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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -24-

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posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 01:54 PM
Lockheed Martin's Hewson to step down as CEO

March 16 (Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp said on Monday Marillyn Hewson will step down as chief executive officer, effective June 15. The No.1 U.S. defense contractor said board member James Taiclet will replace Hewson.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: DaddyWinchester

originally posted by: imthegoat

originally posted by: DaddyWinchester

originally posted by: toolgal462
Just because human tests are beginning today for a vaccine, wouldn't it still take months or over a yr. to bring it to market? According to Fauci, I don't think there is much chance of getting a vaccine any sooner.

Correct - this is the first wave of trials to see if there are any side effects from it. Reading the entire link bears this out.

Austin - Anons currently looking to geo locate.
Videos provided clues
Didn't need geolocation either.

Figure of speech

Lol I know.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy
That's fine. Everyone is entitled to opinions. He couldn't or wouldn't provide proofs when asked. That's suspect to me.

Anyone with enough time to look on the Internet can sound like him, IMO. Surprised he wasn't lurking here on ATS even.

He totally jumped the shark.

Let's see if the Queen of Denmark does something.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: pavil
a reply to: cherokeetroy
That's fine. Everyone is entitled to opinions. He couldn't or wouldn't provide proofs when asked. That's suspect to me.

Anyone with enough time to look on the Internet can sound like him, IMO. Surprised he wasn't lurking here on ATS even.

He totally jumped the shark.

Let's see if the Queen of Denmark does something.

That's true, he could have fleeced his info from other ppl. I noticed he was easily triggered on Twitter. I think he finally cracked when he started calling his followers 'p***ies '

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:03 PM
First coronavirus death in Clark County, Nevada (which includes Las Vegas) is a male in his 60s with underlying medical conditions.

Fox5 Las Vegas

Not sure how true but I heard Commander Cuomo is thinking about imposing further restrictions on those 65 and older to remain in their homes and not travel out. Gimme a freakin break. Guess I'll go get my head shaved bald since by the end of the week all barber shops will be closed. Gotta be clean shaven too in order for those masks to seal properly. I feel like I'm drunk on media hysteria.

'Actors' now serving a new propaganda role.

According to this tweet he also met with Sophie Gregoire Trudeau in London before she tested positive.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: cherokeetroy

I used to fly through Stapleton years ago. It was a standard airport, none of this NWO weirdness that is found in the new airport.


I would love to go talk to the gargoyle. I've got a million questions. Of course, I would probably be discreetly escorted away and never seen or heard from, again.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy

originally posted by: pavil
a reply to: cherokeetroy
That's fine. Everyone is entitled to opinions. He couldn't or wouldn't provide proofs when asked. That's suspect to me.

Anyone with enough time to look on the Internet can sound like him, IMO. Surprised he wasn't lurking here on ATS even.

He totally jumped the shark.

Let's see if the Queen of Denmark does something.

That's true, he could have fleeced his info from other ppl. I noticed he was easily triggered on Twitter. I think he finally cracked when he started calling his followers 'p***ies '

He called em that and every other name in the book. Honestly, and I'm not baiting or trolling (jsyk mods) but he comes off more like one of these ultra liberal Bernie supporters, IMO. I don't care who he supports, but I could definitely see it happening as an attempted troll. Those types of people already think we're all stupid because we support Trump, or just don't flat out support Bernie, so I don't see it outside the realm of possibility.

Watch the ones Kaitlyn Bennett deals with on YT. Watch the ones Crowder deals with. Watch the ones Brandon from "Thats the Point" deals with, or the Colored Conservatives, or basically any of them that are conservative/libertarian and the people they talk to. Its...sad. Are those extreme examples of liberalism? Absolutely, but is that extremism becoming more and more popular? 🤔 Thats a question I'll leave for someone else to answer.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:19 PM
Good thread unrolled by@softwareautist

1/ IT. IS. HABBENING. Some of you already know that. But did you know EUROPE IS BEING INVADED/SAVED BY THE US... AGAIN? (Third time's a charm...)

BUT HOW DO YOU INVADE AN ALLY? Answer: operation DEFENDER Europe 20.
Tomorrow, under the guise of an excecise, 20.000 US troops will land in the harbor town of Vlissingen, in the Netherlands for operation

And... icing on the cake... the simple gematria for DEFENDER is... you guessed it, QANON. END.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:22 PM

President Macron of France just announced a suspension of all gas bills, electricity, water & rent


posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:29 PM

One for PokeyJoe 😂🤣😷

Least we won't be starving for entertaint'd mint. 🙄🙃🤪
Coronavirus: Universal to make current theatrical movies available for home viewing on Friday.
LA Times

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
imo we have outgrown this system, it çan no longer contain us and we are expanding beyond it. but it's nothing to fear, we'll take the parts that work with us and leave the corruption behind. Liberation for Humanity

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: imthegoat

Chloroquine, I think, which I believe is by prescription.

Just read that chloroquine is not proven to help fight CV.

