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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 09:31 PM
Data for Texas and Dallas

Confirmed cases deaths percent increase
... 2887 ...............38 ........... 13.12

Confirmed cases deaths percent increase
.... 549 ...............11 ........... 12.5

The bulk of the new Dallas County cases are in a nursing home and at a facility for mentally handicapped adults (if I'm reading correctly, it's a place that takes care of the mentally handicapped after their parents are no longer able to take care of them.)

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 09:33 PM
And relevant to this, a short video on how to make a mask in an emergency out of bandana/handkerchief/cloth and a pair of elastic hair ties. No sewing, total time to make about 30 seconds.

(rats. Did something with the link. Arbitrageur fixed it below and I copied Arbitrageur's link now.)

][editby ]edit on 30-3-2020 by Byrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: Byrd

You don't just suddenly set up a 5G mast or abruptly expand a network. It's one of those things that takes a long time and a lot of logistics, and you have to have the pieces all available. Then you have to make sure the power and personnel to run it are all available and properly trained. If they wanted to set up 5G (which is probably being put on hold now because of the virus) then they don't have to make some sort of weird global conspiracy to do it. They just buy the equipment and acquire the land and get the permits (because they have to wrestle with other branches of the government, like the environmental group and that means wrangling with legislators and lobbyists) and put it up. Like the Keystone pipeline kerfuffle in the US.

Inside the anti-5G movement
5G is not a welcoming thing in all places.

They may not have created this just to install 5G. But I’m sure they would take advantage of this “out of site out of mind” moment in time.
Probably not a good look if there were protests for 5G. Would have to answer more questions and maybe create more regulations than the WHO want to go through.

edit on 30-3-2020 by Observationalist because: Added Bryds quote from last page

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 09:51 PM

originally posted by: Byrd
And relevant to this, a short video on how to make a mask in an emergency out of bandana/handkerchief/cloth and a pair of elastic hair ties. No sewing, total time to make about 30 seconds.

Let's see if this fixes your broken video link:

It works now.

That kind of mask may help reduce your spreading of your contagions carried on little moisture droplets when you speak, by capturing those before they get into the surrounding air. So it's not useless.

But I doubt it's going to give you much protection against the coronavirus if there is a virus load in the air near the mask, I think you will breathe them in either right through the mask or in the gaps around your nose since it's hard to get a good "seal" with this type of mask.

Years ago I painted a car and a boat, and got an advanced respirator to wear while painting. I wonder how long those masks last and if it would help with the corona virus? I'll have to look for it and see what kind of shape it's in if I can find it. It has a valve that makes the same sound as "Darth Vader's" breathing, so from that perspective, it sounds kind of creepy, but it worked pretty well for stopping small paint particles.

edit on 2020330 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 09:55 PM
My county health district updated its numbers; they haven't made it to 1point3acres as of this post.

92 in the county, 11 hospitalized, 81 self quarantined, 17 recovered.

41 of the above-mentioned 92 are in my city...

I think I'm going into lock in mode until this is over, and only going out briefly at odd hours to minimize contact.
edit on 30-3-2020 by jadedANDcynical because: lol, right after I posted this, 1point3acres updated

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 10:11 PM

originally posted by: Justice309

originally posted by: Observationalist

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Observationalist
Plans are being made to reopen
Two new road maps lay out possible paths to end coronavirus lockdowns

Yeah, they can bite me.

I sure hope the American people don't fall for this garbage.

In this post there is a video of how China is implementing the Orwellian practices that are in the proposed Plans.

Facial Recognition
Mass Surveillance
Color Code identifiers for individuals to know their hazard level.
Temperatures taken upon entry to building.
And more.

Good video of potentially what is to come

Them Problem: Release bioweapon virus into the human population
Human Reaction: Fear. Oh please save us! We are all going to die!
Their Solution: Don't worry, we will save you, but you'll have to give up your God given human rights
Human response after control-measures are a permanent fixture in our society: Whelp, at least we're safe

China is a bit different, but you get the picture. China has also been completely disarmed. This is the entire purpose of those who want to do away with our US 2nd amendment.

