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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 05:12 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: UFO1414
The problem with that approach is that it becomes fodder to deny the actual gravity of the crisis.
It is not a reliable number, especially since the testing rate is so dismal.

the problem is none of the numbers are truly reliable, like you said due to lack of testing. like how many people who have died recently have been tested for the virus after they died of the same problems that people with the virus die from? a know a friend who's father died in Toronto back in mid to late February, from pneumonia was not tested after the fact. just as most people going in have not been tested in much of the world, unless they have been out of the country rather recently, or have had known contact with someone known to have the virus. or of course they are ,rich, famous or politicians. and the reason of course is the lack of tests around the world to use. something that hopefully will change now that countries have developed their own cheaper, faster, and more reliable tests, and can hopefully produce a lot more of them. fact is while the not testing is having an effect on the numbers you can't even really say which side the error is really on.

but the information we do know, no matter how sparse proper testing has been, is all we have to go on. and you can only compare number of deaths, to number of recoveries and vice versa. you can not include any numbers from those who are still sick with it, since of course they can go either way. and so all we can do is watch the trends on those "settled" cases where people have recovered or died. and sadly here for over a week now we have been at about two deaths for every recovery. with over 10% of the dead being doctors. both trends i hope will not continue. but they are the trends we have. and the trends we need to pay attention to as well as things like rates of recovery. and you can't at all even trust any of the numbers for how bad people are. i have noticed the whole time that the number of people critical has remained at a soli ONE this whole time for the Philippines. it has never changed at all from what i have seen. no matter how many people have died or recovered, that number has stayed exactly at one critical case

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 05:31 AM

originally posted by: IWant2Believe323
a reply to: chiefsmom
Yeah here in New Mexico, our Gov said all schools are done for the school year today. They’re moving to distance learning and handing out pass/fail only, no letter grades. I don’t have kids though so I have no idea what that entails.
Public preschools and K-12 schools across the state were ordered to shut down effective March 16 to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Students were initially scheduled to go back to school April 6, though Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham recently warned that the closure could end up being even longer.

so they are only looking at schools being closed for the rest of the year? here our school summer vacation is April and May, with the new school year starting in June. they are preparing for a scenario where school does not even restart in June, and possibly for the entire school year. they are wanting to do it via internet if needed. but unless some major changes are made, that will be a huge problem. they tried using the internet to help finish out the school year, and many schools actually stopped because of the numbers of people who not only don't have internet access, many people don't have cellphone coverage reaching their homes as well.

and it is the same problem in North America. while in cities almost everyone has access to both internet service and cellphone service, once you go outside the cities, people don't. i have a friend who lives just barely as things are considered outside of Toronto, and only a minute from one of the main highways into the city. yet most cellphones do not get service. and no ISP will service the area. something i know about from all sorts of friends who live in the countryside in both the US and Canada, where no ISP will touch areas because they can't make enough money to make it worth their while. and cellphone coverage can be rather spotty, or non existent as well. i also know from my travels through the US that there are quite a lot of areas with no cellphone service.

so if they want to use the internet for school, they first need to insure that internet and cellphone service, is actually available to everyone in the country.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 05:37 AM
Found that Local County Health Dept had breakdown of just ours. These are Mar 28 numbers. source

Genesee County Michigan
Cases 110
Deaths 5

Percentage of Cases by Sex
Percentage of Cases by Age
0 to 19 years4%
20 to 29 years9%
30 to 39 years14%
40 to 49 years14%
50 to 59 years15%
60 to 69 years19%
70 to 79 years17%
80+ years9%

Cases by Hospitalization
Yes 49 45%
No 61 55%
Unknown 00

Michigan Governor is moving patients up here from counties around Detroit to ease the strain down there.

This could be bad for Flint. They already have horrible health due to the water. Although, they joked for a while Flint Water made them immune. Anyway the weather is warming up and so is Crime. There have been a number of shootings in just the past 48 hours already and a gruesome murder.

