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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 09:40 PM
Could it be

Suppliers: traffickers
Supplies: trafficked vials tainted
End Users: evildoers

What does adrenochrome do?
What happens when adrenochrome is in you?
Tested for tainting?
Think HIV

Restless nights

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 09:43 PM

originally posted by: liejunkie01
a reply to: musicismagic

I have to say MIM that you were correct in what to expect.

I want to personally thank you for showing me what could, would, and did happen with the run on the stores here.

Because of you and many more here on ATS I did my bulk shopping weeks ago and now I am sitting in amazement of how my friends and people from my small town are acting. Someone shared on Facebook our local Walmart and I can tell you that it looks like a pack of wild dogs ravaged the place.

Because of the efforts here to warn and tell people what to expect, my family and I have been sitting on the couch watching Netflix and eating dinner, while the world has seemingly gone mad here.

I am telling people we are about 2 to 4 weeks behind the rest of the world, trying to get people to realize it's not necessarily the virus to watch out for.

I think my brother and his girlfriend finally got the slap in the face today that I have been warning them about.

Thanks again and keep the updates coming.

You said it, bang on.

We watched the madness in Canada here today. I ventured into the grocery store and got a few more things, but as the madness unfolded around me, I knew I didn’t have to be there. On that third week in January, because of this site and thread, we started to prepare.

I was a long time lurker that had to create a new account because mine had been lost to me, but this is the first place I knew to come. I watched so many others that “came back”.

Thank you all. We feel prepared, at least for the next several months.

I watch others who have been saying it’s all crazy and didn’t prepare, complain now that there is nothing on the shelves. They could have all been preparing all of this time and the supplies would keep up. Now, the time is imminent.

Thank you all again. Literally, likely life savers in many cases.

Be safe all.
edit on 13-3-2020 by NxNWest because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

I don't get it.

You go to the drive thru and get swabbed and they send you back home. They don't treat you, they just identify you.

You are instructed to go home and self isolate. You are instructed to treat the symptoms the same way you would treat any other cold or flu. You are only hospitalized if your symptoms are severe.

So what good is testing outside of providing statistics, identification, and demographics?

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 09:47 PM
Arizona up to 10 officially.

14 school districts closed today.

The state canceled all event permits through May 1.

Word in state government is we may shutdown until May 1 very soon. No idea if we will get paid or not. We do have a large, 1 Billion+ rainy day fund.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 09:57 PM
Our Prime Minister (who is in isolation at home as his wife tested positive) has been chatting with Trump about whether to close the border.

Also, Canada is looking at limiting inbound flights and directing them to a few locations (to be announced). No cruise ship is allowed to dock until July. All are asked to consider international travel, and if you are returning, you are being asked to self-isolate for 14 days.

Stimulus packages announced, wait time for employment insurance is waived, federal interest rate cut, House of Commons shut down, it goes on...

In many provinces, schools are closed, daycares and public places in Toronto closed, a major mall shut down, no large gatherings are allowed... I believe we are days from a containment situation.
edit on 13-3-2020 by NxNWest because: Added

edit on 13-3-2020 by NxNWest because: (no reason given)

(post by malektaus removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 10:03 PM
Update from NC....19 cases NC, 13 SC. One of the 19 NC cases is a nearby elementary school where "a family" had a travel related case.

Went to a local store to get stuff to make dinners to deliver to elderly relations. Man it was a mad house. In the carolinas we get winter storms from time to time and the joke is "its a bread and milk alert boys"... this was nothing like that at all. Bread - gone. Beef/chicken - nearly wiped out. Canned soups - half gone. Water/TP/Paper towels completely gone. I equated the crowd to the crowd you see at the beach on check-in Saturday. But this time, not looking forward to a week at the beach.

We've decided to pull our son out of school beginning Monday. My wife is considered vulnerable (lung surgery/partial COPD) so we got a note from her doctor to send to the school. Seems to be leaking that the county might cancel soon anyway (afternoon announcements indicated "enjoy your break") oops haha.

