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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 05:09 PM
Last Number update for the day, 23:00 GMT :

USA States :

Early night for me.
Stay Safe.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Observationalist
Plans are being made to reopen
Two new road maps lay out possible paths to end coronavirus lockdowns

Yeah, they can bite me.

I sure hope the American people don't fall for this garbage.

In this post there is a video of how China is implementing the Orwellian practices that are in the proposed Plans.

Facial Recognition
Mass Surveillance
Color Code identifiers for individuals to know their hazard level.
Temperatures taken upon entry to building.
And more.

Good video of potentially what is to come

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: pasiphae
a reply to: MrRCflying

I am glad you are taking precautions MrRC!!! People are so rude. And clearly oblivious.

I have to, I have one child with asthma, and an 85yo mother with several health conditions living with us. I am taking every precaution I can. I have not broke out the Tyvec suit or P100 respirator yet, but I will when things ramp up in our county. I don't care who thinks what. LOL

I have plenty of stuff to stay in for a long time, but I have still had to make a couple trips out for meds. propane, and this school thing. Trying to limit going out to twice a month from this point, and down to once a month when things pick up in our area.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: Observationalist

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Observationalist
Plans are being made to reopen
Two new road maps lay out possible paths to end coronavirus lockdowns

Yeah, they can bite me.

I sure hope the American people don't fall for this garbage.

In this post there is a video of how China is implementing the Orwellian practices that are in the proposed Plans.

Facial Recognition
Mass Surveillance
Color Code identifiers for individuals to know their hazard level.
Temperatures taken upon entry to building.
And more.

Good video of potentially what is to come

Them Problem: Release bioweapon virus into the human population
Human Reaction: Fear. Oh please save us! We are all going to die!
Their Solution: Don't worry, we will save you, but you'll have to give up your God given human rights
Human response after control-measures are a permanent fixture in our society: Whelp, at least we're safe

China is a bit different, but you get the picture. China has also been completely disarmed. This is the entire purpose of those who want to do away with our US 2nd amendment.

China is/was the model of standard for the world.
Wake up humanity!

edit on 30-3-2020 by Justice309 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: Byrd
He will continue, they have installed 13 “machines“ ,
Viral zapping micro turrets that shoot it right out of the air.
“Pew pew”.

edit on 30-3-2020 by spacedoubt because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 05:49 PM
Anyone question why Taiwan has only 2000 covid 19 cases in a nation of 23 million?

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: olaru12
Something like this, perhaps.

On January 27, the National Health Insurance Administration (NHIA) and the National Immigration Agency integrated patients’ past 14-day travel history with their NHI identification card data from the NHIA; this was accomplished in 1 day. Taiwan citizens’ household registration system and the foreigners’ entry card allowed the government to track individuals at high risk because of recent travel history in affected areas. Those identified as high risk (under home quarantine) were monitored electronically through their mobile phones. On January 30, the NHIA database was expanded to cover the past 14-day travel history for patients from China, Hong Kong, and Macau. On February 14, the Entry Quarantine System was launched, so travelers can complete the health declaration form by scanning a QR code that leads to an online form, either prior to departure from or upon arrival at a Taiwan airport.

And so on.
edit on 3/30/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

Believe it people. Our company is enforcing these exact procedures, albeit with added barcode requirement. No in/out without temp scan, barcode scan and color code check. (This is in place beyond just China as well.)

I just can't see this ever being accepted in the US or other "free" countries, but the way things are going, who knows.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 06:03 PM
Thought this was worth mentioning on here - it seems the government is using the coronavirus lockdown to quite quickly install a lot more 5g masts and equipment at the moment. Not sure that is classed as essential. More worrying is the effect of 5g (but that is a whole other thread).
While we are not looking they are doing this all over the country apparently. Now i know some have already been installed, but just seems suspicious that they are doing it now so quickly. What is their endgame with 5g?
I'm not a fan because I'm worried about the environmental effects. But the government covertly doing this while there are way less people around is soo suspicious to me.

Anyone noticed these popping up in the UK during the lockdown?

