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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 06:32 PM

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: odd1out

Hey man, right on point. It’s gonna get sad here going forward, economically, healthwise, etc. I don’t think the guy means To be Ill informed I think he is trying to find something to blame, or in denial that this is very serious on so many many complex fronts. It can and probably will get worse, I don’t apologize either if that scares we need to use our common sense and keep our wits about us. Again right on point hope all is well for you and friends and family in SoCal.

Thanks for the well wishes, and you and yours like wise...I think Cali is going to have a hard time...hell, we have been inviting this virus here since the start. Yes, I think there's a lot blame going to be passed around for years to come. My wish is that somehow we ALL come out the wiser from the terrible times ahead. But you know what they say, wish in one hand...
All the best.
edit on 2020111202000000031 by odd1out because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 06:32 PM
Australian Update

129. Linky

We're ticking up at about 15 per day now, but that's not really the story. The real story is that there are still little to no legitimate, out of the blue, totally unconnected viral transfers, virtually none.

27 cases, including 2 deaths, do not have a reported history of overseas travel
8 of these cases are associated with an aged care facility in NSW.
2 cases are either directly or indirectly associated with attendance at a workshop
17 cases are close contacts of known cases, with further details pending

Unfortunately the above info is a day old, but I'm sure you'll get the point.

So, of the 129 so far, only 27 of those are actually local viral transfers. And those 27 have had immediate and prolonged exposure to the carrier.

Chief Medical Officer Dr Kerry Chant said the majority of infections in NSW were acquired overseas and 32 cases were contacts of confirmed cases. But the source of infection for four of the latest 12 cases is not yet known.

Only 4 this stage.


The number of coronavirus cases in NSW has jumped from 65 to 77 overnight and the NSW Premier says there will be a further review of mass gatherings across the state.

The build up of number that we are seeing are a direct result of ineptitude in Government. The simple facts are that they were too slow to impose a travel ban on China, then they were staggeringly slow on a travel ban on Iran and the comedic timing of the travel ban on Italy was hilarious. Seriously, our government imposed a travel ban on Italy nearly 2 days after Italy banned themselves....honestly you couldn't make this stuff up.

Oyster Source

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 06:34 PM
Everyone needs to stop using cash. This should be a directive from all governments effective immediately.

Cash is bad

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: ShortBus

Im no doctor but that sounds like bronchitis, I've been dealing with it for almost 2 months now. Get well soon my friend.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 06:35 PM

Italy to close all stores except for grocery stores, pharmacies, and those selling 'essentials' in a bid to prevent the spread of the coronavirus

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
Everyone needs to stop using cash. This should be a directive from all governments effective immediately.

Cash is bad

I'm so conscious of touching money now, and will wash my hands straight after contact.

Come to think of it I can't believe I've been happily handling it and touching my face n 5hit for nearly 50 years 😐

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 06:39 PM
I caught the train in today and I swear half of them were coughing..
Not a single person wearing a mask. I stood up and moved several times and got filthy looks

Australia is so under prepared and ignorant about whats happening its going to be our downfall.

I've started asking all my colleagues
- test working from home
- arrange with your friends to car pool in - do not catch public transport
- stop handling cash
- check you have a mobile phone set of headphones so you can work from home comfortable

I think in Aus we are 1-2 weeks away from shutting doors and working from home

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: odd1out

I Dunno Man , I Call a David Spade a Spade .........

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: odd1out

My Question , What PRICE Will Communist China Eventually Pay for this Crime Against Humanity ? PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW !

They’re gonna have to lose WW3. History being written and dictated by winners and all....

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: JamieJJones
One thing that's worth pondering is that well over 99% of all species that have ever lived on earth are now extinct.

We think we're immune to that possibility, but we are as susceptible to extinction as any other species.

The earth has a successful eco-system because it somehow manages to cut the fat in a way that makes overall life sustainable.

We are a species that manage to absorb our time oodling Kim Kardashians voluminous posterior while simultaneously consuming ever growing amounts of natural resources to do it - to the extent where China (where this all started) need to eat anything that moves just to live another day.

Meanwhile every other species is spending it's time just struggling to survive in a (for them) shrinking world.

Our golden age (of having whatever you want right now, and filling your time with meaningless nonsense) has been the dark age for everything else on earth.

Maybe now it's our turn.

Would the world really miss us?

Maybe the Earth has been trying to wipe us out all along. Might explain the ruins all over the Earth where the populace vanished without a trace or discernible reason. If the entire population dropped dead from some contagion, leaving their remains where they fell, how long before it all vanished with no evidence left behind?

I guess no species has a guarantee.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
Everyone needs to stop using cash. This should be a directive from all governments effective immediately.