China is/was the model of standard for the world.
Wake up humanity!

I'm really not trying to be an ass##le, but what is waking up going to do right now, really? Are you rallying for us to "take to the streets with guns drawn," or what, exactlly? I'm saying this, because, I think many folks on this website for a very long time have been really awake, and what good, exactly, did that really do? It's like watching the proverbial slow train wreck going over the cliff, like the poster showing that, and everyone standing around, saying "Oh, #."

The time for being awake came and went quite a while ago, respectfully.
hope you stay safe and are well,

ETA and expounding: I am beginning to think, looking at recent writing, here, that it may be more about the fundamental reaction: Peking virus, really??? LOL. but not very funny. So maybe if you're just "jumping the gun," going to the easiest and basest blame and so called solution, you just villified yourself, really. Don't we all realize that's precisely where we've gotten recently, ergo the divide in consciousness and reaction to our world, in the last five years or so? I just kind of feel like if you are deserving of life, you probably shouldn't be judging others' being "deserving of life." If that isn't the lesson here, I'm not sure what exactly is. No one here believes in coincidences, and most don't believe, either, in randomness. Maybe that's the real lesson.
edit on 30-3-2020 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 10:28 PM

originally posted by: Observationalist
a reply to: Byrd

You don't just suddenly set up a 5G mast or abruptly expand a network. It's one of those things that takes a long time and a lot of logistics, and you have to have the pieces all available. Then you have to make sure the power and personnel to run it are all available and properly trained. If they wanted to set up 5G (which is probably being put on hold now because of the virus) then they don't have to make some sort of weird global conspiracy to do it. They just buy the equipment and acquire the land and get the permits (because they have to wrestle with other branches of the government, like the environmental group and that means wrangling with legislators and lobbyists) and put it up. Like the Keystone pipeline kerfuffle in the US.

Inside the anti-5G movement
5G is not a welcoming thing in all places.

They may not have created this just to install 5G. But I’m sure they would take advantage of this “out of site out of mind” moment in time.
Probably not a good look if there were protests for 5G. Would have to answer more questions and maybe create more regulations than the WHO want to go through.

Yes... I see it as being very similar to the Keystone Pipeline, and like that operation it requires time and money and equipment and personnel. You can't "take advantage of a situation" if your work force is getting sick and supply lines are being shut down. With people staying home, there's more able to take notice and to raise legal challenges. The better time would be when people are so busy that it's the least of their worries.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 10:30 PM

originally posted by: Arbitrageur

originally posted by: Byrd
And relevant to this, a short video on how to make a mask in an emergency out of bandana/handkerchief/cloth and a pair of elastic hair ties. No sewing, total time to make about 30 seconds.

Let's see if this fixes your broken video link:

It works now.

That kind of mask may help reduce your spreading of your contagions carried on little moisture droplets when you speak, by capturing those before they get into the surrounding air. So it's not useless.

But I doubt it's going to give you much protection against the coronavirus if there is a virus load in the air near the mask, I think you will breathe them in either right through the mask or in the gaps around your nose since it's hard to get a good "seal" with this type of mask.

Years ago I painted a car and a boat, and got an advanced respirator to wear while painting. I wonder how long those masks last and if it would help with the corona virus? I'll have to look for it and see what kind of shape it's in if I can find it. It has a valve that makes the same sound as "Darth Vader's" breathing, so from that perspective, it sounds kind of creepy, but it worked pretty well for stopping small paint particles.

Yes, thank you.

And the mask doesn't replace stuff... it's for emergency/if there's nothing else available/etc.

The thing about the masks is that it changes the pattern of air flow around your face. Instead of having a clear path to a big intake area (your nostrils) now the intake force is reduced considerably and there's additional material to negotiate. From a physics standpoint it's a lot better than bare face.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 10:34 PM
hi , i am in Brazoria county and everyday i shake my head , the streets are still full, people still going about their normal things. hotels are still busy . when is enough enough ? A lot of nightly parties around . I really wonder when people gonna realize that this virus is not to be taken lightly ?? In Brazoria county we have now 91 cases . I am pretty sure they gonna extend the stay home safe but i think they need to really tighten what is essential and non essential business .

a reply to: jadedANDcynical

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 10:58 PM


posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 11:19 PM

A member of the New Jersey National Guard died Saturday after a weeklong battle with the coronavirus, service officials announced Monday. He is the first service member to die from the virus.

