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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: GlobalGold

Yea expect there lagging behind on bno ( wasn’t disputing what’s you said either Was about to edit that post to say that but you beat me to it


posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:07 AM
Per an insider, getting COVID-19 once will not necessarily immune one from a future bout with this devil.

On the other hand I read that one promising suggestion was using plasma/blood from existing patients who recovered. But I have not seen this in multiple sources.

I wonder if the blood supply could be impacted too. Will they label blood before and after C-19? If symptoms
may not show up for 3 weeks, have people already given blood? If having a surgery, should one get it sooner rather than later? a reply to: carport

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:09 AM

originally posted by: ucfgradflorida007
a reply to: Agit8dChop

coronavirus in florida?

Apparently, no one is saying. Personally, I find it incredulous that at least Orlando isn't chock full of infected and infectious cases. Disney World is too heavily traveled by people coming in from outside of the country for it to be coronavirus free.

With so many "snowbirds" in south Florida this time of year, I would hazard a guess that south Florida would be a great place to avoid too for a while.


posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:09 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
people are still asleep to it, why, I don't know or understand it.

I don't understand it either MiM. I try to warn friends, and everyone is "la, la, la" while looking around blankly at the sky. And it's not like I'm saying, "head for the hills". More like, "make sure you have enough food for two weeks in case a quarantine comes down". Nope, even that much prep work is either ridiculous or too much.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:09 AM
Streptococcus can cause strep throat, streptococcial pneumonia or rhumatic fever, dependig on what organs get infected.

What if the dichotomy of "nasty cold" vs "kills whole family" depends on if nCov19 is in the lungs or GI Tract?

"Coronavirus: Rapid spread may be due to 'faecal-oral transmission' "

Percentage of people getting diarrhea is close to percentage that goes severe. Family units that "all die" also seem to have a common food chapter to the story. Note Italian cases linked by restaurant...
edit on 22-2-2020 by Oleman because: spelin gud is hard wurk

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:11 AM
a reply to: Adphil28

Someone help me out here, just for reference, at what point in Contagion, was the pathogen in question labeled a “pandemic”. I understand it has to do with border crossing, but was there a significant digit involved to trigger the “call”’

Bonus: don’t recall if borders were shut down in that flick, but apparently everything is fine and dandy for last 6 weeks.

Also: Chinese workers get back to work (or else),
BC: Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg, Xi, and 99/100 Chinese billionaires agree, globuhlization is gud m’kay

Note: The 1/100 is that guy with his own news media.....

edit on 22-2-2020 by slatesteam because: Pho Cough

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:13 AM
Missed this on 3rd feb - don't remember seeing it but with so many pages..
scmp link

Researchers studying a cluster of infections within a family in the southern province of Guangdong said the genes of the virus went through some significant changes as it spread within the family.
Viruses mutate all the time, but most changes are synonymous or “silent”, having little effect on the way the virus behaves. Others, known as nonsynonymous substitutions, can alter biological traits, allowing them to adapt to different environments.
Two nonsynonymous changes took place in the viral strains isolated from the family, according to a new study by Professor Cui Jie and colleagues at the Institut Pasteur of Shanghai.
This case indicated “viral evolution may have occurred during person-to-person transmission”, they wrote in the paper published in the journal National Science Review on January 29.

from 9th Feb

channelnewsasia link

SINGAPORE: The authorities have named three clusters of locally transmitted coronavirus cases in Singapore, including a possible cluster associated with The Life Church and Missions Singapore.

The other two clusters are linked to health products shop Yong Thai Hang in Cavan Road and a private business meeting held at Grand Hyatt Singapore respectively.

Together, the clusters involve at least 17 people

star advertiser link

In South Korea, Singapore and Iran, clusters of infections are leading to a jump in cases of the new viral illness outside China. But it’s not the numbers that are worrying experts: It’s that increasingly they can’t trace where the clusters started.

