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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:41 AM
Question about ACE Inhibitors....

If I take 'Lisinopril' for high-blood-pressure, it functions by inhibiting the ACE receptors in my veins/arteries so that the blood vessels dilate (relax & open up---> thus lowering blood pressure)

Will COVID19 cause one's ACE to go haywire ? since the ACE2 receptors are the theorized target for the covid19 killer virus?

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: misfit312
a reply to: Power_Semi

Neither one of you have anything to prove to the other..... or any of us.

Tennisdawg made a claim believe it or not move on.

The rest of us do....

Opinion is fine. I think if someone claims something as fact or inside info, then they do have something to prove, otherwise anyone could come on here and pretend to be Jason Bourne and we'd all just have to accept that as gospel.

This is a conspiracy site, people are here to be sceptical! Asking for evidence to back up wild claims is just common sense. It doesn't have to go any further than that though or become insulting. But new claims will raise the same requests for evidence and more. It's to be expected, as is frustration.

Personally I think tennisdawg is quite funny. One minute just a contractor bound by a NDA that they didn't sign, next minute they say "sod it, the public needs to know", and tell us they have moles in all sorts of "3 letter and 4 letter agencies". And even though they have said sod it, they still won't prove it.

*shrugs shoulders*

People can believe whatever they like, but it is reasonable to ask for sources or evidence if someone is to be taken seriously.

The fact that so many are taking him/her seriously is probably even more funny. If the situation weren't so serious, I might even laugh. As it is, it is quite tragic.

I think the idea that he/she starts his/her own thread is a good one. Their stories are popular, and there they need not tolerate anyone who wants evidence.
edit on 24-2-2020 by Oppenheimer67 because: added political correctness

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:46 AM
WHO just had their press conference ... refuse to declare a pandemic because it might cause panic. They say follow China's example, but when a reporter asks whether countries should institute the same quarantine levels as china, the head guy gets irritated.
My take from this conference is that it all just out of control but they need to calm the sheep so the elites have time to sell their stocks and prepare.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: deltaalphanovember

WHO's in charge? ... because they sure don't wanna be. They were told it was just a comfy job with a fat salary. These things never happen on their watch.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: deltaalphanovember

WHO's in charge? ... because they sure don't wanna be. They were told it was just a comfy job with a fat salary. These things never happen on their watch.

I am thinking Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus must be a good dancer, because that man that can really tap-dance around the truth.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:55 AM


posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Kenzo

If that's the case, it may explain why it spread so rampantly in China where the air pollution is horrific.

Wait a sec.
Remember that, while we had that German tourist in La Gomera who was infected, there was a sandstorm going through. Of course, it wasn't on the level of the sandstorm we are currently going through, but it still polluted the air enough to get on the level of Hubei (the islands scored 180 or so, with Hubei having 195 at that same time in terms of particles per cubic meter of air), not to mention he was spending his days on the terrace, surrounded by this air filled with sand.

Maybe it requires WET particles in order to stick to them, and sand is too dry?

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 10:02 AM


posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 10:02 AM
Uh Oh..:

Perhaps We should have sealed-off China before it was too late.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 10:03 AM
A level headed non conspiracy minded friend of mine messaged me this morning.

He works in medical software.

He said latest update of PT charts included addition of lots of corona virus questions.

Bit about visitor restrictions. Also an addition that would include no visitation for children.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 10:04 AM
WHO stating that this won't ever be declared a pandemic is a very poor decision. There are many posts about hospitals (many from nurses), who say they are ill-prepared for this. Or in most cases, there is no preparation at ALL. No warnings other than be frugal with PPE. No guidelines, nothing. And WHO at least admitting this is now out of control, and will probably spread globally, might spur more care workers into properly preparing. And businesses.

