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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Can only speak for proceadures here in Germany other countries may be different!

1. Many medical personnel simply have not had any real working experience using this equipment. There must be some serious instructions on how to put it on, ensuring that all areas are secure and more important how to take it off. Over time they would become familiar but initially, and that is all it takes, mistakes are made.

The folks here have extensive training and practice using the suits

2. Where are they storing these hazmat suits?
Our are stored in sterile conditions and cleaned in autoclave before return to sterile storage (talking the big yellow space suits here not some single use paper thing 🤦🏽‍♂️)

3. Do they wear the same one again or are they all sharing from one shift to another? I imagine there must be a shortage of these suits because it is not something that is used frequently.
only allowed to wear once per use once you get out of it it’s gone to be cleaned, as above

4. How are they ensuring that these suits are not contaminated since this virus appears to survive on surfaces for a period of time?
cleaned in autoclave as above

4. If they are sharing between shifts how can each person ensure that the suit has been decontaminated prior to use effectively especially if there is an acute shortage and people are sharing from shift to shift?
one person one use, each person uses a new suit( that was 4 twice btw

5. Is each person doing a very thorough inspection to ensure that the suit does not have any damage? Many keep indicating that face masks are not really effective because the virus particles are so small that it can pass through. Wear and tear from repetitive use.

each person inspects their own but is also assisted by another person who also checks as no possible to put on alone (again I’m talking the yellow space suit things here not the paper things

And first contact instructions are to phone doctor or health service and NOT go to ER! Telling them your symptoms! they will either send someone to assess you or a ambulance to collect you ( again that’s for us here but seems logical course of action i believe advice is similar in U.K. too)
edit on 18-2-2020 by Adphil28 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 10:51 AM
Haven't been following this new updated thread, but putting this out there.

Concerns are mounting about how long the novel coronavirus may survive on surfaces -- so much so that China's central bank has taken measures to deep clean and destroy its cash, which changes hands multiple times a day, in an effort to contain the virus.
It is unknown exactly how long the novel coronavirus can linger on contaminated surfaces and objects with the potential of infecting people,


These human coronaviruses, such as SARS and MERS, have been found to persist on inanimate surfaces -- including metal, glass or plastic surfaces -- for as long as nine days if that surface had not been disinfected, according to research published earlier this month in The Journal of Hospital Infection.


Potentially nine days, wow.

Se nior Wuhan doctor dies from coronavirus as authorities start to 'round up' patients
edit on 18-2-2020 by Liquesence because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Entre los pasajeros que dieron positivo para coronavirus a bordo del Diamond Princess también hay 21 japoneses, 8 estadounidenses, 5 australianos, 5 canadienses y un británico.

There is a Chilean woman on board and an Argentinian man was tested positive, but now he is testing negative. source

Argentinian man testing negative now: source

You will have to translate. BTW a quick search would have been faster than discussing here. Learn to use google guys.
edit on 18/2/2020 by redpassion because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Dolby_X

And I brought up the scares on the threads to illustrate why news might be kept under wraps. People panic about this stuff and latch onto worst case scenarios far, far too easily. a good portion of this thread is people trying to re-create The Stand instead of trying to logically discuss what's going on and what can be pieced together.

We have to disagree here. I think that panic is created because of censorship. It creates confusion and that could lead to panic. If they came out with the truth people would know what to expect and prepare. If people sense they are being lied to, and see that the actions being taken by TBTP don't add up to to what they are being fed, people can get upset. It goes adding up in time until it explodes. People react differently.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

You could be right but then there could be other factors that is causing these numbers.
Could this primarily be because of the two following factors?

1. A vast majority of covid-19 cases are represented by the Asian population.

2. Non-Asians that have contracted the disease have had immediate access to quality healthcare.

I'm not finding any reports that support your assumption.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 11:09 AM
In July of 2019, my 17 year old daughter was hospitalized with an unknown condition. She was "quarantined" because they had no idea what it was. She had possible minor brain inflammation, a super high temp, had been vomiting. She was transferred from a normal hospital to a Children's hospital.

Even though she was under quarantine, my wife and I could go in and out of the room freely without any protection. Most of general hospital staff would put on the disposable outfits and masks before they came in, but the doctors didn't do that. By day 3, she quickly got better, about as quick as she got sick. They ran lots of tests and never came back with an answer.

A few weeks later, I read that in Western Kansas, West Nile Virus was at an elevated level and we had just been there prior to her being sick. The doctors knew this, but it just never came up. I think because she had just been to a different state a week prior at a camp with like 900 other kids, followed by being in Western Kansas and drinking well water. She had picked up toads and had been bitten by mosquitos and everything.

I suspect she had West Nile Virus because the symptoms fit, after a spinal tap, they ruled out menengitis.

