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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -24-

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posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 01:28 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

One bit about that site I find interesting is that they have a hashtag to abolish the "company" but don't logically follow on with calls to abolish the intel outfits of other countries ... um ... brainwashing isn't something that just ONE country has ever done ... just sayin'

Reminds me of Europeans wigging out over American intel outfits but comfortably forgetting that THEIR intel outfits get up to ish without end as well ... and never get called out over it because of their police state governments that damned well ensure the citizens in those "democracies" know their place.



posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 01:32 AM
Love Rollercoaster!

originally posted by: cherokeetroy

originally posted by: SouthernGift

Don’t be surprised.

This matrix is collapsing.

After my little 'plunge into darkness ' last night, I am nearly bouncing off the walls with energy, today. Roller coaster

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 01:35 AM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: imthegoat

I follow Q discussion across multiple platforms and this thread is literally the only place where people are still hung up on Austin Steinbart. It's very simple, he is not affiliated with Q. The sooner people let this crap go, the sooner this thread can move forward. Austin Steinbart is holding back the discussion here and he has a couple folks in here helping him do that. Including a certain poster who even uses the same online "tactics" as AS. Austin likes to ignore questions posed to him and instead ask YOU why YOU don't answer HIS questions. Of course, he's the one making the claims. It's on him to evidence and he simply cannot do that. It's been weeks now and he hasn't verified who he is by simply making a drop as Q. It's very simple. He can't do it. No outside comms.

Please, for the sake of the Q effort, let this go. This is Somerset Belennoff 2.0.

LOL talk about a load of fallacious bullpoo! You who "ask many questions in your post to/about my post

What are The Questions you are referring to when referring to me, exactly?

BTW the very first line of this post of your IS a mix of SEVERAL "logical fallacies" and a hasty generalization Is a part of the First one! as you build a strawman.

It's simpler than it seems

The strawman argument is a cheap and easy way to make one’s position look stronger than it is.

Using this fallacy, opposing views are characterized as “non-starters,” lifeless, truthless, and wholly unreliable.

By comparison, one’s own position will look better for it.

You are very well practised at what you are doing PFG ..... esp as "short replies" are read more often on most forums, you really packed in into that one, didn't you, just like Austin cuts out ALL the 'non time' in his vids to keep them 'high paced and flowing', allowing the most information to be shared in the shortest period

Or they could also 'allow' the viewer's own mind to 'remain focused' and NOT 'distract them' during any kind of pause,

as so many people have such Short 'attention spans' these days, as you know well or co I in tel.😁

You say; " this thread is literally the only place where people are still hung up on Austin Steinbart."

And .. you knoow this "how exactly"? Just becoz you "follow Q discussion across multiple platforms"

Ahh! We have ourselves an "Authority" who wants us to jump on a The Bandwagon fallacy -- e.g. "you should be doing what everyone else Is doing, becoz, everyone else is doing it!

Yep, that's some hard hitting Solid Proof right there! Bugger .... er, "yessir!"

Are you trying to TELL "us" (me) that NO ONE is still 'discussing Ausitn on the Chans'? ... ok, right!

You have NO other Reason .... it's a form of FOMO that you are trying hard to appeal to and I'm not at all surprised as You Know I'm "too close for comfort" with my "prior guessing"

NEXT you say, lol,,

"It's very simple, he is not affiliated with Q."

which is called "an appeal to Ignorance"' as NOBODY KNOWS who Q is, esp according to you, a "Q follower"

“No one has ever been able to prove definitively that extra-terrestrials exist, so they must not be real.”
“No one has ever been able to prove definitively that extra-terrestrials do not exist, so they must be real.”

If the same argument strategy can support mutually exclusive claims, then it’s not a good argument strategy

NEXT:: sigh,
"The sooner people let this crap go, the sooner this thread can move forward." !

AGAIN, "move forward to where?" Where you are hoping (with a few others) to direct it BACK TO CoVID! FFS Why?

again you are appealing to the masses with both your assumed "authority" which leads to a circular "a circular argument".

Very well done! Another fallacious "tool" designed to completely DERAIL this bread

However, you also have only given folks two choices and ALL require "abandoning discussion about Austin" 😂 Agenda much?

This folks, is called the "False Dilemma/False Dichotomy" fallacy

This fallacy has a few other names: “black-and-white fallacy,” “either-or fallacy,” “false dichotomy,” and “bifurcation fallacy.”

This line of reasoning fails by limiting the options to two when there are in fact more options to choose from.

So I ask again, "where are we moving along to"

NEXT is what's know as the "slippery slope fallacy" lol

You may have used this fallacy on your parents as a teenager: “But, you have to let me go to the party!
If I don’t go to the party, I’ll be a loser with no friends. Next thing you know I’ll end up alone and jobless living in your basement when I’m 30!”

The slippery slope fallacy works by moving from a seemingly benign premise or starting point and working through a number of small steps to an improbable extreme.

On this occasion it's that astounding comment that "Austin Steinbart is holding back the discussion here"

If that's not an "improbably Extreme" conclusion, . . . what is?! HTF is Austin of ALL people "holding up the conversation"? BTW "which 'conversation' exactly do you keep referring to, as you never say, only 'suggest' and imply' -just as a good 'artistic photograph' should! BUT WTF ARE YOU "trying to say exactly?"