I know, though, that zinc is effective on its own for things (healing skin - cuts/minor burns - and colds). For CV, I have no idea.
edit on 3/16/2020 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:36 PM

: San Francisco Mayor Breed puts city on lockdown, says residents will be required to stay at home except for essential need


The lockdown in San Francisco starts at midnight. Necessary government functions and essential stores will remain open.

Six Bay Area counties announced a “shelter in place” order for all residents, directing everyone to stay in their homes for the next 3 weeks
edit on 16-3-2020 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

"The Last Supper" - 'bout peed myself laughing. 😁👍

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

That's Exactly what I'm alluding to and I'm so glad you Suf picked up on it as while I'm ok at seeing 'patterns' I'm nowhere near you guys in understanding the 'totality' of what those numbers could signify

So as my Aspie mind wantonly decided by itself to add up these dates as I Had 'noticed something' but I had to recheck to be sure. TBH I have no idea what made me do it, but it seemed relevant enough to share with you 'Qlocksters'

thanks for those tid bits Sufi, I think you might be onto something new, maybe it's to signify a letter, or time maybe, idk

It's all yours my bro! I look forward to hearing whether or not there's "something to it", but IME so far with Q, there's "somethiing hidden" in Everything!

Keep up the good work matey

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:42 PM
DJT briefing now. He said after consulting with his team he expects CV to "wash through" by July or August. Wow.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

No one here has actually debunked him yet other than by their feelz but whatever. I guess I'll follow DW's lead and this will be my last post on this matter since the majority has weighed in. btw, his vids are now private, not deleted and this is the only thing left. where have we seen something similar before?

Have a nice day everyone.

edit on 3/16/2020 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: sorry, some people just piss me off

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:45 PM
POTUS TYPO in this corrected tweet:
Original at 12:40:59

Just had a very good tele-conference with Nations’s Governors. Went very well. Cuomo of New York has to “do more”.

Corrected at 13:32:44

Just had a very good tele-conference with Nation’s Governors. Went very well. Cuomo of New York has to “do more”.

a) Original has an extra S - Nations's should be Nation's
b) S = Start ?
c) We know that APOSTROPHE is used as a symbol for a fishing hook, i.e. BAIT. Therefore 'S would be a WORM on a hook... so S'S would be 2 baits on 1 hook?
d) Is the correction saying 1 of 2 baits has been taken/worked?

2) Post Delta between original and corrected version is 51:45 = Qx3 : POTUS

3) The timestamp2ACRONYMs give:
a) 2Char Codes... HI & JK = Hi Jack Dorsey?
b) Original: LNG, CDN, BNR, BDI,
C) Corrected: MFR, DEH, YS, FI

4) CAPS only simple gematria on both are:
a) Base = JNGWCNY = 96
Q96 Obama Sent $221MM to Palestinians
b) RemoveDupes = JGWCY = 68
Q68 Harvard University Muslim Alumni - What is HUMA's family history?

5) Other linked Q posts:
a) Original:
Q240 Chan STRINGER - _Start_IP_log_4ch_y _Conf_y_ _Lang_v_US_jurid_y Snow White Pounce. Conf_actors_1-9999999_per_condition_89074-b No nets. Re_8ch_carry_good_
Q40 Donald J Trump - 4,10,20 A,b,c,d,e......
Q18 Mueller and POTUS Meeting
Q2819 17 Months Ago POTUS Asked for Release of Unredacted Docs from Russia Hoax and Fisagate - REVIEW TIME
Q1240 Reagan - We Must Fight Military Video
Q1740 Device test C
Q2940 Unusually High Number of Sealed Indictments

b) Corrected:
Q51 The time has come to take back our great land. The time is now
Q45 Follow Huma Abedin - Who is attempting to change the narrative and soften the acts that are forthcoming this weekend?
Q1912 Sample Gmail Draft from James Comey about President's Daily Briefing (PDB)
Q132 Graphic confirmed and correct
Q1332 What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5. Stay the course and trust the plan. Protective measures are in place. Remain BRAVE. We knew this day would come.
Q1832 Many in Power Worship the Devil
Q2532 Light through Darkness (Q Proof)
Q3032 [Michael Gaeta - FBI Rome]
edit on 16-3-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

The tainted drug issue.

me thinks it's a red herring ... Maybe some people were given (and partook of) some kind of 'tainted drugs' the DS knows about BUT No longer controls.

For some reason those letters at Bush's funeral come to mind

MAYBE there was some kind of cryptic warning that "should they X, then expect a Y to come along and 'complete the puzzle'

In fact, the hardest 'conspiracy' for me to comprehend is the Adrenochrome factor . . . as far as my reasonable knowledge of things chemical and medical, there's something that just doesn't add up for me - - - like there's some VIP factor that we've all missed . . ."can't see the wood for the trees" maybe?
IDK for now

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: JohnnyJetson

I don't know. I think Q may have been referencing pharmaceuticals from foreign countries not being formulated to spec.

Many OTC herbs, vitamins, supplements have been tested and found grossly wanting over the years. Sometimes it hits the news.

With prescription pharmaceuticals, you don't often hear about it.

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