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 06:09 PM
Ok so also in the USA a lady covertly filmed someone installing it and she asked what it was and he clearly didn't want to say 5g! He had 2 pre prepared answers and she then asked if it was 5g and he hesitantly said yes...

During the quiet lockdown it seems a lot is going on. Anyone else remotely suspicious of this?
a reply to: cirrus12

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 06:26 PM

Wuhan residents believe up to 18 times the number of people died in their city from coronavirus than authorities are reporting.

The seven funeral homes serving Wuhan have reportedly been running nonstop recently, prompting one resident to say “anyone with any ability to think” knows officials are lying about the death toll.

Another resident, Hu Aizhen, lost his mother to COVID-19 and said nobody in the city believes the official death toll.

I still think we witnessed a massive crime and coverup by the CCP. People praise the effectiveness of their "strong" quarantine methods. The sick f's welded citizens into apartment buildings etc.

We're all waiting for a turnaround based on their fake data, if it blows up out of all proportion, we will know they lied.

The scientist who projected last week that Britain would suffer 5,700 deaths from coronavirus has said new data suggests that it was a significant underestimate and Britain is in a very “dangerous state”.

Tom Pike, from Imperial College, had calculated the likely total death rate by assuming that the outbreak in Britain would follow a similar trajectory to that seen in Wuhan, China.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 06:42 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
Anyone question why Taiwan has only 2000 covid 19 cases in a nation of 23 million?

Because they refuse to bend over to the CCP. Same with Hong Kong. You may not see the connection now, but it will be clear as things continue.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: primalfractal

I think that if the amount of people in the USA with other health complications is around the thirty per cent mark. If the population does not go into strict isolation, which it seems to be doing halfheartedly the death rate will be astronomical. What we are observing will be deaths put down to any existing health condition, the rational being if they didn't have this health condition death from a viral load would have been unlikely. This will keep the death rate lower and help to stop panic. Hospitals will simply be unable to cope, so people will pass away quietly in lockdown.
We are seeing a massive shut down of Industry with an Unemployment rate heading to forty per cent, but the stock market has put on gains.? We are also seeing that in these times of stress PM prices should be rocketing, but when you can get anything they are well over the spot prices. However demand has been unprecedented since early march and their are no supplies in the near future.
Looking at what seems to be going on, and what has to happen a few weeks down the road , and thinking that these disasters seem to come in threes the first two causing a third reaction, we have a an equation to consider. Which is....
VIRUS +ECONOMIC COLLAPSE = MARSHAL LAW This is only logical and reasonable projection at this stage. I hope I am wrong but baring a miracle it looks like a classic scenario.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 07:19 PM
Hi guys been a while. Update from Chile.

Infected: 2.449, Deaths: 8, In Hospital: 122. Recovered: 156 (The total recovered is now a focus of a new controversy)
There was a controversy about the second death. I posted about it in another post, but will refresh.

The second death was a woman that had another health complications. She died at around 6:25 AM. The Health Minister addressed the Nation around 11:00 AM but didn't inform about the death. A Mayor later that day did the announcement, government was very upset.

The thing a few days later government went out to say that the "Hospital de Carabineros" said the woman was in fact negative after a PCR test, and she was positive because a false positive from a Rapid Test. However, the mayor after all of this and being accused of lying by the government (same political party by the way) released the Death Certificate to the public where in fact it stated that the cause of death was COVID-19. Then the government released the PCR Test result where it stated that it was negative. Source and Source

Controversy about the recovered Source

They are putting everyone that is not dead or in a hospital directly as recovered after 14 days WITHOUT being tested.

Could someone confirm me if in your country it is the same? Please. I think it's very irresponsible by their part to do this.

In effect, from the ministry chaired by Jaime Mañalich they detailed to BioBioChile that the protocol for a patient confirmed with Covid-19 to be discharged, only contemplates the mandatory isolation for 14 days from the time of diagnosis , as long as there are no symptoms and be in good health.

