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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:10 AM
Here is some info for you all to understand and comment on:

1. Mortality Statistics ... 2%
2. Time of incubation to death ... 32 days
3. Recovery Time: Length of stay... about 28 days ( imagine the medical bill )
4. Recovery time for mild cases ... about 11 days ( that sounds good )


posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: redpassion

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: angelchemuel
So anybody want to comment on the second wave starting around Asia while Western countries haven't even hit the peak of the first one?

Asian countries impose new lockdowns

This was always coming. Wait until all those countries without an health service lose control. Need a bigger wall than the one Trump is building!This virus is one hell of cocktail tool!

But who's is it? / Who is ultimately responsible?
China alone?
China & N Korea?
N Korea (note their threat of something for Dec/Xmas)?
Iran & N Korea?

There is the other possibility that Tennisdawg said. None. He said someone released it so that CCP and USA start blaming themselves, all the while someone in the background was the one.

I still do not understand why they were so harsh on him.... This IS a conspiracy site. We all know people can lie and it's on each of us to decide if we believe or not. When saying something like what he was saying it is obvious we will not say who we are nor reveal the source like the ones being mean towards him, were trying to pressure him to do. Maybe he was full of it, maybe not. But doing what the people did, just pushes people out of the site
Nobody wants to believe it could possibly be true that we do cultivate nasty things in labs or that anyone would release such. But if we do (and commonsense & history suggests we do) then anything in wip could escape or be released by some disgruntled semi psychotic fruit case or by a fruit cake leader (like Kimmy the runt)! Also, if it was deliberate by a nation state then they will have a vaccine already! And if something that has been around for 40 years is effective like IVERMECTIN then will have for sure!

Whatever evidence comes to light later and it it will, the final impact of this tool will make it clearly evident actually what this virus is and what its intended purpose was either now or in the future. And if only wip it may not yet be complete/perfected as intended. It appears to me to be a cocktail of existing viruses but with something missing to make it kill more and quicker. Although in the end it may well kill sufficient to realise a depopulation. Like I have said already we wont see the big numbers until those countries that don't have a health service are well into their epidemics. e'g. Africa with 60% of the populations immune systems shot. We may need some big walls even if they are invisible to stop further outbreaks unless a vaccine is found and delivered soon.
edit on 4-4-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: Rich Z

Seems like cruising could be an even worse idea so.

Just the ocean spray on a windy day at sea covers the entire vessel.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 08:00 AM
From BBC Live Feed :

- 12.58 : (From the SUmmary)

- Kuwait records it's First Death from Coronavirus.
- A 79 year old woman is the first person to die of Coronavirus in Georgia (The country).

- 14.03 : (From UK Summary) :

- 13 Residents at a Glasgow Care home have died from a suspected outbreak of Coronavirus.

- " The epidemic is set to plateau in the next week to 10 days, but people's behaviour is critical to determining what happens next ", Prof Neil Ferguson, from Imperial College London, has told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

- Mobile phone masts have been set on fire over “baseless” theories linking 5G to coronavirus. Masts were set alight near Birmingham on Thursday and in the Merseyside area on Friday.
edit on 4-4-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: Formatting and spelling

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 08:12 AM
Anyone that follows these threads knows that we have been aware for months of a number of things:
- the virus is airborne
- it can survive on surfaces for weeks
- it helps everyone if masks are worn

The authorities have known these things also, they have known even more about the virus than we do.

Why have they told us lies all this time?
Masks don’t help.
Keeping 3 feet away from other people will keep you safe.
The virus can only survive on surfaces for 3 days.

It is obvious that they are willing to risk many more people being infected by telling us these lies.


posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 08:24 AM
From Guardian Live Feed :

- 8.34am : At least 15 Medics quarantined in Egypts main Cancer Hospital, after 3 Doctors and 12 Nurses test positive for COVID-19.
The National Cancer Institute will be partially closed (Emergency Wards open) for 3 days for a sterilising operation.

- 8.43am (and elsewhere) : China came to a standstill for three minutes on Saturday, to mourn patients and medical staff killed by the coronavirus.

At 10am Beijing time, citizens paused; cars, trains and ships sounded their horns; and air-raid sirens rang out in memory of the more than 3,000 lives claimed by the virus in China.

- 2.08pm : 708 More deaths in UK in 24hrs :

The UK’s coronavirus death toll rose by 20% to 4,313 at 4pm UK time on 3 April, the health ministry said. As of 8am (UK) on 4 April, a total of 183,190 people have been tested, of which 41,903 tested positive, the ministry said.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 08:31 AM
CFR @ 21% now.

