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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 11:12 AM

I’m not sure if this was posted but literally food for thought
I’m not sure of the efficacy myself, but if anyone in the medical community would like to chime in about the applications of this please comment.

Article states masked that are soaked in a saline solution may be of importance in combating the spread and personal defense for healthcare workers

Be Well ATS

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 11:15 AM
Another leap in numbers for NY. This morning it was 38977, now we are at 44635:

edit on 27-3-2020 by Chance321 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 11:19 AM
Uk cheif medical offcer,Chris whitty is having symptoms and is going to self isolate for,wait for it...7 days.

Not gonna take your own advice then Mr Whitty you massive d1ck?
Its 14 days you imbecile and even that is probably not enough.

Sorry no link yet,just breaking on BBC news.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: saladfingers123456
Regarding Boris J... Right at the start of this, he stated that he "shook hands" with corona patients in NHS hospitals himself...
That was on camera, in a briefing. Not sure how you find it, but there you go. Maybe over confidence... or maybe he is just getting in his bunker.

"cough cough,, this isn't going too well, erm, cough cough, I'm feeling a bit unwell chaps, I'm just going to take a few days off work, byeeeeeeeee cough cough"

"Prime Minister, erm... where are you going?"
Boris the Bold is going nowhere other than to remain at the helm because we need a strong leader who knows and speaks his own mind like it is. I'm no Tory but I do think that Boris is a worthy PM and one that will be recognised as such in future. Maybe he will go down as one of the best! I still wouldn't vote Tory mind. Nor Labour until they get rid of the shambolic incapable leadership team they still have. Get well Boris your country needs you!!!

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 11:36 AM
Uk's biggest total new cases to date:

2,885 new cases

181 deaths.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 11:37 AM
Some information regarding the binding receptor that the virus uses. We have heard that it uses ACE2 receptor, but it looks like it may use the CD147 (basigin,BSG) receptor mainly. A lot of big scientific words that i dont fully understand, others with more scientific background may get more use, but I think it's promising information. Gives some explanations for why we are also seeing some neurological symptoms.

Reading up more on this, it seems like co-infections from bacteria is also one of the main issues with Covid-19, leading to many of it's deaths. -study-stated/

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: zabarjad

I think the problem may be that if this virus is neuroinvasive, as some studies show, a person could be infected without showing any outward signs (thus asymptomatic) until the (neurolocated) infection reaches a point of criticality, then that person just drops like a rock because their heart has stopped beating or they can't breath without consciously thinking about it.

Thatis scary af to think about.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 11:48 AM


posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 11:50 AM
I just came across this image online and backtraced it to the source. At first I thought it was a hoax intended to cause panic and anxiety. Sadly it is not.

The good news is that it just a draft and not yet policy.

The bad news is that if things get bad, well...


I'm not religious, but I do sincerely pray that we don't reach a point where this document, or any like it, becomes necessary or common.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 11:54 AM
Italy reports 5959 new cases of Coronavirus and 919 new deaths
edit on 27-3-2020 by UFO1414 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 11:55 AM
From Guardian Live Feed :

- 8.39am : Hungary on Official lockdown from tomorrow, for an initial period of 2 weeks. People will only be able to leave their homes for Grocery Shopping and Pharmacies, and other basic essentials, in Line with other European countries.

- 8.47am : (From Summary) :
- China records it first case of locally transmitted virus in three days, and 54 imported cases.
- Uzbekistan locks down more cities and districts, and announced Large bonuses for Medical Workers.
- Americans should receive cash payments within 3 weeks, Mnunchin says.
- Canada attacks US proposals to deploy Troops along its undefended joint Border.
- In Lisbon, a "Drive-Thru" Clinic is doing 5 minute swab tests through car windows on people with symptoms.
- Spain extends lockdown to at least 12th April.

- 9.29am :Ireland and Northern Ireland preparing for improvised Morgues, as they brace for increase in Number of Deaths from Coronavirus.

- 10.32am : Spain withdraws 9,000 Chinese test kits after it emerges it only has a detection rate of 30%.
The kits were made by a Chinese company who did not appear on China's list of Approved Companies to produce the Kits.

- 10.39am : Tesco limiting Online shoppers to 80 items per shop, to free up delivery slots.

- 10.54am : Armenia reports first death due to Coronavirus, a 72 year old Woman.

- 11.58am : UK Firefighters, Retired Police Officers and Former Ambulance Workers drafted in to help prevent the NHS becoming overwhelmed.

- 12.55am : Armani group has turned it's production lines to produce single-use smocks for Healthcare workers in Italy.

- 1.19pm : Germany proposes to create Mass study into how many people are Immune to COVID-19, hoping to test 100,000 volunteers for antibodies, commencing mid-April.

- 1.44pm : As of Today, India has tested 26,798 people, with 691 being Positive.

- 2.05pm : Care Home in Portugal where most residents have tested positive, has prompted Govt to send in Army. They will help relocate the elderly residents, and to disinfect the facility once it is empty.

- 2.13pm : Indonesian Govt does U-Turn, now allowing Regional Authorities to impose lockdowns to stem spread of Virus.

- 3.45pm : Details emerging of US man, beleived to have been first teenager to have died from the Virus, was denied treatment from an urgent care clinic, because he didn't have Health Insurance.

- 4.12pm : France extends lockdown for two more weeks, until 14th April, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe announced.

edit on 27-3-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: spelling and stuff

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: Hefficide

IMO that is just shameful. I'm probably in the minority thinking that.

And according to the Dr. in charge of Trump's pandemic team, that is not even warranted under any scenario.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: slatesteam

interesting read on masks making using different materials and how to re-use an N95 but putting in oven 70c for 30 minutes.
Mask Materials and re-use information from s Stanford Learnly Anesthesiologist

(post by ManyMasks removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 12:08 PM
NYC Cases

Hoping we’re starting to see the first signs of the soft quarantine working here in NYC.

New cases hit their high on Wednesday (3/25) at 4,414. Yesterday saw 3,106 new cases. Today’s 2,461.

Really would be great to see. Local hospitals are just getting drilled.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: saladfingers123456
Regarding Boris J... Right at the start of this, he stated that he "shook hands" with corona patients in NHS hospitals himself...
That was on camera, in a briefing. Not sure how you find it, but there you go. Maybe over confidence... or maybe he is just getting in his bunker.

"cough cough,, this isn't going too well, erm, cough cough, I'm feeling a bit unwell chaps, I'm just going to take a few days off work, byeeeeeeeee cough cough"

"Prime Minister, erm... where are you going?"

My first thought when I found out its been announced he has it was that he probably doesn't have it and this is a continuity of government move to get the leaders away to a safer location. The Chief Medical Officer also has it now and also has a mild case but will be self isolating. So now the PM and the right hand person in the UK's response to this both have "mild" cases and are self isolating, just at the time that things are about to get really bad in the UK. Hmmmm

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 12:14 PM
Over 900 deaths in Italy today alone....

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 12:15 PM
Update from Vermont: 184 confirmed cases and 10 deaths (up from 158 cases and 9 deaths yesterday)

49% of confirmed cases are in my home county

Wishing you all safety and peace in these uncertain times

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 12:22 PM
Urgh. CFR up to 17%.

New CFR rate with Italy posting their numbers.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: zabarjad

Here is something i found, indicates that there may be some damage that happens while asymptomatic. Also could indicate that in certain cases the damage can appear really fast.

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