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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: Oleman
Replay here: Governor Brian Kemp confirms two cases of coronavirus in Georgia.

Governor: "CDC tested" "They live is same household." "One traveled to Italy."

State Epidemiologist: Sent test to CDC Saturday. Tracing contacts. "Both in home isolation with other household members."
"Infection occurred in Milan." "By Friday we will be able to test in our own lab."

First in my State... panic time! Not...

We will get through this folks - although, if it gets dicey here, I may have to insist on my parents not coming down from their NC mountain home until the worst passes.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:05 AM
Benelux update: 38 confirmed = +11, hundreds being tested.
Belgium: 13
Netherlands: 24
Luxembourg: 1

After the holidays ending last weekend and the related travel, we now have it in our police corps, in schools and several large companies. Buildings being disinfected and lots of children being tested of which 2 already positive.

Health officials keep saying that it's not that bad. When you feel sick, just stay home and for now that's it.

Psychologists in the media say that we are suffering from mass-hysteria and it's going to give a snowball effect. The paradox being that those people who do not worry will end up dealing with the negative side of it most.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: liejunkie01
a reply to: missed_gear

I agree with what you say. I have paid attention to the numbers, who reports on the numbers, and who depends on the funding to allow the ability to report on the numbers.

I feel like this can, could have went many directions. It still is far from over and the implications of this virus will take years to totally understand.

I can tell you that here in this "calm period", as I like to call it, I do feel a little more relaxed about the situation. This could also be because I took precautions to help insure my families security and food needs for a little while.

While some say I am crazy and some say I over reacted, I take comfort in the idea that I am more prepared now for anything that can happen, than I was before this whole thing started. After all it is storm season and preparedness is very helpful during this time.

I have been following from the beginning and will still continue to follow this event.

While in this calm period can take the time to focus on pressing things around the household. I hope it continues to stay calm.

A lot of us here do not think you are crazy, or over reacting. You are prepared.

I have heard the same thing, you just have to let it go and carry on with what you think is best for you and your family.

In an attempt to share facts, not all other issues.

As I have stated in this mulifaceted thread which drifts.

My wife is in medicine...I'll just leave at Galveston, TX. here.

Protocols are being practiced daily...and exaughting


posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: 1point92AU
a reply to: myselfaswell
The flu numbers in the US alone make the Corona Virus look like a simple runny nose.

Your claim would hold more water if you actually posted links to evidence to back it up.

Have you seen reliable data comparing Flu infections to nCoV?

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
a reply to: flatsmart
Masks work. Having lived in China for more than a decade I can safely say the CCP wouldn’t be arresting people on the street for not having a mask if they didn’t work.

Agreed, but not for what most people think - they work to keep the wearer from spreading anything far better than keeping the wearer safe from being exposed, and t his is why the CCP is enforcing it. Not for the protection of the wearer, but for the protection of everyone else.

I watched something about how complicated it is to get the active filtered masks (N95 like) to seal properly to provide protection from external exposure, and the reality is, most people won't get it right.

It's not complicated, lol. You can learn how to do it watching a 2 minute video.
edit on 3-3-2020 by asdfa because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: hiddenNZ

Why did a country lockdown a 10th of the world's.population for a supposed flu?

Because what happened in in Wuhan was not the flu or Covid19. I think it was something else.

Let's stop and think for a minute. Do you really trust China to be honest? Do you think they're telling the truth?

We know they've been fudging the numbers, so why believe them about the cause of their actions?

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:19 AM
I can't speak for all of them, obviously, but the scuttlebutt we're getting from the local healthcare system is that this particular virus has been circulating in the US since November. That's a good news/bad news thing. The good news is there are likely orders of magnitude more cases of illness re covid-19 that just didn't produce notable symptoms for most patients meaning the true death rate may be at or below severe seasonal flu.

The bad news is that older patients with preexisting conditions may have succumbed to secondary infections after exposure to coronavirus and we just didn't realize it.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: sirlancelot
This flu season in the US at a minimum 29 million people have the flu and 16,000 have died from it .01% death rate

If those same 29 million get CV with a estimate death rate of 2% we would be looking at 580,000 dead.

Reality is the real number of infected world wide is probably 30-40% higher then reported.

You do realize, don't you, that if that last part is true, that dramatically lowers the risk of death, since those extra numbers would be people that remained either asymptomatic, or with such minor symptoms t hat they never go for treatment (self-treat, stay at home, like I do when I get cold/flu).

