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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: Chance321
Not a good start to the morning. Seems NY is up to 1708.

New York, US Confirmed: 1,708 Deaths: 16 Recovered: 0 Active: 1,692

We've got our first case of the virus here in my county, Oneida.

UTICA, N.Y. – Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente has confirmed one person in Oneida County has tested positive for coronavirus. Picente says the person recently traveled internationally and has been quarantined at home since March 13, after returning from abroad on March 12, at which time they were symptomatic. They have not required hospitalization. The county is not releasing the name, age, gender or location of the individual at this time, nor the country from which they had just returned. While in quarantine, they are working to help the county health department identify people with whom they've come into contact since arriving back in the county. The county executive says this is the beginning. "We're gonna have more cases," says Oneida County Executive, Anthony Picente, Jr. "You're looking at the next three months being the most severe." Still, Picente says he does not foresee any further restrictions to daily life in the near future. "I don't have any intent on my state of emergeny to do that at this time or have not received any other orders or direction from the state," says Picente. "Unless something else changes in the guidelines, I don't see any of that in the immediate future." At a 3pm briefing Tuesday, Picente said he's suspending all county early intervention and pre-school-related services effective Friday, March 20th, at 5pm. The county is restricting visitors, requiring a sign-in and only allowing those with emergency or essential needs to enter the county building. Realizing that many might feel helpless, overwhelmed and really want to help, the county has set up a volunteer website, at [email protected]. Help is needed, with things like bringing food and medicine to seniors, and answering helpline phones. According to the New York Department of Health, there are 1374 positive coronavirus cases across the state. The highest concentration is in New York City, with 644 cases. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention there are 3,487 cases in the country, and 68 reported deaths.

No confirmed cases here in Steuben county, but I am sure it is here by now. There still seems to be a lack of proper testing. I don't think the local hospitals even have any tests.

Stay safe, and stay in if you can.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 07:32 AM
Trump twitter just now

I will be having a news conference today to discuss very important news from the FDA concerning the Chinese Virus!


What can it be ? A cure ? A shortage ?
edit on 18-3-2020 by Maker22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 07:32 AM
Update: Tokyo Wednesday 10 pm

1. over 2500 people in Italy have died
2. over 8000 people have died (not sure about china figures )
3. Malaysia have closed its borders
4. Japan business is down by 48% from Chinese imports
5. Japan's clothing industry is down now by 65% imports coming in from China
6. Bicycle sales are way down, lack of inventory (hey folks, by them bikes now)
7. just in: New virus The total number of people infected in Japan is 899

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 07:34 AM
Canada’s top banks announce help for people and businesses struggling financially because of the pandemic:

"Effective immediately, Bank of Montreal, CIBC, National Bank of Canada, RBC Royal Bank, Scotiabank and TD Bank have made a commitment to work with personal and small business banking customers on a case-by-case basis to provide flexible solutions to help them manage through challenges such as pay disruption due to COVID-19; childcare disruption due to school closures; or those facing illness from COVID-19,"

"This support will include up to a six-month payment deferral for mortgages, and the opportunity for relief on other credit products."

The federal government is announcing financial measures and a stimulus package today and many provinces are doing so as well.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

You can still buy food though right, so no crazies running around hungry ?

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: drussell41
There are people popping up all over my local FB saying they have symptoms. Some even complaining they have Pneumonia and we're sent home because "serious"treatment isn't needed right now. Keep in mind we have "no confirmed cases" in the county.

This is one of the few Level 1 trauma hospitals in our state and they already aren't keeping you.

They are telling people....
Assume you have it. The tests are now for data gathering purposes only.

Those are the rumors.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: Marlborough Red
a reply to: angelchemuel

Jane, if you go on Martin Lewis’s website MSE there is advice there for tennants.

He was also on Jeremy Vines show last week or week before giving advice about this subject.

Basically landlords will get mortgage relief and should be passing it on. In these extreme times it will take a LL minimum of 6 months to get a court order evict you if you decide to stay put and who are they going to find to rent their property once they’ve got you out?

Remember only a court can serve an eviction notice here in the UK (NOT the LL, know your rights) and what court is going to start issuing eviction notices to tennants of previously good standing whom haven’t been afforded the same payment courtesy as will have been afforded to them by their own lender?


Thank you for that. I am not a tenant but a Property Guardian, so I am not going to face any eviction. But the miniscule rent they charge to us licensees should be doable for me thank god!


ETA...whilst typing and listening to PM questions, he has just said that the Courts will stop issuing eviction notices

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: musicismagic

You can still buy food though right, so no crazies running around hungry ?

There's no panic here at all.

Stores are well stocked

Food is abondant (sp)

but please People don't travel to japan
it really is dead here for tourist
don't believe the TV bs

there is no panic here, but if you come here and get sick, well.... its not like America, "You'll hear " sorry no beds available"
edit on 0300000014412020-03-18T07:41:14-05:00411403am7 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 07:45 AM
Haven't posted for a while since a few threads back. Just wanted to update you guys that physical gold and silver are ALL out of stock at my local bullion dealer. This has never happened for as long as I remember. The price between the physical and electronic market has probably dislocated, soon physical gold will be impossible to acquire at any price until this is over.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: misfit312

People are losing their minds is what's happening.

