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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: cirrus12

In the U.S./ California, firefighters are mostly/ all? trained medically. It is VERY common to see a fire truck headed out to medical calls. This was my first instinct on firefighters being exposed.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

Four firefighters also self-quarantined in Irvine, Orange County, Calif., after transporting a possible Coronavirus patient.

IRVINE (CBSLA) – An Orange County Fire Authority crew based in Irvine has self-quarantined after allegedly coming into contact with a possible coronavirus patient.

The agency reported Monday that four personnel from Fire Station No. 20, located at 7050 Corsair, decided to self-quarantine after they transported a patient Saturday night to a local hospital who had recently traveled internationally and showed symptoms similar to COVID-19.

Sourc e

Lifting up our first responders on the front lines of this.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: Mamana12
White House is holding a press briefing at 5pm EST today. Vice President Pence will be conducting the briefing. You can watch it live at this link:

Is there anywhere I now can watch it?
There is no playback on it. YouTube doesn't seem to be picking it up at the moment.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: DancedWithWolves
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

Four firefighters also self-quarantined in Irvine, Orange County, Calif., after transporting a possible Coronavirus patient.

IRVINE (CBSLA) – An Orange County Fire Authority crew based in Irvine has self-quarantined after allegedly coming into contact with a possible coronavirus patient.

The agency reported Monday that four personnel from Fire Station No. 20, located at 7050 Corsair, decided to self-quarantine after they transported a patient Saturday night to a local hospital who had recently traveled internationally and showed symptoms similar to COVID-19.

Sourc e

Lifting up our first responders on the front lines of this.

Damn this is right by my house. I noticed several government license plates in the area today, not on the black SUV's you'd expect but on regular vehicles, so I wonder if it was related to this.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:20 PM
I was just wondering why do so many firefighters (maybe) have it? Did they attend the nursing home? And why would they? Is that normal procedure? Or is this from community spread?
Sorry if this post is late, I can't keep up with this thread, lol, Per my local radio 97.3 FM Seattle, within the last 2 hrs (Its 3:15 Pacific right now, (I was driving around, didn't get exact time so I don't have source yet), The talk radio explained the Fire Dept people who had responded at the nursing home were not all the same time, at some point prior, like within the last few weeks, some had responded, etc. not necessarily all at the same time, but enough to get them all looked at. They probably get called to that location frequently, so pretty normal IMHO. a reply to: cirrus12

edit on 3/2/2020 by Lr103 because: forgot the comment on my deficient brain

edit on 3/2/2020 by Lr103 because: forgot the comment on my deficient brain

edit on 3/2/2020 by Lr103 because: grammatical errors

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:20 PM
Looks like numbers are now increasing daily. It will be interesting to see how the warmer weather affects the virus if at all

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

Starts at 1:01:30

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:35 PM
The stock market today was an expected dead-cat bounce. All the NPCs that roam around telling the people who are alert enough to be concerned about the virus that "the flu is worse" have also been saying, "It's a great buying opportunity!" The debt bubble has been pricked, it's just a matter of time now.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:36 PM
I live and work in south west UK in NHS establishment. My manager recently asked me where our hazmat suit was? I laughed saying what hazmat suit but YAY we have one.....ONE! We did have some alcohol hand gel but seems to have vanished and no face masks. Two members of staff recently back from leave tomorrow, one from Italy, the other, Singapore.
Are we ready for this......HELL NO!

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: Mamana12

Oh my, that's close. They are isolated at their station and the other firefighters were moved to a different station. It sounds like an abundance of caution but I'm not reading when the actual transport occurred. I'm not sure why the patient hasn't been tested or results shared publicly so they have better knowledge of their circumstances. Stay safe!

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: asdfa

Not even remotely accurate. Demand is still sky high, we're seeing more than anything else fears over supply. I'm amazed the drop waited until it did, but I'm sure end of the month shorts had a big role in the timing and magnitude as well. As I said earlier, if China's efforts to use Uighers to fill gaps on production lines works out, the market's worries over supply will slow down. If China can actually increase output and cover for the loss of February's quotas quickly, then the fundamentals of this market will shine again and we'll hit Dow 30,000 before the beginning of Summer.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:41 PM

originally posted by: Psychoparrot
I live and work in south west UK in NHS establishment. My manager recently asked me where our hazmat suit was? I laughed saying what hazmat suit but YAY we have one.....ONE! We did have some alcohol hand gel but seems to have vanished and no face masks. Two members of staff recently back from leave tomorrow, one from Italy, the other, Singapore.
Are we ready for this......HELL NO!

Wow that's not comforting at all. I keep reading that docs say they aren't prepared. Thanks for sharing this.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:41 PM
Some practical prep tips.

Yes, it's The Federalist, but the piece is written by an epidemiologist and contains some ideas on things to do to prepare if the worst case happens and we are asked to shelter in place to try to break the infection cycle, including tips on how to prep your apartment.

