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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: JamieJJones
I get it now, talk about fake news, this is a fake conspiracy website.

What most of you are, are children - like huddling round a camp fire telling each other ghost stories, but even if the hairs on the back of your neck stick up it doesn't matter, because you all know deep down the rubbish stories you tell aren't real.

But when something real DOES pop up - you don't want to know, you want to run away and hide and deny it's true, because it's something you're going to have to face and deal with - but you don't want that.

You prefer to pretend about space aliens, and ghosts, and government conspiracies - and then all of the people who laugh at you with your wild madness, who you deride for not getting it - when they ACT when something real does happen - you laugh at them and deride them and say "that could never happen, the gubment will look after us".

It's scaremongering, it can't be true.

Please mommy - will you tuck me in and tell me a nice bedtime story.


Don’t let Trumpstaafal and the obvious shills put you off. This is real and most of us here get that. You don’t cripple your economy, as China did, for no good reason. You don’t shut down Italy for a sniffle. Let them continue their sneering as more die and are infected worldwide. Even the WHO are finally cottoning on. It is now officially a pandemic, it is getting worse daily, measures are becoming more draconian. A lot to play out yet.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:25 PM
Young woman in Italy dies from suspected covid19 ..her body left in family home no help.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: ComebackLogic

I'd watch that. Nothing else to do while I eat rice and wait for the zombies to die off.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:27 PM
Well my mum just called me, she's had a headache for a few days, she has a sore throat and her temp is 38 degrees celsius.
To say I'm a little worried would be an understatement, I've told her not to goto work and see how she feels in a couple of days. I was there yesterday so hoping it's just the common cold/flu going round at this time of year anyway.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:27 PM
So they're reporting 1 death in India now, I suspect it's going to spread quickly there, not good.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Cases Deaths Serious Critical Recovered
126,101 /4,600 /5,829 /65 /66,722

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:28 PM
Update on NY, seems our numbers have bumped up to 216 according to the states site.

Data last updated 4:00pm March 11, 2020 Positive Cases Westchester County 121 Nassau County 28 Suffolk County 6 Rockland County 6 Saratoga County 2 Ulster County 1 New York State (Outside of NYC) 164 New York City 52 Total Positive Cases (Statewide) 216

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: Chance321

Not good, this virus will spread like fire once it hits the homeless.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:34 PM
I will be putting myself into self quarantine for the next 14 days at least. (Sadly, this won't help my family).

I've had persistent headache for the past 1/2 week and the occasional bout of nausea and light headed.
A couple days ago, I've felt discomfort in my chest (not pain per se, but discomfort).

I don't have a sore throat, nor do I have a cough or fever. - yet -

I hope I don't have it, but over the next couple days, if it persists and start falling more in line with known symptoms, I will organize (by phone) with my local GP to get tested.
edit on 11/3/2020 by Sovaka because: Missing words.

edit on 11/3/2020 by Sovaka because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:41 PM
UK prime minister set to announce the UK are to enter the next phase tomorrow.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:41 PM
It would be nice to find for information regarding whether or not the virus died in hot climate. Saudi Arabia is very hot and is already on sort of a lockdown (at least academic centers).
edit on 11-3-2020 by Willyblake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:42 PM
One more before I go bed. I hear Trump is making a statement later this eve. I hope he is introducing some measures to help y'all. We are still waiting on our leader.

This might gee Boris along as his mistress is pregnant...a young pregnant female admitted to ICU with coronavirus

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:45 PM
Just seen this article....a possibility I guess for those wondering if this virus is a cover for something else..... bal-outbreak-of-5g-syndrome/?fbclid=IwAR2v4URoJSUXaUB2L0Gdc8umMi65PxE_N9X6QeSOE0qLCnrSocrh3SXHd8w" target="_blank" class="postlink">Global outbreak of 5G syndrome

Please don't shoot the messenger


posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: Rich Z

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: nugget1
Seattle wanted to test suspect cases as soon as they had their first case, but the CDC wouldn't allow it since Seattle didn't have one of the ten CDC approved labs, and testing was only allowed with CDC test kits- which they didn't have.
Now the CDC says they are out of a reagent required for their test kit, not to mention there are nowhere near enough test kits for the magnitude of people that should be tested.
The WHO offered test kits to the US on day one, but the offer wasn't accepted.
This is really beginning to look like a lot more than just total incompetence at the highest level. I can think of no logical reasons for why this has been mishandled from day one- to the point it puts millions of people in jeopardy of dyeing.

They handled it exactly how they intended to handle it. No tests means no cases.

Same in the UK, but the UK didn't think to try the old "we'll make our own tests... eventually" gag. UK are still refusing to test people who haven't travelled or had contact with confirmed case.

But to what end? No one in their right mind (and I mean this literally) can truly believe that withholding this kind of information is going to be of benefit to us in the long run? Of course, it does give the "powers that be" more time to make their own preparations without the dirty masses getty all underfoot in a well deserved panic. So perhaps I answered my own question. IMHO.

Powers that be, billionaires, big business time to prepare. Yes I think you answered your own question unfortunately. Corporations do not have morals unless profit is a happy circumstance.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: tanstaafl

Meh the effects it is having on the world have little to do with the media, and more to do with the economy. I hand it to ya thou, for being a hard core skeptic.

But it is the fear-mongering fostered by the media that is creating the havoc in the markets.

The economy is still strong, but it won't stay that way if we shut everything down. We can work around supply chain problems (slowly, maybe, but it can be done). We can't work around a total shutdown of everything.