I went out to pick up my grocery order(worst experience ever!) Drove to the edge of Flint to get a look. Way, way less traffic but people who are out don't care.

They do not have the Police force. I'm watching very closely. Im worried about crime from that area spreading to surrounding communities.
edit on 29-3-2020 by misfit312 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-3-2020 by misfit312 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 06:04 AM


U.S. agency includes gun sellers as critical infrastructure during coronavirus emergency

pew pew...pew pew pew

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 07:01 AM
Are we approaching 1 mil cases by wednesday?

Looks like it according to worldometers.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 07:22 AM
Update from the Netherlands 29/03/2020 @ 14:14 (GMT +1):

Active cases 10.866 (+1.104)

Dead 771 (+132)

The numbers of active cases are rising per thousands, yesterday and today. This is the rollercoaster I didn't want to ride.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 07:28 AM

originally posted by: Toinski
Update from the Netherlands 29/03/2020:

People are coughing, getting sick and all I hear is stay home. Staying add home is killing me, I rather get this virus and get it over with. If I perish from this decease so be it, if I have to go I will go. And honestly I truly don't care anymore.


I know I'm the last person you would want to hear this from but, hang in there, this will end one day and maybe we all come out better people for it. Hopefully we learn not to leave our health and well being to the mercy of some asian country or some over rated bureaucrats from Fantasy Island. Just turn off from reading the news or checking out the net for statistics for a day, I think everyone here can agree on the mental and physical drain this crisis has put on their lives, and I'm sure there are many doctors and nurses who would love to spend a week or so at home right now but can't.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it doesn't have to be that of heaven.

Stay strong and take care

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 07:31 AM
From the French Live Feed :

- 8h11 : Justin Trudeau's Wife has 'recovered' from Coronavirus.

- 8h50 : Multiple Medicalised Trains in France to transport patients.
The first few of 36 from 'Grand-Est' to 'Nouvelle-Aquitaine' Region, and 24 from Nancy.
In Mulhouse, another train will take 12 patients to other hospitals in France.

- 9h16 : Patrick Devedjian, 75, previously a Govt Minister under Sarkozy, and current President of 'Hauts-de-Seine' Region, has died from Coronavirus. He was admitted to Hospital on 26th March.

- 12h21 : German Military plane to evacuate some patients from Alsace to Stuttgart and Ulm.

- 13h00 : Abu Dhabi Drive-In 5min Test inaugurated Saturday, can test 600 Patients a day, while you wait in your car.

- 13h25 : Riyad siezes 5 Million Illegally stored Masks over the past few days.
edit on 29-3-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: spelling and stuff

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 07:37 AM
The french doctor promoting chloroquine and zpac now habe 1003 cases and only 1 death.

He give chlotoquine as early as case is detected. It work

Doctor website (french)

Also, in canada, they stared a trial for chloroquine to give it to people not sick for a week. This will protect them. Long term.Chloroquine stay in blood for months, protecting them like a vaccine.
edit on 29-3-2020 by Maker22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 07:45 AM
micheal groe - has anounced that UK restrictions are " open ended " and may last " some time "

oh joy - that was " unexpected wasnt it children

in other UK news - the general pubic continues to act like utter bellends

shooting a few throusand - will actually reduce the total deathtoll for 2020 - by slowing N19COVID intection rates

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 07:46 AM
Mini FL update.

Cases are slowly ticking up in my area. 2 weeks ago it was about 30 cases in my town and the towns neighboring it.

Now theyre are about 70.

My fiancee has been laid off, of course unemployment wont kick in until after all the bills are due.

Still no tax return (75 days now), was "randomly selected" for further review. (May 15, ironic HUH?)

We are set up but no orders for rent except a notice that sheriffs wont be serving evictions.

Crazy times

Also, stores are still mostly out of the staples. Stocked up on meat recently, while it wasnt sold out choices were limited, quantities are low.