Thus, after those two weeks, the person is finally released from the restriction. However, you are warned that if during this period you have symptoms, you must attend a medical consultation or contact the corresponding Seremi de Salud, which could extend the period of social distancing.


Nurses are making theiir own mask because there aren't any.... Some with their own money.... Source and Source

Military personnel are doing the same. But only for themselves. That has been some what controversial in Chile. Source

That's it for today.

Stay safe guys!

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 07:22 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
Anyone question why Taiwan has only 2000 covid 19 cases in a nation of 23 million?

Be alert and proactive
Partly because it’s near China and speaks the same language, Taiwan learned early that a “severe pneumonia” was spreading in Wuhan. But it was the proactive measures the island took that helped it avert a major outbreak.

On Dec. 31, the same day China notified the World Health Organization that it had several cases of an unknown pneumonia, Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control immediately ordered inspections of passengers arriving on flights from Wuhan.

And despite poor relations with Beijing, Taiwan asked and received permission to send a team of experts to the mainland on a fact-finding mission Jan. 12.

“They didn’t let us see what they didn’t want us to see, but our experts sensed the situation was not optimistic,” government spokesperson Kolas Yotaka told NBC News.

Shortly after the team returned, Taiwan began requiring hospitals to test for and report cases. That helped the government identify those infected, trace their contacts and isolate everyone involved, preventing the virus from spreading to the community.

All this happened long before Taiwan confirmed its first case Jan. 21 and the rest of the world became alarmed.

Set up a command center
Equally important, Taiwan's CDC activated the Central Epidemic Command Center relatively early on Jan. 20 and that allowed it to quickly roll out a series of epidemic control measures, according to Stanford Health Policy’s Jason Wang, a pediatrics professor who also has a doctorate in policy analysis.

“Taiwan has rapidly produced and implemented a list of at least 124 action items in the past five weeks — that’s three to four per day — to protect public health,” Wang said in an email. “The policies and actions go beyond border control because they recognized that that’s not enough.”

Headed by Health Minister Chen Shih-chung, the command center not only investigates confirmed and suspected cases, it also works with ministries and local governments to coordinate the response across Taiwan, including allocating funds, mobilizing personnel and advising on the disinfection of schools.

Take quick and decisive action
Taiwan also took tough action early. On Jan. 26, five days after it confirmed its first case, Taiwan banned arrivals from Wuhan, earlier than any other country.

Not long after, it did the same for flights from all but a handful of Chinese cities, and only Taiwanese people were allowed to fly in.

Use technology to detect and track cases
After securing its borders, Taiwan used technology to fight the virus. Temperature monitors were already set up at airports after the 2003 SARS outbreak to detect anyone with a fever, a symptom of coronavirus.

Passengers can also scan a QR code and report their travel history and health symptoms online. That data is then given directly to Taiwan’s CDC.

Those coming from badly affected areas are put under mandatory 14-day home quarantine, even if they are not sick, and are tracked using location sharing on their mobile phone. Absconding can lead to heavy fines.

That also goes for not reporting symptoms.

One man who didn’t tell the authorities he had symptoms after he returned from Wuhan and went to a dance club the next day was fined $10,000.

The authorities in Taiwan also quickly determine whom the confirmed cases had been in contact with, and then test them, and put them in home quarantine.

“They also proactively find new cases by retesting those who tested negative,” Wang said.

Ensure availability of supplies
To ensure a steady supply of masks, the government quickly banned manufacturers from exporting them, implemented a rationing system and set the price at just 16 cents each.

It also set up new production lines and dispatched soldiers to staff factories, significantly increasing production.

These masks are the tools for residents in Taiwan’s densely populated cities to protect themselves; they made them feel safe and not panic.

Educate the public
The government also asked television and radio stations to broadcast hourly public service announcements on how the virus is spread, the importance of washing hands properly, and when to wear a mask.

“We think only when information is transparent, and people have sufficient medical knowledge, will their fear be reduced,” Kolas, the government spokeswoman, said.