I just gotta say, as a newbie, this thread is fantastic. It's allowed me to keep up with on the ground situations around the world, literally. Thanks to all who are moderating and keeping up with maintaining this. Information and open communication are key to our getting through this. Stay safe everyone.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has ordered all schools in the state K-12 closed for a minimum of two weeks.
A couple who took a Nile River cruise have tested positive here in the Hampton Roads area which includes the cities of Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Hampton and Newport News and thats over a million people.
I have not heard of any event cancellations.
I am going to karaoke in just a few minutes. I think... Hubby just took some tylenol for a headache. Ut oh...

We have also had at least a case in Canada due to a Nile river cruise. Funny, we seem to have lost interest in tracking cruise ship illness once the Diamond Princess.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 10:13 PM


posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 10:17 PM


posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 10:23 PM
1st reported Coronavirus death in Colorado, and it happens to be in the county I live in. The woman was 80 years old and had underlying health issues.

edi t on 13-3-2020 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 10:26 PM
Hey folks, read what I'm not printing. And use your wits from now on. Its all about you, your family and love ones staying and helping each other out now. I'd like to point out a few things can that happen when your job is affected by what is taken place.
1. stress (this will change day by day ) ( a good shot of whiskey can go a long way)
2. isolation from society (whether we like it or not, ex. is the Moron missionaries overseas are on total lockdown)
3. getting edgy and possible mental break downs ( without working, mental thoughts of despair can arise in your daily life)
4. having the feeling of loss of freedom that can and will lead to poor hygiene

OK read this:
United Nations Headquarters Move all employees to work from home unless essential.

This tells you the truth what to expect with most companies in about 1 day to about 14 days from now. I say this with much thought in mind, based upon the actions that all major companies in this country have moved forward with.

The United Nations Secretary-General Guterres has announced an unusual measure on Monday to require all employees to work from home except when work is essential, to prevent the transmission of the new coronavirus.

The United Nations headquarters in New York employs more than 6,000 staff, but nearly half of them currently choose to work from home, as applicants are already allowed to work from home.
edit on 0300000017312020-03-13T22:31:17-05:00311703pm10 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 10:47 PM
US OPM / Office of Management and Budget
Updated Guidance on Telework Flexibilities in Response to Coronavirus

tl;dr: All Federal agencies are encouraged to:
- maximize telework to workers with higher risk for serious complications.
- extend telework where there is community spread or to accommodate state and local closures.
- approve leave to employees with higher risk who are not telework-eligible.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:07 PM
Update Mar.13/20 - 11pm EST
Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Global Cases (by JHU CSSE)

Canada * 81-Ontario, 64-British Columbia, 29-Alberta, 17-Quebec
4-Manitoba, 2-Grand Princess, 1-New Brunswick, 2-Saskatchewan
Cruise Ship 43-Canadians are currently infected -- Total 118+43=161 nuary-4-2018/canadas-pandemic-plan.html USA & Canada Updates

Mar.01/20 - 4 more confirm + 20 Canada = Total 24
Mar.02/20 - 3 more confirm + 24 Canada = Total 27
Mar.03/20 - 6 more confirm + 27 Canada = Total 33
Mar.04/20 - 1 more confirm + 33 Canada = Total 34
Mar.05/20 - 14 more confirm + 34 Canada = Total 48
Mar.06/20 - 6 more confirm + 48 Canada = Total 54
Mar.07/20 - 6 more confirm + 54 Canada = Total 60
Mar.08/20 - 6 more confirm + 60 Canada = Total 66
Mar.09/20 - 11 more confirm + 66 Canada = Total 78
Mar.10/20 - 19 more confirm + 78 Canada = Total 97
Mar.11/20 - 21 more confirm + 78 Canada = Total 118
Mar.12/20 - 40 more confirm + 118 Canada = Total 158
Mar.13/20 - 42 more confirm + 158 Canada = Total 200

