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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: RexKramerPRT
He's paying 80% of salaries to keep people on the books. If your industry is ordered to shut down, HMRC pick up that bill.

You mean, the individual tax payers pick up that bill.

That can only work so long (robbing Peter to pay Paul).

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

Yeah, I think I've just been staring at screens too long today. getting twitchy at everything. Thats what being in isolation does to you.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: ARM1968

originally posted by: angelchemuel

originally posted by: BlueSwan
Watching BBCs live Boris Johnson conference. He just announced that as of tonight, pubs, clubs, restaurants, gyms, theatres, leisure centres etc are to close. Not optional, mandatory.

edit: Wow, they've also announced a Wage Replacement scheme. To encourage employers to not lay people off they're paying 80% of people's wages (up to a total of £2500 per month), which employers can then top up if they wish to. They're saying there's no limit to the budget for this

edit 2: No business will pay VAT until the end of June.
Anyone claiming Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit will get an extra £1000 a year (around 84 per month).
Housing Benefit to be increased to help out those renting.

I missed the parts about people on working tax credits, so thank you for clarifying that. Guess that takes care of the sole-traders/self employed then.......

There are a great number of self-employed and some-traders out there. Pretty much left to burn, as usual. An extra £84 a month for them, which, if the government wanted to be pedantic, they wouldn’t be entitled to anyway, as they’re not working.

Taken from the BBC live update page, timed at 17:51

" He also announces the self-employed will get full Universal Credit at a rate equivalent to statutory sick pay, and a further £1bn to cover 30% of house rental costs

Mr Sunak promises further measures next week to ensure larger and medium sized businesses will be able to access the credit they need "

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
Latest figures released by China Mobile show that they have lost 8.116 million users in Jan and Feb. Where are these users now? Switched to other carriers? Or, they couldn't carry their phone to the nether world?

Jennifer Zeng Twitter

So where did those users go? Not to other carriers as they were on various states of lockdown or quarantine. Most businesses were closed so they couldn’t have visited a store to change providers.

You can see from the graph that this change is extremely unusual. Also note that most people in China don’t have PCs, their mobile phone is their PC, wallet and communications in one device. Masses of people just don’t shutdown their mobile phone accounts in China, it’s a basic necessity because most use WeChat for payments at stores, subways, buses etc. Changing providers in China is a major pain, I did it once in 12 years coz it’s not fun. Very complicated to change provider, reregister all your accounts because bound to your SIM and then deauthorize your banks on your phone.

I have not had time to track down the numbers and they may be hard to find anyways. But consider all the foreigners living or working in China who fled back to thier home countries. They likely had cell service through a Chinese provider, and with the uncertainty of the situation... maybe many of them cancelled thier service assuming they would not be going back to china anytime soon. Might even be a significant number of Chinese citizens who fled and are living elsewhere now who switched carriers for the time being.


posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:04 PM
I said this several pages back - bears repeating.

For those who think the regular flu is just as bad or worse -

In total, the CDC estimates that up to 42.9 million people got sick during the 2018-2019 flu season, 647,000 people were hospitalized and 61,200 died. That's in the United States.

If 60% of the US population of 331M gets COVID-19 - That's 198.6M people. If .7% of those people die that's 1.39M people dead.

If just 50% of the US gets it thats 165M and .7% of that number then 1.155M people will die in the US

The numbers aren't even close to being the same.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: Furryhobnob
What If the deaths per day rises to even double what it is now, let's say 3000 deaths worldwide per day, not unfeasible really.

What if. What if... rather than continually shouting that the sky is falling, youw just look at the numbers.

USA CFR has been going down slowly, but is going down faster every few hours, as more cases are reported - this morning it was at 1.5%, now it is at 1.3%.

SK has been hovering around 1% for a long time.

Germany has been the best, hovering around 0.2-0.3%

People need to just get a really supersillious grip.
edit on 20-3-2020 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Same as they did during the last WW, even more so. It will take decades to pay back but desperate times...

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: MissBeck
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

Yeah, I think I've just been staring at screens too long today. getting twitchy at everything. Thats what being in isolation does to you.

I fully understand, i'm in the same case.
I have to take an hour or two off before going to bed, to change my thoughts, or i'd never get to sleep.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: Akzwyvr
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

They mean workers being retained on the payroll; while the site is closed; at home.

I fully understood what he meant. And that is good. BCP - continuity planning readiness. Saves people being laid off, so they can meet the bills and feed their kids. He also provision more for those out of work.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: SoulReaper

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
Latest figures released by China Mobile show that they have lost 8.116 million users in Jan and Feb. Where are these users now? Switched to other carriers? Or, they couldn't carry their phone to the nether world?

