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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: cirrus12

Sent you a PM

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 07:29 AM
What's up with this UK Corona Act 2020.


We as a civilisation shouldn't be headed in that direction.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 07:37 AM
Update from the Netherlands 31/03/2020 @ 14:32 (GMT+1):

Total cases 12.595* (+ 845)
Total cases hospitalized 4.712 (+ 722)
Total dead 1.039** (+ 175)


They changed the colour from red to blue, blue is so much calmer to watch

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 07:58 AM
London Ambulance Service workers are worried that their PPE is not protecting them.

But the LAS paramedic, in his 30s, said aprons distributed to him and his colleagues are "like something someone would make a sandwich with, someone serving you a sandwich". "It's the thinnest thing you can imagine and it covers maybe 30% of your uniform," he added. In one recent example, the paramedic said he was carrying a critically-unwell patient with suspected coronavirus from their home to his ambulance. "When wheeling them outside, the bottom half of the apron flew up and stuck to my face. One - I couldn't see where I was going. And two - all of the virus that was likely on my apron was now on my face. My crew mate had to pull it down," he said. He said he could not clean his face until he was at the hospital about half an hour later.

Coronavirus: Paramedic protective kit 'only fit for making sandwiches'

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: Toinski

I notice they have slipped in a new law allowing them to retain fingerprint and DNA data indefinitley.
What a surprise..
That obviously has nothing to do with the coronavirus emergency,and is just pushed through under the carpet while people are otherwise occupied.

The government can always be relied upon to do nasty # like this when no one is looking.
Never let a crisis go to waste huh?

The relevant part of the legislation:

edit on 31/3/2020 by Silcone Synapse because: extra words

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 08:13 AM
Michigan up 1009 3 31 2020, expected up over 2000 if the curve kept going. Up 25% new cases instead of the earlier 50% curve.

My county has it's first death yesterday. 23 confirmed 1 death.

edit on 31-3-2020 by mikell because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 08:15 AM
From French Live Feed :

- 14h30 : "Chloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19 to be quantified in Neutral test"

Anger Hospital to do a vast Study on the efficacy of Chloroquine as a treatment for patients with Coronavirus.
1,300 patients are involved.
This study, baptised "HyCovid", is being done with the aid of 32 other Hospitals in France.
"It will finally close the debate on the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine", says Professor Vincent Dubée, who places himself as a 'Neutral' actor in this debate, defended by Professor Didier Raoult if the IHU of Marseilles University.
"One of the strengths of our study, is the inclusion of patients who have a less severe form of the illness, but who have ahigh risk of unfavorable evolution, like certain old people. We will treat these people precociously, which is probably a defining factor in the success of the treatment".
"We will probably have the first results in a few weeks".

The "HyCovid" test will be carried out in 'double-blind' tests : Neither the patient or the treating Doctor, will know who is getting the Chloroquine, and who is getting a Placebo.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

Yes and I am not happy at all, this laws and so called 'needed' measures. If one country starts with this, others countries will follow. This stinks like a rotten fish!

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 08:32 AM
From BBC Live Feed :

- 13.29 : "India Religious event sparks massive search for Covid-19 cases"

Officials across India are searching for hundreds of people who attended a religious event in capital Delhi that has set off several Covid-19 clusters.

At least six different regions have reported some 140 cases that can be directly or indirectly traced to the days-long congregation at a mosque in Delhi’s Nizamuddin area.

The congregation began at the end of February but continued for days, making it hard for officials to find out how many people attended overall or where they have travelled since

- 13.36 : "Dr. James T. Goodrich, World Famous Neurosurgeon, dies from Coronavirus in New York City"

He was in his 70's, and died at the Hospital where he worked.
In 2014 Dr Goodrich led the team who successfully operated for 16 hours on toddlers Jadon and Anias McDonald joined at the head.
Earlier that year Dr Goodrich separated Syrian twins. He became famous in 2004 after operating on conjoined twins from the Philippines Carl and Clarence Aguirre.

“Jim was in many ways the heart and soul of our department - a master surgeon, a world-class educator, and a beloved colleague for all," Dr. Emad Eskandar, chair of the department of neurosurgery at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center told CNN.

- 14.37 : "EU countries warned against using (Coronavirus) crisis to undermine democracy"

"Democracy cannot work without free and independent media."

She said emergency measures "must be limited to what is necessary and strictly proportionate - they must not last indefinitely".

"This word of warning from president Von der Leyen appears to be a thinly veiled criticism of the emergency measures taken by the Hungarian government to fight coronavirus," said BBC News Europe reporter Gavin Lee.

