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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: tennisdawg

created by the U.S.A. It was then stolen by China. Neither China nor the US released this bioweapon. A third party wanted the 2 countries to blame the other. This is why China refuses to let the CDC (USA)c

That makes no sense, if it was lab created and dropped by a 3rd party, then why wouldn't China want the cdc to work w them so they could prove that it wasn't them or their intent to do so, and expose the 3rd party

No offense but lots of holes in this post

I recommend making a thread on it, lest we devolve into a seperate purpose than what this thread is for

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: Black Watcher

originally posted by: Power_Semi
Oman has a case now as well.

Today has been shocking for first cases - Iraq Afghanistan, Kuwait, Bahrain & Oman - and I might have forgotten one as well.

Do you have a link to the Oman case as I'm supposed to be going there and Qatar on the 8th March!!

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: SailorJerry

I’m not worried about at home protection, we wouldn’t be working on this thing in a BSL3 select agent lab if it was a bioweapon or crazy dangerous. It makes work more challenging and increases prep time because we have to certify older equipment has correct airflow.

Today we were told to ration all masks, including procedure masks, the yellow ones that keep pathogens from spreading from the person wearing them, does very little for virus aerosol spread to you.

We only have a few boxes left of some sizes of N95/N100s. No ETA on delivery, respirator units are back ordered, someone is stocking up on these and it’s most likely world governments. China has no way to catch up on supply and demand.

I’ve seen some changes at our city hospital that is heavily connected to the medical school campus I work on, way more masks being used by patients and personnel than before. Many areas are interconnected between both campuses. Hospitals and other agencies are getting orders from the Public Health network and CDC to change policy. They get their order suggestions from WHO who claims no pandemic, just a temporary emergency. They’re prepping for patient surge protocols, even have the hallways prepped with what they would need.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:19 AM
front page of

"Iran denies coverup after claim of 50 deaths."

About a third way down the page. Its not the original video they posted this morning, but that's what its about.a reply to: pasiphae

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: billjenkins589

CNN had same story, I'd posted it here earlier

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: tennisdawg

Welcome back!

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: tennisdawg

Please stay. I, like many others, appreciate your presence on here.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: billjenkins589
front page of

"Iran denies coverup after claim of 50 deaths."

About a third way down the page. Its not the original video they posted this morning, but that's what its about.a reply to: pasiphae

Kind of like taking out a civilian airliner or murdering protesters?

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: Power_Semi

Neither one of you have anything to prove to the other..... or any of us.

Tennisdawg made a claim believe it or not move on.

The rest of us do....

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: tennisdawg

originally posted by: Power_Semi

originally posted by: tennisdawg
Update 11 days after this post:

tennisdawg wrote on February 13:

"Every few years.....".

You also stated ....

You are the MAIN reason ....

Thanks for posting again tennisdawg -
Power_Semi is a part of this thread as much as everyone else is, although we should all respect each others opinions, without personal attack, even if we don't agree, as NONE of us are experts on this. If there WAS an expert somewhere in the world, then we wouldn't need to be here, would we? All we can do is post what we think may be relevant and/or helpful. I think almost everyone on here has posted something that has later been doubted or dis-proven. All we can do is have a thick skin against the haters and carry on...

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: SailorJerry

That makes no sense, if it was lab created and dropped by a 3rd party, then why wouldn't China want the cdc to work w them so they could prove that it wasn't them or their intent to do so, and expose the 3rd party

What if the 3rd party had an American on their team? China just sees America and does not know who to trust. Seeing all the stupid political games going on in congress and the courts i do not blame them.

What if this 3rd party also has some Chinese on their team, sowing a little doubt and confusion into an already tense situation? The global media response does have the fog of war factor going on and who do they take their orders from?

Globalists do not subscribe to any one nation, they play by their own rules.
edit on 24-2-2020 by kwakakev because: grammer

edit on 24-2-2020 by kwakakev because: grammer

edit on 24-2-2020 by kwakakev because: added second paragraph

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:27 AM


posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:34 AM
So Italy has 220 infected with 7 deaths.

Iran has 66 infected with 12 dead (or maybe 50 depending on who you believe)

And South Korea has over 763 infected yet only 6 deaths?

Does anybody really believe the UK only had 8 or 9 for a whole week, then only the extra 4 from the cruise ship added?

The lack of information ffrom the media is the most worrying. A quick check on Facebook and Instagram doesn't show anybody really worrying about this. Like a previous poster said, itslike they are waiting for the Government to say "Okay. Its a pandemic. This is serious. Follow these protocols etc".

