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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 04:53 PM

Here is an account from a doctor in Wuhan City, China, of the initial stages of the outbreak. It offers some interesting perspective on how this could perhaps have been contained at source in the early stages and maybe also some explanation towards China’s extreme response when they realised that they had failed to quell the virus and the reports that were emerging. They went from under reaction, which allowed the virus to escape and propagate, to over reaction, which caused panic and economic uncertainty. Had we seen a more timely response in China, we may have seen a more proportionate and effective response as well, with less knock on effects globally. An interesting read.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: Karyotype
a reply to: NxNWest
If someone has or has not "stocked up, prepared" or whatever, my question would be why do they feel the need to tell the world on fb? If you do stock up well that's great, if you do not feel the need and think all of this will go away in the next couple of weeks, great. But why tell the world either way on fb?
just my .02¢

I already said that in part 2. Stock up but shut up about it! It will start the 'Futterneid' [ German; feeding jealousy] in humans, meaning they suddenly feel threatened that there are people buying everything and there will be nothing left, so they go out and perpetuate it, which makes others worry and they buy nauseum. That's how shelves get emptied in a couple of days.

I think those that keep listing their food pantries on here and urge everyone to stock up or they are idiots, have a desperate need for others to tell them how clever and brilliant they are. They also hope to say 'told you so' once us commoners have no more food to buy, when in fact it is because of them it runs out in the first place...

I am aware that I can't go shopping on lockdown, but there is absolutely no need to get our knickers in a twist yet. Last week everything was fine, it would be fine this week too, but then someone shouted that toilet paper is selling out and everyone runs and makes it come true.

Again. Stock up, prep, sew your own hazard suit, build a bunker but STF up about it!!!

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 04:56 PM
Well, MI governor just confirmed 2 cases, with another possible at MSU.
She said something weird though, about having been taking samples for a while now(?) (from whom?)
She basically told people not to gather in large groups, even in religious settings.

MSU is shut down, only online classes.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 04:56 PM
It’s a bioweapon used to spur and foment WW3?
Could it be that?

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 04:57 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: checkmeout

But even before regions of the north were placed under quarantine Sunday, before the measures were extended to the entire country Monday night, there were signs of major holes in the approach. When news of the impending quarantine in the north leaked Saturday, thousands of people fled the red-zoned areas, raising fears of fresh outbreaks in the south of the country, where the healthcare system is not as well resourced as the wealthy north.

The shortage of trained staff is also an issue. Intensive care wards across Italy were about 3,000 doctors short even before the outbreak, according to their union. And despite their precautions, overworked medical staff are at high risk of getting sick themselves, making about 12 percent of those infected in Lombardy.

They were short of doctors before this started, and that's in the north. This is the "best" part of their care system which was already drastically short, and it was only making it because they were sending patients south.

3000 doctors short? For ICUs? I doubt it
That would have been a flat lining system surely.

I suspect it is nurses that are sorely lacking. From the pics I've seen they are not staffing 1:1 ICU which is the norm where I've worked.

In any event all I'm saying is a) UK and most western countries are no better staffed. b) we were warned.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:00 PM

1: Are "quarantine" and "lockdown" the same? I think not. China quarantined Hubei/Wuhan and others? and locked down the rest?? Italy is in lockdown?

2. Does anyone think there are posters in this thread who were paid (shills) to post certain messages or move the thread in any particular direction? (Tinfoil hat moment)

3. Why does everything roll around to Trump? A cat farts in Fiji and its Trumps fault.

4. Why do Trump and Doris Knobson aka Boris Johnson, look like characters out of a bad cartoon?
edit on 11-3-2020 by iloveit because: (no reason given)

5. Anyboy else loving the phrase "Long time lurker, first time poster"? Wish i had thought of it....

edit on 11-3-2020 by iloveit because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:04 PM
In the end I think we are all saying the same thing. This probably is just a bad flu, but the problem is if you don't mitigate the outbreak and flatten the curve you overwhelm your healthcare system. If you do that, the panic that we are seeing in the USA now will pale to compare if our hospitals are so overwhelmed that they don't know who to treat.

If we don't worry about trying to control the growth of the outbreak we will have very adverse effects from this outbreak even if it wind up being a nothing burger.

We all should be saying 'flatten the curve'.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: slatesteam

Your getting warm..

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: KindraLaBelle
Merkel said on tv yesterday that at least 70% of the population will eventually become infected.

Eventually, at least 100% of people living will have been exposed. Just like they have been to the flu, and the common cold.

It is here. We now have to deal with it. Protect those most at risk. Don't go to the doctor for every sniffle, call ahead when you do, ask your doctor why they haven't joined the 21st century and are not doing Virtual Assessments (online), for both (huge) convenience factor, and to prevent overtaxing existing resources.

Actually, here in Belgium they seem to have joined the 21st century at last. Doctors are doing online and over the phone screening, they have permission to write out online subscriptions and drs notes for work. We have drive through testing areas, etc.