Testing hysteria is the next TP Apocalypse. Don't you know that now everyone will be convinced that every little burp or fart they have is coronavirus?

Meanwhile, while everyone who has a hangnail thinks it's coronavirus, all it takes is one person in the mix who actually *does* have it to create an outbreak.

edit on 18-3-2020 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:01 AM

OK, let's have a little fun ...

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Yup. There have been other reports in the state of Hospitals overwhelmed with people coming in. They started begging online and in the newspaper to stop.

It amazes me they have no clue they are exposing themselves, the drain they are putting on the doctors, nurses etc.

I watched Containment on Netflix and the first sign was a cough or sneeze. EVERYONE FREAKED when they did so.

It reminds me of now.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: MrRCflying

No confirmed cases here in Steuben county, but I am sure it is here by now. There still seems to be a lack of proper testing. I don't think the local hospitals even have any tests. Stay safe, and stay in if you can.

Thank you and the same for you and yours. The stores around here are looking pretty thin on supplies. Just glad I stocked up when I did back in January, but it don't hurt to top things off.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: misfit312

People really don't understand this.

Sure the early signs are cough and sore throat, but most people aren't going to get seriously ill, not to where they need to go see a doctor.

There needs to be better education on *when* to go in to the health care facilities.

I don't plan on going in with anything I get until I start having short breath, and by then, I will likely have been battling it for about week.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: misfit312
a reply to: ketsuko

It amazes me they have no clue they are exposing themselves, the drain they are putting on the doctors, nurses etc.

Just like with influenza, I'll have to be on death's doorstep before I show up. Yes, I know that means I might lessen my chances of survival. However, after a hospital gave me a nearly fatal MRSA nosocomial, I consider it a mortal threat to show up at one anyway. Contagion is real. I can't believe people haven't put 2+2 together that if you show up, you are risking exposure.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: misfit312

People are losing their minds is what's happening.

Testing hysteria is the next TP Apocalypse. Don't you know that now everyone will be convinced that every little burp or fart they have is coronavirus?

Meanwhile, while everyone who has a hangnail thinks it's coronavirus, all it takes is one person in the mix who actually *does* have it to create an outbreak.

Sadly the way America works, when people are deathly sick and lethargic from the virus, the only way their work will excuse them and they could qualify for any sick time, is if they are confirmed with Coronavirus .

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:16 AM
Update from the Netherlands 18/03/2020 14:08 (GMT+1):

2051 known cases. Of these known cases there are 485 people working in hospitals and helping us, they are getting sick, that's 25% of all known cases. Our healthcare system will crumble and they should start testing everybody.

+346 new confirmed cases. 58 people died (age group 63 - 95).

But yeah beloved government, go for the 80% infected rate

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: Chance321
a reply to: MrRCflying

No confirmed cases here in Steuben county, but I am sure it is here by now. There still seems to be a lack of proper testing. I don't think the local hospitals even have any tests. Stay safe, and stay in if you can.

Thank you and the same for you and yours. The stores around here are looking pretty thin on supplies. Just glad I stocked up when I did back in January, but it don't hurt to top things off.

Yea, I had to go out yesterday to get antibiotics for my youngest who has a sinus infection. Dr. diagnosed it over the phone, and put in the prescription.

I did not want to go out, but wore an N95 and gloves. Sprayed everything down when I got back.

I picked up a few things while I was out, and looked around the store. No TP or paper towels, no juice, no dairy of any kind, milk, eggs, butter, bread. Cold medicine was low. Picked up the last two packs of Raman. Stocks of non essentials was pretty good though. LOL

I am glad you stocked up when you did! So many people did not, and are still not.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: elitegamer23

Is that why so many are currently sidelined or working from home?

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:28 AM
Belgium: Can't give any realistic updates since we aren't counting anymore...
just that more and more get critical and hospitals can barely handle the situation. We are on lock down, everything is closed, food stores are empty... people can't get into an ER anymore or even see their doctor. Medications are limited by person and lot's of people without a job, including myself.
The only good news is that we are getting a financial compensation and we don't have to pay our bills.

Me and my family are going into full quarantine today. The kids are coming home and that is where we will stay. I will be glad when I see everyone in my house still healthy by the end of next week! Even knowing we are fully prepped, everyone is scared.... some of my family members got themselves stuck on the Canary Islands so we have no idea when we will see them again.

We won't get bored though, taking the time to prepare the garden and placing the new greenhouses we ordered last minute... almost time to start planting the vegetable seeds. We made sure to have a big variety this year, with the situation and the free time on our hands we just keep prepping for the worst case scenario.

sorry, this wasn't much of an update... more like a personal rant
The only update is that things are looking very bad, getting worse and situations is scary!

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