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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: SpartanStoic

I’m sure BNO is tired and probably busy preparing. Sorry they are not living up to your entitlement to fast accurate information.

BNO is a great source of information. I only just stumbled across them on Twitter at the end of January and really trust their reporting. One of the other members mentioned that they have a small staff, which I didn't know. Kudos to them for doing such a great job. My main concern when nothing had been posted for 9H was whether they were being prevented from posting news (tin foil hat on, LOL) not complaining they weren't doing it fast enough. I've even turned my colleagues onto them and they all get their notifications now too.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 09:54 AM
A reminder that AMEDDDoc started a thread concerning the COVID-19virus crossing the blood/brain barrier.
nCoV and Seizure - Crossing the Blood Brain Barrier

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:07 AM
Is anybody aware of a graph showing the infection cases in Mainland China over time, versus the rest of the world? the site used to have it (I posted a screenshot a few dozen pages ago) but not anymore.

I know mainland china's numbers are likely false anyway but want to see where "official" numbers are in rest of the world versus mainland china's official numbers were in weeks 4-6

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
edit on 10-3-2020 by FamCore because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: ComebackLogic
The owner of Nottingham Forest FC has Coronavirus. He also attended a game with in excess of 27000 supporters last week, as well as visiting Arsenal in London.

He's both owner of Greek Olympiakos, and the English Nottingham Forest.

edit on 10-3-2020 by Willyblake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:11 AM
Thanks for the link .and including my original link on that page interesting ..

a reply to: butcherguy

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:26 AM
A coronavirus vaccine will take at least 18 months if it works at all - CEO of Moderna Pharmaceuticals in Cambridge, Massachusetts
edit on 10-3-2020 by UFO1414 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:26 AM
as i has an account with " "- a UK website that offers cheaper advance bookings on long distance train journies - i get offers and updates :

todays :

" art and culture tour of italy by train "


posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:27 AM
A Twitter thread about hospitals and treatment in Italy that I think you all should read. I can't verify the information, but it's eye-opening. The screen shot is only 4 of 13 posts.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: Tukota
I read through the post and the symptom of inflammation leaps out. Stem cell therapy reduces inflammation. They go directly to areas that are inflamed.
We really need to explore this because traditional pharmaceutical practices are not going to be the only way to tackle this.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Stem cells, the hope of the world that never materializes.

When I first got kidney failure in 2011 I remember being so optimistic about stem cells. They always said it was 2-3 years ago. The Pharma maffia, whatever is holding it back, sucks a lot.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: UFO1414
It really makes me wonder why all of the countries have their own labs trying to come up with a vaccine.
Why are they not working together.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:33 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: UFO1414
It really makes me wonder why all of the countries have their own labs trying to come up with a vaccine.
Why are they not working together.

I would assume, $$$$$$$.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:35 AM
Czech Republic closes all schools and bans events with more than 100 people.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: Willyblake
I understand. The entire field is seriously under funded but passionate people continue.
This will emerge at some point during this pandemic.
There is the "Right to Try".

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: UFO1414
Sigh. No doubt you are right. It is always about the money. I keep hoping things will be different, especially when so many countries are facing serious issues with this virus.
Just imagine if we used synergy, 1+1=3. So much more effective.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:48 AM
One of my friends in California has had her nephew become ill. He was the nurse treating the patient who died from the corona virus earlier from the Kirkland Living Center.
He was tested and they were awaiting results. They spoke everyday. He received the results and now all communication has gone dark.
She assumes he has just returned to work since he is in such demand.
It is odd that she has now been unable to contact other family members that were in contact with him. They too were in home quarantine.
I don't know but this sounds so familiar. People get sick and then disappear. We never hear from the survivors.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:49 AM
Anyone know what book this is from, I came across this on another site but no information.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: BrianFlanders

Sorry to go slightly off topic... but every time someone brings up depopulation as inevitable or somehow a need for the world, I just can't help but refute the ignorance.

Depopulation is the most evil concept in the world... if you advocate for depopulation, you advocate for killing billions of people... period!

It is a deluded concept conceived of by people detached from the reality of humanity. Living in a world of greed and power that leads to an inherent sense of entitlement, without really understanding that only the ever increasing size of the population can maintain their lifestyle.

Beyond the apathetic evil of that type of thought, depopulation is a path to a slow and painful species death over a long period, due to the stagnation of innovation.

Population size relates to innovation and technology bands... in fact rather than depopulation, we need to increase population significantly to reach the technology bands required to actually save the species long term. The Earth can easily maintain 150 billion people comfortably... and with good management, up to 500 billion, or possibly a trillion depending on technological advancement. Population size should allow/require us to move off planet long before that... which you need significant population for.

(Hint: you don't get iPhones in a world with only a billion people... there's just too many industry verticals that contribute, and without the volume and demand across the board (population)... things like iPhones (or space ships), just are not feasible).

It's what scares me most about a global pandemic... significant loss in population, leading to a slowing of technological, cultural and social innovation.
edit on 10-3-2020 by puzzlesphere because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: Gargoyle91
Anyone know what book this is from, I came across this on another site but no information.

Eyes of Darkness Dean Koots
Dean Koontz Book From 1981 Eerily Predicted Coronavirus ...

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: Liquesence
A Twitter thread about hospitals and treatment in Italy that I think you all should read. I can't verify the information, but it's eye-opening. The screen shot is only 4 of 13 posts.

It would seem at least that there is a real Dr Jason Van Schoor

"Jason is dual trainee in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine and an NIHR Clinical Academic Fellow"

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