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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 02:30 PM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2

“No American is going to say, accelerate the economy at the cost of human life because no American is going to say how much a life is worth. Job one has to be save lives. That has to be the priority.”

I can think of one American who will say this and has been saying this on these threads.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 02:47 PM
From the French Live Feed :

18h12 : Britain to use the ExCeL Centre in London as Temporary Hospital for up to 2x2000 beds (Two separate areas).

18h56 : The French 'Scientific Counsel' is saying it is 'impreative' that the confinement in France be for at least 6 weeks from the beginning, on the 17th March.

19h14 : Olivier Véran, Health Minister, said " Lets be prudent. The Scientific Counsels proposition is just an estimation. An estimation, among others."

20h16 : About the Deaths in France, Professor Jérôme Salomon says "The ~1000 Deaths recorded in Hopsitals so far, are only a small number of the Deaths. The Majority of Deaths are in Hospitals, and Ehpad (Medicalised Old Peoples Homes)." adding "There will be a daily check on the mortality in these Ehpad in the coming days".
edit on 24-3-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: added link

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 02:48 PM
Well, here's NY's update. 25665 cases.

This from Johns Hopkins University

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: Willyblake
6 months since it started in China? uhm that's not true. It started in late November, that's 4 months.

Anyone who thinks it's been in the wild in China for 4 - or 6 - months, but only two weeks in the rest of the world, doesn't understand viral vectors.

If it's been in the wild in China for 4 months, we're at best only a week or two - three at the very outside - behind - unless - maybe - you want to argue that there was some kind of single, mass infection event in China, where many thousands got infected all at once (or within a relatively short period of time).

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 02:58 PM
With all due respect, I don't know why some of you try to portray as if Trump "discovered" Chloroquine. It has been used in China for the past months, it's been used in Turkey, and also in some Latin American countries.
It certainly helps to make hospitalization shorter, but it's not a "cure" per se.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: elitegamer23

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2

“No American is going to say, accelerate the economy at the cost of human life because no American is going to say how much a life is worth. Job one has to be save lives. That has to be the priority.”

I can think of one American who will say this and has been saying this on these threads.

This is a non-political thread. Speak up!

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Yes, that makes sense. I guess at some point truth will have to be revealed. But then again, we said the same about 9/11 and still waiting.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 03:02 PM
I introduced myself in thread 2 page 125.

UK rural North (military).

I am deliberately vague about my location, role, trade, cap badge and allude a lot.


Work: Well my role remains the same because of our location being a critical defence asset. Although there are some personnel now getting ready to help on various ops, one of which is large in scope and military involvement but has not yet been called. Our working practices have changed to reflect the new environment we find ourselves in (contaminated with a bio agent but all it really amounts to is minimal personal protection and a lot of hygiene/cleaning routine). Not really happy with some of the lack of direction I am witnessing.

Domestic: All healthy and prepared.

Opinion. I think we are fooked. After seeing the care free attitude of far too many people wandering around as if nothing is happening even after the governments so called 'lockdown'. I'm still optimistic but now feel that this is going to end up being worse than it should be because of far too many idiots. It's not the flu. The government doesn't ready us the way they have, on the scale they have, for the things they have for nothing. It's very apparent to us what is coming (I hope not as bad as the preparations are). It has got me down seeing so many stupid people in the country not caring. They will when it gets brutal, especially in places like London. I'm hearing snippets from friends elsewhere and ex forces pals in the health service. Look at the faces of the politicians giving the daily briefs, worried is one word (they know). I'm an optimistic person by nature so will end upbeat. We can get through this but I'm not going to bother 'carrying' those who don't seem to care or potentially expose others by their behaviour. Here in the UK we have a great armed forces and we will carry on no matter what. I will continue to update infrequently. I know my recent updates have been all samey samey. Although I want want to be anonymous so am vague, I want you to know that we are busy (that is supporting those tasked with MACA as my role is to remain in place). Stay safe and sane. Be kind and look after each other.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 03:05 PM
500k barrier likely breached in 24-48hrs and then it soars.

Trump seems a little confused and bewildered to me, and I like the guy, for all his faults. I hope the US has a cure I really do. I just don’t think you do, not really. It’s hopemongering. Yes be honest, we all need some hope right now.

Covid-19 is taking off around the globe and the outcome will be horrendous unless a cure is found. I hope chloroquine is the saviour some are suggesting. It could literally save 10’s of millions from death.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: Brick17

Hey Brick: You stay safe, as well, and I watch for your updates. What I bolded really stood out to me:


Work: Well my role remains the same because of our location being a critical defence asset. Although there are some personnel now getting ready to help on various ops, one of which is large in scope and military involvement but has not yet been called. Our working practices have changed to reflect the new environment we find ourselves in (contaminated with a bio agent but all it really amounts to is minimal personal protection and a lot of hygiene/cleaning routine). Not really happy with some of the lack of direction I am witnessing.

edit on 24-3-2020 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: Brick17

Thank you Brick. It's good to see an 'insiders' post regarding what's going on. Much appreciated.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 03:08 PM
From the Guardian Live Feed :

5.19pm : President of Harvard University, Larry Bacow, and his partner Adèle, have tested positive for COVID19.
Interesting quote :

Neither of us knows how we contracted the virus, but the good news—if there is any to be had—is that far fewer people crossed our paths recently than is usually the case.

