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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:13 PM
Friends, Romans, Countrymen and ATS mates/buddies, lend me your masks and gloves!

I was a shocked to wake up this morning to find the whole of Italy on lockdown.

I'm in Rome and had to go to work, which is still permissable for certain jobs/employees. It's OK to move around, over longish distances, in case of emergencies, urgent medical supplies, looking after the elderly, etc.

If you are stopped by the Police you have to fill in a form explaining why you are AWOL from home, and if it turns out to be fib you will burned at the stake...medium rare.

As I came home tonight I walked through my local shopping centre. There's a small bar in the middle of the grand hallway and I couldn't pass up the chance to take a few snaps. They've put crime scene style tape on the floor to measure out 1 meter spaces to help distance clients from each other. This same thing was all over the place, in every shop, supermarket, etc.

I'm going to work tomorrow, but from Thursday I'm allowed (forced voluntary) to work from home for 2/3 weeks. I'm an IT Admin, so I'm good with that, just no remote access is allowed. I'll just be coordinating ghosts via email and cellphone.

Stay safe everyone, this is no joke.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:14 PM
Joined to pass on some inside knowledge relating to UK (and probably everywhere else in the West).

You don't have to believe me, it will all become clear over the next week to 10 days anyway.

The government say "there's XX new cases today" but won't say were they are. This is because if they say "there's 5 here, 5 there, 11 here, 12 there" - nurses and medical staff in other areas will say "our numbers aren't included" and it will be obvious they are lying about the numbers.

Right now in just the North of England there is a serious outbreak in Leeds, and it's even spread to outlying small towns miles away, like for example (to be specific) Airedale hospital on the West Yorks/North Yorks border where there are today 2 confirmed cases that are not being reported.

The official numbers - are at least 10 times worse than being reported across the board.

That's the R0 - at least 20 to 30 (yes TWENTY TO THIRTY), and death rate of 20%-30% - Yes TWENTY to THIRTY PERCENT.

People think it's being overblown, exagerrated, hyped up, it's just the flu, nothing to see, it'll all blow over, scaremongering.

Well think about it like this.

On 911 some idiots flew some planes into some buildings, we all saw it and the government reaction was to ground all planes.

The right thing to do. With ALL of the knowledge you agree that was right as well.

Imagine a different scenario where 3 hours before the planes hit the buildings one of the hijackers stops to tie his shoelace and his box cutter falls out of his sock.

He gets arrested and immediately spills the beans, and the government decide to ground all planes.

Same scenario, same outcome.

But this time, to avoid panic, the news say "a man tied his shoelaces at JFK today so the government grounded all aircraft around the world".

Now, without that critical bit on information in the middle you say "that's crazy, they've lost their minds, it's an overreaction, they're scaremongering" etc.

But they're not - they have the info in the middle and you don't - if you had it too, you'd do the same.

So, (we're told) China - 400 infected people, less infectious than flu, less deadly than SARS or MERS, they've never panicked before - shut down major cities with millions of people, quarantine them at home, shut down business, industry, essentially crash their economy, cancel New Year for the first time ever - and build some hospitals - not by the end of the month, or next month or in 6 months - NOW - within 5 days.

Italy - shut it down.

Rest of Europe - ready to shut it down.

Does it make sense?

No, it looks like an over-reaction.

But that's because you don't have thebit of info in the middle, and they do.

And whatever it is - it's terrifying them.

Mark my words, within 2 months there will be hundreds of thousands dead, and millions more dying.

That's it, I'm now out of here.

Good bye and good luck.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: slapjacks
a reply to: malektaus
back up now. Looks like the service went down because of all the new cases they just added.. Just speculation.

i just tried and got the 505. then refreshed a minute later and got it. i suspect it is being swamped by people checking the site.

that being said, another 9 cases in t he Philippines today bring the number up to 33. school is canceled in Manila until after Saturday. with the President calling on police, especially Barangay police to act as truant officers. as students are supposed to be doing school work at home and not doing things like going to the mall. and buses are being asked not to overload (ie standing).

an American friend of mine in Makati reported yesterday that he went out to the grocery store, and it had lineups out the door. also saw on the news last night that Isopropyl alcohol is being bought out of stock as people are buying it up to make hand cleanser to sell. i have noticed the last couple days the bakery supply store behind me is not as busy as usual. with it's normally crowded parking being pretty much empty. traffic which is normally completely backed up on my street, has been much lighter than normal the last couple days. haven't noticed more people than normal wearing masks though.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:21 PM
19h06 local time, from the live news feed :

France has upped numbers to 1784 cases, 372 more in 24h.