On Monday, the Hungarian Parliament agreed to give prime minister Viktor Orban the right to rule by decree, with no time limit placed on the new law.

edit on 31-3-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: formatting

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

I notice they have slipped in a new law allowing them to retain fingerprint and DNA data indefinitley.

no they have not - read it again and comprehend

they have increased the legth of time that biometrics that are supposed to be destroyed - can be tertained for

SOME biometrics may be held indefinitly - but all such clauses require conviction for offences [ there may be exemptions under the terrorism act ]

you are correct - it is not a valid ammemdment to an act in response to the pandemic

but get the facts straight

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 08:43 AM
From the Guardian Live Feed :

- 10.41 am : "Public Health Wales urges the 440,000 Welsh Smokers to 'Give up now' due to risks associated with Coronavirus"

It says smokers are more at risk from Covid-19 because they have weakened lung defences and more regular hand-to-mouth contact, giving more chances for picking up the virus. Many also have existing lung conditions caused by smoking.

According to Public Health Wales, hundreds of smokers have contacted the NHS Help Me Quit helpline since the outbreak began and in response more telephone support advisers have been drafted in.

Meanwhile, the website of the tobacco control campaign group ASH Wales has seen a 40% increase in visitors, mostly searching for online advice on how to quit.

Ashley Gould, a public health consultant at Public Health Wales, said: “Seven in 10 smokers in Wales say they would like to quit – there might never be a more important time than now to try harder than ever.

“We know that Covid-19 is mainly a respiratory disease and research on similar viruses shows tobacco smoke increases the risks of this type of infection, and how serious it can be.“

Suzanne Cass, the CEO of ASH Wales, said: “We know that giving up smoking can be incredibly tough but there really is no more important time to quit. The health benefits kick in within minutes of stubbing out that last cigarette and continue to grow with time.”

Concerns me too, personally, being a smoker.
Only problem is being stuck inside with people is already making people crabby and mentally stressed, and this could exacerbate that.
In the End, its up to each of us to make that decision, but I agree that if you can, its a good idea. (Also, there's no limit to how many times you can try to quit, just keep on trying. I've quit three times over the years. And started again...).

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

While there are detrimental effects from smoking, so do many activities in our lives have potentially life threatening effects, or make you more susceptible to this virus, such as obesity among others.

My fear with this, and the anti smoking push in general, is the continued erosion of our rights and personal choice to someone else's predefined version of the "correct" way to live.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 08:54 AM
We are now over 800,000 cases, in about 2 days since 700,000 was reached.
800K was announced around 1pm GMT

Also, from Guardian Live Feed :

- 12.41am : Sierra Leone confirms first case of Coronavirus.
No extra measures are being taken at the moment.

- 2.30pm : "Denis Protsenko, the chief doctor for the Kommunarka hospital in Moscow, who gave President Putin a tour of the facility last week, tests positive for COVID-19"
Pic of him shaking hands with President Putin last week :

It isn’t clear if Protsenko had already contracted the disease when he met with Putin. The Kremlin has said that those who meet with Putin are screened for the disease in advance. A spokesman for Putin on Tuesday did not immediately respond to questions about whether or not he had been tested recently for the disease.

edit on 31-3-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: spelling

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 08:58 AM
True story, I quit smoking just shy of two years ago but while I was still a smoker I broke my wrist and the ER doctor insisted that it was because I was a smoker, which weakened my bones - and had little to do with the fact that I broke it while being an idiot and rough housing with my nephews.

Doctors always push the quit smoking narrative.

That said, a virus that attacks the respiratory system is probably a bit more rational. Though suggesting that people in quarantine who are already stressed out, frustrated, angry and afraid - all quit smoking at once - sounds like the first chapter of a bad dystopian apocalypse movie.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 09:02 AM

originally posted by: puzzlesphere
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

While there are detrimental effects from smoking, so do many activities in our lives have potentially life threatening effects, or make you more susceptible to this virus, such as obesity among others.

My fear with this, and the anti smoking push in general, is the continued erosion of our rights and personal choice to someone else's predefined version of the "correct" way to live.

I don't think it's possible nowadays to defend Smoking in general (Not saying you are at all, just making the point
I'd stop now, but I usually get a bit of a cough for a few days/weeks after, and sometimes a throat/upper-lung infection.
I don't really feel like getting that right now, what with all that's going on, but i'll be cutting back a bit day by day, having my first smoke later and later in the day.
Eventually, I just hope to get to the point where its so late in the day, i'll just think 'feck it'.
I'd also have to not drink Alcohol for a while, because that brings the urge on like bonkers.

The last two times i quit, i had the straw from a chupachups lolly, that has a hole down the middle.
I can chew on it a bit, and suck it like a ciggy, and it helped with the cravings.
Need to add it to shopping list for next time I go out.

edit on 31-3-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: changed 'Bloody' because its not what it means in English slang, no blood, just pain in the arse

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 09:30 AM
From Guardian Live Feed :

- 2.57pm : " First Death from Coronavirus in Mauritania, unusual because she showed no symptoms "

The victim is a 48-year-old French-Mauritanian dual national who had been quarantined alongside 16 other French nationals. All had arrived in mid-March on one of the last flights before Mauritania banned international arrivals.

