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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: ZeroFurrbone
a reply to: MrRCflying

I wonder what will happen if some preppers get with their entire fammilies and go into shelters for 2-3 years without knowing that aboveground nothing happened and everything got fixed 5 mintues after they locked themselves in.

You ever see that episode of The Outer Limits from the 80's? Two guys thought nuclear war was breaking out. There was a nuclear blast, and they made it to the shelter, stocked for like 2 years.

Turns out that it was an accidental detonation. The guys were stuck in there, while all the radioactive crap was piled on top of them, and a huge dome built to cover it. Meanwhile above ground, because of the accident, the world got rid of all nuclear weapons, and became a real heaven.

Probably something like that.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 09:57 AM
A years worth of food supply for most people to suddenly acquire is a stretch. I do have one idea that can work for some people. People should buy vegetable seeds, start them indoors and then plant.
The stored goods hopefully can last for a few months until the vegetables can be harvested.
I have never tried preserving and canning but I will give it a try and hopefully not poison myself and the family in the process.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 09:57 AM
master class in deception by macron
he literally changes the subject when a professor tells him he should tell the truth about the fact that france is the same situaion as italy and corona virus is simply circulating among them and not coming from abroad

for at least 2 weeks (i think much longer) they had local severely ill people in hospitals and it never occured to them to test (not even now) and then trace the virus around... or so it appears

edit on 27-2-2020 by marshaxt because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 10:01 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: tanstaafl

Look at it this way - if they institute plague rationing, that's socialism at its finest. People may discover that being equally miserable isn't all it's made out to be and lose their enthusiasm for big government control, central planning and rationing before it's all said and done.


(post by tanstaafl removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: St Udio

Well, when the grocery store shelves are barren...

I will still have the storage foods, in buckets and containers to rely on---->

if the forced Quarantines are over 3 months long... then I will have to chance digging up our 3 patches of sweet-potato's which were not harvested last fall...but stayed in the ground (not expecting a wet winter this year)

then will be limited to a sweet-potato & sprout diet, for the duration of the CV rampage

I think many people think you are taking this a bit serious, I'm not at all.


even IF the contagion is pumped up fakery...
there will still be the Forces of Authority that have the power to condemn you to infection in their Forced Quarantine Hell-Holes of Diseases --->> administered-by-the-State
edit on th29158281984527102020 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 10:05 AM


posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 10:07 AM
I was at Costco yesterday. It was packed and just to find parking was a struggle.
I saw numerous people bulking up on canned goods, beans, canned meat.
The large bags of rice were gone.
Butter was very limited.
There was still bottled water but there were empty pallets and a very limited supply.
I was amazed how many people were buying disposable gloves.

The people who were not buying were older shoppers. They were obviously out of touch.

At checkout the cashier and the boxer started talking about the corona virus and that they had heard from the Costco store in Seattle that they were running out of stock of basic goods. They also said that the majority of orders were over $400.
I have a couple of additional stock up suggestions: batteries and lightbulbs.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: marshaxt
master class in deception by macron
he literally changes the subject when a professor tells him he should tell the truth about the fact that france is the same situaion as italy and corona virus is simply circulating among them and not coming from abroad

for at least 2 weeks (i think much longer) they had local severely ill people in hospitals and it never occured to them to test (not even now) and then trace the virus around... or so it appears

Well there you go! Good man Professor.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 10:08 AM
We now wait for the unexpected in our daily future. Japan is only one of many countries in a crises.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 10:08 AM
Tweeted early early today (27th)

Eric Feigl-Ding
UPDATE on lab problems: GOOD+BAD news.
GOOD: CDC plans to drop the problem reagent from the emergency diagnostic test, and get new #COVID19 tests out quickly.
BAD: Even if all public health labs get
Test tube
capacity, only ~100 tests/day limit by each lab

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 10:10 AM
Iran getting hit hard. Where is their Health Minister?

And an update on age vs. fatality rate and pre-conditions vs. fatality rate:

edit on 27-2-2020 by UFO1414 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-2-2020 by UFO1414 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
I was at Costco yesterday. It was packed and just to find parking was a struggle.
I saw numerous people bulking up on canned goods, beans, canned meat.
The large bags of rice were gone.
Butter was very limited.
There was still bottled water but there were empty pallets and a very limited supply.
I was amazed how many people were buying disposable gloves.