At the first hospital, the doctor talked to me before they brought her back from brain scan, and I was trying to hold myself together and she came back in the room, and after a little bit, I just lost it. She looked at me and said, "Dad, am I going to die?" I said, no, they just don't know what it is and your blood count is sky high, and they are just really concerned.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 11:09 AM
I just cant believe that could be such a big geographical difference like we are seeing, was the virus natural or man made it should not make this kind of differences to me between provinces, it looks unnatural...too unnatural.

I am betting there is a second agent in Hubei Province, and that there is a cover up about it.

Hubei province

Cases 59,989

Deaths 1,790

9,117 serious, 1,853 critical

Guangdong province

Cases 1,328

Deaths 4

60 serious, 25 critical

Henan province

Cases 1,257

Deaths 19

29 serious, 26 critical

Or i am simply wrong here. Is there any examples from history with infectious virus disease that has make this kind of geographical differences inside one country ? Spanish flu at least traveled pretty much everywhere ...

Maybe WHO knows and is part of the cover up as it seems they are so big friend with CCP ?

Still i am of cource only speculating here again.

Edit: I mean the deaths and critical numbers....corona virus itself is proven to travel allready around World...the difference with deaths / critical between provinces looks unnatural .
edit on 18-2-2020 by Kenzo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 11:18 AM
South Korea...Emergency economic situation. $4.66 billion. This is in addition to $356 million in emergency loans to industries impacted by the corona virus. Airlines, travel agencies, retailers and shipping companies. "The current situation is more serious than we thought..."
China purchases one quarter of South Korea exports. Korea is the 4th largest economy in Asia and 12th in the world.

Singapore...$4.5 billion finance package.

Hong Kong...Increasing handouts $3.6 billion from $2.5 billion.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: Alien Abduct
a reply to: tanstaafl

You could be right but then there could be other factors that is causing these numbers.
Could this primarily be because of the two following factors?

1. A vast majority of covid-19 cases are represented by the Asian population.

2. Non-Asians that have contracted the disease have had immediate access to quality healthcare.

I'm not finding any reports that support your assumption.

Sometimes i have the tendency to give some suspicious toughts about all of these Docs such as John Campbell that use this type of crisis to only get famous and caught a legion of web devotees....
I was really hoping to read on his Bio and CV some kind of famous Virulogist, Epidemologist, etc...but...nahhhh...only a Nurse Teacher here and there (with due respect to all my nursing friends)...Noppp...sorry, but his videos also take it with a lil grain of salt...

edit on 18-2-2020 by AngelsDecay because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: Kenzo

Or i am simply wrong here. Is there any examples from history with infectious virus disease that has make this kind of geographical differences inside one country ? Spanish flu at least traveled pretty much everywhere ...

I'm not an expert, but just observing it all, I think what is happening in Hubei is exactly what happened on Diamond Princess. This virus is highly, highly, highly contagious when a bunch of people are all grouped together.

Two BIG factors are stopping this from spreading faster...

1) Everywhere is not like China, with a gazillion people all cramped together in 10ft of space. So, it can't spread as fast where people are not cramped up.

2) China's mass quarantine action to stop it. Even if you think they are evil (and they are), it was probably the best move in all honesty.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: ShortBus

originally posted by: Kenzo

Or i am simply wrong here. Is there any examples from history with infectious virus disease that has make this kind of geographical differences inside one country ? Spanish flu at least traveled pretty much everywhere ...

I'm not an expert, but just observing it all, I think what is happening in Hubei is exactly what happened on Diamond Princess. This virus is highly, highly, highly contagious when a bunch of people are all grouped together.

Two BIG factors are stopping this from spreading faster...

1) Everywhere is not like China, with a gazillion people all cramped together in 10ft of space. So, it can't spread as fast where people are not cramped up.

2) China's mass quarantine action to stop it. Even if you think they are evil (and they are), it was probably the best move in all honesty.

I get that, but as far as #2 goes, millions of people had left Hubei and were travelling all over before the quarantine went into effect. Shouldn't that alone have spread it beyond China pretty quickly? Even if they only traveled domestically, we should see fairly large clusters in other parts of the country.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: ShortBus
In July of 2019, my 17 year old daughter was hospitalized with an unknown condition. She was "quarantinajl19, hause they had no idea what itwas She whad possible minor brain inflammaion., a supr whigh temp,whad been vomtiong She was "tantsferrd wfrom a normalhospitali to a Children' hospitali.

Even thoght se was "undr wuarantinaj my 1wifean d Iconud dgo inan d outof 2the room freelywith outoany protecion. SMostof 2generalhospitali staff wnud dputofn2the disposable outfitsan d masks before they came in, butothe doctors didn't doothat. Bydauy 3, se wquicklywgot beter , aboutoaswquickoaswse wgot sick. They ant lotsaf 2testsan d nevr wcame backoith an untswer.