Army Capt. Douglas Linn Hickok was a drilling Guardsman and physician assistant originally from Jackson, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy said Monday in a news conference. Though Hickok was a member of the New Jersey National Guard, the father of four resided in Pennsylvania and died at a hospital in that state, Murphy said.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: Byrd

Well I guess some are nervous about these comments by Governor Newsom of California.

With schools closed across the state and teachers struggling to implement online and alternative learning programs, the governor also asked for an expansion of technology investments for schools, an increase in Title I funding for schools with a high concentration of poverty, broadband internet upgrades, grants for teachers to adapt to digital-age instruction and more money for the U.S. Department of Agriculture Child Nutrition Programs
Bold Mine.

I thinks that a bit too much to read into, but this is California, we shut down power to 100,000s of people in the middle of dangerous fire season. The solutions (possibilities) are endless.

edit on 31-3-2020 by Observationalist because: Added link

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 12:38 AM

originally posted by: Observationalist
a reply to: Byrd

Well I guess some are nervous about these comments by Governor Newsom of California.

With schools closed across the state and teachers struggling to implement online and alternative learning programs, the governor also asked for an expansion of technology investments for schools, an increase in Title I funding for schools with a high concentration of poverty, broadband internet upgrades, grants for teachers to adapt to digital-age instruction and more money for the U.S. Department of Agriculture Child Nutrition Programs
Bold Mine.

I thinks that a bit too much to read into, but this is California, we shut down power to 100,000s of people in the middle of dangerous fire season. The solutions (possibilities) are endless.

That's one thing that concerns me (not for myself but for others) -- natural disasters on top of COVID-19

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 01:38 AM

originally posted by: redpassion
Hi guys been a while. Update from Chile.

Infected: 2.449, Deaths: 8, In Hospital: 122. Recovered: 156 (The total recovered is now a focus of a new controversy)
There was a controversy about the second death. I posted about it in another post, but will refresh.

The second death was a woman that had another health complications. She died at around 6:25 AM. The Health Minister addressed the Nation around 11:00 AM but didn't inform about the death. A Mayor later that day did the announcement, government was very upset.

The thing a few days later government went out to say that the "Hospital de Carabineros" said the woman was in fact negative after a PCR test, and she was positive because a false positive from a Rapid Test. However, the mayor after all of this and being accused of lying by the government (same political party by the way) released the Death Certificate to the public where in fact it stated that the cause of death was COVID-19. Then the government released the PCR Test result where it stated that it was negative. Source and Source

Controversy about the recovered Source

They are putting everyone that is not dead or in a hospital directly as recovered after 14 days WITHOUT being tested.

Could someone confirm me if in your country it is the same? Please. I think it's very irresponsible by their part to do this.

In effect, from the ministry chaired by Jaime Mañalich they detailed to BioBioChile that the protocol for a patient confirmed with Covid-19 to be discharged, only contemplates the mandatory isolation for 14 days from the time of diagnosis , as long as there are no symptoms and be in good health.

Thus, after those two weeks, the person is finally released from the restriction. However, you are warned that if during this period you have symptoms, you must attend a medical consultation or contact the corresponding Seremi de Salud, which could extend the period of social distancing.


Nurses are making theiir own mask because there aren't any.... Some with their own money.... Source and Source

Military personnel are doing the same. But only for themselves. That has been some what controversial in Chile. Source

That's it for today.

Stay safe guys!

UK govt not even suggesting 14 days. If you are confirmed positive or have mild symptoms and therefore can't get tested you only have to isolate for 7 days.
It's only family members who have to isolate in a household for 14 days from the first day an infected person has symptoms.
I believe this guidance is in direct contravention of WHO advice and the experience of other countries who have more successfully handled the outbreak

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Things to make your mask out of.