Feb.27/20 - 131 more confirm + 139 Iran = Total 270
Feb.28/20 - 118 more confirm + 270 Iran = Total 388
Feb.29/20 - 205 more confirm + 388 Iran = Total 593
Mar. 1/20 - 385 more confirm + 593 Iran = Total 978
Mar. 2/20 - 523 more confirm + 978 Iran = Total 1,501
Mar. 3/20 - 835 more confirm + 1,501 Iran = Total 2,336
Mar. 4/20 - 586 more confirm + 2,336 Iran = Total 2,922
Mar. 5/20 - 591 more confirm + 2,922 Iran = Total 3,513
Mar. 6/20 - 1,234 more confirm + 3,513 Iran = Total 4,747
Mar. 7/20 - 1,076 more confirm + 4,747 Iran = Total 5,823
Mar. 8/20 - 743 more confirm + 5,823 Iran = Total 6,566
Mar. 9/20 - 595 more confirm + 6,566 Iran = Total 7,161
Mar.10/20 - 881 more confirm + 7,161 Iran = Total 8,042
Mar.11/20 - 958 more confirm + 8,042 Iran = Total 9,000
Mar.12/20 - 1,075 more confirm + 9,000 Iran = Total 10,075
Mar.13/20 - 1,289 more confirm + 10,075 Iran = Total 11,364

Feb.27/20 - 202 more confirm + 453 Italy = Total 655
Feb.28/20 - 234 more confirm + 655 Italy = Total 889
Feb.29/20 - 239 more confirm + 889 Italy = Total 1,128
Mar. 1/20 - 566 more confirm + 1,128 Italy = Total 1,694
Mar. 2/20 - 342 more confirm + 1,694 Italy = Total 2,036
Mar. 3/20 - 466 more confirm + 2,036 Italy = Total 2,502
Mar. 4/20 - 586 more confirm + 2,502 Italy = Total 3,089
Mar. 5/20 - 769 more confirm + 3,089 Italy = Total 3,858
Mar. 6/20 - 778 more confirm + 3,858 Italy = Total 4,636
Mar. 7/20 - 1,247 more confirm + 4,636 Italy = Total 5,883
Mar. 8/20 - 1,492 more confirm + 5,883 Italy = Total 7,375
Mar. 9/20 - 1,797 more confirm + 7,375 Italy = Total 9,172
Mar.10/20 - 977 more confirm + 9,172 Italy = Total 10,149
Mar.11/20 - 2,651 more confirm + 10,149 Italy = Total 12,462
Mar.12/20 - 2,651 more confirm + 12,462 Italy = Total 15,113
Mar.13/20 - 2,547 more confirm + 15,113 Italy = Total 17,660

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: Trillium

Just not looking good at all.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:11 PM
Hi all. New Update from this part of the world (South America).

- First, What some feared, even the W.H.O. was somewhat worried about this: Venezuela has 2 cases. Hope they can contain it over there. Source in english Google Translate

- Uruguay has also joined the club. 4 cases were detected. All arrived from Milan. Italian strain it seems. Source in english Google Translate
-Uruguay has denied the disembarkation of a cruise that has 3000 passengers. Because the port doesn't count with the required protocols for sanitary control amidst coronavirus. Source in english Google Translate
- Uruguay has also closed its borders partially, only to high risk countries and declared health emergency. Suspends public shows, including soccer matches. The countries that are in the risk list are: China, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Iran, Italy, Spain, France and Germany. Although the list may change according to how everything unfolds. Source in english Google Translate