The unwavering and undying belief that our govermnments would not lie to us is alive and well. And while i previously believed back in January that this would be a storm in a teacup as with all the other "world ending" outbreaks (SARS, Ebola, Swine etc), the evidence, scientific, anecdotal and otherwise, is showing that this is not the case.

While i have a father recovering from cancer, i am more worried about how the sheeple idiots will react when they realise it is in their garden, with their neighbours and on their doorstep.

Becuase pennies to a pound (is that the saying??) i can see some form of quarantine measures happening here sooner or later. Thats why those new enforced quarantine powers were snuck in.

Side note: what if this is a NWO event and they want to see how martial law would work??? Lets do it under the guise of quarantine and see if the sheep will allow it........hmmmm

edit on 24-2-2020 by iloveit because: Grammar!

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:34 AM

originally posted by: SailorJerry

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777
a reply to: SailorJerry

I am NOT spamming at all, just posting latest news from around the World and definitely NOT spamming or trying to cause PANIC!

If you don't want to read the latest news, don't read this thead!

I'm not trying to break your balls, I'm just saying weigh and measure man

I've been on these threads constantly since the very first one made, along w providing info, and help w prepping, I'm not going anywhere

I'm just suggesting a bit of discretion

I have also been on threads since day 1 providing info as and when I get it.

Anyway, you continue with your posts and i'll cntinue with mine.

BTW, that video is for real.. not propaganda... those queues are real in South Korea!
edit on 24-2-2020 by CrazeeWorld777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: Bishop2199

Yes, and if i understand this study, viruses can use fine pollution particles as transportation vehicle that then just float in the air and go forward with wind...So this makes polluted air something that can transport virus to longer distance, and also longer time in air....not good!

Apart from the statistical evidence of PM exposure enhancing the risk of respiratory viral illness, there has been increasing evidence to support major hypotheses on the biological mechanism underlying this relationship [42–45]. Transmission of viruses via airborne routes is influenced by droplet suspended in the air and the droplet size determines whether the particle will quickly settle to an environmental surface or remain airborne long enough to be inhaled into the respiratory tract of a susceptible host. For example, a study has shown that airborne viruses may be transported by dust storms, which contains many PM [46]. In fact, PM is small enough to suspend in the air for long periods of time, which may provide “condensation nuclei” to which virus droplets attach [45]. Many studies have also reported that PM induces both airway epithelial damage and barrier dysfunction, which could result in a temporary immunosuppressive pulmonary microenvironment [42–45].

Impact of ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exposure on the risk of influenza-like-illness: a time-series analysis in Beijing, China

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: tennisdawg

I PM'd you TD.

Glad you are back.

I like the insight you offer to the discussion.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: iloveit
So Italy has 220 infected with 7 deaths.

Iran has 66 infected with 12 dead (or maybe 50 depending on who you believe)

And South Korea has over 763 infected yet only 6 deaths?

Does anybody really believe the UK only had 8 or 9 for a whole week, then only the extra 4 from the cruise ship added?

The lack of information ffrom the media is the most worrying. A quick check on Facebook and Instagram doesn't show anybody really worrying about this. Like a previous poster said, itslike they are waiting for the Government to say "Okay. Its a pandemic. This is serious. Follow these protocols etc".

The unwavering and undying belief that our govermnments would not lie to us is alive and well. And while i previously believed back in January that this would be a storm in a teacup as with all the other "world ending" outbreaks (SARS, Ebola, Swine etc), the evidence, scientific, anecdotal and otherwise, is showing that this is not the case.

While i have a father recovering from cancer, i am more worried about the sheeple idiots will react when they realise it is in their garden, with their neighbours and on their doorstep.

Becuase pennies to a pound (is that the saying??) i can see some form of quarantine measures happening here sooner or later. Thats why those new enforced quarantine powers were snuck in.

Side note: what if this is a NWO event and they want to see how martial law would work??? Lets do it under the guise of quarantine and see if the sheep will allow it........hmmmm

I don't believe the UK (where sadly I am).

The one in London must have infected God knows how many more.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: Power_Semi

originally posted by: Black Watcher

originally posted by: Power_Semi
Oman has a case now as well.

Today has been shocking for first cases - Iraq Afghanistan, Kuwait, Bahrain & Oman - and I might have forgotten one as well.

Do you have a link to the Oman case as I'm supposed to be going there and Qatar on the 8th March!!


posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

If that's the case, it may explain why it spread so rampantly in China where the air pollution is horrific.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

That`s what i was thinking too, and the pollution is even worse in China

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