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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 04:39 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
So anybody want to comment on the second wave starting around Asia while Western countries haven't even hit the peak of the first one?

Asian countries impose new lockdowns


Jane, I can tell you about Thailand. Large numbers of Thai people have been living, working, or pursuing education in other countries. Now that universities and businesses in those countries have had to close due to Covid-19, these people are "stuck" far from home.
The government has been providing flights to bring them back, often from places where the pandemic is hitting much harder than it is here. Despite precautions it's pretty much inevitable that some infected people will arrive causing an increase in risk, so this has to be carefully handled. I think other Asian countries are dealing with this same problem.
edit on 3-4-2020 by Tamsuan because: punctuation

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 04:42 PM
New York is out of control!

What happened there?? 102,000 cases?

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 04:42 PM

Over 4,400 new NYC coronavirus cases, 180 deaths reported in 24 hours

By Julia Marsh and Natalie Musumeci
April 3, 2020 | 3:18pm

In 24 hours the number of coronavirus cases in New York City jumped by more than 4,400 with over 180 new deaths, city officials said Friday.

As of 9:30 a.m. Friday, the city had 52,948 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 1,584 deaths, officials said. At the same time Wednesday, there were 48,462 coronavirus cases and 1,397 deaths in the Big Apple.

Queens continued to top the five boroughs with the most coronavirus cases at 17,832 as of Friday morning.

Brooklyn followed Queens with 14,420 cases, while The Bronx had 9,936, Manhattan with 7,713 and Staten Island with 3,012 cases

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
So anybody want to comment on the second wave starting around Asia while Western countries haven't even hit the peak of the first one?

Asian countries impose new lockdowns

This was always coming. Wait until all those countries without an health service lose control. Need a bigger wall than the one Trump is building!This virus is one hell of cocktail tool!

But who's is it? / Who is ultimately responsible?
China alone?
China & N Korea?
N Korea (note their threat of something for Dec/Xmas)?
Iran & N Korea?

edit on 3-4-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 04:48 PM
From Guardian Live Feed :

- 7.23pm : " The number of Funerals in Jakarta increases sharply. "

Nearly 4,400 burials occurred in the month; 40% higher than any month since at least January 2018, according to a Reuters review of statistics from the city’s Department of Parks and Cemeteries.

Jakarta’s governor, Anies Baswedan, and some public health experts suspect the number of infections and deaths in Jakarta has been significantly under-reported due to one of the world’s lowest rates of testing.

" It is extremely disturbing. I’m struggling to find another reason than unreported Covid-19 deaths. "

- 10.33pm : "Falklands confirms first case"

The patient has been hospitalised since 31 March and developed a range of Covid-19 symptoms, tested positive for the virus, and is now in a stable condition and being cared for with necessary isolation procedures.

From White House Briefing : " Centers for Disease Control (CDC) now recommends that Americans use non-medical, cloth face coverings to help prevent the spread of the virus. "

"From recent studies we know that the transmission from individuals without symptoms is playing a more significant role in the spread of the virus than previously understood," Mr Trump said.

"With the masks, it's going to really be a voluntary thing," he emphasised. "It's voluntary, you do not have to do it. I don't think I'm going to be doing it."

He notes the CDC is not recommending the use of medical-grade masks, as those should go to health care workers.
Quote from BBC Live Feed at 23.34pm

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: CrazeeWorld777

We already had it. Everyone who is getting bad symptoms now was infected before lockdown.

There are more of us that are already infected and in about a week give or take, the rest of the infected will find out by their symptoms getting worse or manifesting if they didnt yet.

edit on 3-4-2020 by HelloboysImbackguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: Tamsuan

Thank you.

Sunny Rainbows to you

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 05:19 PM
My wife and I went out and wore our masks. She wasn't too hip on the whole mask idea, but she also didn't fight it either. I'd say about 10-15% of people were wearing masks. I didn't feel odd at all wearing mine, but people did stare, not something I experience often.

One lady, who had on mask, asked us where we got ours.

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 05:23 PM
Financial Times Graphics (Source) :

Last one from Twitter (lots more there with explanations) :

right click, "view image" for full size.
edit on 3-4-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: added one more and right-click and twitter link

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

You’d think people would have more sense than to trust the official chinese figures.

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: Ohanka

It wouldn't be complete without them.
We can trust, or not, but they have to be included.

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 05:59 PM
Number Updates, including USA States :

USA States :

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777
New York is out of control!

What happened there?? 102,000 cases?

NYC is so tightly packed.... a lot like Wuhan. Everyone uses public transportation.... When it first hit the US I knew NYC would get hit hard.

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 07:28 PM
Google prepared this report:

COVID-19 Community Mobility ReportJapanMarch 29, 2020Mobility changesGoogle prepared this report to help you and public health officials understand responses to social distancing guidance related to COVID-19. This report shouldn’t be used for medical diagnostic,prognostic, or treatment purposes. It also isn’t intended to be used for guidance on personal travel plans.

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 08:26 PM
In first quarter of 2019, an average of 2055 people died per day in New York State.
On the day April 1st, 2020, 498 people were reported to have died in New York State from CV19.
I find it hard to believe "the morgues are overwhelmed" by a questionable 20% increase.

Can anyone find a good statistic on how many people died in New York State in March, 2020?

If CV19 was a bioweapon, it was an extreme failure.

I'd bet when true numbers are known, less people will have died per day in NYS during the "pandemic" than in most previous years.

It's over. We lucked out this time. CV19 could have been much worse, but it wasn't.

It is time to end the shutdowns.

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 08:59 PM
Last Week: NYC Rape down 40%, Other Sex Offenses down 60%

Only car theft seems to be up, and one more person was shot. (9 vs 8 same week last year)
edit on 3-4-2020 by Oleman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: Oleman

Could you provide me with where you were able to obtain the first quarter 2019 deaths for NYS? I tried a quick search and I was unable to find it (I could use some assistance).
Thank you in advance.

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: InterplanetaryHobo
(have to click in to get to NYS specifically)

From my post on Page 328: (Each line is a source link)

Italy Annual Deaths / 1000 popl = 10.7
Italy Deaths from CV19 / 1000 popl = 0.23

New York State Pop = 20.1M
New York State CV19 deaths = 6507
New York State deaths from CV19 /1000 pop = 0.323
New York State 2019 Q1 deaths /1000 pop = 9.2

I am having trouble finding my way back to the NYS 2019Q1 table on CDC.
Here is a direct link to 7.2/1000 in 2017 from NYS
edit on 3-4-2020 by Oleman because: add another link

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: Oleman

Do you have a source for your first quarter of 2019 in NYS that says 2055 people died per day? I've googled and I'm having trouble finding that info

Edit to say that I found that it's about an average of 420 people per day in NYS. Your number is wrong.

edit on 3-4-2020 by pasiphae because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 09:19 PM

originally posted by: Oleman
a reply to: InterplanetaryHobo
(have to click in to get to NYS specifically)

From my post on Page 328: (Each line is a source link)

Italy Annual Deaths / 1000 popl = 10.7
Italy Deaths from CV19 / 1000 popl = 0.23

New York State Pop = 20.1M
New York State CV19 deaths = 6507
New York State deaths from CV19 /1000 pop = 0.323
New York State 2019 Q1 deaths /1000 pop = 9.2

I am having trouble finding my way back to the NYS 2019Q1 table on CDC.
Here is a direct link to 7.2/1000 in 2017 from NYS

From your link it tops at 920 in a quarter (that's in a 3 month period). So where you came up with over 2K people dying per day..... I'm lost.

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