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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Wishing you the best and hoping your colleague tests negative.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 12:17 AM

originally posted by: BowBells
a reply to: MrRCflying

Expert on sky has said a maximum of 24 hours today 🤷‍♀️ seriously, why cant they all read from the same page.

Because probably the alternative to explain the spread would be for them to say that it is being spread airborne. Which I am pretty sure would make the panic levels go ballistic. IMHO.

It's bad enough saying direct spray closeup from sneezes and coughs can get you, but having this virus floating around free like dust motes and catching you from the virus floating into your nostrils on a breeze, well, that sure would put me on edge.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 12:20 AM

originally posted by: BPilgrim
For a frightening account of what's going on in Italy...

Twitter Jason Van Schoor

96 deaths overnight.
The whole country ordered to stay home. No one allowed outside at all.

How people can say this virus is a non event/starter is mind boggling.
To them -
(Let me guess I'm fear mongering, well tell that to the Italians/chinese/and soon to be sameboat iranians.)

I've said it in all parts of this thread updates - prepare, they will introduce the "mark" to say your virus free thus able to be outside and buy and sell.
Do not take the mark.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 12:32 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Sh!t, mate seriously, hopefully it comes back negative.

Don't want you starting a Corona Virus Symptoms Update thread.

edit on 10 3 2020 by myselfaswell because: whateva

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 12:33 AM
Update Mar. 9/20 - 11pm EST
Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Global Cases (by JHU CSSE)

Canada * 35-Toronto,Ont., 32-British Columbia, 4-Quebec 7-Alberta
Cruise Ship 43-Canadians are currently infected -- Total 78+43=121 nuary-4-2018/canadas-pandemic-plan.html USA & Canada Updates

Mar.01/20 - 4 more confirm + 20 Canada = Total 24
Mar.02/20 - 3 more confirm + 24 Canada = Total 27
Mar.03/20 - 6 more confirm + 27 Canada = Total 33
Mar.04/20 - 1 more confirm + 33 Canada = Total 34
Mar.05/20 - 14 more confirm + 34 Canada = Total 48
Mar.06/20 - 6 more confirm + 48 Canada = Total 54
Mar.07/20 - 6 more confirm + 54 Canada = Total 60
Mar.08/20 - 6 more confirm + 60 Canada = Total 66
Mar.09/20 - 11 more confirm + 66 Canada = Total 78

Feb.27/20 - 131 more confirm + 139 Iran = Total 270
Feb.28/20 - 118 more confirm + 270 Iran = Total 388
Feb.29/20 - 205 more confirm + 388 Iran = Total 593
Mar. 1/20 - 385 more confirm + 593 Iran = Total 978
Mar. 2/20 - 523 more confirm + 978 Iran = Total 1,501
Mar. 3/20 - 835 more confirm + 1,501 Iran = Total 2,336
Mar. 4/20 - 586 more confirm + 2,336 Iran = Total 2,922
Mar. 5/20 - 591 more confirm + 2,922 Iran = Total 3,513
Mar. 6/20 - 1,234 more confirm + 3,513 Iran = Total 4,747
Mar. 7/20 - 1,076 more confirm + 4,747 Iran = Total 5,823
Mar. 8/20 - 743 more confirm + 5,823 Iran = Total 6,566
Mar. 9/20 - 595 more confirm + 6,566 Iran = Total 7,161

Feb.27/20 - 202 more confirm + 453 Italy = Total 655
Feb.28/20 - 234 more confirm + 655 Italy = Total 889
Feb.29/20 - 239 more confirm + 889 Italy = Total 1,128
Mar. 1/20 - 566 more confirm + 1,128 Italy = Total 1,694
Mar. 2/20 - 342 more confirm + 1,694 Italy = Total 2,036
Mar. 3/20 - 466 more confirm + 2,036 Italy = Total 2,502
Mar. 4/20 - 586 more confirm + 2,502 Italy = Total 3,089
Mar. 5/20 - 769 more confirm + 3,089 Italy = Total 3,858
Mar. 6/20 - 778 more confirm + 3,858 Italy = Total 4,636
Mar. 7/20 - 1,247 more confirm + 4,636 Italy = Total 5,883
Mar. 8/20 - 1,492 more confirm + 5,883 Italy = Total 7,375
Mar. 9/20 - 1,797 more confirm + 7,375 Italy = Total 9,172

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 12:39 AM

originally posted by: drussell41

I was trying to change a doctor's appointment from April to March. (I think there's a good chance it's going to kick off in April.) They couldn't because insurance wouldn't cover it. I wonder how they'd feel if I showed in a gloves, respirator and full face shield. I don't need their approval or consent, and I couldn't care less about their scorn because they could all be Dead People Walking.