5.33pm : 350 Public Health Academics and Advisors, have signed a petition to get the Swedish Govt to Follow the W.H.O. guidelines more strictly, namely the closure of all schools and non-essential commerces. They say that the guidelines have worked well in South Korea and other places, and should be followed to their Full Extent".

5.42pm : Holy Crap, we're past 400,000 total cases already !!!

6.07pm : Easter Island confirms its first case of COVID19.

Subsequently, Chile’s Health Minister announced the island would be quarantined for a period of 14 days.

Easter Island is 2,182 miles away from Chile’s mainland - around a 6-hour flight. Given its isolation, and lack of medical facilities, an outbreak on the island is cause for concern.

Any critical patients would have to be transported back to the mainland, which typically takes around two days to organise.

Despite the precautions taken by local authorities, it is unclear how the virus reached the island. The patient had not been off the island, nor in contact with anyone with confirmed symptoms.

6.16pm : Chimpanzees, Gorillas and Orangutangs could be wiped out by the Virus, explain Scientists. They have 98% of Human DNA. (This could also mean they could become carriers as well i suspect).

7.09pm : In the UK, the CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) has warned retailers and other businesses to not increase prices due to Coronavirus. This is following reports of 'Sports Direct' increasing prices on several exercise products.

7.16pm : Update from Jérome Salomon again, this time with some numbers :

France has 22,300 confirmed cases of coronavirus. There are 10,176 people in hospital 2,516 in intensive care, of whom 34% are aged younger than 60 years. There have been 1,100 deaths of patients with the coronavirus in hospital. 85% of these deaths are people over 70 years of age. The increase in deaths is 240 people in 24 hours.

7.45pm : Protective Facemasks are being stolen from Emergency Depts in Northern Ireland. Robin Swann expressed concern at the thefts, as he announced a release of 30% of PPE masks from the Stockpile ahead of schedule.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 03:12 PM
Is China lying ?

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: tetra50

The op is nothing ominous or sinister. It's an op that has been (a contingency plan) for a long time and has been implemented in the past. The plan is vast in scope but can be implemented down to a location/site/area/village/region etc or even nation wide, depending on what is required. It involves certain roles/trades from the 3 services and could see (if it is required/desired or needed) a visible presence of armed forces personnel. But the op isn't something to be worried about. What it does tell me though, is how serious is when placed alongside all the other ops. And remember, personnel go down with the virus too.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 03:16 PM
Michigan is up to 1791 cases.
9 Detroit Police confirmed

We have 24 deaths youngest is 38 no underlying medical conditions. Returned from out of State vacation admitted to ICU for Bronchitis died before test returned.

Also Governor reports Detroits Beaumont Health is almost at capacity already.

On some of the local news FB pages all they do is post a link to the updates and people are lighting them up calling them fear mongers. Horribly attacking local news anchors on FB. They are legit pissed at the media for just reporting now.
Claiming it's all their fault we are on lockdown because they are pushing fear.
Has anyone else seen this?

They can't hit out at MSM or whoever so it seems they are taking it local.
edit on 24-3-2020 by misfit312 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: Gargoyle91
Is China lying ?

That has been my thought all along. Is the WHO there? I think those numbers need to be verified. I just don't foresee it stopping like that.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: Brick17
a reply to: tetra50

The op is nothing ominous or sinister. It's an op that has been (a contingency plan) for a long time and has been implemented in the past. The plan is vast in scope but can be implemented down to a location/site/area/village/region etc or even nation wide, depending on what is required. It involves certain roles/trades from the 3 services and could see (if it is required/desired or needed) a visible presence of armed forces personnel. But the op isn't something to be worried about. What it does tell me though, is how serious is when placed alongside all the other ops. And remember, personnel go down with the virus too.

Thanks for all your updates and for further explanation. It stood out to me, as you said you "allude," often. But I certainly get your point at the end.

Please take care.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 03:19 PM
You may recall several pages back that I mentioned a dental conference in Vancouver held on March 5th where 15,000 dental professionals attended (90% of the province’s total). At least four confirmed cases where traced to the conference and all were asked to self-isolate on March 16.

It appears one of the dentists has died of suspected COVID-19. He apparently continued to see patients (saw at least one on March 12) and didn’t go to the hospital as he didn’t want to overwhelm the medical system.
edit on 24-3-2020 by NxNWest because: Added dates

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Gargoyle91

It would appear that China have and are still lying their butts off. No way on earth Italy has more deaths with less cases. No way China only had 80k odd infected. Their lies fed into the early modelling of Covid-19 and it’s likely spread pattern and lethality. Decisions were based upon those models. Models were changed rapidly due to statistics from Italy because it then became clear to the idiots in charge that China might have lied a bit.