World Health Organization officials said China’s crackdown on parts of the country bought time for the rest of the world to prepare for the new virus. But as hot spots emerge around the globe, trouble finding each source — the first patient who sparks every new cluster — might signal the disease has begun spreading too widely for tried-and-true public health steps to stamp it out.
That worst-case isn’t here yet, the WHO insists. It isn’t convinced that countries outside China need more draconian measures, but it pointed to spikes in cases in Iran and South Korea to warn that time may be running out to contain the virus.

“What we see is a very different phase of this outbreak depending where you look,” said WHO’s Dr. Sylvie Briand. “We see different patterns of transmission in different places.”

The World Health Organization defines a “global pandemic” as a disease spreading on two continents, though some public health experts would call an outbreak a pandemic if the spread is over a wide area or across many international borders.

The newest red flag: Iran reported 18 cases, including four deaths, in just two days. The cluster began in the city of Qom, a popular religious destination, but it’s not clear how. Worse, infected travelers from Iran already have been discovered in Lebanon and Canada.
Viruses vary in how they infect. The new coronavirus — unlike its cousins SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome, and MERS, or Middle East respiratory syndrome — spreads as easily as a common cold.

And it’s almost certainly being spread by people who show such mild symptoms that no one can tell, said Dr. Amesh Adalja of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.

impacts on india
ibtimes link

Rumors that China’s coronavirus was spread by chickens has led to a direct plunge in poultry sales in India.

India’s huge poultry industry has lost 13 billion rupees [$182 million] in lost sales – with prices cut in half -- over the past three weeks after social media users speculated the virus in China was transmitted by chickens.

Social media is going to play a big role in how people react as this continues to spread, thankfully social media is such a friendly, helpful place not prone to over reacting at all

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:13 AM
a reply to: EarthShine

So China’s organ-harvesting of Huigers and dissidents now allocated to mass “plasma-donating drive”?

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: EarthShine

Id posted this yesterday - it seems plasma doesn't always work

A 29-year-old Wuhan doctor passed away from the COVID-19 coronavirus on Feb. 20, and became the latest medical staff to succumb to the disease.

Peng Yinhua is a doctor at the Jiangxia district People’s No. 1 Hospital in Wuhan City, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak.

When his condition became critical, he was given a plasma transfusion. But he could not recover.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: slatesteam

Someone help me out here, just for reference, at what point in Contagion, was the pathogen in question labeled a “pandemic”. I understand it has to do with border crossing, but was there a significant digit involved to trigger the “call”

No idea haven’t seen the film in ages

edit on 22-2-2020 by Adphil28 because: Totally misread the question 🤦🏽‍♂️

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:15 AM
Two new coronavirus cases found in UAE: Philippines (34yo) and Bangladesh (39yo) had been in contact with a Chinese citizen.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:15 AM

originally posted by: ragiusnotiel

Can anyone put a figure on the US self quarantines based on all the reports?

That other article mentioned what around 5,000? This is in additional right? So we'd be somewhere around 12,000 self self quarantines, and '35' confirmed and how many have we still got that haven't been publized yet?

Yea, not good.

How is this "self quarantine" thing supposed to work? Just tell a possible infected person to stay at home for 2 weeks? What about others in the household? Are they locked down too? And I presume this is all voluntary?

I sure am not happy about being in the generation that governments are going to be learning about all the mistakes they have made (and are still making) trying to deal with a pandemic.

I'm sure people are taking notes right now for that best seller book they are going to be writing in the future about all this.
Likely they will entitle it "The Idiot's Guide On How to Govern During a Pandemic".


posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:18 AM

originally posted by: EarthShine
Per an insider, getting COVID-19 once will not necessarily immune one from a future bout with this devil.

On the other hand I read that one promising suggestion was using plasma/blood from existing patients who recovered. But I have not seen this in multiple sources.

I wonder if the blood supply could be impacted too. Will they label blood before and after C-19? If symptoms
may not show up for 3 weeks, have people already given blood? If having a surgery, should one get it sooner rather than later? a reply to: carport

Excellent point!


posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:21 AM
a reply to: Adphil28

Yup. Except it’s that 6th phase they’ve been reticent/hesitant/scared AF to initiate.

