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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -24-

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posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 03:35 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

EMN, maybe Ketsuko will comment on this.

One take is the 70+ death toll.

Function solely of age, or is piling-on occurring because there are not enough respirators etc. and triage is being conducted in favor of the young?

I also wonder why the disease seems to be hitting certain countries especially hard.


posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

2) 60% Men, 40% women... so it's looking like a mildly sexist virus!

Perhaps, under their breaths, the women of Italy are muttering ...

Lunga vita alla differenza!


posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 04:43 AM
Anyone else get the feeling these stimulus checks are the beginning of restitution? It's been a long time coming

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: DaddyWinchester

Thank you for this.

I kind of wonder if this is part of our challenge that we still need to complete.

Focusing more on overcoming our anxieties and helping one another...
having faith that the right people are in the right place to do the heavy lifting.

Come Together

edit on 18-3-2020 by brewtiger because: MJ

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 06:15 AM
These little signals to the left he sends, well that looks like a wink and a nod.

Damn, this stuff is going down very strangely.

A John Grisham book!

originally posted by: carewemust

..........drumroll please..............

U.S. Attorney John Durham announced Monday that he charged a man with threatening to kill House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff.

Durham, the U.S. attorney for Connecticut who is leading the Justice Department’s review of the Russia investigators, sent out a press release noting he charged Robert Phelps of Torrington, Connecticut, “with threatening to assault and murder a U.S. official, which carries a maximum term of imprisonment of 10 years, and with making interstate threats, which carries a maximum term of imprisonment of five years.”

Phelps, 62, was arrested on March 13 after allegedly sending Schiff a vulgar and violent email on Nov. 12 telling the Democrat, “I want to kill you” and “smash your … face in,” according to court documents and statements made in court. Investigators interviewed Phelps at his Torrington residence and allegedly confirmed that Phelps sent the threatening communication.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

Threatening to kill a public official isn't ok - doesn't matter who it is.

Now that we have that cleared up, let's remember: FISA works both ways.
edit on 18-3-2020 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 06:39 AM

originally posted by: CanadianMason
a reply to: SouthernGift

SG, you are like an online 'mom'; you are wonderful, lol!

Maybe you don't know but, a YouTuber by the name of Aaron Houghton - a big Austin supporter - recently made a video claiming exactly what you just intuited, i.e., that Austin is the "Keystone".

That’s the most wonderful compliment I could get, CM thank you. I’ll be the mom of the thread, just remember I’m the kind that’ll let you have a drink so long as you hand me your keys first!!

Good morning folks, wow! The thread dialogue is spectacular right now. I love all of the in depth analysis and diverse perspectives, yet so much respect and decorum.

What an adventure... There’s so much to comment on... I can’t. (But you know Chatty Cathy gonna try!)

Did anyone notice DJTs comment yesterday about how there’s a “spirit” over the nation right now? He was speaking about how all of us are coming together to do what is needed to provide relief right now and that he didn’t know any other way to describe it other than a “spirit”

First, if you didn’t stock up on food, no matter how hungry you get, please don’t cook that spirit. (I kid, I kid!)

Second, the Easter theory is quite amazing and I tend to agree it seems to be culminating to some kind of climax around that time +➕+

Thirdly, we seem to be at a crossroads (pun not intended but, they write themselves) where some are concerned of the stripping away of freedoms, while others want to liberated from the prison within which we were confined to experience those freedoms.

I don’t know how I hold on to conflicting and markedly polarizing perspectives without going absolutely insane, although it has been heavy at times, it’s also so unique that I can only see it as a gift at this point... so I want you ALL to understand that when I entertain varying perspectives and “sides” as you might call them, I’m just testing the spirits so to speak.

I will leave it at this... because I think this about sums up what is happening. I’ve always said in here.

What’s the real show, and, who’s really watching it?

Someone mentioned in a reply to me that “Peter” also means “Rock” I also loved Corams post about the keystone and Easter..

So Peter also speaks directly to the phenomenon I feel we are experiencing, I try not to share much of this type stuff, but, if it fits I sits, says the meme cat 🐈

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen you love.

Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith—the salvation of your souls. Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you, searching what, or what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating when He testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow.

To them it was revealed that, not to themselves, but to us they were ministering the things which now have been reported to you through those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven—things which angels desire to look into.”

We’re going to come full circle.
It’s going to be Biblical.

Enjoy the show. Enjoy the stage. 🎥 🍿
Lights, camera, action!

Peace and love to you all, my friends.

edit on 18-3-2020 by SouthernGift because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 06:50 AM

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 06:55 AM
Sorry, if I missed it. Does anyone know what this is about?
He walks off around 1:50 mark.