I can't believe I'm reading this and so have others who have starred you for it!

PF Skater, How ON EARTH did you get from "I'm a massive Q follower" to "Austin IS Controlling the conversation here"?

to get from Q to there with the "rationalizing" you've clearly been doing?exactly
to come up with these "statements" and say them with such "authority" is most impressive, BUT Insane!

There's NOT ONE Skerrick of "support for the allegations you make against me very (nicely) inferred Ad Hominem attacks in there too! Crafty!

I told you that you were good, VERY good . . . for a nobody like me🤨

I won't continue my dissemination of their extraordinarily high quality BUT Fallacious reply, as "it speaks for itself" when you really read what's being said!

R: what a cleverly worded LOAD of B.S. attempting to discredit me! Now why would they want to do that?

Because . . . . . Austin IS for REAL! and you GO boy! I'd Hate to mess with a 29yo me being backed by a Quantum computer and the DIA! lol

To those who understand what I'm saying 😎

To those who don't understand me, much love 😘 as my Euro friends say
edit on 20-3-2020 by JohnnyJetson because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-3-2020 by JohnnyJetson because: too many mistakes But that doesn't make me wrong

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 01:44 AM
a reply to: JohnnyJetson

You have been discredited, I pointed out your wisdom and intelligence also, little A belittles you imo.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 01:51 AM
Interesting list of "life sustaining businesses" and if they are currently allowed to open in my state, PA.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 01:52 AM
Something to keep an eye on...

'He must resign from the Senate': Fox News host demands Richard Burr's ouster after bombshell report suggests he dumped $1.72 million in stocks before coronavirus crisis

Under the "gang of eight" system, the executive branch of the United States discloses highly sensitive intelligence information to the following members of Congress:

US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence:
Adam Schiff (D-CA-28), Chair
Devin Nunes (R-CA-22), Ranking Member

US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence:
Richard Burr (R-NC), Chair
Mark Warner (D-VA), Vice Chair

US House:
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-12), Speaker of the House
Kevin McCarthy (R-CA-23), Minority Leader

US Senate:
Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Majority Leader
Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Minority Leader

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 01:52 AM

originally posted by: JohnnyJetson

originally posted by: Grambler
a reply to: JohnnyJetson

So instead of just locking up the criminals, trump had to shut down the economy and ruin the lives of hard working people I know for an excuse to take down the criminals?


How many lives DO YOU KNOW OF THAT have been "currently ruined"?

NOT ONE, that's how many!

and to think I thought you were "catching on" Grambler .... read the post I just wrote to you before this one

and then Tell me about all those "ruined lives" happening about the place -- coz I can't see ANY at my place!

Well I work for a small restaurant so I was laid off. And winter is the slow period which meant hours were scarce all around. Which means a lack of savings at hand NOW. Now, for the first time in my life, I MUST become a dependent of the state via unemployment. INVOLUNTARILY

Right now I am staring at money coming in at state dictation as my source of financial viability in an economy in which no one knows what will be open next week, making legitimate job-hunting a worse prospect than playing the stock market.

What's most profound is that in one week's time I lost any ability to move forward with "my life", this being replaced by saving what money I have for food and bills. I know several people who are getting squeezed into a state where a prolonged quarantine WILL ruin their lives. I am one of them. But just one of MANY

Can't help but agree with Grambler, for the most part. Even under good intentions, this action has set up the disgusting precedent in which the ends will justify increasingly encroaching means. For my life specifically, any illusion of the state being a benevolent entity has been shattered. A God-damned Hegelian rapist

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:08 AM
When the quarantines take effect, everything will slow way down almost to a standstill. The world will become very quiet. That's the stillness before the storm

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:11 AM

originally posted by: imthegoat

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: imthegoat

He's very clearly reading some sort of script, be it websites, or actual written script

How do you know that the script isn't coming from q?

How do you know I'm not Austin debunking myself on ATS because disinformation is necessary?

Becoz in 2018 you were one of the Few people to think/say that "Assange should be pardoned by Trump" (and he Will be, eventually, sadly he's had to play a difficult part in the Game)

And "a fool can ask more questions in 30 seconds than a wise man could answer in a Lifetime", that's why!

Austin, OTOH is giving ANSWERS!

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:12 AM
The 62 POTUS tweets on Mar 19th are mostly zero minute delta MARKERS separated by 1 min MARKERS.

These spell out:


LeBron James perhaps?

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:18 AM
SPREADSHEET UPDATE - 62 tweets for Mar 19th + Functional improvement.

Q V17.07 20200319 to 3894 incl. DECODE tools

Functionality Update
1) On "Main DECODE Results" tab, column V calculates and highlights when a timestamp is a mirror,
2) This has been updated to also catch when the timestamp is a 12 hour clock mirror. E.g.:

01:40:10 = Mirror
but so is
13:40:10 = 01:40:10 PM.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:22 AM

originally posted by: JohnnyJetson

originally posted by: imthegoat

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: imthegoat

He's very clearly reading some sort of script, be it websites, or actual written script

How do you know that the script isn't coming from q?

