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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:52 PM
a reply to: MaverickLRD

Right but I have a friend who finally was tested today after being told she has bronchitis. She was told she can expect results in 4-6 days .. Wow.

Person is a nurse and first two times she was asked to be tested she was refused and diagnosed with bronchitis because she hasn’t traveled anywhere.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I dunno if we truly have the Internet infrastructure for kids to be e-schooled, working from home, streaming movies, online video games etc simultaneously. Not to mention, parents having to become home schooling teachers. Ya I get it.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:58 PM

originally posted by: MaverickLRD
With commercial testing going live this week anticipate positive results skyrocketing. State labs and CDC have conducted 50k tests in total
No need for alarm as the measures being taken imo are just as beneficial regardless of test count
It’s looking more like overall mortality should decrease below 1% which is good. Still far higher than season flu (3-5x) but much better than 3-5%

Family in WV are telling commercial testing is about to go live but must still follow CDC protocols. One can not just show up and want to be tested. Same way at the drive up testing locations being set up.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

The Texas National Gaurd was basically placed on alert...

The announcement came early Tuesday afternoon as the governor began a video conference with officials from hospitals around the state. Despite the activation, “no National Guard need to be deployed at this time,” Abbott said.

The Monitor

What I am hearing and 'reading into' this is a prelude to closing the border to civilians.


posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:12 PM

TORONTO (AP) — A Canadian government official said late Tuesday that Canada and the United States are working out the details of a mutual ban on non-essential travel between the two countries.

The official spoke to The Associated Press on condition anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss details ahead of an announcement.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:13 PM
And this is one of the plants my husband delivers to BUT on the semi-positive side he doesn't go inside that one.

Fiat Chrysler worker in Sterling Heights marks first known positive test in Michigan plant

Free Press
edit on 17-3-2020 by misfit312 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:26 PM
Not sure if this was posted, I just came across it. Some bedtime reading for those interested...

U.S.Government COVID-19 Response Pandemic Crisis Action Plan 100 page PDF. It's highly detailed.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:29 PM
My God.. Italy's crematoriums cannot keep up with burning the corpses.

If the numbers do not begin to fall, a single crematorium will no longer be sufficient."We will not be able to meet all the needs," continued Mayor Gori, without being able to hide his pain. “Many bodies have been sent to other places for cremation. The oven in the city of Bergamo is unable to dispose of all the work it has to do; this is not to give truculent details but to make you understand fatigue, suffering. They are friends who die, acquaintances, colleagues "

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

That is tragic and the US will probably see this same thing.........

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 12:10 AM
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The individual being a police officer and posting publicly for an hour and then it was deleted . Local News broadcasted about it then and it had been confirmed by the sheriffs office but without details of original post ( symptoms) im not sure she would put herself on local blast with cdc and public health officials . Id would assume that would bring a whole lot of heat if she was lying . reply to: Onlyyouknow

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 12:12 AM
Update Mar.17/20 - 11pm EST
Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Global Cases (by JHU CSSE)

Canada * 190-Ontario, 186-British Columbia, 97-Alberta, 74-Quebec
15-Manitoba, 9-Grand Princess, 8-New Brunswick, 8-Saskatchewan
1-Prince Edward Island, 3- Newfoundland & Labrador, 7-Nova Scotia Total= 598 nuary-4-2018/canadas-pandemic-plan.html USA & Canada Updates

Mar.01/20 - 4 more confirm + 20 Canada = Total 24
Mar.02/20 - 3 more confirm + 24 Canada = Total 27
Mar.03/20 - 6 more confirm + 27 Canada = Total 33
Mar.04/20 - 1 more confirm + 33 Canada = Total 34
Mar.05/20 - 14 more confirm + 34 Canada = Total 48
Mar.06/20 - 6 more confirm + 48 Canada = Total 54
Mar.07/20 - 6 more confirm + 54 Canada = Total 60
Mar.08/20 - 6 more confirm + 60 Canada = Total 66
Mar.09/20 - 11 more confirm + 66 Canada = Total 78
Mar.10/20 - 19 more confirm + 78 Canada = Total 97
Mar.11/20 - 21 more confirm + 78 Canada = Total 119
Mar.12/20 - 40 more confirm + 119 Canada = Total 159
Mar.13/20 - 43 more confirm + 159 Canada = Total 202
Mar.14/20 - 55 more confirm + 202 Canada = Total 257
Mar.15/20 - 86 more confirm + 257 Canada = Total 343
Mar.16/20 - 98 more confirm + 343 Canada = Total 444
Mar.17/20 - 154 more confirm + 444 Canada = Total 598