Virologists and journalists on television just admitted that they were wrong to compare covid19 with the flu and that this gave the public a false sense of security, because it IS worse then flu, even when the first symptoms are the same, and mortality rate IS much higher. Same time the measurements are getting extremer.
edit on 11-3-2020 by KindraLaBelle because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: Karyotype

We should not tell fb or twitter if we are stocking up. Thats really stupid for those who are actually stocking up.. cos all of those who are proud of not stocking up can easily see who got food and will be begging on those doors or even more dangerous will attack and rob you..
This is better we are not identified.. and yes i am stocking up

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:07 PM

So a cabinet minister is in self quarantine awaiting coronavirus test results. Shall we take bets? Raab or Hancock??

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: nugget1
Seattle wanted to test suspect cases as soon as they had their first case, but the CDC wouldn't allow it since Seattle didn't have one of the ten CDC approved labs, and testing was only allowed with CDC test kits- which they didn't have.
Now the CDC says they are out of a reagent required for their test kit, not to mention there are nowhere near enough test kits for the magnitude of people that should be tested.
The WHO offered test kits to the US on day one, but the offer wasn't accepted.
This is really beginning to look like a lot more than just total incompetence at the highest level. I can think of no logical reasons for why this has been mishandled from day one- to the point it puts millions of people in jeopardy of dyeing.

They handled it exactly how they intended to handle it. No tests means no cases.

Same in the UK, but the UK didn't think to try the old "we'll make our own tests... eventually" gag. UK are still refusing to test people who haven't travelled or had contact with confirmed case.

But to what end? No one in their right mind (and I mean this literally) can truly believe that withholding this kind of information is going to be of benefit to us in the long run? Of course, it does give the "powers that be" more time to make their own preparations without the dirty masses getty all underfoot in a well deserved panic. So perhaps I answered my own question. IMHO.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: dollukka
a reply to: Karyotype

We should not tell fb or twitter if we are stocking up. Thats really stupid for those who are actually stocking up.. cos all of those who are proud of not stocking up can easily see who got food and will be begging on those doors or even more dangerous will attack and rob you..
This is better we are not identified.. and yes i am stocking up

This is what the zombie apocalypse is actually, all the people that aren't prepared .

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: tanstaafl

As the anti America mainstream media gets its wish and millions of people are tested, there will be thousands of businesses Schools and Government buildings shut down, due to panic over what in the USA amounts to a mild flu bug.

It's time for the Trump Administration to point out the truth.


We (many of us regular citizens) are NOT anti-American by being concerned (not panicked) about what is going on.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: iloveit

1: Are "quarantine" and "lockdown" the same? I think not. China quarantined Hubei/Wuhan and others? and locked down the rest?? Italy is in lockdown?

2. Does anyone think there are posters in this thread who were paid (shills) to post certain messages or move the thread in any particular direction? (Tinfoil hat moment)

3. Why does everything roll around to Trump? A cat farts in Fiji and its Trumps fault.

4. Why do Trump and Doris Knobson aka Boris Johnson, look like characters out of a bad cartoon?

1. Pretty much, but it depends on how the enforcing authority defines “quarantine”.

2. I think there are people who are extremely attached to their personal beliefs. I don’t think they’re paid (who’s footing the bill?) Some of them are insistent that this is nothing to be concerned about, because it helps them to feel safe and calm. Others - And you have to allow for the fact that this site will have a higher than usual quota of this demographic, due to the nature of the content hosted - have been preparing for an apocalyptic event for most of their adult lives. Any sign of the sky falling is seized upon and they will tend to post the more extreme and negative statistics and predictions, sometimes repetitively to the point of obsession. Most people fall into the median between these extremes.

3. I’m in England and have always been bemused by the fanatical love/hate thing with Trump. I’ve lived through Reagan nuking the world, Bush Sr bringing about the NWO, Clinton disgracing the nation, Bush Jr pulling 9/11 and depopulating the globe, Obama being the Antichrist and a secret Muslim terrorist and now Trump and his wall building to make America great again. It’s not really that relevant to me as a non American, but from an external point of view he seems like a good leader from my perspective.

4. Boris, Don And Vlad would be a great kids show. I could also see some kind of animated movie and video game spin off as they embark on wacky adventures against a post apocalyptic backdrop.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: mzinga
In the end I think we are all saying the same thing. This probably is just a bad flu, but the problem is if you don't mitigate the outbreak and flatten the curve you overwhelm your healthcare system. If you do that, the panic that we are seeing in the USA now will pale to compare if our hospitals are so overwhelmed that they don't know who to treat.

If we don't worry about trying to control the growth of the outbreak we will have very adverse effects from this outbreak even if it wind up being a nothing burger.

We all should be saying 'flatten the curve'.

Thank God!! Another person with some common sense!

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:21 PM

edit on 11-3-2020 by Willyblake because: Double post, please delete.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: carewemust

I wonder if Italy being on a lockdown, many other European countries close to being on it, sport events being cancelled in Europe, Asia, Latin America are also part of the Anti Trump agenda?

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:21 PM
I just went to my local grocery store and they remain out of stock on all of the usual items. As I went through checkout, the girl scanning my groceries was complaining to me about how this thing is all overblown and "I've had flu before, I'll be fine". While mocking everyone buying supplies she let slip that the store "had someone in the other day to tell us to prepare to run on minimal staff and to only let a few people in the store at once" which she went on to say she thinks is ridiculous. From context I believe she was complaining about someone from head office coming to a meeting at the store regarding the virus and the store's imminent plans. This is in Irvine, California.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: slatesteam

Your getting warm..
Just a fever from the flu

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