Residents learned that most patients had mild or no symptoms, so the death rate could be lower than what was reported. They also understood that a person’s travel history or contact with infected individuals determined their risk level, not their nationality or race. That understanding helped reduce discrimination.

Get public buy-in
The public’s cooperation with the government’s recommended measures was crucial to prevent the spread of the virus, including among students, school principal Tu Chen-yang said.

“More than 95 percent of our parents take their child’s temperature at home and report it to the school before the children arrive,” Tu said. “Regardless of what the government does, people have to take responsibility for their own health.”

Bank building manager Nature Lin echoed such views, as he checked the temperature of employees arriving for work,on a detection camera set up in the lobby.

“We were already stocking up on alcohol disinfectants and temperature guns during the holiday,” he said.

Practically every office building, school and community sports center check temperatures and prevent anyone with a fever from entering. Apartment buildings also place hand sanitizer inside or outside elevators.

aiwan was able to put the lessons it learned during the SARS outbreak in 2003 to good use. That epidemic ended up killing 73 people and hurting the economy.

This time, Taiwan's government and people were prepared, and that readiness has helped push up President Tsai Ing-wen’s approval rating.

Last but not the least, Kolas said that she believes the country’s health insurance system, which covers 99 percent of the population, has been crucial to fighting the spread of the outbreak.

“Taiwan’s health insurance lets everyone not be afraid to go to the hospital. If you suspect you have coronavirus, you won’t have to worry that you can’t afford the hospital visit to get tested,” she said.

“You can get a free test, and if you’re forced to be isolated, during the 14 days, we pay for your food, lodging and medical care,” Kolas said. “So no one would avoid seeing the doctor because they can’t pay for health care.”

Not the answer you were hoping for, but in short because they did EVERYTHING the west is not doing..

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 08:16 PM
DC mayor threatens jail time for leaving home during coronavirus

WASHINGTON — Mayor Muriel Bowser is threatening residents of Washington, DC, with 90 days in jail and a $5,000 fine if they leave their homes during the coronavirus outbreak.

401 confirmed cases in DC and a threat of criminal penalties for leaving your home.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 08:36 PM
Our provincial government in Ontario, Canada has tied out a few different case reporting methods.

Their newest pivot includes a daily epidemiological summary. The statistics are interesting.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2

originally posted by: TheAMEDDDoc
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

This reminds me of going overseas and handing out this drug and similar meds. We take it once a week, when you take it daily in high enough dosages it can be toxic. I've seen people turn yellow and have kidneys shut down because they didn't read and took it daily instead of weekly.

It's not prophylactic in those dosages for a reason.

Unfortunately, It only became 'Prescription only' here on 30th January iirc.
There will probably be more cases...

Maybe not-- who would buy and keep a malaria drug on hand in the US?

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: BPilgrim
DC mayor threatens jail time for leaving home during coronavirus

WASHINGTON — Mayor Muriel Bowser is threatening residents of Washington, DC, with 90 days in jail and a $5,000 fine if they leave their homes during the coronavirus outbreak.

401 confirmed cases in DC and a threat of criminal penalties for leaving your home.

The stay-home order has exceptions for grocery shopping and work deemed essential. Outdoor recreation such as running is allowed

People can leave their homes.

But this is a perfect example of fake news by way of sensationalized headline.
edit on 30-3-2020 by DanDanDat because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 09:18 PM

originally posted by: cirrus12
Thought this was worth mentioning on here - it seems the government is using the coronavirus lockdown to quite quickly install a lot more 5g masts and equipment at the moment.

You don't just suddenly set up a 5G mast or abruptly expand a network. It's one of those things that takes a long time and a lot of logistics, and you have to have the pieces all available. Then you have to make sure the power and personnel to run it are all available and properly trained.

If they wanted to set up 5G (which is probably being put on hold now because of the virus) then they don't have to make some sort of weird global conspiracy to do it. They just buy the equipment and acquire the land and get the permits (because they have to wrestle with other branches of the government, like the environmental group and that means wrangling with legislators and lobbyists) and put it up.

Like the Keystone pipeline kerfuffle in the US.

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