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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -24-

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posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:09 PM
After looking at Cavv's updated map I saw this:


Here's where it gets funny...

@MissouriNationalGuard Twit

To date, there have been no cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Missouri. For additional information and resources regarding COVID-19 in Missouri, visit

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:16 PM
Here's a great common sense thread on the Plandemic. More ammo for ya CWM.

Federal Reserve to Inject $1.5 Trillion into Markets to Offset Economic Impact of Coronavirus

edit on 12-3-2020 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:26 PM
Biden and Sanders are whining about Trump's response to CV.

I seriously doubt they'd be anywhere near as organized.

Watching Biden, I think he thinks he's already president.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:27 PM
Its the media and democratic hysteria that's manipulating the markets. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind thats what is happening. H1N1 was much worse than what we're facing at the monent; not saying COVID-19 cannot reach that point, but it's not even close. They want a market collapse to blame Trump. They're openly calling for it ffs.

Obama waited until 100k infected and 1000 dead before doing anything about H1N1. They blame Trump for COVID-19 when its 100% on China. Blaming Trump for the markets when its 100% the media causing it blaming it all on COVID-19 all whilst silently recognizing Russia/Saudi are majority to blame for all global markets. How CNN/MSNBC/NBS/CBS/FOX have any viewers who believe the exaggerated cow feces is completely beyond the realm of my intellect. Not sure if I'm too dumb, or too smart for the medias bullsh*t.
edit on 3/12/2020 by imthegoat because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:31 PM
DECODE ID 24RSH200312003D

Q Posts linked by decode to the first 16 of 32 POTUS morning tweets:

Mar 12 2020 08:49:18 1238099754355167233

How can the structure of a spike protein found on #coronavirus responsible for the #COVID-19 #outbreak help in its diagnosis, treatment, and prevention? Find out on my blog! #NIH

Q204, Q4131, Q849, Q1349, Q2049, Q2549, Q98, Q64, Q108, Q74

Mar 12 2020 08:47:14 1238099231770054656

Join CDC for a Twitter Q&A on #COVID19. CDC Deputy Director for Infectious Diseases, Dr. Jay Butler, will answer questions about coronavirus this Friday, March 13. Join us on Twitter to ask your question now: http://(link tracking not allowed)/AskCDCCOVID19.

Q11, Q3933, Q847, Q1347, Q2047, Q2547, Q271, Q38, Q295, Q62, Q133

Mar 12 2020 08:47:03 1238099186022789121

#Childcare Programs: Plan & prepare for #COVID19 in your community:
• Review, update & implement emergency operations plans for disease outbreaks
• Encourage frequent handwashing w/ soap & water for 20+ seconds
• Clean & disinfect surfaces & objects
https://(link tracking not allowed)/2TQdRLs

Q10, Q3944, Q847, Q1347, Q2047, Q2547, Q181, Q104, Q195, Q118, Q122, Q174, Q118, Q124, Q166

Mar 12 2020 08:46:53 1238099144872525825

Older adults & people with a severe chronic medical condition: Prepare in advance for the possibility of a #COVID19 outbreak in your community. Take extra measures to put distance between yourself & other people to reduce your risk of being exposed. https://(link tracking not allowed)/2IAEkr5

Q312, Q3807, Q846, Q1346, Q2046, Q2546, Q119, Q71, Q136, Q88, Q146, Q187

Mar 12 2020 08:43:41 1238098341210148864

Trump says SBA will provide capital/liquidity to firms impacted by coronavirus. Will provide low interest loans

Q304, Q3502, Q843, Q1343, Q2043, Q2543, Q65

Mar 12 2020 08:40:37 1238097569403764737

Trump’s new coronavirus travel prohibitions will not apply to the trade and cargo that flow between Europe and the United States, White House says.

Q442, Q3203, Q840, Q1340, Q2040, Q2540, Q96

Mar 12 2020 08:35:55 1238096384575889408

JUST IN: US Supreme Court: Trump admin. can continue its practice of returning asylum seekers to Mexico along the entire southern border while immigration authorities process their claims.

Q414, Q2720, Q835, Q1335, Q2035, Q2535, Q188, Q49

Mar 12 2020 08:31:41 1238095317389713410

Governments across the U.S. need to follow the lead of the business community and impose tougher restrictions in order to stop spread of the #coronavirus

Q52, Q2310, Q831, Q1331, Q2031, Q2531, Q47

Mar 12 2020 08:30:49 1238095099793485825

We’ll get through this. It’ll end. We have two hard months ahead of us. We need to sacrifice some of the trappings of normal life to reduce the scope and severity of what’s ahead. We must protect the vulnerable. We must act collectively in common interest. We must work together.