But... again... we just don't know anything for certain... yet.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
a reply to: flatsmart
Masks work. Having lived in China for more than a decade I can safely say the CCP wouldn’t be arresting people on the street for not having a mask if they didn’t work.

Agreed, but not for what most people think - they work to keep the wearer from spreading anything far better than keeping the wearer safe from being exposed, and t his is why the CCP is enforcing it. Not for the protection of the wearer, but for the protection of everyone else.

I watched something about how complicated it is to get the active filtered masks (N95 like) to seal properly to provide protection from external exposure, and the reality is, most people won't get it right.

Agreed, the masks do more by preventing the droplets from spreading from an infected person outward.

But, even though a mask as a preventative is not 100%, it is still better than nothing. I would rather have the droplets collect on the mask, with a chance of some making it around the corners, than to not have anything at all.

Heck, even condoms aren't 100%. LOL

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: 1point92AU
a reply to: myselfaswell
The flu numbers in the US alone make the Corona Virus look like a simple runny nose.

Your claim would hold more water if you actually posted links to evidence to back it up.

Have you seen reliable data comparing Flu infections to nCoV?

Some people are too stupid to help.

That argument is like this: Imagine there's suddeny no more food so people can't eat:

"Starvation! It's scare mongering! Why so far in the 3 days since food ran out only 1person has died - 1 person out of 400 million! Why don't you know, the flu killed 70,000 people last year! Starvation is nothing more than a runny nose by comparison!"

Or - only old people die - imagine a 1 mile long Marine style obstacle course:

"Oh My God! We're 300 yards into the obstacle course and only old people are failing the obstacle course in that time! People over 75 can't get over the wall and through the netting, so clearly only old people will fail the obstacle course! Everyone else will obviously pass, because right now only old people and people with medical conditions are failing! It's a nothing burger, tou scaremongerers!"

It's not surprising that the first people to succumb to a challenge will be the weakest, it doesn't mean you can extrapolate out and predict that only the weakest will fail, since you're only 300 yeards into a 1 mile assault course.

Similarly 3 days into no more food and no one has died doesn't mean a lot won't die over time, or that starvation is nothing compared to flu.

We're in the baby steps, no one knows, to claim it's nothing is idiotic, but those claiming it are too stupid to realise how stupid they are.

So ignore them and look after yourself.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: 1point92AU
a reply to: myselfaswell
The flu numbers in the US alone make the Corona Virus look like a simple runny nose.

Your claim would hold more water if you actually posted links to evidence to back it up.

Have you seen reliable data comparing Flu infections to nCoV?

according to

we have 83411 flu deaths this year, compared to 3131 covid19 deaths.
so yes, this are the numbers and im pretty sure they are correct, at least for the flu.

And that is exactly why , if you take the numbers and put them against the extreme measures that are being taken since the beginning of this outbreak... something smells fishy...

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:21 AM

This thread about coronavirus updates... not... I repeat... not stocks and/or stock markets!

I think most of us in this thread are more concerned with the virus TBH

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
a reply to: flatsmart
Masks work. Having lived in China for more than a decade I can safely say the CCP wouldn’t be arresting people on the street for not having a mask if they didn’t work.

Agreed, but not for what most people think - they work to keep the wearer from spreading anything far better than keeping the wearer safe from being exposed, and t his is why the CCP is enforcing it. Not for the protection of the wearer, but for the protection of everyone else.

I watched something about how complicated it is to get the active filtered masks (N95 like) to seal properly to provide protection from external exposure, and the reality is, most people won't get it right.

Agreed, the masks do more by preventing the droplets from spreading from an infected person outward.

But, even though a mask as a preventative is not 100%, it is still better than nothing. I would rather have the droplets collect on the mask, with a chance of some making it around the corners, than to not have anything at all.

Heck, even condoms aren't 100%. LOL

This is very true, even covering your face with a t-shirt is better than nothing. Anything that creates a barrier is helpful.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: Brick17
If you are fit and healthy or even reasonably so. Just accept that at some point you will catch it (if predictions of 80% becoming infected in UK are true), and as is the case, for the majority it will knock you on your back for a time. Until you slowly recover.

Actually, for the younger/healthy, it may be much better than that - many apparently remain totally asymptomatic, or only have minor symptoms.

At least, that is what I'm hearing/reading...

