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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 05:43 PM

originally posted by: Jelonek
Another interesting development which fits into previous discussion about incubation period: ef

A man has begun developing coronavirus symptoms a whopping 27 days after coming into contact with an infected person, causing authorities to fear for the worst. A 70-year-old man in China’s Hubei Province was infected with coronavirus but did not show symptoms until nearly four weeks later, the Chinese government revealed yesterday.

This could prove a devastating blow to the world if the virus’s incubation period is longer than the presumed 14 days.

The Chinese government named the man simply as Jiang, and revealed in a statement that he came into contact with his sister, who had been infected, on January 24. But his symptoms appeared much later than expected. Jiang developed a fever on February 20 and tested positive for coronavirus a day later, according to the government statement.

If there's one, there may be more.
There's a possibility that we'll witness outbreaks/jumps in numbers of infected in intervals ranging from 5 to almost 30 days.

The thing I keep thinking about this is.... he may have been in contact with someone ELSE in between that time. Since people can spread it and not know they have it. I do think 14 day quarantines aren't long enough but unless he never touched a surface outside of his home after he was in contact with his relative we just can't know for sure.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: clay2 baraka
What the hell!? Are they deliberately trying to cross-contaminate medical personnel??

Seven cruise ships to house Wuhan medical workers
China is bringing in seven cruise ships to house medical workers in Wuhan, state media reported.

The first of these ships, the Blue Whale, arrived in Wuhan, the epicentre of the outbreak, on Friday from Yichang, a nearby city down the Yangtze River.

The seven ships will provide 1,469 beds in total.

That is pure insanity in action.
Did they not see how the diamond princess cases mushroomed into the biggest cluster outside of wuhan?
A cruise ship is the worst place you want to be in a situation like this.
I was very surprised how they kept everyone on the diamond princess,knowing how often we hear about other bugs spreading through cruise ships like wildfire.
I said to my dad its almost like those people were chosen to be guinea pigs,to see how the virus would spread in a closed system.It would not surprise me if certain higher ups needed a situation like that to study and gather data about how the virus will spread in society at large(or at least in built up urban areas).

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 05:52 PM

I do think 14 day quarantines aren't long enough but unless he never touched a surface outside of his home after he was in contact with his relative we just can't know for sure.

I agree. The way I see it, the medical professionals try to come up with a mean value when it comes to incubation period. Truth is, we don't know how many out there walk around for a month with this pathogen onboard, and how many go down ASAP. It's a Wild West IMHO.

It was stated before, but merits a repeat:

This pandemic WILL disrupt supply chains.
So, if one plans on buying/selling things online, especially if they ship from/to another continent or country, it could be a good idea to have the purchase/sale completed ASAP. Because we don't know what might happen next week or month.

To quote CDC:

This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation

edit on 22-2-2020 by Jelonek because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 05:54 PM

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Thank you for posting.

I read the entire article, however the page in the article does not show the year 2020 anywhere on it. My reading sucks these days but will have wife read it when she’s home.

The rest of it I’m not to sure of, I’d have to ask wife and see what I can dig up. Tshinghua grads do come in all flavors and generally are very smart. However they fall for Commie propaganda like many do.

Just below the photo with Chinese (Mandarin) text, he offers an interpretation which starts out as, “The year 2020 – The year all of China will weep." Along with a few more mentions of "2020."

I'd be interested in anyone else's interpretation that is familiar with such text interpretation.

For reference here's the same article link -

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 06:02 PM
Apologies if somebody has already posted this regarding Italy.

Italy puts 10 towns on lockdown

And this one.....

Italian hospital closes due to coronavirus.
""The hospital, which has suspended all activities, will be completely empty in six days. The President of the Region Luca Zaia: “I am very worried. This is a cursed virus, it is problematic and surprises hour after hour "

Italian hospital closes due to virus


posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: clay2 baraka

originally posted by: scubagravy
I decided to look up a connection between smoking and corona virus, I was speculating wether damaged lungs from smoking would inhibit the virus from latching on opposed to healthy lungs and I found this ironic story:

Tobacco may help in defeating the corona virus...


They are talking about compounds in the Tobacco plant, not smoking.

Once you burn that up, damaging your lungs.. All bets are off..

LOL. Sprinkling some now on my salad. Wonder if edible marijuana has any positive effect. Brownies anyone.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 06:08 PM
Why is self-quarantine in the US such a bad idea?

