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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: Power_Semi

originally posted by: cirrus12

originally posted by: Oleman
a reply to: fleabit

You make a REALLY good point! I have seen quite a few stories about Hubei region families where the whole family had severe cases, and in some stories the whole family cluster passed away.

That doesn't make sense. Even if the severe rate was 50%, you would expect only half the family to be severe.

If stories are true, they support there being a strong regional factor, or *maybe* a totally different disease/cause???

I have wondered this also - I don't understand how so many families have been affected and so badly, whereas we are seeing nothing like that outside China. Is that because what is happening is unique to the epicentre? Or we just haven't had the incubation time etc yet?

If it was manufactured, what if it was a 2 part organism.

What I mean is suppose the coronavirus by itself causes cold & flu like symptoms...

unless you have the second part in your system already (which by itself presents no illness).

Then the 2 together combine to create something much more deadly.

So substance A is for example put in the water supply or food supply of the target enemy.

People consume that and have part A in their system.

Then the virus is spread, making part B, and when someone with A also gets B, they combine to make C.

So in China parts A & B have been released causing havoc, while over here only part B is present which your body can fight off.

Maybe that's why it's mainly been Chinese tourists who have died outside of China, while other people who get it seem to recover quickly.

Doesn't sound too far fetched! I mean, all the governments work on bioweapons etc, they must have some weird ideas and create weird things- why would they spend so much on these facilities if they weren't tinkering with these types of things.

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: Rich Z

Someone posted a story about the disease on Reddits nosleep sub. It's a place for horror stories. Well the post got a lot of attention and the author came back to say that he was sorry for causing such distress and that no such virus exists.

Basically his story was China has warehouses full of people who have the "real" disease (coronavirus is a cover virus). Story goes on to say Said people slowly lose their minds, skin sags and they bleed. It reminded me of the Zombie deer virus .... Chronic Wasting disease.

I'll find the link and post it here if anyone like a horror story link to story
edit on 17-2-2020 by misfit312 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: SpartanStoic

Yes corona virus, in Florida, would be bad news for our tourism. I would not be suprised if governments, will try to use the hippa law to prevent reporting the virus, BUT TECHNICALLY the hippa, law is only designed to protect personal info, technically we can sue over it, not informing the public of a deadly disease. That could be bad.. we have enough lawyers who would take a case for less, in this country.

That is until they would declare Marshall, law but that’s going down a rabbit hole not dug yet.
edit on 17-2-2020 by Bicent because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: Power_Semi

So substance A is for example put in the water supply or food supply of the target enemy.

To continue in "Full Tin Foil Hat" mode, I guess it would make sense to sprinkle Part A someplace to get a good "kick-off," then when everyone gets complaicent because it is extremely mild everywhere else, it speads to everyone, everywhere.

After that is complete, Dr. Evil sprinkles Part A where he wants to wipe out a population in a week...
edit on 17-2-2020 by Oleman because: had Part A and B mixed up

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: Trueman

originally posted by: St Udio
a reply to: LogicalGraphitti
PROOF: The "Novel Coronavirus" Infecting the World is a MILITARY BIO-WEAPON Developed by China's Army... 01 February 2020 y-china-s-army

That's a 404'd link.

the cover-up is being un-masked

I tried to read another article but it took me to a subscription purchase page. Try this:
China Virus: TWELVE DEAD BODIES on just THREE CITY BLOCKS in 30 seconds!

The Coronavirus outbreak in China . . . . which is actually a Military Bio-Weapon that escaped China's Level Four Bio-Safety Lab in Wuhan . . . is still spreading out of control and causing people to drop dead in their tracks on the streets!

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: burdman30ott6

If they have ACE2 receptors similar to humans it might be possible, but I don't know. They weren't listed in that paper. I recall pigs, cats, ferrets, and human-like primates being listed but they may not be all.