How else will we continue to get beauty products, pet toys/cheap swag immediately?

And of course Bezos’ plans to get go where no man has will be scrapped because us eaters are dying and not buying stuff.

Be sure to watch Hunters on Prime.

Note: Season 2 is basically CCP tracking down those that have flown the coop.

Edit: chicken coop now infected too

edit on 22-2-2020 by slatesteam because: Pho Cough NWO

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:25 AM
a reply to: Adphil28

No worries. LARP coming to the US and surrounding western countries in weeks....

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:27 AM
Oh, great! Now, WHO is concerned that nCov19 just spontaniously occurs.

Whole article from

"WHO says concerned about coronavirus cases with no clear epidemiological link:"

"World Health Organization’s Tedros says on Twitter we are concerned about the number of coronavirus cases with no clear epidemiological link, such as travel history to china or contact with a confirmed case. "

"We're dooomed. We'lll neeeever make it." (Gulliver's Travels?)

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:29 AM
a reply to: slatesteam

Lol, think men are in for a shock when beauty products can’t be bought

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:30 AM
Coronavirus with BROTHER by Dr. Paul Cottrell

Paul Cottrell has been keeping up and sharing the evolving situation along with the rest of us. He does express concerns about the upcoming Bio Patriot Act. In this interview with Brother, a situation analysis and forecasts with the medical and economic fronts are discussed.

On the medical side, the general onset of symptoms from initial infection is about 20 days. Some cases are as low as 6 days while some do go up to 90 days. At this time it is more affecting the elderly due to an already reduced immune system. In time more symptoms will surface among the younger population.

On the economic side, it will be steeping down soon as industry catches up with the reality of the situation. Medical stocks and uber eats will make good investments. Bio tech companies will be a bit sketchy, massive gains for the ones that crack the code, not much for second place.

Citizen reporter investigated crematory in Wuhan(recorded conversation)China coronavirusCOVID-19

This reporter helps out a disabled man who fell on the road, the mix of fear and concern is troubling. He then attends a crematorium looking for work. Inside the crematorium staff levels are fine. Outside in the car park they are looking for labors to help move the bodies. The driver gets 3500 RMB a day while labors offered 1000 RMB a day. Protective clothing is included. Was not exactly clear how many bodies are currently being moved each day, +4.

With the 40 mobile industrial incinerators deployed it seams to be helping manage the workload for the crematoriums. Capacity of 5 ton a day.

Plague Inc: Custom Scenarios - Novel Coronavirus (新型冠状病毒)

I did find this an interesting one to aid with forecasting the progress of the disease. The game Plage Inc has gotten some attention since the outbreak. Basically you play as a disease and get to change your genome as you try and take over the world. This video is a walk through one map specifically designed for SARS-Cov-2. The earlier stages is generally what we are seeing. How the later stages of the global pandemic introduce cognitive effects raises a warning flag.


ACE2 provides its function for the Renin–angiotensin system. Parts of this system include the Adrenal and Pituitary glands for blood pressure regulation. Once SARS-CoV-2 has entered the blood system, these two organs will be more exposed than others towards infection. As for how long and what effect is still unknown. The risk exposure and implications puts it high on the radar for secondary infections.

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:34 AM
a reply to: Oleman

“Spontaneously occurs” because ya know y’all, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Leprechauns, Ghouls and Goblins, St. Thomas, Scuttlebutt, T2, that chick from Species, those aliens from the Abyss AND Aliens, and Will Ferrell’s Elf have decided that “F%^K Humanity. This SH!T Ends NOw!”

Note: “Spontaneously Occurs” not to be associated with the simultaneous “spontaneous combustion” of our species
Or Governments that ahem, protect us, or their buildings.....

Did I mention CoG and Rex-84 already? Besos...only because I’m not “spontaneously dead yet”... GTFO

edit on 22-2-2020 by slatesteam because: PHO COUGH

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 03:37 AM
a reply to: Rich Z

You guys missed the part in thread 2 where Florida is using states rights to prop up their tourism industry by staying mum.... because (?)

“Florida Can”

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