Jennifer Zeng Twitter

So where did those users go? Not to other carriers as they were on various states of lockdown or quarantine. Most businesses were closed so they couldn’t have visited a store to change providers.

You can see from the graph that this change is extremely unusual. Also note that most people in China don’t have PCs, their mobile phone is their PC, wallet and communications in one device. Masses of people just don’t shutdown their mobile phone accounts in China, it’s a basic necessity because most use WeChat for payments at stores, subways, buses etc. Changing providers in China is a major pain, I did it once in 12 years coz it’s not fun. Very complicated to change provider, reregister all your accounts because bound to your SIM and then deauthorize your banks on your phone.

I have not had time to track down the numbers and they may be hard to find anyways. But consider all the foreigners living or working in China who fled back to thier home countries. They likely had cell service through a Chinese provider, and with the uncertainty of the situation... maybe many of them cancelled thier service assuming they would not be going back to china anytime soon. Might even be a significant number of Chinese citizens who fled and are living elsewhere now who switched carriers for the time being.


They might have removed the Phone, or the Phone Contracts for those that were qualified as "Positive" and were put under forced quarantine.
Not neccssarily tested positive, just qualified as positive, and shipped to quarantine.
Whether they are seen again, is another thing altogether...

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:09 PM
UK confirmed now at 3983 up from 3269 yesterday.

Deaths now at 177.

Schools now closed and pubs, cafes and clubs etc are to close from tonight. Panic buying is still going on and things are getting difficult to find. A lot of people still have the ‘it’s just the flu’ attitude!

Stay safe everyone

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: BlueSwan

originally posted by: ARM1968

originally posted by: angelchemuel

originally posted by: BlueSwan
Watching BBCs live Boris Johnson conference. He just announced that as of tonight, pubs, clubs, restaurants, gyms, theatres, leisure centres etc are to close. Not optional, mandatory.

edit: Wow, they've also announced a Wage Replacement scheme. To encourage employers to not lay people off they're paying 80% of people's wages (up to a total of £2500 per month), which employers can then top up if they wish to. They're saying there's no limit to the budget for this

edit 2: No business will pay VAT until the end of June.
Anyone claiming Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit will get an extra £1000 a year (around 84 per month).
Housing Benefit to be increased to help out those renting.

I missed the parts about people on working tax credits, so thank you for clarifying that. Guess that takes care of the sole-traders/self employed then.......

There are a great number of self-employed and some-traders out there. Pretty much left to burn, as usual. An extra £84 a month for them, which, if the government wanted to be pedantic, they wouldn’t be entitled to anyway, as they’re not working.

Taken from the BBC live update page, timed at 17:51

" He also announces the self-employed will get full Universal Credit at a rate equivalent to statutory sick pay, and a further £1bn to cover 30% of house rental costs

Mr Sunak promises further measures next week to ensure larger and medium sized businesses will be able to access the credit they need "

Ah...but if you are already on Working Tax Credit you will get an extra £84 a wont be swapped to Universal. That wouldn't even cover my rent!
edit on pm32America/ChicagoFriday2020-03-20T14:19:35-05:0002America/Chicago03000000 by angelchemuel because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: Observationalist
a reply to: Phage

Here is a concerning quote from the article you linked. They seem to know a lot about this virus.

Maybe, but they obviously know nothing about nutrition.

They are blatantly lying, with a tiny dash of truth to help it go down better.

High dose Vitamin C is proven perfectly safe even at higher doses, I've posted links to the NIH studies proving this many times (their studies were looking at 6-8grams per day orally). I'm taking 25 grams per day, and have been for a long time now (over a month). Yes, if you take high enough oral doses to trigger diarrhea, and keep it up for an extended time, and don't drink enough water, you could get a little dehydrated - or you could just drink more water - or you could determine your bowel tolerance, stay just below that, and slowly ramp up to the higher doses.

High dose IV Vitamin C does not cause diarrhea, so it doesn't have that problem - and it is now shown in actual real world application to cure COVID-19 by the Chinese government, who is now officially recommending it as the treatment of choice for COVID-19.

Too much Vitamin A and D2 can be toxic (dash of truth), but D3 has been shown to be much less toxic than D2. 10,000 to 20,000iu per day is what I usually take, although anyone who decides to take this much should get their levels tested.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: Kenzo

Right. The Media is controlling the minds of the masses. They take something that is real and then they add in the fake news.