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: asdfa

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
a reply to: flatsmart
Masks work. Having lived in China for more than a decade I can safely say the CCP wouldn’t be arresting people on the street for not having a mask if they didn’t work.

Agreed, but not for what most people think - they work to keep the wearer from spreading anything far better than keeping the wearer safe from being exposed, and t his is why the CCP is enforcing it. Not for the protection of the wearer, but for the protection of everyone else.

I watched something about how complicated it is to get the active filtered masks (N95 like) to seal properly to provide protection from external exposure, and the reality is, most people won't get it right.

Agreed, the masks do more by preventing the droplets from spreading from an infected person outward.

But, even though a mask as a preventative is not 100%, it is still better than nothing. I would rather have the droplets collect on the mask, with a chance of some making it around the corners, than to not have anything at all.

Heck, even condoms aren't 100%. LOL

This is very true, even covering your face with a t-shirt is better than nothing. Anything that creates a barrier is helpful.

Stopping breathing - that will work 100% of the time.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: JackBenimbel
I tend to that the number of cases and deaths in Wuhan are also or mostly due due to a variety of factors including the extreme cortisol levels likely from getting locked inside your house (for most people), possible starvation, the mandatory,supposedly 'digital' va%%ine that was allegedly adminstered last year, poor air quality, unknown chemicals sprayed on the unsuspecting public with wreckless abandon (I hear bleach is not too good for you), and disappearing dissidents.

I'd still like to hear more about the supposed 'bio-pesticides' someone else referred to that they use very heavily over there. It was discussed that there may be a secondary factor that makes this thing much more deadly. That, or they are purging dissidents and using this as a cover (or both)... but we can CT theorize/speculate forever...

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: 1point92AU
I dont really know how often IV vitamin (C) is used to this in hospitals....i would be pissed if i would be in hospital with this COVID-19
And doctor would not even consider vitamin C & antioxidant support...

If I or my parents were admitted and had it, I would absolutely insist on it. I'd being in my own practitioner if I had to to administer it - and yeah, I'd sign whatever waiver(s) they might require.

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:41 AM
Oh wow...
Pence Visited School Where Student Is in Coronavirus Quarantine

A Florida student whose classmates shook hands last Friday with Vice President Mike Pence has been quarantined after his mother came into contact with a coronavirus patient.
Some White House aides were aware of the case in Sarasota, Florida, but there was no blanket notification about it in the executive mansion, according to people familiar with the matter. Some advisers to the vice president were unaware of the quarantine as of Tuesday morning.

Sourc e

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
Would I be way off beam with my summary of this thing if I say vaccines....when/if they get one will probably only help those who have not contracted it. This thing damages your lungs and has up to 4 cycles that we know of so far.

Ummm... maybe it damages your lungs, and maybe it doesn't - but it also appears that many/most younger/healthy will remain asymptomatic or only have minor symptoms...

Most importantly, there is absolutely no proof of the '4 cycles' at this point in time. Yes, pandemics experience 'waves', but that is not the same thing.

If there really is '4 stages' to this thing, then I think t hat would be al;l the proof we need that it is a bio-weapon, whether it was intentionally or accidentally released.
edit on 3-3-2020 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2020 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

To address your good question, the fact that this is a 'novel' virus means at the start of it's cycle, nobody had any immunity to it. As a result, every contact of an infected person had a chance to also be infected. As time goes by / (is going by?), some people previously infected will (hopefully) be immune to reinfection. That is what usually happens with other viruses. That is referred to as 'herd immunity'.

These 'herd immune' people should then not become infected a second time as easily, and will act as a 'fire break' for infection, helping the rate of infection in the community hopefully to decrease over time. So, if an infected patient is exposed to a 'herd immune' patient, the transmission will not proceed further in that instance. That covers the 'novel' part.

Once this virus is no longer novel, it probably will revert to being a seasonal virus, with yearly outbreaks, but less of an overall rate of infection compared to the first exposure of the population to the virus.

The problem with this specific novel coronavirus though, and something I am really having a hard time dealing with, is that some patients (14%? ) may be becoming 're-infected'. So, no herd immunity from them? That really could complicate things as time moves forward. Are these 14% having a 'relapse' of their own disease (like with herpes), or are they having a true re-infection from another person? That is the BIG question that I am personally hoping we can answer at some point.

edit on 3-3-2020 by Fowlerstoad because: (no reason given)

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