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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:19 AM

I have a billion times more confidence in this administration than I would have in Barry's or anyone else before him.

I hope blind fanaticism in this administration doesn't spell disaster for some of Trump's constituents. I wouldn't have that much more confidence in -any- government, let alone ours, no matter who was President at the time. Blind hate or loyalty can cause all sorts of problems of its own. Obama, hate him or not, did actually build up the response team for things like a pandemic, in response to the Ebola worries. Trump's administration let it fall apart, not replacing key positions after they were fired or quit.

I don't trust Pence to run point on this at all - what experience in this field does he have? None at all. He already fumbled at an attempt to stop an HIV outbreak. I think the person in charge should have plenty of experience, so the decisions they are making are measured and make sense. If the administration had actually refilled those critical positions, they would not have needed to do this. I am baffled why anyone would have high confidence in this staff to head off this virus. Trump himself was even surprised how many deaths to influenza there were - he has no concept imo of public health. The press conference was solely an effort to stop dropping markets, that's it. Not reassure the public, not to produce a solid plan of attack.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

PCR is a test that has to be done exactly right or it can ruin the results and make them unreliable. The right stuff at the right time in the right amounts ... all perfectly done. It's very susceptible to human error and errors in sample prep (again human error).

They need to come up with a better means of testing that's less twitchy.


I'll add if the message says they have a "problem reagent", then it means they are aware of at least one substance added to the test to make it work that is very delicate to either being in the wrong amounts, being stored improperly, etc., and can somehow go wrong very, very easily invalidating your results.

edit on 27-2-2020 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:19 AM
sorry to post too many issues around the Global Outbreak

but this will be notable:

TITLE; Illness forces the Pope to cancel an event in Rome a day after showing solidarity with coronavirus sufferers and shaking hands with congregation at weekly audience

Pope Francis was a no-show at an event in Rome on Thursday because of a 'slight indisposition',

Vatican said 83-year-old didn't want to travel across the city while poorly but will perform other duties, officials insisted

It comes a day after he kissed faces in St Peter's Square, and just hours after he coughed and sneezed at Mass

Italy in the midst of coronavirus outbreak, with towns on lockdown and travellers spreading it around Europe

watch Markets world-wide react to Pope's illness with still another 10% correction down...
'the CV is effecting Health-Science-Economics... now Religious factors

the whole Magilla is undergoing a re-set -->>

the whole Megillah (in the Yiddish from which American English borrowed it, gantse Megillah) came to be a wry term for an overly extended explanation or story, or for something tediously complicated, or an involved situation or state of affairs.
by BING search

edit on th29158282477127322020 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: fleabit

Pence's job is to coordinate agencies. He has the right experience for that.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: UFO1414

Apparently, from what I have gathered is that they are being taken by force because they violated their agreed upon self quarantine. Dr Campbell mentions this near the end of the video of his for Feb 27th I posted a page back

edit on 27-2-2020 by QBSneak000 because: spelling

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: St Udio

Ugh … just ugh, and let us hope the Pope is not a 'super spreader'.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:32 AM
Update from Southern California. This situation has me reevaluating my prepping. I'm good for a few months with food, water and meds but I realized that if anything longer term were to happen (not expecting anything more than a couple months disruption from this) my supplies aren't sustainable. With that in mind I went to home depot yesterday and got there immediately after Trumps speech. I stocked up on vegetable plants and lots of seeds. There were plenty available as there usually are. I asked about face masks and they said they had been sold out for weeks. I went back there this morning to get something I forgot and the vegetable plants were almost sold out. All of the large tomato plants they had yesterday afternoon were sold out and there were a lot (dozens of them) yesterday. At checkout I asked when they expected masks to be back in stock and I was told they restocked them (N95) this morning after being sold out for weeks and they are almost sold out again in the two hours the store had been open. I checked and there were five masks left in total.

If any of you are in Southern California send me a PM I'd love to connect.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: Rich Z
Yeah, I do like most aspects of Trump as POTUS, but he probably should be glad that I wasn't in the audience lobbing questions at him.

