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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: EricEdert
It's here now....

I THINK its everywhere now. Except the South Pole.. and maybe our newly acquired moonlet.

Dont worry about it.. just take precautions and go along until the situation changes. Reassess your protocols as it ebbs and flows. Getting it doesnt mean death certainly. It means sick as hell for a bit. They casually toss out there maybe being on a respirator for a few days but recovering. Not fun.. but recovering. Its just the nasty severity of it.. but recovery is more likely than not. I suspect the WHO and its overlords will have no choice but to declare it a pandemic soon.. but its just a plain old word youre told to fear. I mean dont go licking the counter at the grocery store or whatever.. but dont live in fear of it.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 02:41 PM
In the UK,the school attended by Prince Williams children is having a virus scare-some pupils have been tested and are being told to stay at home and self isolate.

The threat of the coronavirus has hit the London school attended by Prince William and Duchess Kate's two oldest children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte.
A spokesperson for Thomas's Battersea has confirmed to several U.K. media outlets that a few students at the school have self-isolated for suspected novel coronavirus and are awaiting test results.

Thats a few suspected cases in different parts of London over the last few days.
My Bro works down there,and says hardly anyone are wearing masks or gloves.
Fortunatley for him,he has recently started to work from his flat,so no longer has to use the tube every day,but I feel bad for people who do have to ride the tube-that will likley be an easy way to catch the virus in the coming weeks.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 02:42 PM
Live: House Holds hearing on Coronavirus US & International Response:

Sounds similar to the WH briefing last night. Lots of politicians bragging about how amazing all of our government agencies are and how great their response has been. One politician after the next grandstanding about how awesome government is regarding their response to the outbreak

lol yeah, great job guys everyone on ATS knows you're full of sh** and are obviously going by a "don't ask don't tell" approach now that it's likely all over the US.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: FamCore

Im not a severe Trumptard, but Im a supportive of our president Trumptard. I was blown away by his casual response to it.. and not in a MAGA way. If he flubbs this.. he's done.

ETA.. I might puke if I hear any more praise on how wonderful the response out of China was... is.

edit on 27-2-2020 by Advantage because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 02:47 PM
I saw that Zara Philips isn't going to self isolate. Wonder how Princess Anne is doing after going to the rugby last Saturday? Can only hope they shake hands with Bojo before they get symptoms.

The Queen’s granddaughter Zara Phillips and her husband, former England rugby player Mike Tindall, will not be self-isolating after returning from a skiing trip in northern Italy, where a coronavirus outbreak has been spreading.

Phillips and Tindall have come back from a trip to Bormio, a town in the Lombardy region of the Alps in northern Italy.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: Advantage

I'm also a supporter of POTUS on most things (NOT negative interest rate policy or growing the national debt though).

He seemed very subdued last night - someone else said it appeared that there were "babysitters" and POTUS was sticking to the script, not speaking as organically or off-the-cuff as usual which I agree with.

I'm sure the administration is taking a calculated approach - want to have POTUS focus on other issues and also have Pence "front-run" the outbreak stuff so if it goes wrong Pence is blamed more than POTUS (maybe?). I think the past 5 years have scarred Americans on both sides of the aisle (and in the middle like myself) and no matter what happens critics will say Trump blew it.

If he didn't delegate major ownership of the administration of this outbreak to Pence, the left would say Trump is the worst person the handle it. Now that he's having Pence do it, AOC and others on the left are saying THAT was a terrible decision. Anyway, don't want to make this political but I am afraid CDC is very incompetent and like WHO are more focused on continuation of operations and minimizing economic fallout rather than safety of US citizens. There are my pretty 2 pennies on government handling of this so far (and perception of voters on the left/resisters)

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 02:53 PM
Brazil has 132 suspected cases of coronavirus

Patients are between 8 and 82 years old. Government says there are another 213 notifications that were not analyzed by technicians.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: checkmeout
I saw that Zara Philips isn't going to self isolate. Wonder how Princess Anne is doing after going to the rugby last Saturday? Can only hope they shake hands with Bojo before they get symptoms.

I am stumped by the celebrities, religious figures, presidents and health ministers who are not taking precautions and almost WANT to catch this thing. Cambodia president shaking hands with passengers disembarking a cruise, the pope touching people.. It is surreal, why are these people disregarding advice and putting themselves in harm's way?

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 02:58 PM
I will take Trump in there vs any other president in recent history. Last I counted he has kept us from being suckered into 4 wars.... Russia, Korea, china and ME. He has also provided leadership over countless domestic disasters ranging from fires to floods to NWO government takeovers to border invasion.

Hard to doubt his ability to handle crisis at this point.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: FamCore
a reply to: Advantage

I'm also a supporter of POTUS on most things (NOT negative interest rate policy or growing the national debt though).

He seemed very subdued last night - someone else said it appeared that there were "babysitters" and POTUS was sticking to the script, not speaking as organically or off-the-cuff as usual which I agree with.