Even though they said that our dictator was going to address the nation Saturday to declare the "special measurements", it was moved to today, Friday. Because coronavirus is moving fast. We have 43 confirmed cases now.
- All events that involve more than 500 persons will be canceled.
- A creation of a fund of CLP$200,000,000,000 (around USD$233,644,859 what a joke) to purchase the necessary supplies for the pandemic. Note by me: I say what a joke because it is a low amount AND because when the social unrest was at its peak, the Central Bank injected USD$20,000,000,000 to avoid that the price of the Dollar to go to high. Source in english, they care more about saving their wallets than people's lives.... Disgusting
Also workers that have been in contact with the infected will be given medical license to skip work and and take a mandatory quarantine (Good news here, at least. At the start of all of this, they said that workers with confirmed cases will also get a medical license).
Still no borders closed. Only an obligated quarantine for people arriving from High Risk countries classified by the W.H.O.
Source in english Google Translate

That's it for today.
edit on 13/3/2020 by redpassion because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:11 PM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: clay2 baraka

Apparently police in Victoria have voiced concerns but here in nsw the show must go on.

This will not end well.

If the Aussies could take up the updates that would be sweet.
Its 1h43am here.
Cheers mate, and thanks for the news from down under because we really don't get it up here.

All good..

The chatter around here is blues festival might be cancelled, a decision will be made Monday, another couple of weeks and panic will ensue in my area I reckon.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:19 PM
I just got back from my local grocery store in Southern California. I stopped by to top up on fresh food. The shelves were picked completely bare and the store was all out of milk, bread, water, paper products, meat, pasta, rice and most canned goods. Strangely they still had some flu meds on the shelves. The people shopping were completely clueless and I overheard several talking with each other asking why the store is sold out. I overheard someone say "this whole thing will be over within a couple of days".

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:29 PM
Apologies if this has already been posted here’s what Italy is looking like as of yesterday

LOCKDOWN in Italy:
- required to stay at home unless going to urgent work, health emergency or proven necessity, otherwise no travel

-carry official papers at all times proving the urgent need for any activity that requires driving, Because the police will pull you over to ask your reasons. They also take the papers, and they confirm the validity. You can be fined and imprisoned up to 3 months for moving about unnecessarily

-all public facilities with the exception of pharmacies and some grocery stores are closed (no church, no malls, no restaurants, no movie theaters, no libraries, no coffee shops, you name it.... closed.)

- no travel unless official and approved, in or out of country

- required social distancing- means at least 3 feet between people at all times, limits on the number of people allowed in grocery stores at a time (at many, someone stands outside allowing one in as one comes out to avoid over capacity). This is being enforced everywhere people are allowed to be still.

- only one person allowed to grocery shop, do not bring family members.

-required to grocery shop in YOUR town, restricted from going to stores elsewhere-no matter what you prefer or how few the stores

-all mail stop for our area was issued but a workaround is currently in place to allow mail to come. Unfortunately, it's not considered an urgent reason for traveling from home, So mail retrieval may come with a large price or not at all.

-all workers who can telecommute must

- no parties, festivals or public gatherings, including church or sports events, no weekly markets or gatherings of ANY kind

- no hosting others at your house unless they are relatives and do not travel between regions

- limited contact with elderly

-no schools/childcare facilities of any level are open, currently most public schooling is being held online

- only those needing emergency or urgent care allowed to go to the hospital. No yearly check ups or screenings, no routine dental or medical appointments allowed. For urgent appointments, only the sick individual is allowed in the facility, do not bring spouse, family or friends.

-those caught ignoring the isolation or quarantine rules, who are found to be infected with the virus are subject to 12 years imprisonment

- curfew of 6pm if you are outside. Carabinieri are driving through communes on loud speaker telling everyone to get in their homes

The list goes on and continues to get stricter every day, in an attempt to stop the spread of this virus, free up hospital space, and save lives.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

If the Aussies could take up the updates that would be sweet.

Quite happy to oblige there.

Australian Update

We're now at 197

Only 3 additional cases are as a result of transmission.

Importantly the nature of ALL viral transmissions are known. There are no wild virus transmissions.

It is extremely important to recognise that 13,000 Chinese students have been allowed back into Australia after a woefully short 2 week quarantine in another country.

Tabasco Source

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