However, I found a way to get in March for a different condition. April self-isolation still on for this 62 y/o immunosuppressed patient.

I appreciate your sharing your experience. I can better steel myself if I ever have to go out with gear. I really hope your sniffles really are just a cold.

Yeah, I am waiting on new bridgework for the wife that isn't due to be in till 03-23. I am worried to death about it. Nothing she can do to protect herself since the dentist and his assistant are going to have their gloved fingers in her mouth to fit it. I already told her that if Florida is registering confirmed infections around the Tallahassee area, she isn't going to be making that appointment. I would rather spend the money to have them make a new mold and new bridgework several months down the road than to risk her getting exposed. Yeah, I know the dentist will pooh-pooh the idea of her catching the virus there, but I have learned to trust my own instincts much more than I trust anyone else's opinions. We are both over 65, but in generally good health. But why push our luck?

Meanwhile I am watching the progression of new infections in the southeast USA like a hawk.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 12:46 AM

originally posted by: ShortBus
Quite honestly folks... with news coming from Israel, UK and even here in the USA with trials starting as well, we likely could have a vaccine in as little as 3 months. Once this happens, there will be a big sigh of relief, and then the new thread on ATS will be about, the dangers of the vaccine. lol.

Oh, I believe it has already been discussed. The vaccine that was being created to treat SARS didn't turn out too well, from what I understand. Not sure why anyone would think this COVID 19 will be easier to create. But maybe it will be? What do I know?

I just know I am not going to be first on my block to get in line to take it. I have been an unwilling and unknowing beta tester for enough things in my life already, thank you very much.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 12:51 AM
link 9cd536c1b2d2d0f53070

The research, completed by a team of Chinese government epidemiologists, found that a passenger – unaware that they had coronavirus – infected up to 13 other people travelling on the same bus in a matter of hours.

The virus that causes COVID-19 can linger in the air for at least 30 minutes and travel up to 4.5m – further than the distance people have been advised to keep from each other by health authorities around the world

edit on 10/3/20 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:09 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

The virus that causes COVID-19 can linger in the air for at least 30 minutes and travel up to 4.5m – further than the distance people have been advised to keep from each other by health authorities around the world


I think that's under done though.

Given that the virus on it's own can remain airborne nearly indefinitely, then the distance that it can travel must be indefinite. Of course there will be something of a standard distribution as to how a person spreads the virus. Some of it will be in more solid ejected matter that will go to the ground immediately, the bulk of any virus may well travel 4.5m or less, but there will be some that travels well beyond that suggested above.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:11 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

4.5 metres, yeah right, may as well just accept there's little chance of not getting this virus, so what now do we will our bodies to build immunity for this sucker.
edit on 10-3-2020 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:13 AM
a reply to: myselfaswell
yep.. also the one flaw i can see is.. the infected person in the scenario had to get up and walk past all those people when they got off. I'm guessing they grabbed the pole/seat poles also.

so, people could have gotten it by touching the poles or when the person walked past them.

still interesting..

Australia's chief medical officer said today

Health Minister Greg Hunt has said the advise the government has received from medical experts is that it is "highly unlikely" people can be reinfected after recovering from the coronavirus. 47be04c6938dc61ded8930071
which goes against various agencies in Asia saying mulitple people are being reinfected.

remember back in the beginning Australia said '' there is no evidence of human to human transmission '' weeks after most of Asia was screaming ''its spreading human to human''

edit on 10/3/20 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 01:26 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Health Minister Greg Hunt has said the advise the government has received from medical experts is that it is "highly unlikely" people can be reinfected after recovering from the coronavirus.

That's a typical remark that I'd expect from people who don't really know what's happening or going to for that matter. Now I'm not going to say explicitly that this Coronavirus will reinfect people, but it is common in other Coronaviruses.

Epidemiology of coronavirus respiratory infections.

Reinfections were common

And from the actual paper itself.