Cash is bad
Methinks the sex worker trade is gonna take a hit. GL to all you out their. Glove the love!

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: 1Angrylightbulb
a reply to: Sovaka

We are prepared and going well. Just as a suggestion, if you have same thing whether its coronavirus or just some other virus going around it comes in waves. You can start feeling better last hours then it hits again. It started getting a bit better in duration that I actually started feeling good enough after about 10-11 days to mow the lawn, and then it hit hard again. Next two days crazy fatigue, light headed and dopey feeling, now back to the waves of crap feeling.

Honestly, the light headedness, fatigue, and dopey feeling I believe could be anxiety rather than Coronavirus. Lotta stressors converging these days, ya?

I know me and my wife and it's not anxiety. Besides we both have been to Doctors with same symptoms and yes doctor said its a virus probably flu. Never been to doctors and got diagnosed for anxiety for flu like symptoms and flu for anxiety symptoms.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Strifingsoul
Or the others died of „flu pneumonia“ instead of corona like they did fake the death numbers in china. We had that in thread 1

Well... since, according to the CDC, between 12,000 and 61,000 people have died each year from the flu since 2010, and about 50,000 die each year from pneumonia, it stands to reason that there will be a lot of deaths this year from flu/pneumonia/not COVISD-19 - doesn't it?

Well, with that presumed to be true, and looking at this from another angle, then why are governments worldwide going into their own sort of panic mode? Many of them trying to keep it behind the scenes, of course, to keep from causing a panic with their populace.

Normal events shouldn't cause abnormal responses, IMHO.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: slatesteam

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
Everyone needs to stop using cash. This should be a directive from all governments effective immediately.

Cash is bad
Methinks the sex worker trade is gonna take a hit. GL to all you out their. Glove the love!

TP and hand sanitizer is the new black market currency anyway.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: odd1out

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: tanstaafl

Meh the effects it is having on the world have little to do with the media, and more to do with the economy. I hand it to ya thou, for being a hard core skeptic.

But it is the fear-mongering fostered by the media that is creating the havoc in the markets.

The economy is still strong, but it won't stay that way if we shut everything down. We can work around supply chain problems (slowly, maybe, but it can be done). We can't work around a total shutdown of everything.

The fear mongering fostered by the media is what is CAUSING MARKET TURMOIL? Really, THAT is what will affect the economy? Tanstaafl would have us all believe the media driven hype is what has mesmerized people in high places to make decisions to financially shoot themselves in the foot. I'd say the damage done is ALREADY MANY, MANY BILLIONS of DOLLARS of lost revenue for many states. Not to mention the IMPENDING costs coming to states and the very soon to clean this mess up. TANSTAAFL, YOU CAN FORGET THE ECONOMY - ITS TOAST ALREADY! Its like WTC TOWER ONE on 911...It has been hit, its on fire, IT JUST HASN'T FALLEN YET. (YES I LIKE YELLING A LOT, My apologies I am originally from NY, this is how we talk).

In one mouthful, TANSTAAFL talks about keeping those at risk easily the not-so-much-at-risk will have it should they contract this virus...99% will be fine and BLAH BLAH BLAH. Yet, when the decisions are made THAT SHOULD BE BEING MADE to ACTUALLY PROTECT those at risk, you blame the media? I blame the media for NOT HYPING THIS UP ENOUGH...I don't know where TANSTAAFL lives, but where I live most of the media has been telling us NO BIG DEAL, It's just the flu, KFI Radio here in SoCal has literally BEEN LAUGHING ABOUT IT, and ad infinitum. We CAN NOT BEGIN to protect anyone at risk without the tough decisions being made. Those decisions are unfortunately going to cost US - BIGLY - economically in the relative short term.

If we really wanted to save the economy well, WE should have made the PAINFUL decisions 8 WEEKS AGO!!! The countries faring the best DID JUST THAT, but we are over here in the USA waving our flags like this train is going to stop at our station for a nice cruise through this thing. But it is the PEOPLE LIKE YOU, NO big Deal, "The CFR ain't real until we test everyone, basically it's the flu, the media hype, ..." Ya, those complacent arrogant, overconfident people, putting off the hard decisions until a DECISION HAS TO BE MADE but by that time it hurts even worse.

TANSTAAFL you try like hell come off as some sort of authority -know better than everyone else- ever since this began, but you are just another person with an opinion. Your continual downplaying of the situation was a lot more acceptable back in THREAD 1, but you are starting to come off like the fiddler of Rome. And some your arguments are good, and yes calming the fear is the high road, but TANSTAAFL are your EYES WIDE SHUT or what?