Got the look and a please from a lady at the meat counter. We both slide towards each other, and realized we were 3 ft apart.

I get it.

Who knows what next week holds.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: Village Idiot

originally posted by: Toinski
Update from the Netherlands 29/03/2020:

People are coughing, getting sick and all I hear is stay home. Staying add home is killing me, I rather get this virus and get it over with. If I perish from this decease so be it, if I have to go I will go. And honestly I truly don't care anymore.


I know I'm the last person you would want to hear this from but, hang in there, this will end one day and maybe we all come out better people for it. Hopefully we learn not to leave our health and well being to the mercy of some asian country or some over rated bureaucrats from Fantasy Island. Just turn off from reading the news or checking out the net for statistics for a day, I think everyone here can agree on the mental and physical drain this crisis has put on their lives, and I'm sure there are many doctors and nurses who would love to spend a week or so at home right now but can't.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it doesn't have to be that of heaven.

Stay strong and take care

You are the first person being nice, hard times. Everything I did in the last 5 months is ruined. I need to cope with that.

Stay safe mate. Far away but still close. People around the world need each other. Organize, we don't need them. We come in millions, this is our world. Why nobody sees this?!?


People always say, you are on your own. What can you do? On my own I can't do anything. But with millions of people! Maybe billions, imagine that? Unite people, unite.

edit on 29 3 2020 by Toinski because: pfff

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: Toinski
Update from the Netherlands 29/03/2020:

Total cases 9762 (+1159)

Total dead 639 (+93)


+1195 in one day, this is getting way out of hand. What do we have today @ 14:00 (GMT +1). +2000

People are coughing, getting sick and all I hear is stay home. Staying add home is killing me, I rather get this virus and get it over with. If I perish from this decease so be it, if I have to go I will go. And honestly I truly don't care anymore.

You might not care, but others do. So stay the fook home!

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 08:22 AM
From the Guardian Live Feed :

- 8.30am : April Dunn, 33, A member of staff for Louisiana Govenor John Bel Edwards, has died from complications due to COVID-19, cnn reports.

- 9.38am : All travellers to South Korea will be quarantined for 2 weeks, as of April 1st.
Those who don’t have an address in the country will be quarantined in a government provided facility for two weeks at their own expense.

- 9.40am : Italian Deputy Health Minister, Pierpaolo Sileri, has said the lockdown in the country is beginning to work :

Over the last few days we had an increase of infections [but] this was due to an increase in [testing]. We are searching more and obviously we have more results of positive people, mainly without symptoms.

We are live in the peak of this epidemic. I believe in one week time, 10 days maximum, we will see a significant drop in cases.

- 10.03am : Australia's Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, has announced further restrictions for the Population :
- Limiting Public Gatherings to just 2 people.
- People should only leave their homes for essential reasons, and those over the age of 70 should stay home, he said.
- All playgrounds and outdoor gyms parks in Australia will close from Monday.

- 11.50am : Record Daily Increase in Tokyo : 68 New cases.
1,800 People have been recorded as Infected in Japan so far, with 55 Deaths.

- 12.37pm : Alcohol sales banned in Greenland capital Nuuk, after increase in Domestic Violence during the Confinement period, especially against Children.
The Ban came into force Saturday, and is to last until 15th April.

- 12.56pm : Spat between Brazil's President, and Health Minister.

In Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro has reportedly told his health minister he will sack him if he criticises his handling of the coronavirus crisis. The health minister, in return, has asked Bolsonaro whether he is really ready to see army trucks transporting hundreds and hundreds of bodies through the streets of Brazilian cities in front of the cameras.

One Brazilian commentator has come up with a new nickname for Brazil’s far-right leader in today’s paper: “Captain Corona.”