The fear mongering fostered by the media is what is CAUSING MARKET TURMOIL? Really, THAT is what will affect the economy? Tanstaafl would have us all believe the media driven hype is what has mesmerized people in high places to make decisions to financially shoot themselves in the foot. I'd say the damage done is ALREADY MANY, MANY BILLIONS of DOLLARS of lost revenue for many states. Not to mention the IMPENDING costs coming to states and the very soon to clean this mess up. TANSTAAFL, YOU CAN FORGET THE ECONOMY - ITS TOAST ALREADY! Its like WTC TOWER ONE on 911...It has been hit, its on fire, IT JUST HASN'T FALLEN YET. (YES I LIKE YELLING A LOT, My apologies I am originally from NY, this is how we talk).

In one mouthful, TANSTAAFL talks about keeping those at risk easily the not-so-much-at-risk will have it should they contract this virus...99% will be fine and BLAH BLAH BLAH. Yet, when the decisions are made THAT SHOULD BE BEING MADE to ACTUALLY PROTECT those at risk, you blame the media? I blame the media for NOT HYPING THIS UP ENOUGH...I don't know where TANSTAAFL lives, but where I live most of the media has been telling us NO BIG DEAL, It's just the flu, KFI Radio here in SoCal has literally BEEN LAUGHING ABOUT IT, and ad infinitum. We CAN NOT BEGIN to protect anyone at risk without the tough decisions being made. Those decisions are unfortunately going to cost US - BIGLY - economically in the relative short term.

If we really wanted to save the economy well, WE should have made the PAINFUL decisions 8 WEEKS AGO!!! The countries faring the best DID JUST THAT, but we are over here in the USA waving our flags like this train is going to stop at our station for a nice cruise through this thing. But it is the PEOPLE LIKE YOU, NO big Deal, "The CFR ain't real until we test everyone, basically it's the flu, the media hype, ..." Ya, those complacent arrogant, overconfident people, putting off the hard decisions until a DECISION HAS TO BE MADE but by that time it hurts even worse.

TANSTAAFL you try like hell come off as some sort of authority -know better than everyone else- ever since this began, but you are just another person with an opinion. Your continual downplaying of the situation was a lot more acceptable back in THREAD 1, but you are starting to come off like the fiddler of Rome. And some your arguments are good, and yes calming the fear is the high road, but TANSTAAFL are your EYES WIDE SHUT or what?

Regardless of the FRICKIN NUMBERS, Whether RO or CFR or whatever, this is QUITE SERIOUS. It's laughable how some here think we in the USA are in some better position with regard to medical readiness, our collective health, and our geriatric population. HA! We are far less ready to handle this than you, or we would like to believe. I hope to eat these words, but based on what I have been seeing, even PATRIOTS, like myself are going to see just how dismally prepared we are as a collective to deal with EVEN 5-10% of serious complications of those infected.

At least people with their head in the sand have less of a chance contracting this virus and maybe passing it on to an elderly loved one, or a fat as frick 40 something year old brother like mine, or the millions of other immunocompromised people of all ages here in the good OL US of A. Good luck to all...I think we're all going to need it.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: Sovaka

Hello, in NSW here. I have had same symptoms (so has wife) for over two weeks now. We also have crazy fatigue, things feel way heavier than they are, get winded doing easiest of things like hanging clothes on line or taking bins out. We both have been off work and saw the Doctor separately. They won't test you for covid19 unless you have returned from overseas or been in contact with someone known to have it. The Doctor told my wife same symptoms but not ability to test without meeting criteria as of now.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: 1Angrylightbulb

Damn man... Shortness of breath (feeling winded) is one of the key indicators

Hopefully you've stocked up and can ride it out mate.

So that pretty much cements my idea that the numbers in Australia is potentially far worse than what is officially reported.

And by the time they relax that criteria, we'll be so overwhelmed, it won't even matter.

Stay safe 1Angrylightbulb.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:57 PM
Im worried of my country Finland, our prime minister is young and somewhat inexperinced and today she said

"If we shut down kindergartens and schools like Italy, its effects on society would be much more dramatic than the effects of the virus itself. It is up to decision-makers to look at society as a whole, she recalled."

So even when SHTF we should keep schools open, kids are the super spreaders of viruses. To me first thing to do is to close Schools at least this way we would decrease the count of infected...

I wonder is this new world order, this bizarre thinking

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: Sovaka

Especially with the weather cooling down and flu season about to begin, no proactive testing for this virus, it's possibly going to be a rocky ride.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 06:01 PM
Old ATS’r rejoining.

First of all thank you, for the work by all of the members writing entries into these threads.

There are a lot of people reading them who don’t join and have gained knowledge to prepare themselves for the potential outcomes currently being thrown at themselves and their loved ones.

I understand, we in the UK are on the tipping point of school closures, that info is widely hinted at through the media but I know this is now being discussed through their internal channels and how they can carry on education through the web.

What made me rejoin, is how the figures we are being given for the spread of the virus is massively misleading. Myself have had a typical mild sore throat for a few days. I know the first symptoms are a fever and dry cough, however I also know it can start with a sore throat, so I’ve probably just got a cold. Though there have been diagnosed cases in my area.

If I do Develop a fever and a cough and I follow procedures , I call 111 and they, with current guidelines will only test me for Corona virus if I’ve visited certain counties. The cases that are being presented to the world are the tip of the iceberg. On the plus side, it means the death rate percentage should be lower than the ones being banded around based on actuL cases.

China claims victory against the disease but lifting quarantine will only reignite the flame.

It would be great if ATS could allow Members to bookmark certain site links on a thread for quick access.

Once again thank you all your info.

edit on 11-3-2020 by CuriousUk because: Typo

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