I'm sure the administration is taking a calculated approach - want to have POTUS focus on other issues and also have Pence "front-run" the outbreak stuff so if it goes wrong Pence is blamed more than POTUS (maybe?). I think the past 5 years have scarred Americans on both sides of the aisle (and in the middle like myself) and no matter what happens critics will say Trump blew it.

If he didn't delegate major ownership of the administration of this outbreak to Pence, the left would say Trump is the worst person the handle it. Now that he's having Pence do it, AOC and others on the left are saying THAT was a terrible decision. Anyway, don't want to make this political but I am afraid CDC is very incompetent and like WHO are more focused on continuation of operations and minimizing economic fallout rather than safety of US citizens. There are my pretty 2 pennies on government handling of this so far (and perception of voters on the left/resisters)

I agree with the Pence thing. He now has appointed aids for the management.. and the cover-yo-assness commences. I will wait to see how the president himself handles it. Handlers or not.. its lives and livelihoods Im concerned with and what he says he is concerned with. I suppose we will see.
The CDC is more competent than the WHO I think.. mainly because I work along side them and becasue the UN runs the WHO and Gates and like minded folks are piddling around in it. Problem is the WHO has to share info with the CDC.. and its a communication issue. They dont want to call it a pandemic. Plain and simple.. for whatever reason. I dont care what its called, its a potential public health nightmare and should be managed like it. Everyone seemed to think it was Chinas problem alone. Thats insane thinking and preparations were not made that should have been. The money allotted to this is chump change. You cant talk about public health responses without talking about poitics.. beause thays all they are. The WHO is a political organization. It is literally an agency of the UN.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 03:01 PM
Man.. China sure got it wrong, with Xi appointing his 2nd in command to be in charge of the virus efforts, and then funneling all reports through the government, so only they can decide what the public can know.

Oh wait.. we are doing the exact same thing. Government doctors and scientists now must pass all info through Vice President 'Smoking Doesn't Cause Cancer' Pence and the WH. Trump feels Azar is an "alarmist" regarding the virus.

Oh well.. seeya free speech! Be prepared to be told daily how awesome and great and prepared the U.S. is - how everything is fine, and the stocks are great.
edit on 27-2-2020 by fleabit because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: agenda51
I will take Trump in there vs any other president in recent history. Last I counted he has kept us from being suckered into 4 wars.... Russia, Korea, china and ME. He has also provided leadership over countless domestic disasters ranging from fires to floods to NWO government takeovers to border invasion.

Hard to doubt his ability to handle crisis at this point.

I dont doubt his ability, I am not impressed so far with his willingness. I would happily look forward to being proven wrong.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: confiden

possibly because its all a load of BS and we are seeing coordinated government thug bootery based around a common flu strain that is being hyped up into a 28 days later scenario.

Could also be that they want to spread it far and wide to destroy the world economy in order to stop populist movements of nationalism and regain the control they have lost since Trump was elected and sent a shockwave around the world.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: agenda51
a reply to: confiden

possibly because its all a load of BS and we are seeing coordinated government thug bootery based around a common flu strain that is being hyped up into a 28 days later scenario.

Could also be that they want to spread it far and wide to destroy the world economy in order to stop populist movements of nationalism and regain the control they have lost since Trump was elected and sent a shockwave around the world.

Or even more likely nothing of what you are suggesting. Not sure how with the infection rate and fatality rate, anyone could assume this is a common flu strain.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: ShortBus

originally posted by: Silcone Synapse
Not sure if this has been mentioned,but Pope Francis has IMHO been a very naughty boy-
On wednesday,against the advice of his advisors,he was out and about kissing heads and shaking hands with the faithful,in solidarity with people suffering from the corona virus...and now hes sick.

The POPE dies from this. Then the previous POPE becomes POPE again, to fill the void.

It's the final countdown.


This isn't accurate at all. The previous Pope is a non-factor moving forward. If Francis dies, the defacto person in charge of the Holy See will be the camerlengo currently Kevin Farrell while the vicar of Rome proceeds over any religious function the Pope usually tends to. The College of Cardinals will convene to elect a new Pope. During that conclave, there is no Pope.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: fleabit

originally posted by: agenda51
a reply to: confiden

possibly because its all a load of BS and we are seeing coordinated government thug bootery based around a common flu strain that is being hyped up into a 28 days later scenario.

Could also be that they want to spread it far and wide to destroy the world economy in order to stop populist movements of nationalism and regain the control they have lost since Trump was elected and sent a shockwave around the world.

Or even more likely nothing of what you are suggesting. Not sure how with the infection rate and fatality rate, anyone could assume this is a common flu strain.

Or as Burdman would say..

Monkeys could fly out of my ass and circle the room

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 03:10 PM

During that conclave, there is no Pope.

So what you are saying is if that happens, things will be popeless.

Sorry.. had to toss in a bit of humor, this topic is depressing. : )

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Looks like it did break your floor.

Dow 25,766.64 -1,190.95 -4.42%

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 03:11 PM
Oh boy, Dow has dropped about 3000 points in the past five days. Not only do we have a severe flu this year, we also have a novel virus to deal with, and a economy showing signs of being on the ropes. Need some good news..

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 03:13 PM
Netherlands first confirmed case

goog le translated version

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