Some say it is due to "voter suppression". I think it goes a lot deeper.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: Quadrivium

This is about the puppet and the puppeteer.

watch the guy to his right, after he has walked out.

The puppet is like enough is enough...

Also... election fraud?

edit on 18-3-2020 by NoConspiracy because: Also

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: queenofswords

That notion (past, present and future Q) is something I thought of, too.

I just can't wrap my brain around it.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: CanadianMason

The brain is not enought to get a hold of time.

Body mind and soul.

Sincerely NC

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:35 AM
Sign of the Times:

Coronavirus travel ban prevents ultra-wealthy from leaving on private jets

The world’s ultra-rich looking to escape coronavirus hot spots are being turned away from private jet companies despite offering vasts sums of money to secure a seat.

By contrast, Wheels Up, aviation company that primarily serves members in the United States, told FOX Business Tuesday the company is confident they are able to offer the same service to clients.

"Our Wheels Up team continues to deliver the same trusted flight experience for our members, during this time and always," a Wheels Up spokesperson said in an emailed statement. "As such, we are prepared and have the capacity to service the uptick in demand we are seeing from our individual and corporate members.”

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

Yes part of breaking the system - Coming Together
Must be at peace to have peace

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:45 AM
5.7 Quake just outside SLC, Utah.

Starting to get those birth pangs vibe, yet, or am I just on edge?

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: SouthernGift

You seemed to be feeling down for a few days. Good to see you in an expansive mood again.


posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: imthegoat

I went shopping yesterday for food at Walmart and weed at my local dispensary.

I came out of Walmart with a load of stuff I'd never buy under 'normal' circumstances, including a bag of frozen lamb chops. I'd never had a lamb chop until last night. I think you 'Limeys' might be onto something there. They were unexpectedly delicious. As much as I like them, however, they are too expensive to incorporate into my regular meal plan. If this plague gets any worse, and food continues to become scarce, then I think I might have to resort to haunting the forest animals around here: deer, moose, bear, pheasant,

Oh...and the weed store? Packed as usual and fully-stocked! I bought some 'Cold Creek Kush', a hybrid/Sativa dominant. It sure makes this whole plague thing more bearable, lol...

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:17 AM
Kevin Durant tests positive for CV. Does he eat children too?

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: onehuman
a reply to: toolgal462

"But some of you have a lot invested in this fantasy. I wonder what you will do if it's all bunk."

Someone is totally missing the elephant in room here.

Do you have any idea how much we have LEARNED through this process? How much more we are actually aware of now that we weren't before? Even some of the most die hard Conspiracy folks among us that have been on this site for years digging and poking into things have jumped leaps and bounds over what we knew before the appearance of Q.
We know even more about our country and its back channels, its hidden histories. More about dirty operations we may have had ideas about, but now we have all the screws and bolts to them and how they actually work.

We know more about our world and how the players really connect. Who run who and who owns what.

I could go on and on with what we have learned. Anyone with a open mind and actually does look at things in a Big Picture term can see everyday now that things are coming to light just like Q said they would. There is no way you could put a price on the invaluable knowledge we have gained from this and we will ALWAYS have it going forward. We now know what to look for and How to look for it. That is a far cry from being a "Bunk Return" for our efforts.

I have people all the time saying yeah but "nobody" has been arrested its all bs. I say there has been a ton of arrest and we are seeing them more so in the news now. Many of us report on the "somebodies" that have been arrested daily. The thing is these "somebodies" are considered "Nobodies" by the ones complaining because they arent the "Somebodies" they have been waiting for. They also fail to see that you need to start at the bottom and work your way up to the top. IF you dont, the little fish will just fill the voids left by the big fish and that would defeat the whole purpose.

Only the lazy that didnt want to put in time or effort into all this would have your thinking on this. Anyone that has done the actual work knows they are older and wiser now because of the time they have put into it. When all is said and done you yourself will be thankful we did and that we never gave up.

The shills know well how much we've learned in the process. That's why they're trying so hard to discredit Q.
The slaves are starting to revolt, and that scares them. As it should.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: Grambler
I’m not the smartest person in the world

But when the guy who is supposed to be a champion against socialism starts being such a champion for it that even cnn reporters are praising him, I become very skeptical

And as I mentioned months ago, my fear with q is that people are so invested in it that they would be willing to actively cheer for the stripping of our rights as part of some bigger grand plan

Truly frightening

I'm not a fan of just giving out money either. But I realize how many people are now out of work because their workplace has closed.

And since the government is forcing people to be out of work, they have a responsibility to make sure those people can survive this soft-quarantine.

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