Flu goes around every year. Why let it go to waste, right? Tell everybody a million times that this year the flu is different. Have the boys in the Media whip up some fake news videos from China showing convulsions and people dropping in the streets. Wag the dog.

Or spring comes around every year. Why let a natural event go to waste, right? Tell everybody that this spring the pollen is deadly and when the flowers bloom they release deadly invisible spores that will cause heart attacks. Have the girls in the Media put on bikinis and whip up some fake news videos from Holland showing the Dutch levitating just before dropping dead in the streets. Wag the dog.

The coronavirus news dropped in the 40th week. We are currently in Week 8 and counting yet again.

8 weeks ago was Week 40. Forty weeks prior they showed us Rooftop Fire at Cathedral of Notre Dame. Forty weeks before that they showed us 12 Thai Soccer Boys in the Cave of Initiation. Before that Las Vegas Concert Shooter from the 32nd Floor.

Remember Los 33 Chilean Miners? 40th Week.

Go way, way back.... Elizabeth Smart Returned in 40th Week. Prior to that Elizabeth Smart Kidnapped in 40th Week.

Can you ever wake up?

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:34 PM
German states move closer to near-total lockdowns

Several German states are imposing drastic lockdown measures to stem the spread of the coronavirus outbreak. The federal government has still stopped short declaring a state of emergency, although Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned citizens to stay indoors. Bavaria Germany's largest state, Bavaria, said it was imposing "fundamental restrictions" on public life in the fight against coronavirus. From Friday evening onward, people were only allowed to leave their homes for necessities, such as going to work or the doctor and buying groceries or medicine. The measures were for an initial two-week period. "We're shutting down public life almost completely," Bavarian State Premier Markus Söder said. Bavaria is the first German state to impose such lockdown measures due to the coronavirus.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

citatuon required

- and it is now shown in actual real world application to cure COVID-19 by the Chinese government, who is now officially recommending it as the treatment of choice for COVID-19.

cite an offical china govt sorce for your claim
edit on 20-3-2020 by ignorant_ape because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: Generation9
a reply to: Kenzo

Right. The Media is controlling the minds of the masses. They take something that is real and then they add in the fake news.

Flu goes around every year. Why let it go to waste, right? Tell everybody a million times that this year the flu is different. Have the boys in the Media whip up some fake news videos from China showing convulsions and people dropping in the streets. Wag the dog.

Or spring comes around every year. Why let a natural event go to waste, right? Tell everybody that this spring the pollen is deadly and when the flowers bloom they release deadly invisible spores that will cause heart attacks. Have the girls in the Media put on bikinis and whip up some fake news videos from Holland showing the Dutch levitating just before dropping dead in the streets. Wag the dog.

The coronavirus news dropped in the 40th week. We are currently in Week 8 and counting yet again.

8 weeks ago was Week 40. Forty weeks prior they showed us Rooftop Fire at Cathedral of Notre Dame. Forty weeks before that they showed us 12 Thai Soccer Boys in the Cave of Initiation. Before that Las Vegas Concert Shooter from the 32nd Floor.

Remember Los 33 Chilean Miners? 40th Week.

Go way, way back.... Elizabeth Smart Returned in 40th Week. Prior to that Elizabeth Smart Kidnapped in 40th Week.

Can you ever wake up?

So you're saying nothing is going on in Europe either? Everyone is holding hands and skipping around London Paris and Milan as we speak?

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:39 PM
Is New York just testing a whole lot more or do we have a seriously bad cluster here .
Their hospitals will b critical soon

edit on 20-3-2020 by elitegamer23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:39 PM
Oh I'm looking at the numbers, look at the recovered percentage difference in a couple of days, it's dropped significantly globally. You do realise some in Italy have been in intensive care for weeks before dying, this is why the recovered percentage is dropping, the real CFR is higher than what it currently stands at in the US at the minute, time will show this. I really hope I'm wrong and you're correct though for the record.

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Furryhobnob
What If the deaths per day rises to even double what it is now, let's say 3000 deaths worldwide per day, not unfeasible really.

What if. What if... rather than continually shouting that the sky is falling, youw just look at the numbers.

USA CFR has been going down slowly, but is going down faster every few hours, as more cases are reported - this morning it was at 1.5%, now it is at 1.3%.

SK has been hovering around 1% for a long time.

Germany has been the best, hovering around 0.2-0.3%

People need to just get a really supersillious grip.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: Beltalowda

Later this year, in the week of Halloween, you will get your answer.

Shhhhh.... go to sleep now.

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