I hope this comes back to bite them in their useless butts.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: fleabit

I wonder what if any effect callingit/not calling it a pandemic will have on insurance companies? I would think if it'scalled a pandemic, that would be an excuse not to pay insurance claims

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 10:10 AM

originally posted by: GlobalGold
a reply to: fleabit

I wonder what if any effect callingit/not calling it a pandemic will have on insurance companies? I would think if it'scalled a pandemic, that would be an excuse not to pay insurance claims

There is absolutely a reason for this - not sure what. Could well be money, or they don't want to be the responsible party for a global economic downturn or depression. Seems obvious now that a real crisis has arose, how much they really want to be a part of it. Apparently it's what.. at it's highest level.. and has been? And they haven't told anyone? It's pathetic. What good are these levels for preparation if they are changed on the fly.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: tennisdawg

Come on man. Seriously, you are gonna let one person win you over. You already crossed the line to helps us. Focus on that my man. Don’t do this to us please.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: SailorJerry

Sorry didn’t see last part.

I work in medical research, mostly USDA and bio-containment work using animal models, many of them humanized in BSL2 and BSL3 studies. It’s a ton of regulatory and biosafety stuff.

In the military I teach college level medical courses and help with the combat medic training program, that’s where AMEDD and Doc come from. My job now is managing patient intake, triage and stabilization for a role 1 battalion aid station. We stablize and prep patients for the PA/MD to do their interventions and send them to evac. Medics in the army are weird, depending on skill level we can change bed pans, insert a chest tube or drain a cardiac tamponade. For the most part we fall around paramedic or nurse in scope of practice.

I have a few safety, lab technologist and field certs like biosafety and transgenics. Undergrad was focused on health sciences, immunology, pathophysiology, the core sciences etc. My masters is focused on infectious diseases/microbiology, epidemiology, informatics and analytics, I’m still working on that.

I only have 10 years experience in my fields, want to learn more, everything is focused on my family, we had kids really young figuring it would be easier (hint: it’s not), we’re in our early 30s and our oldest is almost 10.

I want to get an MD or PA if the army will pay for it and I can manage it somehow with work and there’s always the IPAP for PA.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: St Udio

Different ACE receptors, ACE2 is the counterpart to ACE. You inhibit ACE so ACE2 can dilate blood vessels, decrease heart rate etc. to lower blood pressure. ACE2 does increase in patients with chronic or underlying conditions to counter act and protect tissue. Easier for virus to infect, inflammation does have some similar signaling like dilating blood vessels to increase blood flow to target tissue. It’s similar to the differences between sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) parts of the nervous system.

I don’t think it would make a huge difference aside from increasing chances of a severe infection.
edit on 24-2-2020 by TheAMEDDDoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 10:17 AM


(post by Mateo96 removed for a manners violation)

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: Mateo96

Olá Hola Mateo!

Have all the cases in the Canary Islands cleared up now?

edit on 24-2-2020 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 10:22 AM
Whatever tennisdawg source, they do bring a valid suspect worthy of consideration, especially considering the toll this is going to take. A strong case is building that SARS-nCoV-2 is a bioengineered virus. i know some do prefer to consider some other animal intermediary and that is fine. There are a lot of eyes and a lot of study going on and it will take some time to nail it down beyond any reasonable doubt.

So for the case this is an engineered virus there are two main motives for its release, it was an accident or it was intentional. Reading through some of the scientific literature it is possible it was an accident, has been a history of past slip ups in containment from the Wuhan lab.

But until we are sure it is also possible that this release was done on purpose. I don't see any state sponsored national action like China or America doing this to the worlds population. All it takes is a small well resourced and high access group to pull it off. Connections to at least some in the globalist club is a reasonable suspect at this time.

Bill Gates funds a lot of this work and has made it public he has a depopulation agenda. The likes of Jeffery Epstein and his culture is also heavily invested in biotech. The work of Q and others has exposed some of the human trade and its real costs. As Trump tries to drain the swamp, the lack of moral fiber surfacing does lend some weight to a small group of big budgets pulling this off. Their motive is a megalomaniac psychopathic insanity.

Is having too much money a mental health hazard? These people somehow feel that they control everything, but there is just way too much going on for one person to control it all. Can this mental overload lead to some destructive tendency to kill it all? Maybe they are just going to hide out in their bunkers and buy the dip?

For a crime on this scale we should not let our guard down until we are exactly sure of who and why.
edit on 24-2-2020 by kwakakev because: grammer

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