Spain and France don't seem to be doing good.
Hope they don't catch up to Italy too quick.[edit by]edit on 10-3-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: added link

edit : OK, formatting went a bit weird.

I went into Paris to the Dentist again today, no one wearing masks anywhere. apart from the dentist.
Did hear the info on coughing etc in the underground overhead speakers.
I went in and out at off times, so the trains and underground were about as empty as can be (2pm, just after lunch, get out before 5pm. )
edit on 10-3-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: added stuff

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:26 PM
The uk still dragging their hills in shutting down the UK or parts of it. I don't understand why they are waiting to hit Italy's levels:

This is Britain in a fortnight': Scientist reveals UK is on same trajectory as Italy and is ‘two weeks away’ from a similar coronavirus lockdown

A senior medical officer in the government today admitted 'many thousands' of Britons will get infected. And bestselling British author and former doctor, Adam Kay, warned in a tweet about the crisis in Italy: 'This is us in a fortnight'. It comes as a senior Italian health official today warned the coronavirus crisis 'was like a bomb that exploded', saying it spreads 'very quickly, like a fire'. Professor Giacomo Grasselli, who is coordinating the network of intensive care units in Lombardy, told the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire programme: ‘What happened to us is like a bomb that exploded.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:28 PM
Changes in Northern California - No 14 day quarantine.


Coronavirus: Sacramento County Gives Up On Automatic 14-Day Quarantines
California's Sacramento County is calling off automatic 14-day quarantines that have been implemented for the coronavirus, saying it will focus instead on mitigating the impact of COVID-19.


"Once you get a certain number of cases, it's hard to continue to contact-trace back the way you tried originally," Dr. Peter Beilenson, head of Sacramento County's Department of Health Services, told The Sacramento Bee. "So we move to mitigation, which is basically trying to mitigate the risk to those who are most at risk: the elderly and those with chronic underlying conditions."

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: JamieJJones

I stopped reading at R0 of 20-30.

The truth of the virus is likely devastating enough so there's no need to make stuff up. Especially with ridiculous numbers like R0 of 20-30. Give me a break. You are disrespecting the millions who are suffering and the thousands of dead, and making a mockery of this forum.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: Oppenheimer67

some people just gotta have their doom porn fix

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: Observationalist

Changes in Northern California - No 14 day quarantine.


Coronavirus: Sacramento County Gives Up On Automatic 14-Day Quarantines
California's Sacramento County is calling off automatic 14-day quarantines that have been implemented for the coronavirus, saying it will focus instead on mitigating the impact of COVID-19.


"Once you get a certain number of cases, it's hard to continue to contact-trace back the way you tried originally," Dr. Peter Beilenson, head of Sacramento County's Department of Health Services, told The Sacramento Bee. "So we move to mitigation, which is basically trying to mitigate the risk to those who are most at risk: the elderly and those with chronic underlying conditions."

Sounds like a great way to make sure that they get a big die-off in California.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67
a reply to: JamieJJones

I stopped reading at R0 of 20-30.

The truth of the virus is likely devastating enough so there's no need to make stuff up. Especially with ridiculous numbers like R0 of 20-30. Give me a break. You are disrespecting the millions who are suffering and the thousands of dead, and making a mockery of this forum.

Like I said you can choose to believe or not, all will become clear soon.

But consider that measles has an R0 of up to almost 20 (typically 13 - 17), and this new virus is a disease that you have absolutely ZERO immunity to, you very quickly become contageous with it, and you can walk around spreading it everywhere you go with no symptoms or illness for up to a month.

An R0 of 20 to 30 is actually probably on the conservative side.

We've already seen supposed "super spreaders" in the VERY early stages of the outbreak who have infected between 15 and 40 people each.

They aren't "super spreaders" they are normal cases.

