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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 05:34 PM


posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 05:37 PM


posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 05:40 PM
Here's an example of why the reporting is woefully wrong from Wuhan

A cluster of 19 deaths since Dec. 23 was found at a nursing home near the #Wuhan seafood market with only one #Covid19, #coronavirus case reported though 10 others died of respiratory failure. aHc2n7nI%2FFL%2FE7ci4pKCK8phgF%2FQsX7bWHLb%2Bs9fw%3D%3D&cxg=web&Sfrom=twitter
edit on 24/2/20 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: AngelsDecay

That’s what it looks like will happen, I am pretty sure that during the Event 201 scenario one plan they developed was to attempt slow down the spread during the initial outbreak to buy time for the rest of the world to prepare, research and determine if its a major threat or not. To convince a nation to do that they would be allowed to seize supplies out of the system and void manufacturing contracts while also receiving supplies from other nations. They were required to share samples, research, patient and accurate epidemiological data. They would also work to control all social media and media outlets to prevent a panic and to deal with what they determine to be fringe theories.

After an initial wave or two it should die out and go into a seasonal circulation pattern indefinitely. We should see another surge of infections once people return to normal activities.

This is what the Spanish Flu did, then it died out, then one nation accidentally released a strain of it back into the wild.

Human H1N1 virus reappeared in 1977, in the Soviet Union and China. Virologists, using serologic and early genetic tests, soon began to suggest the cause of the reappearance was a laboratory escape of a 1949-50 virus, and as genomic techniques advanced, it became clear that this was true. By 2010, researchers published it as fact: “The most famous case of a released laboratory strain is the re-emergent H1N1 influenza-A virus which was first observed in China in May of 1977 and in Russia shortly thereafter.” The virus may have escaped from a lab attempting to prepare an attenuated H1N1 vaccine in response to the U.S. swine flu pandemic alert.

edit on 24-2-2020 by TheAMEDDDoc because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-2-2020 by TheAMEDDDoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 05:42 PM

(Bloomberg) -- Samsung Electronics Co., LG Electronics Inc. and other companies in South Korea are taking precautions against the coronavirus after a rising number of cases in the country, including the infection of a Samsung employee at a local production facility.

The country’s largest technology company shut down operations at a plant in Gumi City over the weekend after the employee tested positive for the virus, but resumed operations around 1:00 p.m. local time Monday. Samsung Electronics shares slid as much as 3.7% in Seoul.

get your samsung phones now..

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 05:43 PM
Corona virus related information update…. PUSA says no worries for US..Sounds relevant to the thread..even had a source.a reply to: myselfaswell

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: billjenkins589
"The arms race is back on!"

If this thing is a bioweapon like many people seem to think it is a direct result of the on going arms race. This is why we shouldn't promote and be proud of taking part in an arms race. Regardless of who wins many will die in the end

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 05:45 PM
Cruise Liners suffer the wrath of the markets..




I have friends who bought tickets for a cruise later in the year.. I told them its probably a good idea to buy insurance now as there's no gaurantee the cruise will take place.

This kind of thing will hit the market hard.. for ever

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 05:45 PM
hey folks
thought I'd throw in a bit of humor
was going to go to the wet market this morning
but I realize last time I visited
I saw this

disclaimer: funny as it is, this picture is on the net, where it is, heck I don't know, but I did copy it from another forum that is a Japanese forum

Please now enjoy your evening or morning meal

by the way, what are these?
picture deleted at the request that "common sense was lacking" at posting it and I didn't think about the negativity that it would bring.
edit on 0200000016512020-02-24T18:51:16-06:00511602pm6 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

OK, I replaced it with this:

And thanks to a member who knew I made an innocent or actually a stupid mistake. Thanks for the help, my good friend. Actually today is the day the wife has to start sharing the news that will affect our income (only income outside of SS) so maybe I was just trying to be funny, its not every day we could have seen such an event. Again thanks
edit on 0200000047572020-02-24T18:57:47-06:00574702pm6 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 05:47 PM

Chinese woman travels 675 km without any coronavirus symptoms infects five relatives

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 05:48 PM


posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: TheAMEDDDoc
a reply to: AngelsDecay

That’s what it looks like will happen, I am pretty sure that during the Event 201 scenario one plan they developed was to attempt slow down the spread during the initial outbreak to buy time for the rest of the world to prepare, research and determine if its a major threat or not. To convince a nation to do that they would be allowed to seize supplies out of the system and void manufacturing contracts while also receiving supplies from other nations. They were required to share samples, research, patient and accurate epidemiological data. They would also work to control all social media and media outlets to prevent a panic and to deal with what they determine to be fringe theories.