I'm not rooting for it but I think we'll be at 25% in less than a week.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: UFO1414
CFR @ 21% now.

I'm not rooting for it but I think we'll be at 25% in less than a week.

It seems that it takes longer to recover, than to die. So with the influx of new cases, it may be months before we get a real picture.

Either way, it is a sad, bad thing.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 09:44 AM
From BBC Live Feed :

- 16.28 : " 5 year old among latest Victims of Coronavirus in UK. " says NHS England.

- 16.39 : Watford Hospital tells people NOT to go to A&E.

More now on the "critical incident" at Watford General Hospital north of London. The hospital has told people not to come to its accident and emergency department until further notice because it's running out of oxygen.

edit on 4-4-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: spelling

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
a reply to: Trillium

Thanks for the update. Any panic or hysteria going on that side of the world?

Very low key here
I live in Northwestern Ontario in the bush
going west on highway 11 closest town is 20 miles away and next is 60 miles
going east closest neighbor is about 7 miles down the road and next town 100 miles
Yesterday was first time in town for 4 week to top off
Now good for 2 month of food, gas, Corona Beer, rum
Got a good generator and 60 gallons of gas
I do a lot of hunting and fishing need I say more

hand carve wind turbine blade

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: butcherguy
Because at some point everyone is probably going to have to catch this virus and either die or recover. There’s no vaccine, no cure and it’s extremely contagious. The current global lockdown measures are only aimed at delaying the rates of infection in order to buy more time to prepare for the almost inevitable infections to come.
If everyone went out right now and caught this virus simultaneously, there aren’t enough critical care facilities to manage the treatment optimally, which in turn pushes the death rates up due to over saturation of health care and lack of equipment. Once the epidemic is “under control” you can still expect to see a steady rate of Covid deaths every day. The challenge is keeping it to a manageable figure so that there is no breakdown in the system due to overload. This includes all points from GP appointments, to ICU beds, ventilators and mortuary services.
The other option is development of a vaccine or effective treatment plan that lowers mortality. The race is on to develop one or both before the collapse of society as we know it and get everyone back to work before autumn. Either way, there is no option to simply “end” a global pandemic of this nature, unfortunately.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 10:36 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy
Anyone that follows these threads knows that we have been aware for months of a number of things:
- the virus is airborne
- it can survive on surfaces for weeks
- it helps everyone if masks are worn

The authorities have known these things also, they have known even more about the virus than we do.

Why have they told us lies all this time?
Masks don’t help.
Keeping 3 feet away from other people will keep you safe.
The virus can only survive on surfaces for 3 days.

It is obvious that they are willing to risk many more people being infected by telling us these lies.


Because the mass panic that would have been caused by telling the public the truth on day one would have caused chaos, rioting, and total collapse. Look at the reaction when this was declared a pandemic; people stocked up on toilet paper... that's what the government are dealing with, millions of people who don't have a clue what to do in a crisis. Any government only really has one option when dealing with a situation such as this and that is to break the news slowly and desensitize people to the reality over a period of weeks. Given that things such as masks are in such short supply, they also needed to lie to the public in order to have any chance of getting masks for frontline medical workers. They knew on day one how bad this will be. We are still in the process of breaking the information to the public and the 100,000 to 240,000 US deaths will be updated soon. They have been very carefully wording it to say that is the number if social distancing measures are very strictly followed; this leaves the door open to say next that oh well we did say that the number would be millions if the measures weren't followed strictly enough, and they did give us that range of 100,000 to 2.5m. They will announce the bigger number over a weekend, probably in two weeks from now.

People aren't coping well with this at all and they don't have the full picture yet (in my opinion). I'm seeing mental breakdowns left and right on social media. My kids teacher shaved her head. Multiple people I know are suicidal due to this. Giving the truth about this on day one would be a bigger disaster. No matter which political party is in charge, there is really nothing much else they can do other than knowingly lie to the people for weeks about it.

On a related note, I'm noticing the media here in the US is very actively pushing positive news stories about people helping each other during this. Since yesterday their websites are flooded with stories of people buying gas or food for nurses, flight attendants sitting with passengers and sharing stories, people volunteering to help others. There's definitely an agenda of pushing 'feel good' stories about how well people are treating others. I suspect that this is something that the media has been asked to do to try and lift people's spirits, just like the clapping for the NHS workers was done to unite the people.
edit on 4-4-2020 by Mamana12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: Mamana12
If the honest truth would have caused mass rioting...
Just what is the truth?
Have we seen the truth out of them yet?
Maybe there are still people keeling over in the streets in China?
Maybe the death rate is higher than the 1% they were pushing at the beginning?