Feb.27/20 - 202 more confirm + 453 Italy = Total 655
Feb.28/20 - 234 more confirm + 655 Italy = Total 889
Feb.29/20 - 239 more confirm + 889 Italy = Total 1,128
Mar. 1/20 - 566 more confirm + 1,128 Italy = Total 1,694
Mar. 2/20 - 342 more confirm + 1,694 Italy = Total 2,036
Mar. 3/20 - 466 more confirm + 2,036 Italy = Total 2,502
Mar. 4/20 - 586 more confirm + 2,502 Italy = Total 3,089
Mar. 5/20 - 769 more confirm + 3,089 Italy = Total 3,858
Mar. 6/20 - 778 more confirm + 3,858 Italy = Total 4,636
Mar. 7/20 - 1,247 more confirm + 4,636 Italy = Total 5,883
Mar. 8/20 - 1,492 more confirm + 5,883 Italy = Total 7,375
Mar. 9/20 - 1,797 more confirm + 7,375 Italy = Total 9,172
Mar.10/20 - 977 more confirm + 9,172 Italy = Total 10,149
Mar.11/20 - 2,651 more confirm + 10,149 Italy = Total 12,462
Mar.12/20 - 2,651 more confirm + 12,462 Italy = Total 15,113
Mar.13/20 - 2,547 more confirm + 15,113 Italy = Total 17,660
Mar.14/20 - 3,497 more confirm + 17,660 Italy = Total 21,157
Mar.15/20 - 3,590 more confirm + 21,157 Italy = Total 24,747
Mar.16/20 - 3,233 more confirm + 24,747 Italy = Total 27,980
Mar.17/20 - 3,526 more confirm + 27,980 Italy = Total 31,506

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 12:18 AM

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 12:45 AM

1. Total Cases 85 (+23)
2. 8 cases of local transmission
3. Schools closed yesterday
4. International travel ban begins today.
5. South Africa already facing a shortage of test kits.

I have been told to work from home today. I work at a major bank.
Got up at 3am to work because VPN gets so congested later in the day that it's impossible connect to our databases and servers.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 12:47 AM
Hello everyone! Just joined, decade long lurker. About to go to bed, but I'm from the SF area if anyone needs updates or boots on the ground here!

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Lord, this is getting more and more scary to me. I don’t know if they will still extend an exemption from the ban to immediate family members or not... I am an American married to a Canadian. I currently split my time between the two countries. I am not a permanent resident here yet, we are working on that still. I was planning to go back to the US this weekend after being here since the holidays but... I don’t want to leave my husband now.. I also don’t know when I will see him again, not only because of the border bans themselves, but he already was told he can’t leave the country as he’s military.

But then I’m also torn because of my family, my pets, my friends back home.. will I be able to get back home? I can legally stay here until July. Is that enough time? Who knows... I am so unbelievably stressed, not even at all about the virus itself with regards to me, but just with regards to life in general. Or my father getting it back home and I’m not there.

It’s still hard to wrap my head around the fact that this is all really happening in the world right now, even after seeing it coming two months ago.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 01:02 AM
a reply to: Willtell

They have such first rate medical institutions that they killed their Venezuelan comrade Chavez 8 years ago.
And by the way, Interferom is actually a drug invented in England back in 1957.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 01:11 AM

originally posted by: Deadscreameyes
It’s still hard to wrap my head around the fact that this is all really happening in the world right now, even after seeing it coming two months ago.


every morning i wake up and suddenly remember... ''wow, we are in the midst of a pandemic'' and reach for my phone to see the latest.

strange times.
good luck - hope you find a solution

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: Bicent

Several of my regulars know this particular judge, one of whom is a county magistrate. They have all told me that Judge Henry has no qualms about retaining council and going after whomever he feels have overstepped their bounds.

That being said, the city of Galveston has since announced that restaurants within the city must also follow suit and close to all but carryout, delivery, and drive through service. The above mentioned magistrate indicated that the mayor of the city in which I reside an in which the restaurant in which I tend bar/serve is unlikely to follow Harris County and the city of Galveston in this matter.

All of the above does not preclude the fact that our owners are gearing up to make the transition to carryout/delivery only service if the call is indeed made at the city level.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 01:35 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop
It all seemed to happen so fast too. Even though most of us here saw the writing on the wall back in January, somehow I was still blindsided.

What really made us realize how far reaching this is, is that today my husband realized he needs a haircut badly, because it’s grown too long for the military. We then realized.... how? Every barbershop is closed now. We aren't supposed to even go anywhere. Just little things like that. Or just randomly getting an email that Pokémon Go cancelled all their events for the next few months. That made us look at each other like “What in the hell, everything is literally closed or shutdown”. Everything.

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