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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:22 PM
The scariest encounter ever.Q

A woman stopped me.
She was really, really worried.
Her daughter works at a hospital. A baby in critical condition was brought in.
Then they found out that the mother had been tested positive.No one had communicated with them so they were all unprotected.
So now the front line has been compromised.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:26 PM

originally posted by: Trillium

originally posted by: lostsock

originally posted by: musicismagic

People I mention many times about buying a bicycle but only got one reply about it and I mention cars are NOT going to do you much good in the very near future. I'm not in panic mode. I'm just laying out some facts. Who would ever think this about the airlines would be affected by a shutdown in Japan could cause travel delays worldwide.

A bicycle wouldn't do me much good MIM, I live 17 miles (27 kilometers) from the closest town.

20 miles for me
on the good side
have my Ice Fishing hut going yesterday
got my limit of 4 in 3 hours
fish & chip tonight

You mean shack? Nobody calls it a hut unless you're not in the Midwest.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:28 PM
Florida Health Department says in statement that 2 people who tested positive for COVID-19 have died in the state


posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:28 PM

originally posted by: Tukota
The Governor of MI just announced that "Michigan Medicaid will cover coronavirus testing". "The Michigan Medicaid program will waive copays and cost-sharing for testing and health care treatment related to the COVID-19 coronavirus."

What's even better is that private insurance companies in Michigan are waiving copays/deductibles for CoronaVirus testing. Lots more Michiganders with private insurance than government (Medicaid) insurance. If the Veterans Administration would willingly test all veterans, that would be great too.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Any indication as to what area that baby case is located?

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: trollslayer
No. that is what is really scary.She was terrified.A complete breakdown in communication.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:32 PM

ROME (Reuters) - The death toll from an outbreak of coronavirus in Italy has risen by 49 to 197, the Civil Protection Agency said on Friday, the largest daily increase in fatalities since the contagion was uncovered two weeks ago.

Italy is currently reporting more deaths per day from the virus than any other country in the world and the government this week ordered the closure of schools, universities, cinemas and theatres around the country to try to stem the infections.

The cumulative number of cases in the country, which has been the hardest hit in Europe by the epidemic, totalled 4,636 compared with 3,858 on Thursday.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:35 PM
Who knows where this situation has started from.

She was terrified.

Maybe they are moving infected people around.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:35 PM
This is a good idea' when posting , how about your location *state* would be helpful and or country too

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:37 PM
link after seeing that... America will be... idiocracy at its best. I guess now its just the way it is to be.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:38 PM
She was so frightened. I felt so helpless.
She was telling me something that I
should not know.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:39 PM
She was beside herself. My heart broke.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:43 PM
I am so upset. Once again a simple mistake.
But the consequences.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:46 PM

originally posted by: Karyotype
Florida Health Department says in statement that 2 people who tested positive for COVID-19 have died in the state


Your source link doesn't do anything. Can you provide another link?

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:46 PM
So we get to understand how easily our front line is compromised. Even if they had all the state of the art their defenses are down. It is just a baby, just a little baby .

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

I don’t understand.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:48 PM
I am so very upset.How could we have such poor lines of basic communication,
But it is just a baby.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:51 PM

A memo regarding congressional operations and the coronavirus threat sent to all House offices by the House Administration Committee on Friday signals the House is seriously preparing for scenarios where staff may have to telework “in light of the unique and unusual circumstances presented by the coronavirus." The memo obtained by Fox News indicates House offices may allocate unused funds to purchase telework equipment, such as computers and additional phones. On March 9, the House will set up a special center to prepare the infrastructure for telework scenarios.

Considering Congress is just now preparing for this scenario is outrageous; this should have been A what if plan for a long while now. Oh, and while we are at it congress let's instruct the school districts to do the same telecommuting for schools- seriously don't be obtuse congress.

edit on 6-3-2020 by Onlyyouknow because: Clarify

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

What baby what happened? I just logged in and I dunno what your trying to tell us.. can you not put these posts all into one?

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 10:52 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Good news is, the kids aren't dying from this, and the reports of babies being infected all turn out ok. I know this is very upsetting for you, but please, keep hope for the child. It's the staff that we need to worry about at this point.

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