After an initial wave or two it should die out and go into a seasonal circulation pattern indefinitely. We should see another surge of infections once people return to normal activities.

This is what the Spanish Flu did, then it died out, then one nation accidentally released a strain of it back into the wild.

HI MedDoc, many tanx for your wise and interesting words and also for that very interesting link... Didn't know about it, tks again 👍
BTW, take a look on this please if you have a few minutes... I also found it very interesting

Cheers my friend

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic
hey folks
thought I'd throw in a bit of humor
was going to go to the wet market this morning
but I realize last time I visited
I saw this

disclaimer: funny as it is, this picture is on the net, where it is, heck I don't know, but I did copy it from another forum that is a Japanese forum

Please now enjoy your evening or morning meal

by the way, what are these?

Fried aliens from roswell crash...

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 05:52 PM
Australian Update

Looks like all of the original 15 infectees have now recovered. The only remaining people infected in Australia, apparently, are the 7 who came from the Diamond Princess.


posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: musicismagic
Looks like cats to me.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: AngelsDecay

That’s a great article, it’s like it’s written by the researchers and doctors that I work with. Scroll down and it’s written by an MD.

That article sums up what labs I directly work with in vaccine and drug research believe will happen. They expect over 3/4 of us who get infected to get mild symptoms and it’s going to overload supply and medical systems, probably impact the economy. There’s always a chance it could mutate and get worse but hopefully that’s unlikely.

They are more worried about influenza, especially H7N9.

If you or anyone has Netflix, I recommend the documentary Pandemic. It analyzes the Spanish Flu, Swine Flu and other influenza and coronavirus strains and how the world can fight what we now call a World Health Emergency since Pandemics no longer exist. It also talks about a DNA based vaccine that will immunize us against every strain of influenza, including the avian strains with 60-80% mortality rates.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 06:10 PM

originally posted by: Furryhobnob
a reply to: Jelonek
The UK are already saying if you think you have coronavirus then don't go to the hospital or your local GP.
Instead call 111 where they are telling people to self isolate at home. So they are already promoting that as they simply don't have the beds/staff here in the UK to cope.

I suspect that if people are sick enough to think they need to go to the hospital, they aren't going to call ahead for reservations.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: myselfaswell
Australian Update

Looks like all of the original 15 infectees have now recovered. The only remaining people infected in Australia, apparently, are the 7 who came from the Diamond Princess.


Until some of those 3000 students recently arrived in OZ start showing symptoms.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: musicismagic
Those are cats.
The sort many people love as pets.
Not very funny when you consider they are grabbed round the neck by a metal claw and thrown alive,screaming,into boiling oil.There are videos that I will not post here because they are vile IMO.
I guess you didn't know that so I won't have a go at you for saying the pic was funny.

But on a similar more positive note,China have now banned the import,sale and consumption of all wild animals(hopefully this time permenantly)because the government thinks(or is pretending)that wild animals started the virus.I have my doubts about that,but its certainly a good thing for the massive number of animals who are close to extinction due to the barbaric and cruel chinese trafficing and eating of anything that moves from many countries.

BEIJING, CHINA -- China on Monday declared an immediate and "comprehensive" ban on the trade and consumption of wild animals, a practice believed responsible for the deadly coronavirus outbreak.
The country's top legislative committee approved a proposal "prohibiting the illegal wildlife trade, abolishing the bad habit of overconsumption of wildlife, and effectively protecting the lives and health of the people," state television reported

So at least one positive thing is coming from this virus if not for humans but for animals.
I am hoping the world will rethink globalisation as well,as that is the reason for many of the problems humans face including the virus-all so a few rich people can make more money at the expense of the rest of us.

Apologies if my opinion is controversial to some,but its the way I see it.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 06:16 PM

originally posted by: TheIrvy2

originally posted by: checkmeout
Will essential workers turn up in the middle of a pandemic in the UK? We used to get people phoning in sick every time there was a norovirus outbreak and I don't mean the ones who were actually ill.

I've really been wondering this the past few days, watching the announcements of the deaths of doctors in China. I'm sure the majority of GPs in the UK have been looking at their nice houses, nice cars, nice life, and thinking "I might not go into work on Monday".

I know a lot of care workers who are legally bound to stay at their designated care facility until they are relieved by another member of staff. Would you go on shift if you knew there was a reasonable chance that you wouldn't get to return home at the end of your shift?

I've talked to a number of people over the years who claimed they were getting (or did get) into the medical field because there is good money in it. That was their overriding reason. Is that "good money" going to be good enough for them to risk catching something and dying?

Heck, my own local GP said he moved from one place to where he is now because he couldn't make any money at the previous place his practice was located. Medical people are just PEOPLE, after all. We shouldn't expect them to be saints.


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