I remember in thread 1 or 2 someone mentioned that CCP said to kill pets because they can be a source. And mentioned a video where people through their pets from the buildings. Also that could explain the video where they were killing a dog.

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: RamsesOzymandias

It's not AIDS. That paper was yanked over the reaction. The researchers found similarities in a few sequences, not similarity in function. There is a world of difference.

But how long does it take before the damage that HIV causes becomes evident in a victim?

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 07:09 PM

originally posted by: redpassion

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: burdman30ott6

If they have ACE2 receptors similar to humans it might be possible, but I don't know. They weren't listed in that paper. I recall pigs, cats, ferrets, and human-like primates being listed but they may not be all.

I remember in thread 1 or 2 someone mentioned that CCP said to kill pets because they can be a source. And mentioned a video where people through their pets from the buildings. Also that could explain the video where they were killing a dog.

Yes, that was me. I was pretty upset by it because I work with animals and I'm a huge animal lover. But due to the outcry, they (cdc?) came out and said there was absolutely no evidence cats/pets can give us coronavirus.

I really hope they're right.

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67
a reply to: BowBells

asking: "the state of Illinois for this current flu season, the cases have shot way up compared to the previous tallied seasons?"

Yes. Since about mid January.

"I'm no good at graphs or numbers or maths"

You're better than you think.

Some other states show similar increase, but haven't seen a lot of them. Certainly not all of them are like this.

It is a worry that this is everywhere. Only time will tell if services become overwhelmed and bodies start to stack up. They couldn't hide it forever, even with a mortality rate of 1% 400k could die in the UK (assuming 60% get infected).

My family are all ill at the moment. Sore throat turned to cough. My better half had fever last night, gone now but she is drained and achy.

It could be that they want spread over and done with as soon as possible. Maybe some bright spark has had the idea that by increasing transmission they could cause it to burn out. Or maybe they're just protecting the markets by preventing lockdown. All I know is, if one of my family died because of their immoral incompetence. I'd want blood.

Oh yeah, there will be blood. Especially if it gets out that the people who made this sort of decision are riding out the storm in their tax-payer funded bunkers while we are coughing our lungs out on the outside. IMHO.

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: SpartanStoic

when it comes to potential outbreaks I thinks its in our best interest to remain skeptical of the information they feed us.

Since its in the Governments best interest to keep us unaware till its to late, to keep panic in the streets to a minimum.

In any truly serious situation, has that ever turned out well for the people on the street?

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 07:29 PM
People, this may sound a bit off-beat, mainly since I live in a place where we take our shoes off, but seriously, if you have pets loose in the house and the bottom of the shoes are carrying the virus... think about it.

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 07:32 PM
People reading this: IMPORTANT
If you have children that have a cell phone, its time to take it away from them. I'm going to leave it as such. We'll find out why sooner or later.

OK: er
edit on 0200000034332020-02-17T19:33:34-06:00333402pm7 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

edit on 0200000028422020-02-17T19:42:28-06:00422802pm7 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 07:32 PM
Lots of information in this article on two topics.

"The new study reports on 44,672 cases confirmed in China as of Feb. 11. The virus caused severe diseases such as pneumonia in 14 per cent of them and critical illness in five per cent.

The fatality rate for these confirmed cases is 2.3 per cent-2.8 per cent for males versus 1.7 per cent for females."

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 07:33 PM
"328 American cruise ship passengers arrived in the U.S., including 14 who tested positive for the virus and were taken to hospitals in California and Nebraska."

"A charter plane dropped off 170 passengers at Travis Air Force Base in the San Francisco Bay Area late Sunday, while another took about 145 passengers to Lackland Air Force Base in Texas."