Does the name Kaci Hickox ring a bell? She is the nurse from 2014, who after returning from Sierra Leone while working for Doctors Without Borders, with patients who had Ebola, was supposed to quarantine herself in her home in Maine. But, she knew better than the doctors, that she was not affected by the disease.

How about Frank King? He was the comedian hired by the ship Westerdam (the ship that was refused docking in, I think, five countries) that finally docked in Cambodia, and everyone was allowed off, but were to be quarantined in a hotel, until results came back on their personal test results. Instead he snuck out a back door, and caught a flight back to the US. But, he knew better than the doctors, that he was not affected by the disease.

How about Santa Rosa, California resident Amy Deng? After her ex-husband assisted her and their daughter get back from Guangzhou, China, a city 600 miles south of Wuhan, where they had celebrated the Chinese New Year, the mother and daughter were to be self-quarantined in their home. During this quarantine period(the way I am reading the story) the father, who is not under quarantine since he was not with mother and daughter, came and took his daughter somewhere, for parental time with his daughter. But, they knew better that the doctors, that they were not affected by the disease.

Why is self-quarantine in the US such a bad idea?

When one plays Russian roulette, and they know the gun is loaded, the next person might not be as lucky as the last one. Fortunately, this disease is asymptomatic, so one does not need to feel any of the symptoms, in order to be THE super spreader in their community.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 06:12 PM

Authorities in Cyprus were on high alert after being informed that a private jet arriving at Larnaca airport was assessed as a high risk for COVID-19 coronavirus.

According to the announcement, “the Ministry of Health informs that four passengers on the private jet that arrived today in Cyprus via Israel maybe have been infected with the coronavirus.”

Out of the four people, one was considered high risk and was transferred to the specially designed Nicosia General Hospital site for further evaluation.

The Ministry of Health will release the results to the media when they become available early Saturday morning (Cyprus time).

This is a developing news story.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 06:17 PM
Anniston facility will be used as part of Coronavirus Quarantine

The Department of Health and Human Services announced on Saturday that the FEMA Center in Anniston, Alabama will be used to quarantine some passengers from the Diamond Princess.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 06:19 PM
Just in:
The State Department raises travel Level 1 to travel Level 2. Why is this important? "In Japan, the spread of infection continues without knowing where and how it was transmitted." and "Level 2" does not call for suspension or evacuation of travel

People if you plan to travel to Japan, well... We are on a 3 day holiday now and people here have finally woken up to the fact that the Corona Virus is "real". Travel is way down at the moment.
I should have some more updates soon.

Here is something I recorded called "Corona" :

Kind of interesting while catching up on these threads listening to it.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: anonentity

I was wondering if it would be at all helpful to institute day on/day off shopping days if things get to their worst like they have odd/even watering days during drought.

Shop on this day if your address ends in this number. Have days for cleaning the stores. Try to keep people in for all but essential supply and service type jobs, etc., while an outbreak is at its worst. Encourage companies to do telecommute. Ensure job security for those who are forced to stay home.

Heck, I have seen grocery stores around here that obviously shut off all the cooling and freezers overnight to save money. I seriously doubt they are going to do anything like extensive decontaminations ever other day or so. Not to mention that this would likely mean they would be throwing out all of the produce open to the air and people's fingers after every day.

Speaking of which, we have stopped buying fresh produce. Way too many people grubbing their hands all over the stuff all day long, and I'm not sure that the stuff could be washed (thinking of apples and grapes) sufficiently to remove any virus particles sticking to them. Yeah, cooking the stuff is a different story. That 9 day lifespan of the coronavirus when laying on some object is right worrisome to me. That is what is going to make it so darn hard to avoid.

Aw heck, I'm 20 pages behind again..... groan...


posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
Apologies if somebody has already posted this regarding Italy.

Italy puts 10 towns on lockdown

And this one.....

Italian hospital closes due to coronavirus.
""The hospital, which has suspended all activities, will be completely empty in six days. The President of the Region Luca Zaia: “I am very worried. This is a cursed virus, it is problematic and surprises hour after hour "

Italian hospital closes due to virus


The first part has been mentioned but not the second! Wow. I put it into google translate (the first half anyway) and it seems that they are going to test everyone in the hospital.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 06:24 PM

originally posted by: MissSmartypants
So you have stopped getting Chinese take out food? I was wondering if Chinese restaurants will still be in business here in the US once this is all over and done with.
Of course if anyone wants to show support for your favorite Chinese take out...continue ordering food from them, just have them deliver it ti someone you don't like. I kid! I kid! Sheesh....