I don’t like when people that take money out of my paycheck blow smoke up my ass, regardless of their reasons.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 10:44 AM
Wisconsin farmers forced to dump milk as coronavirus slams a fragile dairy economy

About 7 o’clock Tuesday night, Golden E Dairy got the call that any dairy farmer would dread. They were being asked to dump 25,000 gallons of fresh milk a day because there was no place for it to go as the marketplace for dairy products has been gutted by the closure of restaurants, schools, hotels and food service businesses.

An hour later, the family-run farm near West Bend, Wisconsin, opened the spigot and started flushing its milk into a wastewater lagoon — 220,000 pounds a day through next Monday.

It's happening in NY state, too.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: Mamana12
If the honest truth would have caused mass rioting...
Just what is the truth?
Have we seen the truth out of them yet?
Maybe there are still people keeling over in the streets in China?
Maybe the death rate is higher than the 1% they were pushing at the beginning?

I don’t like when people that take money out of my paycheck blow smoke up my ass, regardless of their reasons.

Just my opinion: The truth is this first wave will last at least until the end of summer, as will the lockdowns, and a second wave will come once restrictions are lifted. I believe we are looking at a potential economic collapse, and definitely a reset with major changes coming in the way we live our lives (not all bad ones though, for example I believe many people will be able to work from home now that its proven feasible and this will cause a positive impact on pollution levels). I believe, based on the way things have been worded carefully and the 2.5m potential deaths has been given 'if people don't strictly follow the social distancing guidelines' I think that that is more likely the real number we're looking at here.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 11:29 AM
Numbers from around the world are now starting to come in for April 4th.

Pop: 44.6 M
124,736 Positive tests…….. or 1 out of 374 Spaniards
9.47% Deaths

Pop: 60.4 M
124,632 Positive tests….. or 1 out of 485 Italians
12.32 % Deaths

Pop: 330 M
293,500 Positive tests.... or 1 out of 1,124 Americans
2.68% Deaths

US death rates (2017):
1. Heart Disease …………….…..………647,457 annual or 1,773 daily average
2. Cancer ……………………..….…….….599,108 annual or 1,641 daily average
6. Alzheimer’s disease:……..……….121,404 annual or 332 daily average
7. Diabetes ……………………..…….…..83,564 annual or 228 daily average
8. Influenza and Pneumonia …….…55,562 annual or 152 daily average
X. Auto accidents ………….……….……37,461 annual or 102 daily average
X. H1N1 2009 ESTIMATED (8,868 – 18,306) for 1 year or 24 – 50 daily average
COVID-19 ………………………………………. 7,868 (32 Day) or 245 daily average

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: ComebackLogic
a reply to: butcherguy
Because at some point everyone is probably going to have to catch this virus and either die or recover. There’s no vaccine, no cure and it’s extremely contagious. The current global lockdown measures are only aimed at delaying the rates of infection in order to buy more time to prepare for the almost inevitable infections to come.
If everyone went out right now and caught this virus simultaneously, there aren’t enough critical care facilities to manage the treatment optimally, which in turn pushes the death rates up due to over saturation of health care and lack of equipment. Once the epidemic is “under control” you can still expect to see a steady rate of Covid deaths every day. The challenge is keeping it to a manageable figure so that there is no breakdown in the system due to overload. This includes all points from GP appointments, to ICU beds, ventilators and mortuary services.
The other option is development of a vaccine or effective treatment plan that lowers mortality. The race is on to develop one or both before the collapse of society as we know it and get everyone back to work before autumn. Either way, there is no option to simply “end” a global pandemic of this nature, unfortunately.

Or we all get wormed with IVERMECTIN.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: butcherguy
What do YOU think the honest truth is? Probably something along the lines of 10% CFR, which will be considerably higher if hospitals are over saturated, 20%~ need critical care, RO of 3 or higher, no vaccine or cure before the majority of the worlds population has contracted it due to rate of exponential spread, total shutdown of everything and lockdown for 3-6 months.........

Not exactly the sort of thing you can just announce to the world over breakfast and let them react. As said, it would be chaos.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 11:47 AM
Michigan will probably go over 15,000 cases and 500 deaths today. The rate is slowing but still 3rd in the nation for some reason.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: mikell

I have been watching Michigan's numbers for the last few days. I am personally perplexed as to why MI is so high, in comparison to the other states.
NY, and NJ are high density states, with NYC right there in the middle of them. CA is a highly populated state. FL is a concerning state with the Spring Break, and with FL higher senior population. MA is a densely populated state. And LA had the Mardi Gras, which I personally attributed to their numbers.
But Michigan?

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