There might be some things listed in here you didn't think of that you may want to add to a list or that you may want to think about.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:41 PM

originally posted by: cirrus12
Also just a little update from the UK

A change of pace when watching Sky news - they had an interactive map with stats from China and the WHO on the rate of infection - much higher than the flu. There seems to be a more serious tone in the press - and talk of panic buying. But at the same time there is also very bad advice being dolled out on tv - talk show crap where people are still wondering if they should go on holiday and the advice is 'yes, don't worry' . So there is a disconnect between the fear growing with reported worldwide coverage and the actual advice and interviews shown here if that makes sense.
Basically told to carry on as normal but wash our hands regularly...

Also what is funny is that the general masses are still asking ''the higher ups' what to do - should I go on holiday, should i do this or that - they can't seem to make the decision themselves. Of course the answer is NO - not right now you pleb.
I'm frustrated because there is a lot of information out there now about this but people seem to just accept the basic narrative on tv and don't delve deeper at all.
Thank god for this forum!

I don't know whether the people here realise it or not, but this is one of the few last bastions of free thought out there! Point me to a bigger one! I can only point you to a much smaller one. There are a few forums here and there.

Us few hundred are anomalies. The broader populace look to authorities, be it governments, bosses, and God help us, probably youtube influencers for guidance. If you look outside this place, there will be other free thinkers, but probably more isolated without a means to communicate beyond locked down twitter or facebook.

No one here should be shocked to see people around them not knowing what they are meant to do. This whole thing has no precedent in modern history.
Even the 2nd World War barely has any remaining living. 911 was a gigantic shock, and for days... weeks, I think there was a fear of further crazy events that never manifested. So this is all rather extraordinary. Ironically, the people with zombie apocalypse plans made jokingly over beer are probably more prepared than most.

To make it worse, even the authorities sound like they haven't really got a clue... inconsistent and contradictory. So, whether we like it or not, you will start to see people panic and do stupid things in the coming weeks. I am betting we will see sh#t happen this year that we ain't ever seen... even more if we have staff shortages in key services and shops.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: lostsock

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Advantage

originally posted by: MrRCflying
So with 5 deaths today, one yesterday bringing the total to 6. Out of 96 confirmed cases, that is 5.2%

I thought people were saying that the mortality rate would be much lower in the US because of better medical care?

Last I knew 5.2% is higher than 3.4%.

The magic word is CONFIRMED cases. They arent doing widespread testing. You are gravely ill in a nursing home with suspected Covid. You get tested. You die. You skew the percentages. We probably wont know the exact death % until well after the initial outbreak is over.

It makes you wonder how many deaths in the past few weeks have just been written off without testing. It would be interesting to see the records from Kings County for the past month, see if there was an overall increase.

Here is a link for King County and their Flu tracker. -08.ashx

link already down by 6pm cst., here at least

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:51 PM
Found this on the Two dozen first responders quarantined for possible coronavirus Kirkland Fire Dept
edit on 3/2/2020 by Lr103 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/2/2020 by Lr103 because: It's messy.

It's not the most informative article, but gives one the idea how quickly the issue is advancing in my region .

2 weeks ago Coronavirus talk was almost absent on local news.

edit on 3/2/2020 by Lr103 because: grammatical errors

edit on 3/2/2020 by Lr103 because: Yep. screwed it up again.

edit on 3/2/2020 by Lr103 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Which begs the question how bad is their manpower shortage, why would they need to get political prisoners to work the factories. Prisoners in China have to work for nothing, so no need to pay wages during the emergency, and what is the true numbers of fatalities if they have to use the penal system to back up the labor shortage. Its slave labor whatever way you spin it. Capitalisms dream, has come true it seems.

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:56 PM

originally posted by: EnhancedInterrogator
Summary of latest numbers from Covid19Info.Live:


  • Cases: 89,248
  • Disposed (Deaths & Recoveries): 48,446 (>54% of all confirmed cases so-far)
  • Deaths: 3,048 (~6% of disposed)
  • Recovered: 45,398 (~93% of disposed)

China: (including Hong Kong & Macau)

  • Cases: 80,134 (just under 90% of all confirmed cases)
  • Disposed (Deaths & Recoveries): 47,748
  • Deaths: 2,914
  • Recovered: 44,834


  • Cases: 9,114 (just over 10% of all confirmed cases)
  • Disposed (Deaths & Recoveries): 698
  • Deaths: 134
  • Recovered: 564


1000 new deaths from Iran is missing.

I wonder why noone reacted to this some pages back. Its the biggest surge in deaths in all this pandemic event.

Also makes me wonder the true cases in Iran... 10.000 or more like 20.000? Also going from 50 official deaths to ober 1000...

Anyway I bet China also is at close to 3.000 and in Reality its more like 60.000 dead at the very least. Nice flu.
edit on 2-3-2020 by Strifingsoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

if China's efforts to use Uighers to fill gaps on production lines works out

Of course, if the poor Uighers at these factories all get sick....

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 05:56 PM
Here is V.P. Pence "not" committing that he would visit Disney World during the Coronavirus outbreak. Has he not seen the Superbowl? That's how we do it. We go to Disney World/Land. Go about your daily lives people, is the message. So ahhhhh cheers but no mouse ears? Yes? No?

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