Heck, more importantly that that, I am wondering if Harbor Freight is still going to be around after all this!

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 06:26 PM

The Anadolu News Agency quoted local medical sources as saying that the first confirmed case of pneumonia in The Southern Province of Dhi Qar in Iraq on Saturday became the 5th Middle Eastern country to have confirmed cases after the United Arab Emirates (DAJ), Iran, Israel and Lebanon.

I saw this story briefly on the Turkish paper's site, but now the story is missing. It was either found to have been unverifiable of covered up. Hopefully the former.. Here is a link to the story from the Epoch Times (translated).
edit on 2/22/2020 by clay2 baraka because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: tgidkp

originally posted by: Rich Z

originally posted by: tgidkp
a reply to: FamCore

so, this paper gives a third option to ketsuko's (inaccurate) analysis:...

it says that the viral REinfection occurs because after the initial infection, and after the body has successfully produced it's antibodies, the virus can come back in and attack the immune system directly by using the antibodies to mediate entry into the immunoglobulin cells.... thus disabling the body's immunity to the virus and allowing the viral infection to penetrate more deeply the second time around.

i had never heard of this, and it is an excellent explanation of why viral REinfection is more deadly than the initial infection.


Hmm, but doesn't that mean that the body's immune responses to everything else is also disabled?

immunoglobulin is "trained" by the antibodies that are attached to its surface to "seek and destroy" ONLY the target identified by the antibody attached to its surface. other IgG targets that are not identified are not destroyed in this way. so, the only immune response that is disabled (and targeted) by the viral spike protein are the cells that are "trained" to destroy the coronavirus, itself.

Well, heck, I will take any good news, no matter how small, right now. Thanks for the reply.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 06:30 PM

originally posted by: pasiphae

originally posted by: angelchemuel
Apologies if somebody has already posted this regarding Italy.

Italy puts 10 towns on lockdown

And this one.....

Italian hospital closes due to coronavirus.
""The hospital, which has suspended all activities, will be completely empty in six days. The President of the Region Luca Zaia: “I am very worried. This is a cursed virus, it is problematic and surprises hour after hour "

Italian hospital closes due to virus


The first part has been mentioned but not the second! Wow. I put it into google translate (the first half anyway) and it seems that they are going to test everyone in the hospital.

I get it now I think..... they are closing it down to totally sanitize it and make sure all the staff is virus free. This sounds like some actual GOOD thinking.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 06:31 PM

A new study by Chinese researchers indicates the novel coronavirus may have begun human-to-human transmission in late November from a place other than the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan.

The study published on ChinaXiv, a Chinese open repository for scientific researchers, reveals the new coronavirus was introduced to the seafood market from another location, and then spread rapidly from market to market. The findings were the result of analyses of genome-wide data, sources of infection and the route of spread of 93 samples of the novel coronavirus collected from 12 countries across four continents.

The study believes that patient zero transmitted the virus to workers or sellers at the Huanan seafood market. The crowded market facilitated the further transmission of the virus to buyers, which caused a wider spread in early December 2019.

GlobalTimes Article

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: InterplanetaryHobo

I remain unconvinced it really matters anymore: containment. As it hasn't been contained. And so therefore, now cannot be. If it will be circling the globe many times over, we're all going to get it, eventually, no matter "containment efforts," and either survive.....or not.
regards, and stay safe,

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Finding it very very concerning that even the BBC are not reporting this!
There is nothing! Even if you go on the website and search there is no mention of the cases, lockdown or hospital closure.
This is unprecedented in Europe! (as MIM says, 'in our backyard')

In my opinion there has been a block on this news, probably so people don't panic but also as it raises huge questions about Schengen and open borders which is a huge issue at the moment - not just Brexit (of course) but in most EU countries.
Open borders are at the centre of the EU and if this virus gathers pace it will pose big issues for the governments IMO.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: Jelonek

I do think 14 day quarantines aren't long enough but unless he never touched a surface outside of his home after he was in contact with his relative we just can't know for sure.


It was stated before, but merits a repeat:

This pandemic WILL disrupt supply chains.
So, if one plans on buying/selling things online, especially if they ship from/to another continent or country, it could be a good idea to have the purchase/sale completed ASAP. Because we don't know what might happen next week or month.

To quote CDC:

This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation


Yep. We're about to find out how a pandemic affects supply chains.

As the World turns As the World Shuts down.😳😲

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