Not sure anyone else caught this, but there was one instance where someone appeared to be trying to yell a question about the numbers in China regarding deaths were way higher... but I never heard that guy try again, so either he was told to shut it, or escorted out...?
edit on 27-2-2020 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:36 AM
East Asian markets seem to be stabilising. This may all have been engineered by China to gain an upper hand in the trade war with the U.S. or to get even.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Rich Z
Yeah, I do like most aspects of Trump as POTUS, but he probably should be glad that I wasn't in the audience lobbing questions at him.

Not sure anyone else caught this, but there was one instance where someone appeared to be trying yell a question about the numbers in China regarding deaths were way higher... but I never heard that guy try again, so either he was told to shut it, or escorted out...?

It was obvious to me from the way he talked about China that they don't believe the numbers from China are accurate.

However, I do believe that Xi does have every reason to want it stopped. Whatever you believe happened initially, I don't think this is what China wants to be happening. I think the regime's control is slipping there, and Xi does have every reason to want to get it under control. That doesn't mean though that the numbers are accurate. China may not even know.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: ARM1968
I just cannot help feeling that there is something else at play here. Certainly China’s and now the rest of the worlds reaction suggests something far worse. Do they know something we don’t? I just don’t get the unparalleled reaction.

Or it was intentionally or accidentally released, and what is happening now is the contrived unfolding of their 'playbook' (either by plan, or just taking advantage of a 'crisis')...
edit on 27-2-2020 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:45 AM
"200 traveling through Atlanta's airport commit to home screening to check for coronavirus

ATLANTA - Two hundred travelers coming through Atlanta, including some who exhibited viral type symptoms similar to those of the new coronavirus currently spreading around the globe, were designated for voluntary home quarantine.

Those results since the start of coronavirus checks were described in a briefing Wednesday afternoon by Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport's General Manager John Selden."

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:47 AM
Saudi Arabia Suspends Entry for Pilgrims over Coronavirus

Saudi Arabia is temporarily refusing visas for pilgrims, due to fear of the Corona virus. I wonder if the Hajj is going to be cancelled this year?

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: KindraLaBelle
a reply to: SailorJerry
didn't they forbid the people in certain parts of China to use paper money because the virus could be on it? I remember reading about it some time ago.

No, it was just a notification/warning...

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:51 AM

edit on 27-2-2020 by celltypespecific because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: ragiusnotiel
2. NANCY was not the CDC lady, it was another lady- who I've seen on CNN before.. (wonder why they are keeping Nancy off the news after she blew the whistle?)

Because she was full of dog poo?

3. Most networks cut the the address short. (I channeled flipped after CNN shut it down (while NiH dude was explain no vaccine for a year) had to eventually switch to live feed here)

They usually do that to Trump...

5. He read off a paper, which he never does- people surrounding him seemed more like babysitters.

He is out of his area of expertise, nothing more. What looked like babysitters to you looked like other people standing there to me.

6. CDC ladys face during the briefing is quite telling

Do tell...?

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: kwakakev
developing hand held 15 minute testing procedures

First I've heard of that... link?

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: DAZ21
East Asian markets seem to be stabilising. This may all have been engineered by China to gain an upper hand in the trade war with the U.S. or to get even.

Sort of doubt that - I can't imagine how much China has lost during this outbreak, but.. I'm sure it's like.. a LOT a lot.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: St Udio

I hope it's not pneumonia... The Pope only has one lung.

posted on Feb, 27 2020 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: liejunkie01
All I am trying to say is that I hate running,

Running/exercise has basically nothing/ZERO to do with being overweight and/or weight-loss.

This virus is one thing that everyone should be concerned about, whether you are super healthy or a fat slob. I personally know a healthy person that has died from the flu

It is possible to have the appearance of health, and be extremely unhealthy. If they died of the flu, but were otherwise younger, they were not healthy - or had some underlying condition.

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