We knew China was lying from the start. I cannot prove it. I’m not sure who really could. One thing is for sure, Covid-19 is not finished with China, not by a long shot.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 03:22 PM
From the Facebook page of the person I know who was on the Grand Princess off the coast of San Francisco:

Good evening to all of my friends! This is my last post from my 14 days here at JBSA Lackland. My daughter, [name redacted], will be here tomorrow at 9:00 to pick me up! I cannot wait!

The primary purpose of this post is to share my sincerest gratitude to each of the individuals who have taken care of us during the past 14 days. I do not know them by name and they look rather similar, robed in their private protective gear. And we all look the same in our masks and yet they know our names.

These men and women are here from all over the US, have not worked together before and yet the care that they have given us has been incredible!

I don’t know if any of them will see my post, but for all naysayers who bad mouth our government employees, you can be assured that these are exceptional!

I cannot really envision what to expect when I return but I am ready! I am healthy, physically and mentally.

Thank each of you again for your well wishes! ❤️❤️❤️

Elsewhere in the state:

3/23/2020 3:25pm: We can confirm Montgomery County now has 19 positive cases of COVID-19. (See additional info below.)

As of 3:00 pm today, MCPHD has been notified of 117 negative and 19 positive test results of county residents. We have results pending for another 147 residents.

Here are updates on Montgomery County’s current cases:

Case # 1 - A man in his 40s, who resides in Northwest Montgomery County, is still hospitalized. He remains in critical condition, but he is stable and still showing some improvement. As a result of our investigation, we do believe he contracted the virus as a result of community spread. (reported 03/10/2020)

Case # 2 - A woman, in her 40s, who resides in Southeast Montgomery County. She remains in a hospital in Harris County, in critical condition. Her only travel was to New Orleans. (reported 3/12/2020)

Case # 3 - A man, in his 40s, who resides in Northwest Montgomery County. He is at home, recovering well. His only travel was to Florida. (reported 3/12/2020)

Case # 4 - A woman, in her 40s, who resides in Northwest Montgomery County. She remains at home, doing well. Her case is connected to Case # 3. (reported 3/14/2020)

Case # 5 – A man, in his 50s, who resides in Southwest Montgomery County. He is in isolation in his home. The man has recently traveled to California. (reported 3/17/2020)

Case # 6 - A man, in his 40s, who resides in Southwest Montgomery County. At this time, he is in isolation in his home. The man has recently traveled to California. (reported 3/18/2020)

Case # 7 – A woman, in her 60s, who resides in Northwest Montgomery County. At this time, she is in isolation in her home. She has no recent travel history, and no known contact with other patients. (reported 3/18/2020)

Case # 8 – A woman, in her 40s, who resides in Southeast Montgomery County. At the time, she is in isolation in her home. She has recently traveled to Germany. (reported 3/19/2020)

Case # 9 – A man, in his 50s, who resides in Southwest Montgomery County. He is currently hospitalized in critical but stable condition. His travel history is under investigation. (reported 3/19/2020)

Case # 10 – A woman in her 50s, who resides in Southeast Montgomery County. She is in isolation at home. She did attend the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo on Sunday, March 8th. (reported 3/20/2020)

Case # 11 – A man in his 90s, who resides in Southwest Montgomery County. He is currently hospitalized. He has no recent travel history. (reported 3/20/2020)

Case # 12 - A man in his 50s, who resides in Southwest Montgomery County. He is in isolation at home. He recently traveled to Brazil. (reported 3/20/2020)

Case # 13 – A woman in her 30s, who resides in Northwest Montgomery County. She is in isolation at home. She has no recent travel history. (reported 3/21/2020)

Case # 14 - A woman in her 40s, who resides in Southwest Montgomery County. Her case is connected to a Smith County, Texas case, where she recently traveled. She at currently at home in isolation. (reported 3/22/2020)

Case # 15 - A man in his 40s, who has been in Northeast Montgomery County for a work-related purpose. He is currently in insolation at his residence. His only recent travel is to Houston. (reported 3/22/2020)

Case # 16 – A female teenager, 13-19 years old, who resides in Southeast Montgomery County. She is in isolation at her home. She has recent travel to New Orleans. (reported 3/23/2020)

Case # 17 – A woman in her 20s, who resides in Northwest Montgomery County. She is in isolation at her home. This is believed to be a case of community spread because she was in close contact with a suspected case. (reported 3/23/2020)

Case # 18 – A man in his 50s, who resides in Southwest Montgomery County. He is in isolation at his home. He has recent travel to Chicago, Illinois. (reported 3/23/2020)

Case # 19 - A man in his 50s, who resides in Southwest Montgomery County. He is in isolation at his home. He has recent travel to California. (reported 3/23/2020)

Montgomery County Facebook page

MIDLAND, Texas — UPDATE: Midland Memorial Hospital says the COVID-19 patient in his 60s has died.

The hospital says the man had no significant underlying health conditions.

This is the first coronavirus-related death in the Permian Basin.
emphases mine

COVID-19 patient in Midland County has died, first death in the Permian Basin

So, one case potentially from the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, and two cases above potentially from Mardi Gras, and a death of an older (not elderly, as I don't consider a person elderly until they're in their 70's although some might) person with no underlying health conditions.
edit on 24-3-2020 by jadedANDcynical because: fixed link tag

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