why we cook animals up to 160 degrees, to kill off stuff. Unless you are into eating raw cow, duck, chicken or bat, I think you are good.

My point is it's raw when you get it - you'll get it on your hands, on surfaces, it might even float into the air in your kitchen, it only needs to be microscopic.

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