The people who were not buying were older shoppers. They were obviously out of touch.

At checkout the cashier and the boxer started talking about the corona virus and that they had heard from the Costco store in Seattle that they were running out of stock of basic goods. They also said that the majority of orders were over $400.
I have a couple of additional stock up suggestions: batteries and lightbulbs.

This thread is very important to read:
Since it is happening here, it just may be at your door steps tomorrow.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: Avicenne
..and now the Pope has the sniffles..

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 10:16 AM
Not sure if this has been shared yet, but it speaks to the “phases” that have been previously discussed/debated...

The woman who tested positive twice, a resident of Osaka, in western Japan, tested positive on Wednesday after developing a sore throat and chest pains, the prefectural government said in a statement. The woman in her 40s first tested positive in late January and was discharged from hospital on Feb. 1 after recovering, according to the statement.

Though a first known case for Japan, second positive tests have been reported in China - one on Feb. 21 - where the disease originated late last year.

The outbreak has spread rapidly and widely, infecting about 80,000 people globally and killing nearly 2,800, the vast majority in mainland China.

Health Minister Katsunobu Kato said in parliament the government would need to keep tabs on the condition of those previously discharged, as health experts analyzed the implications of testing positive for the virus after an initial recovery.

"Once you have the infection, it could remain dormant and with minimal symptoms, and then you can get an exacerbation if it finds its way into the lungs," said Philip Tierno Jr., Professor of Microbiology and Pathology at NYU School of Medicine.

Tierno said much remains unknown about the virus. "I'm not certain that this is not bi-phasic, like anthrax," he said, meaning the disease appears to go away before recurring.
edit on 27-2-2020 by Charts85 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: ZeroFurrbone
a reply to: MrRCflying

I wonder what will happen if some preppers get with their entire fammilies and go into shelters for 2-3 years without knowing that aboveground nothing happened and everything got fixed 5 mintues after they locked themselves in.


posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: fleabit
Why is Pence in charge? Why would you not have a doctor, scientist, or someone with experience in dealing with contagions in charge?

He is in charge only in the sense of coordination and administration. What makes you think a Doctor would be better for that role?

Baffling move on the part of this (very non-scientific driven) administration.

Or, excellent move by this very science-fact driven administration.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 10:24 AM
Um, this crap is about to get real in my area.

CV test in my area

I hope it turns out negative, but I am worried it could cause a run on the local stores here.

Just now got the word.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 10:25 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Cmajlz
If it gets to the point where hospitals are sending people home to basically die, then politics will be the least of our worries.

I'm not sure that is what was meant.

Simply testing positive, but being sent home to self-quarantine makes very good sense if they aren't in a high risk age group or demographic (otherwise compromised health).

I didn't see anything mentioned where someone who is extremely ill/symptomatic would be sent home, and I seriously question anyone who says this would happen - at least, not unless/until it gets so bad that people are dying in the streets.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 10:26 AM

originally posted by: Charts85
Not sure if this has been shared yet, but it speaks to the “phases” that have been previously discussed/debated...

The woman who tested positive twice, a resident of Osaka, in western Japan, tested positive on Wednesday after developing a sore throat and chest pains, the prefectural government said in a statement. The woman in her 40s first tested positive in late January and was discharged from hospital on Feb. 1 after recovering, according to the statement.

Though a first known case for Japan, second positive tests have been reported in China - one on Feb. 21 - where the disease originated late last year.

The outbreak has spread rapidly and widely, infecting about 80,000 people globally and killing nearly 2,800, the vast majority in mainland China.

Health Minister Katsunobu Kato said in parliament the government would need to keep tabs on the condition of those previously discharged, as health experts analyzed the implications of testing positive for the virus after an initial recovery.

"Once you have the infection, it could remain dormant and with minimal symptoms, and then you can get an exacerbation if it finds its way into the lungs," said Philip Tierno Jr., Professor of Microbiology and Pathology at NYU School of Medicine.

Tierno said much remains unknown about the virus. "I'm not certain that this is not bi-phasic, like anthrax," he said, meaning the disease appears to go away before recurring.


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