- 1.05pm : Spain and Italy demand more European help, as they fight still surging cases.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: Toinski
Update from the Netherlands 29/03/2020:

Total cases 9762 (+1159)

Total dead 639 (+93)


+1195 in one day, this is getting way out of hand. What do we have today @ 14:00 (GMT +1). +2000

People are coughing, getting sick and all I hear is stay home. Staying add home is killing me, I rather get this virus and get it over with. If I perish from this decease so be it, if I have to go I will go. And honestly I truly don't care anymore.

You might not care, but others do. So stay the fook home!

I don't care about myself, but I do care about others. Earlier posts suggested that I was staying home, I will manage for 5/6 weeks but after that, tell me, I truly don't know. Maybe I am to worried, I think local help, people will help.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 08:43 AM
From the BBC Live Feed :

- 10.07 : UK Lockdown : 'Could last until June'.
ICL Prof Neil Ferguson, leading Govt adviser, :

“We’re going to have to keep these measures (the full lockdown) in place, in my view, for a significant period of time – probably until the end of May, maybe even early June.”

He added that even if the lockdown was lifted, people would probably still need to abide by social distancing measures for months to come.

- 10.22 : World's Oldest Man Celebrates 112th Birthday today.

Bob Weighton, a former teacher and engineer from Hampshire in the south of England, was born in 1908, the year the Wright Brothers made their first public flight.

Mr Weighton lived through the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 and is now under lockdown like the rest of the UK.

- 14.15 : Dutch recall 600,000 defective masks from China

The Dutch Health Ministry told AFP news agency that 1.3 million masks were delivered on 21 March. About 600,000 of the masks had already been distributed to healthcare workers.

The problem was either that the masks didn't close over the face properly, or were fitted with defective filters.

- 14.35 : Drive-Thru Test Centres for NHS staff.
The retailer Boots opened the facilities in the car park of Chessington World of Adventures in Surrey, and at its headquarters in Beeston, Nottinghamshire.
The Sites are for NHS staff, and operate by Invitation only.

- 15.11 : Reminder about social distancing :

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 08:50 AM
From French Live Feed at 15.01 :

"AFP (Agence France Presse) : "43% of the World's Population in some sort of Confinement".

3.38 Billion People, in about 80 Countries or territories, are either asked or forced to stay confined in their Homes.
(Evaluation by AFP, taking into account UN's count of 7.79 Billion Global Population in 2020)
edit on 29-3-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: formatting

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: Toinski

I don't care about myself, but I do care about others. Earlier posts suggested that I was staying home, I will manage for 5/6 weeks but after that, tell me, I truly don't know. Maybe I am to worried, I think local help, people will help.

These numbers of infected will come down but it will take at least 2-3 weeks from the day lock downs and social distancing were put in place, the virus is a fast spreader/slow worker.... kinda like a politician.
As bad as this crisis is becoming and will continue for some time, there will be a turning point were everyone's efforts will make the difference, both by individuals and as a group.
When you think about other calamities that could be taking place, like an asteroid, where you have no control over the outcome, here we actually do, we can control this nasty little bug by simply utilizing the likes of Netflix and other forms of home entertainment.
So don't worry, just like a bad "Cats" movie, this will pass too.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2
From the BBC Live Feed :

- 10.07 : UK Lockdown : 'Could last until June'.
ICL Prof Neil Ferguson, leading Govt adviser, :

“We’re going to have to keep these measures (the full lockdown) in place, in my view, for a significant period of time – probably until the end of May, maybe even early June.”

He added that even if the lockdown was lifted, people would probably still need to abide by social distancing measures for months to come.

That's the problem though, the UK is not on a full lock down. Its pretty much just a restriction on socialising. Shops, pubs and restaurants are closed but from what I hear warehouse and manufacturing is operating as normal. Lip service has been paid to social distancing in the workplace but as many know this is only usually effective if you sit at a desk all day and most of those are now working from home. For people in production and warehouses it's a scary place to be right now.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 09:28 AM
Indiana averaging close to 300 new cases a day this isn't slowing down anytime soon 282 new cases today .

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