"Four of the Americans who tested positive for the virus were taken to California hospitals. Ten others, along with three spouses, were flown to Omaha, Nebraska, to get care at the University of Nebraska Medical Center,"

"the Nebraska medical center, said 12 are in quarantine with no current symptoms. One man is in a different area [..] symptoms plus a chronic illness that raises his risk for complications. All will remain at the university hospital for at least 14 days."
edit on 17-2-2020 by Oleman because: to keep Part A and B together

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Google seems to indicate rabbits are not likely carriers of the novel coronavirus. They can carry other coronaviruses, but interestingly they are actually looking at rabbit antibodies as one avenue to fight the nCOV virus in humans, so that might mean their system has some manner of immunity directly to the virus.

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 07:46 PM
I can't verify this, but last night on my update I said more new news would come out with an update on those infected on the ship. approximately 65 and up new cases are / have been reported . 2-18 Tokyo time: morning

Notice I said "and up". I think now the reports of those being infected can be reported on TV every 3 hours. The new way of testing allows up to 1000 people to be quickly tested.
edit on 0200000027522020-02-17T19:52:27-06:00522702pm7 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 07:51 PM

originally posted by: KTemplar

I saw an oriental man at the market 2 weeks ago, and the whites of his eyes were all red.

I wash my hands constantly, but it got me thinking, who knows what this guy touched; or the people who left the cruise in NJ touched.

Yeah, the wife and I did some grocery shopping today. We declined to buy any fresh produce. We only wanted food items that are pre-packaged. Actually bought a LOT of canned goods.

I'm sure you have watched people in the produce sections handling everything to check for freshness and blemishes. How long would this virus live on something like, say a tomato skin? Or on an apple? Yeah, we wash off the fruits and vegetables, but is that enough? Doesn't do your decontamination procedure much good if you wash your hands like crazy when you get home, but you just do a casual rinse off of a grape and pop it into your mouth, now does it?

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 07:54 PM
Having seen how grossly incapable we are, collectively, at maintaining a city wide or country wide quarantine
(China, Cruise Ships, Japan, flight leaks everywhere, etc.), compounded by different levels of standards across different countries (Cambodia testing thousands in days, and sending them on flights back around the world, vs Japan's weeks), I am entirely unconvinced that we could ever effectively contain a virus like this in our modern world.

Given that is the case, and seeing how a quarantine situation may even make matters worse (grouping people together, compounding chances of infection, error in detection, panic, etc)... what can the world do?

Maybe the governments of the world downplaying this is the best course of action.

Let it run it's course, spread throughout society, integrate with the pathogen smörgåsbord that is our planet... get on with our daily lives and allow the economy to continue, even if there are an unsettling high number of Flu/Corona/Cold deaths for a few years.

It will probably cause less damage (a few 10's of millions of deaths... YIKES!!!), than the economic repercussions of isolating countries from each other in this global age.

Given the apparent choices, maybe just education on cleanliness and ubiquitous personal safeguards (washing hands, covering mouth when sneezing, etc.), and awareness of health is the best our governments can do.

Otherwise, by quarantine; risk economic collapse, human rights abuses, panic, civil unrest, riots, crime, population boredom, potential worse spread of infection, etc...

"Knuckle up, accept that today may be the day you die, and get on with it! (... and develop a $$$vaccine$$$... lol)"... may be the best approach to not only get through something like this, but protect the freedoms that we enjoy as well as our cultures and societies.
edit on 17-2-2020 by puzzlesphere because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 07:54 PM
There has been speculation about airborne virus propagation, especially in apartments, ships and planes.

Would the lamps in the air-conditioner A-frame, that prevent mold, kill any virus blowing through the HVAC?

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 07:56 PM

originally posted by: fleabit

With this new information from Los Alamo Laboratory regarding the RO rate of 4.7-6.6 and the incubation period of 24 days

The 24 days is an outlier, not the normal incubation period, which on average, seems to be 4 or so days. I wish people would stop using extremes to try and define the situation. 24 days would be absolute worst case, and there have probably been very few of those.

Well heck, even at just 4 days of incubation with asymptomatic spreading of a virus that can survive up to 9 days on objects is quite bad enough, thank you very much. This quite enough to give most people severe heartburn thinking about it.

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