How do you know I'm not Austin debunking myself on ATS because disinformation is necessary?

Becoz in 2018 you were one of the Few people to think/say that "Assange should be pardoned by Trump" (and he Will be, eventually, sadly he's had to play a difficult part in the Game)

And "a fool can ask more questions in 30 seconds than a wise man could answer in a Lifetime", that's why!

Austin, OTOH is giving ANSWERS!

You make zero sense. And remind me of someone we all know.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:23 AM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
When the quarantines take effect, everything will slow way down almost to a standstill. The world will become very quiet. That's the stillness before the storm

I thought about your "let's get some sleep" comment yesterday. I was outside and realized something was missing: the roar of occasional commercial airliners overhead.

Saw more families with their kids in the woods, building lean-to's with fallen branches. Two women sitting on their steps with a Jack Russell terrier, and one of the ladies coaching him to sit still ... we waved as we walked by.

Doctor has gone to telephonic diagnosis and prescriptions.

You're correct about sleep. The thrust of the last three decades, at least, has been "GO GO GO!", and sleep was derided as something to be marginalized. I think that left a lot of people hit by long-term fatigue. We need the sleep to keep us healthy, and, ironically, to WAKE UP. Going about tired all of the time isn't good.


posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:26 AM
Why do comics have the uncanny foreshadowing of future events?
This illustration from Italy was published in the comic, Asterix... in 2017. The Gaul faces Coronavirus, a masked Roman villain with a reputation of stopping at nothing to win.


Bonus: Saints Victor and Corona are two Christian martyrs.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:27 AM

originally posted by: 1320Q17yes
a reply to: JohnnyJetson

You have been discredited, I pointed out your wisdom and intelligence also, little A belittles you imo.

I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say matey?

"discredited' by the post I replied to? Or something else? Austin? Why can't anyone BE More "specific"?

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

Senator Kelly Loeffler dumped a bunch of stocks after being briefed on CoronaVirus too.

"Insider" information helps a lot of people make decisions about all sorts of things.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 03:06 AM
Here We Go!

The Trump administration, moving quickly to halt the spread of the coronavirus, is seriously considering

1.) grounding all passenger air traffic for up to 30 days,

2.) temporarily halting stock trading on Wall Street, and

3.) imposing a shelter-in-place rule, according to officials.

HEY Q! What's the next stop on this high-speed bullet train?

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 03:31 AM
a reply to: JohnnyJetson

I finally took the time to actually look at Austin's Twitter and I have to say it def looks like this guy is totally spoofing Q. He's not even trying to derail or monopolize the movement like some other people are. He's just straight up mocking it. Look at his pics. He's not even trying to hide the photoshop. Of course, you're free to continue following whoever you choose but now I know 100% he's full of #. I'll still watch him just to see where his trainwreck ends up

edit on 20-3-2020 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 03:41 AM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
Q's silence is disturbing, especially considering what is going on.

Maybe #SteinLARP is real!

It IS, for as Austin says;

"QAnon" is a military intelligence operation targeting a ruthless medieval conspiracy.

It was designed to invoke a MASSIVE online grassroots movement, bypass FAKE NEWS, and distribute VITAL information directly to PATRIOTS (much like the "Common Sense" pamphlet during the American revolution).

**PUBLIC PLATFORMS that impede the transmission of this message do so AT THEIR OWN PERIL**

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 03:54 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
When the quarantines take effect, everything will slow way down almost to a standstill. The world will become very quiet. That's the stillness before the storm

I thought about your "let's get some sleep" comment yesterday. I was outside and realized something was missing: the roar of occasional commercial airliners overhead.

Saw more families with their kids in the woods, building lean-to's with fallen branches. Two women sitting on their steps with a Jack Russell terrier, and one of the ladies coaching him to sit still ... we waved as we walked by.

Doctor has gone to telephonic diagnosis and prescriptions.

You're correct about sleep. The thrust of the last three decades, at least, has been "GO GO GO!", and sleep was derided as something to be marginalized. I think that left a lot of people hit by long-term fatigue. We need the sleep to keep us healthy, and, ironically, to WAKE UP. Going about tired all of the time isn't good.


Exactly. When we've been so conditioned to run on very little sleep, people don't realize how that effects our overall health from mental to emotional to physical. Lack of sleep ages us. It's going to take us some time to adjust but I think we'll be alright. This time is going to be like a giant medical triage time for humanity. I think the Red Cross and all the medical teams are being set up because the change is going to come as a shock to some and they're going to need support to get through it. We've all been exposed to so much trauma...we all suffer from ptsd on some level. It takes time to heal from that

Energetic-wise, I was thinking about what will happen once we're off of that hamster wheel and our energy is no longer supporting the system. It will be like a powerful locomotive screeching to a grinding halt. Once that happens, that pattern will be broken. And then a new pattern will emerge

ETA we're going to be weaned off of the system. It's not going to be a traumatic shift..although some will feel traumatized. But only because that is the vibrational frequency they currently reside in
edit on 20-3-2020 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

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