For us not on the front line
interesting read on masks making using different materials and how to re-use an N95 but putting in oven 70c for 30 minutes.
a pdf on
Mask Materials and re-use information from Stanford Learnly Anesthesiologist

This interview explains reason in the west we don't wear masks is We didn't learn from SARS and are culturally different from those in Asia.
You Need To Listen To This Leading COVID-19 Expert From South Korea | ASIAN BOSS

Enjoy stay safe and be happy.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 03:06 AM
I have been looking for an email I received about the manufacture of the blue mask you see everyone wearing. The video consisted of 8 people sitting in a small dirty room (my guess is Pakistan or India or maybe the Uyghurs in China ) with 5 sewing machines. As the mask are sown they fall to the concrete floor in big piles (surprised it is not dirt) where the other men (no one has shoes on which is probably good) attach the elastic to place around your ears.. I am not saying the mask you have is made this way but.... I would look to see where your mask is made. Sorry I can not post the video as I evidently deleted it. It was an eye opener for me as I always think things like this are created in a more sterile environment. Not the video I was looking for but

Thailand reported 127 new coronavirus cases and one death on Tuesday, a health official said.

The latest number raise the total number of confirmed infections in Thailand to 1,651 cases and 10 deaths since the country’s first case was reported in January.
edit on 727stk20 by 727Sky because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 03:23 AM
a reply to: cirrus12

YES! 3 towers have suddenly popped up in my small town in S.E UK (8.5k pop) since lock down.. there was a post on a local fb page as the lady was concerned. We had no info about this prior to them appearing.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 03:56 AM

originally posted by: 727Sky
I have been looking for an email I received about the manufacture of the blue mask you see everyone wearing. The video consisted of 8 people sitting in a small dirty room (my guess is Pakistan or India or maybe the Uyghurs in China ) with 5 sewing machines. As the mask are sown they fall to the concrete floor in big piles (surprised it is not dirt) where the other men (no one has shoes on which is probably good) attach the elastic to place around your ears.. I am not saying the mask you have is made this way but.... I would look to see where your mask is made. Sorry I can not post the video as I evidently deleted it. It was an eye opener for me as I always think things like this are created in a more sterile environment. Not the video I was looking for but

Thailand reported 127 new coronavirus cases and one death on Tuesday, a health official said.

The latest number raise the total number of confirmed infections in Thailand to 1,651 cases and 10 deaths since the country’s first case was reported in January.

The Dutch government has ordered a recall of around 600,000 masks out of a shipment of 1.3 million from China after they failed to meet quality standards.

The defective masks had already been distributed to several hospitals currently battling the COVID-19 outbreak, news agency AFP and Dutch media reported. The Dutch Health Ministry has kept the rest of the shipment on hold.

An inspection revealed that the FFP2 masks did not protect the face properly or had defective filter membranes. The fine filters stop the virus from entering the mouth or nose. The masks failed more than one inspection.

“A second test also revealed that the masks did not meet the quality norms. Now it has been decided not to use any of this shipment,” said the health ministry said in a statement to news agency AFP.

The masks were delivered to the Netherlands by a Chinese manufacturer on March 21. The Health Ministry said it would conduct extra testing on any future shipments.

Several hospitals in the Netherlands had already rejected some of the shipment even before the Health Ministry issued the recall.

“When they were delivered to our hospital, I immediately rejected those masks,” a hospital source told Dutch public broadcaster NOS.

I have Absolutely had enough of China's class warfare on the rest of the world. If you ain't Communist Chinese you ain't Sh!t !

With our investments and companies we built them up so they could become the worlds biggest producer of junk products and junk ideas on business practices.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 04:42 AM

originally posted by: Halfswede
originally posted by: olaru12
"Anyone question why Taiwan has only 2000 covid 19 cases in a nation of 23 million?"

Because they refuse to bend over to the CCP. Same with Hong Kong. You may not see the connection now, but it will be clear as things continue.

What does 'bending over to the CCP' have to do with the number of cases they are reporting???
edit on 31-3-2020 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 04:48 AM
Here's NY's updated numbers. Last night we were at 66497 this morning 67325:

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