The woman’s case was unusual because she did not initially present symptoms, said N’Diaye Mamadou, an official in charge of the isolation centre in the capital Nouakchott.

She began to feel ill on Sunday evening, before her condition worsened on Monday morning. She then died en route to hospital on Monday, Mamadou said. She was diagnosed with coronavirus in a post-mortem examination.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 09:31 AM
Quick question. I don't know if we can write about this on this thread or if we should have [yet another] new one.
I want to see a thread where you can post changes in society rather than virus numbers.
Here in the UK, in my area [Fenlands - Cambridgeshire] things seem to change day by day.
First we weren't allowed out, only for the usual list of things.
Then there were buying restrictions [totally agree] and now there is more food again but suddenly people are restricted by number in certain shops [Lidl, Sainsbury's, Tesco].
This is not clever at all, because now there are queues of people all together [albeit with a couple of metres between them], whereas before everyone just moved all the time. I don't know what's worse of if any of this actually helps in any way, shape or form.
Also the police are strutting around to see if you are one of those criminals who need some sunshine and fresh air, because you haven't been out for 12 days.
The post office is getting bad as well. Especially when you wait for medication through the post.
I was forced outside to pick up a parcel that was 'delivered' a few days ago but wasn't. Normally we get a card through the door. But we didn't. SO I was waiting for this parcel until I checked and the cheeky #t reason online was that "We tried to deliver your parcel but nobody was home".

Let that sink in, during a quarantine, social distancing, stay at home time.

Not only that but there are instructions on this parcel to leave it in the box round the corner. HAs always been put there when we missed them. So I tell the man at the postoffice about this instruction. And he looks at the parcel and says:
"There is no note"...
So I show him where the note is with my finger. Because it's on there.

SO thanks to the PO I had to get out today and mingle with my auto immune deficiency.
I also get the feeling this ain't for a poxy virus any longer.

Poxy virus as in the whole virus is crap. It can be bad but it also has no impact in other places. Reactions are late and overreactive to the point of humanity rights being questioned [not just basic human rights, but basic rights of countries, nations and people].

I get that people die, I get that this sucks. I get that there are people in more danger [I am one of them], so frigging what?
This is worse because you live in it [and I am too BTW] and you are scared for yourself and your family. I get that.

But we are not the only people in history, there were real humans before us and there will be after us. We live in #ty times but it could be worse. This could be the bubonic plague.
We could be a heroic slice of human history that went full into this in order to literally 'get it over with'. Instead of imprisoning ourselves and running down society as we know it.
That would be kinder to future generations.

We need to get immune in the way nature did it for ever. If we don't, we have to rely on vaccines. Nobody will ever be allowed to be out/free/ have the same rights as someone who has one. Therefore we owe it to them to be brave and face this like humans have for thousands of years.

Now some will shout 'you go then and get it over with'. Yeah, I can't deliberately seek it, that would be stupidity but as I go about my daily life, I am not scared to go outside and touch doors etc. If I get it, despite being in a danger group [asthma, auto immune deficiency and over 50], I am not scared, because I totally believe that unless it has mutated, I will be just OK.
I had bad flu, not too long ago [2 years, so not corona], with pneumonia. It was bad. I'll give it a try when I catch it.
Not scared of the illness. Que sera sera.

I am scared of people though.

The selfrighteous are now happy to call for normal people's deaths, just because the went out for no reason!

Why can't we drive?

Ah I could write all day, I have so many thoughts. If this post should have had it's own post [to clutter up more frontpage], please remove it. Who cares anyway?
I think these are bad times because of total human idiocy.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: Hecate666
Have you seen this video by Nigel Farage?

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: JourneyAbout

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: KindraLaBelle

That's what really scares me right now, with what we have caught them trying to do... What have we missed during all the chaos.

Well, those of us who have been here since page 1 know that there were several people trying to discuss that 5g could be somehow connected. They were all ridiculed and chased off like they were crazy.

Still lurking back here.

I post mainly in another thread where they don’t chase me off. However, I’ve grown fond of you guys from lurker distance these last couple of months.

Many are finally catching on to the links between the tech screwery and what’s happening. At least considering that it’s a puzzle piece that fits somewhere, even it’s not direct causation.

“Truth passes through three phases: First it is ridiculed. Second it is fiercely and violently opposed. Third, it becomes self-evident”

Everything is about energy manipulation after all.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2

originally posted by: JourneyAbout

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: KindraLaBelle

That's what really scares me right now, with what we have caught them trying to do... What have we missed during all the chaos.

Well, those of us who have been here since page 1 know that there were several people trying to discuss that 5g could be somehow connected. They were all ridiculed and chased off like they were crazy.

Thats because blaming 5G for Coronavirus is ridiculous.
Can we leave 5G/Reptilians/NWO out of this one thread please ?

I don't think anyones saying that coronavirus is caused by 5G more that the virus is a distraction and keeps people indoors while they quietly install it. I honestly don't know what to think about it. It is quite unual for installing towers to be a priority during this time.

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