But hey, just wait for a week or 2 and you'll know anyway.
edit on 10-3-2020 by JamieJJones because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-3-2020 by JamieJJones because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:39 PM
Worldometers just updated with the new French numbers.
Just ahead of Spain. Yikes.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
a reply to: SuziSurrey


That’s from a famous psychic’s book which I can’t recall her name right now. On Twitter you can find more posts with her name.

Dean Koontz’s book is a novel and that is not part of it. I read it last week and the setup is eerily coincidental.

Sylvia Browne. As I've said before broken clocks are right twice a day

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:41 PM
1st CONFIRMED case of coronavirus in Jamaica

The female patient has been in isolation since yesterday after showing respiratory symptoms.

According to the travel history, she returned to Jamaica from the United Kingdom on March 4.

The confirmation of the case means that there are now four Caribbean countries with the virus.

The others are Dominican Republic, St Martin, and St Barts.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: UFO1414
1st CONFIRMED case of coronavirus in Jamaica

The female patient has been in isolation since yesterday after showing respiratory symptoms.

According to the travel history, she returned to Jamaica from the United Kingdom on March 4.

The confirmation of the case means that there are now four Caribbean countries with the virus.

The others are Dominican Republic, St Martin, and St Barts.

Exactly what I'm saying - we supposedly have 300 cases or so - and yet someone has been unlucky enough to meet one of those 300 before flying back to Jamaica.

What are the chances?

Practically NONE.

There are currently tens of thousands of contageous people in the UK alone.

This virus turns people into a virus spreading factory before turning them into a corpse.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: Truthbomb2020

From the full paper:

If the neuroinvasion of SARS-CoV-2 does take a part in the development of respiratory failure in COVID-19 patients, the precaution with masks will absolutely be the most effective measure to protect against the possible entry of the virus into the CNS. It may also be expected that the symptoms of the patients infected via facal-oral or conjunctival route will be lighter than those infected intranasally. The possible neuroinvasion of SARS-CoV-2 may also partially explain why some patients developed respiratory failure, while others not.
emphasis mine

The neuroinvasive potential of SARS-CoV2 may be at least partially responsible for the respiratory failure of COVID-19 patients

Maybe this is why world governments are buying up all the masks they can get their hands on?

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: JamieJJones

Exactly what I'm saying - we supposedly have 300 cases or so - and yet someone has been unlucky enough to meet one of those 300 before flying back to Jamaica.

That is kind of hard to argue with. Especially when you figure that the confirmed cases a week ago, when she was in the UK, were even lower.

edit on b000000312020-03-10T13:51:24-05:0001America/ChicagoTue, 10 Mar 2020 13:51:24 -0500100000020 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: checkmeout

F$$$ 🤣 how did I know you were going to say that.

Hello montel Williams. I actually bought one of her books a
LOOONG time ago at Goodwill.

Maybe I should did through my shelves.

Side note my daughter emailed her University teachers and said she's still getting over her Respiratory Bug.. one of her teachers responded
-she can't miss any more of her class-

She only has one semester left after this and currently takes 6 classes. But just this one wants to be a pain. The same one that taught after being dx with viral pneumonia.So now tomorrow my daughter is supposed to report to class.


I STILL CALL BS there are no cases in Michigan
edit on 10-3-2020 by misfit312 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Cases Deaths Serious Critical Recovered
117,954 /4,203 /5,932 /67 /64,716

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: Joeshiloh
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Cases Deaths Serious Critical Recovered
117,954 /4,203 /5,932 /67 /64,716

That critical number seems awfully low.

Looks like Italy does not classify cases as critical. Same with Iran and China. The top 3 countries with reported cases.

Their patients just go from serious to dead.
edit on 10-3-2020 by UFO1414 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 02:16 PM
Long time lurker here i mean going back to probably 2010. I decided to make an account because it seems like this new rochelle quarantine in NY is just the beginning. I live about 3 miles from there so I'll be looking to head out there and see how it's being done, looking forward to updating everyone here.

I also feel like numbers are being way underreported and once the incubation period ends for the new cases the numbers are gonna explode. NY was slow in response to quarantining some people and it seems to def be spreading faster than they can test.

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