Regardless of the FRICKIN NUMBERS, Whether RO or CFR or whatever, this is QUITE SERIOUS. It's laughable how some here think we in the USA are in some better position with regard to medical readiness, our collective health, and our geriatric population. HA! We are far less ready to handle this than you, or we would like to believe. I hope to eat these words, but based on what I have been seeing, even PATRIOTS, like myself are going to see just how dismally prepared we are as a collective to deal with EVEN 5-10% of serious complications of those infected.

At least people with their head in the sand have less of a chance contracting this virus and maybe passing it on to an elderly loved one, or a fat as frick 40 something year old brother like mine, or the millions of other immunocompromised people of all ages here in the good OL US of A. Good luck to all...I think we're all going to need it.

Tanstaafl is either a moron, totally ignorant or payed to do this. At a certain point should be ignored.

Denial -> Anger -> Despair -> settling to handle it. Go to the next step please Tanstaafl. You are still in denial.

Anyway here is the news I found.

Containers are stacking up in asia soo bad, that there seems to be a shortage in turnaround. (Meaning not enough containers to even transport, because normally they get emptied, transported and the refilled etc... Sounds funny, but isn’t.

Ships from china are missing too, so stuff is racking up in germany too. (Its not taken to china and piling up in germany - I guess every other country too. This is getting a serious problem. News is even 5 days old and the situation worsened, as there is still no running ports in China as it seems. t-keine-veranlassung-zu-kurzarbeit_id_11737671.html
edit on 11-3-2020 by Strifingsoul because: Edit for a bit more clarification

edit on 11-3-2020 by Strifingsoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 07:02 PM
'They didn't protect us': Some coronavirus responders stunned by lack of protective measures

(CNN)When emergency response teams were deployed to an Air Force base in northern California last month to assist potential victims of coronavirus, some members were stunned by the protective gear they were given to aid in their mission:

Baby wipes, and construction worker-style paper dust masks, like "you would buy at Home Depot," as one worker told CNN.
"We were so pissed," said the source, who was deployed to Travis Air Force Base to greet Americans returning home from China and Japan.

Complaints about the seemingly inadequate gear and other alleged protocol breaches were brushed aside by federal health officials managing the operation, three sources directly involved in the process told CNN in exclusive interviews.

The sources said emergency workers who came face-to-face with quarantined potential victims while wearing inadequate protective gear later went into heavily populated areas, including gas stations, restaurants, coffee shops and even tourist attractions such as Alcatraz.
"They're spraying down streets with bleach in China," one of the sources said. "We would go straight from quarantine to Starbucks."


posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 07:03 PM

originally posted by: lostsock
a reply to: ShortBus

Im no doctor but that sounds like bronchitis, I've been dealing with it for almost 2 months now. Get well soon my friend.

I was told it was acute bronchitis by the doc. But since it was viral, it was like... nothing we can do.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: 1Angrylightbulb
a reply to: Sovaka

Hello, in NSW here. I have had same symptoms (so has wife) for over two weeks now. We also have crazy fatigue, things feel way heavier than they are, get winded doing easiest of things like hanging clothes on line or taking bins out. We both have been off work and saw the Doctor separately. They won't test you for covid19 unless you have returned from overseas or been in contact with someone known to have it. The Doctor told my wife same symptoms but not ability to test without meeting criteria as of now.

Maybe grab the doctor and kiss him/her directly on the mouth. Bet you find out then if it Covid19 or not.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 07:05 PM
An update from the land of pasta and pizza.

Business ban except Italian pharmacies and grocery stores. Yep, folks, this is coming your way too. Now is a time to really trust your wits. I want to say this: if you live in an apartment in one of them big cities, buy a tent and some supplies and get out of dodge city. Thing is most people can't do that. I 've always felt in times of panic, large cities are prisons with no guards. I also know the homeless encampments are just outdoor open prisons with no guards. What does all this mean: forget it, my post are getting too thick again.

Italy's Prime Minister Conte has added measures to curb the spread of the new coronavirus in all areas except for shops that handle daily necessities such as pharmacies and grocery stores, as well as measures to refrain from unnecessary and urgent outings throughout the country.

People, I mention cities that a strong economic influence on casinos will become ghost towns. hmm...
I also mentioned about bicycles and how a car will become useless unless camping out in one.

I mentioned a few times how villagers may have to protect their gardens from outsiders. hmm...

yes, I know none of this will happen because its just "street talk".

will things get nasty ? A HUNGRY MAN IS A DANGEROUS MAN

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: Tukota

...and for those with a visiting mother-in-law
The MIL Bidet

I wasn't sure what to expect when I opened your link, and then enjoyed my first genuine laugh for the day. Love that!

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