Six children had reinfections with HCVs after disappearance of the antigen in intervening specimens and 1 of these children had 2 reinfections. In 4 children the antigen was present in consecutive specimens taken from separate illnesses 13 to 29 days apart, and 4 further children had antigen in consecutive specimens 2 or 3 months apart (65 to 105days). This may mean either reinfection or that theyare carriers of HCVs.

edit on 10 3 2020 by myselfaswell because: bla bla wibbley wobbley

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:07 AM

Payments on mortgages to be suspended across Italy after coronavirus outbreak

ROME (Reuters) - Payments on mortgages will be suspended across the whole of Italy after the coronavirus outbreak, Italy’s deputy economy minister said on Tuesday.

“Yes, that will be the case, for individuals and households,” Laura Castelli said in an interview with Radio Anch’io, when asked about the possibility.

Italy’s banking lobby ABI said on Monday lenders representing 90% of total banking assets would offer debt moratoriums to small firms and households grappling with the economic fallout from Italy’s coronavirus outbreak.


Reminds me of what TD said "At some point..... FEMA, DHS, and Homeland Security have the combined authority to issue a moratorium on all mortgage, rent payments, and utility bills in quarantine areas. This is not widely known or advertised."

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:11 AM
SORRY Slightly off topic- has this thread suddenly slowed right down... i was last on here about 5 hours ago and just got in fromwork to catch up and no new comment.. and on my mobile it wont let me post a reply at all - but will to other threads?? weird!

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: BowBells
The thread was somewhat broken overnight, it is obviously working again now.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:13 AM

originally posted by: Rich Z

originally posted by: drussell41

I was trying to change a doctor's appointment from April to March. (I think there's a good chance it's going to kick off in April.) They couldn't because insurance wouldn't cover it. I wonder how they'd feel if I showed in a gloves, respirator and full face shield. I don't need their approval or consent, and I couldn't care less about their scorn because they could all be Dead People Walking.

However, I found a way to get in March for a different condition. April self-isolation still on for this 62 y/o immunosuppressed patient.

I appreciate your sharing your experience. I can better steel myself if I ever have to go out with gear. I really hope your sniffles really are just a cold.

Yeah, I am waiting on new bridgework for the wife that isn't due to be in till 03-23. I am worried to death about it. Nothing she can do to protect herself since the dentist and his assistant are going to have their gloved fingers in her mouth to fit it. I already told her that if Florida is registering confirmed infections around the Tallahassee area, she isn't going to be making that appointment. I would rather spend the money to have them make a new mold and new bridgework several months down the road than to risk her getting exposed. Yeah, I know the dentist will pooh-pooh the idea of her catching the virus there, but I have learned to trust my own instincts much more than I trust anyone else's opinions. We are both over 65, but in generally good health. But why push our luck?

Meanwhile I am watching the progression of new infections in the southeast USA like a hawk.

While you must be wise, you can’t leave in fear. It would seem that fear is making your decisions, not wisdom.

You can’t live in fear, but you can live prepared.

I can’t make the decision for you, only you can do that.

I would make your decision the week before, based on what you know then.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:15 AM
stop calling it the flu

I feel like the news narrative has changed overnight here in the UK.. yesterday it could only live for hours on surfaces.. today its 5 days. Someone on TV just completely avoided answering about it being airborne..

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: butcherguy

Ahhh ok.. I thought I was going crazy and started to suffer FOMO haha!

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop 9cd536c1b2d2d0f53070

The research, completed by a team of Chinese government epidemiologists, found that a passenger – unaware that they had coronavirus – infected up to 13 other people travelling on the same bus in a matter of hours.

The virus that causes COVID-19 can linger in the air for at least 30 minutes and travel up to 4.5m – further than the distance people have been advised to keep from each other by health authorities around the world

This info is from China and assumes those people didn’t have the virus prior to being on the bus. They could have easily have been exposed before getting on the bus.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:17 AM
Has anyone been seeing the Italian doctor reports on Twitter
They are overwhelmed and having to triage with difficulty - it seems only those that have a decent chance of survival will get treatment. I know that is what medics do, but under normal conditions they would try and save a 60year old but if they are totally overrun they wont and that must be so tough and very emotional. The mortality rate is increasing as they hospitals in Lombardy are just fit to burst. Seeing bits on UK news now also

"And there are no more surgeons, urologists, orthopaedists - we are only doctors who suddenly become part of a single team to face this tsunami that has swept us all". e=Twitter#Echobox=1583842685

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