A few weeks laer , I read that in Western Kntsas, West Nile Viruswas "atoan elevaerd levelan d w whad just been there prior to her beong sick. The doctors knew this, butoitwjust nevr wcame up. I think9, hause sh whad just been to a different statean week prior atoawcampoith alike 900 other kids, followrd by beong in Western Kntsasan d drinkong wellwaster She whad pickrd up toadsan d had been bitern by mosquitosan d evr ything.

I suspeci sh whad West Nile Virusw, hause the symptoms fit, afer wa spinli tap,wthey ruled outomenengtios.

Atothe first ospitali,othe doctor talkrd to me before they broghtt her backofrom temp,sca., a d Icas "tayong to hld dmysel 2together a d sh wcame backoin2the room, a d afer wa litele bit, I just lostoit She wlookrd atome a d said, "Dad, am I goong to die?" I said, no,wthey just don't nown what itwisan d your bloodconuntwisaskywhigh, a d they are just reallywondcerned.

So what happened????

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: AngelsDecay

originally posted by: Alien Abduct
a reply to: tanstaafl

You could be right but then there could be other factors that is causing these numbers.
Could this primarily be because of the two following factors?

1. A vast majority of covid-19 cases are represented by the Asian population.

2. Non-Asians that have contracted the disease have had immediate access to quality healthcare.

I'm not finding any reports that support your assumption.

Sometimes i have the tendency to give some suspicious toughts about all of these Docs such as John Campbell that use this type of crisis to only get famous and caught a legion of web devotees....
I was really hoping to read on his Bio and CV some kind of famous Virulogist, Epidemologist, etc...but...nahhhh...only a Nurse Teacher here and there (with due respect to all my nursing friends)...Noppp...sorry, but his videos also take it with a lil grain of salt...

And what do you think about my comment?

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: ShortBus

Yeeh maybe, when was the day Diamond Princess had the first infected? i lost track /cant remember anymore...but should there be also quite a lot deaths in Diamond Princess becouse if the virus is as highly contagious they say and many would have 4-6 incubation days...

3,700 passengers on rather small area, i would expect quite many deads if it would follow Hubei example, but so far 0 deaths if i understand..

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 11:36 AM
I found a very interesting article and now we have proof that this virus was out of control much earlier than what the official narrative was spinning.
"President Xi Jinping issued orders to contain the coronavirus outbreak almost two weeks earlier than previously reported.
Mr. Xi met the Communist party's most powerful decision making body JANUARY 7th, 13 days before the public was warned!!!"

January 7th it was already a full blown emergency.
I have stated and will continue to believe that this was circulating long before December.
A few cases of deaths due to supposed pneumonia would not reach the attention or concern of this committee, especially in a population of billions of people.

Vaccines were started in December. Speculating that first area to receive this vaccination was in Wuhan.

This confirms so much. Airbnb and its China counterpart had really poor results and this was during the New Year when so many people travel. Now they have ceased operations.
The people, especially in Wuhan, knew.

Financial Time Coronavirus: WHO cautions over figures slowing down in infections-as it happened/Financial Times
edit on 18-2-2020 by Thoughtful1 because: This information was from party magazine Qiushi.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: AngelsDecay

John Campbell is a Professor at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures of the University of Glasgow.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: Adphil28
Thanks for the clarification on procedures. Now that is Germany with first world health care. But what about China?

One person far back posted that in Chinese research labs they were cleaning and reusing testing equipment which are normally disposed at our research facilities.

Maybe it is not that far a stretch that because of the high volume of cases, exhausted medical staff, shortage of suits accidents are happening and that is why there are so many infected medical staff.
Shortcuts are being taken because the entire system is overwhelmed.

That could happen anywhere when there is simply not enough suits and not enough time to clean each one thoroughly.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: ShortBus

Yeeh maybe, when was the day Diamond Princess had the first infected? i lost track /cant remember anymore...but should there be also quite a lot deaths in Diamond Princess becouse if the virus is as highly contagious they say and many would have 4-6 incubation days...

3,700 passengers on rather small area, i would expect quite many deads if it would follow Hubei example, but so far 0 deaths if i understand..

Feb 6/2020 Japan reports 41 new cases of coronavirus on cruise ship
near Tokyo, raising ship's total to 61

So had to be before this

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

I’d agree stretched resources and especially tired people leads to big mistakes

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: Alien Abduct
a reply to: tanstaafl
I'm not finding any reports that support your assumption.

Just reread the past 3 threads. Imho you are making yourself look a fool. (or a troll)

a reply to: Kenzo
The q is:
Are the other provinces lagging behind or is there another difference? For example the suggested vaccination or the pesticides some think may have been used.

If the other provinces have no difference, but only lag behind, it would be an argument for it hitting hard in the rest of the world.

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