Q127, Q2219, Q830, Q1330, Q2030, Q2530, Q147, Q9

Mar 12 2020 08:29:22 1238094736931651585

We updated our data on total #coronavirus testing capacity in U.S. Remember, our figures for total capacity do not reflect the actual number of tests being performed, but the number of patients who could potentially be screened daily if every lab were testing at maximum capacity

Q117, Q2107, Q829, Q1329, Q2029, Q2529, Q81

Mar 12 2020 08:28:05 1238094412145741824

From @FaceTheNation on #COVID19. The next few months will be hard. We'll get through this. Ultimately we'll have a treatment or vaccine to vanquish #coronavirus. But we must implement tough mitigation steps in areas of outbreak to prevent a wider epidemic.

Q312, Q1222, Q2023, Q828, Q1328, Q2028, Q2528, Q165, Q113, Q187, Q135

Mar 12 2020 05:15:43 1238046001744826369

Nancy Pelosi all of a sudden doesn’t like the payroll tax cut but when Obama proposed it she thought it was a brilliant thing that all of the working families would benefit from because if you get a paycheck you’re going to take home more money.” @kilmeade @foxandfriends

Q1518, Q1028, Q515, Q1015, Q1715, Q2215, Q45

Mar 12 2020 05:00:25 1238042153483411456


Federal tax dollars will no longer go to sanctuary states or cities that harbor criminal illegal aliens

If a president had done this years ago—people like Kate Steinle could still be alive

Why did it take @realDonaldTrump's election for Americans to be put first?


Q203, Q525, Q500, Q1000, Q1700, Q2200, Q99, Q87, Q112, Q100, Q100

Mar 12 2020 04:58:22 1238041635256238080

Schumer's threat to the Court that "you will pay the price" is a direct attack on the integrity of our courts. I criticized Trump for his reckless comments about the courts. Where is the chorus of condemnation of Schumer? Schumer sounded more like a stalker than a statesman.

Q37, Q5436, Q458, Q958, Q1658, Q2158, Q112, Q55

Mar 12 2020 04:57:45 1238041481396588544

MUST WATCH!! Best Trump Ad Ever!! 📺"FIGHTER" Starts Airing TODAY Nationwide!! @realDonaldTrump

Q301, Q5312, Q457, Q957, Q1657, Q2157, Q383, Q181, Q408, Q206

Mar 12 2020 04:54:44 1238040722391150592

77% of Americans are confident in the Trump Administration’s ability to handle the coronavirus.

Just 58% of Americans were confident in the Obama Administration’s ability to handle the Ebola virus.

Funny how the media doesn’t report this fact!

Q741, Q4112, Q5010, Q454, Q954, Q1654, Q2154, Q60, Q56, Q87, Q83

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi


Q Posts linked by decode to the second 16 of 32 POTUS morning tweets:

Mar 12 2020 09:44:36 1238113667754995712

Many Republican Senators want me to Veto the FISA Bill until we find out what led to and happened with the illegal attempted “coup” of the duly elected President of the United States and others!

Q2, Q3508, Q944, Q1444, Q2144, Q2644, Q165, Q108

Mar 12 2020 09:34:49 1238111208408059904

“Nancy Pelosi all of a sudden doesn’t like the payroll tax cut, but when Obama proposed it she thought it was a brilliant thing that all of the working families would benefit from because if you get a paycheck, you’re going to take home more money.” @kilmeade @foxandfriends

Q3830, Q2515, Q934, Q1434, Q2134, Q2634, Q45

Mar 12 2020 08:56:19 1238101519066685441

The NBA has suspended the season "until further notice” after a Utah Jazz player preliminarily tested positive for coronavirus.

Q135, Q4837, Q856, Q1356, Q2056, Q2556, Q68

Mar 12 2020 08:54:44 1238101118426677254

Develop a plan for home-based actions. Choose a room in your home that can be used to separate sick household members from those who are healthy. Protect yourself and others. Get more information about creating a household plan of action: https://(link tracking not allowed)/2TrXBRE #COVID19

Q9, Q4610, Q854, Q1354, Q2054, Q2554, Q152, Q138, Q164, Q150

Mar 12 2020 08:54:35 1238101083303620608

Everyone can help prevent the spread of #COVID19. Call your doctor if you develop symptoms, have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19, or have recently traveled from an area with widespread or ongoing community spread of COVID-19. https://(link tracking not allowed)/38zjnYo.

Q15, Q4619, Q854, Q1354, Q2054, Q2554, Q192, Q30, Q233, Q71

Mar 12 2020 08:54:20 1238101019671879680

Clean hands keep you healthy and can stop germs from spreading to others. What you need to know about handwashing:

Q24, Q4634, Q854, Q1354, Q2054, Q2554, Q26

Mar 12 2020 08:53:56 1238100917586726913

#CDCTRAVELNOTICE: #Coronavirus in most of #Europe. CDC recommends avoiding all nonessential travel to most of Europe. More information: https://(link tracking not allowed)/33cPoUB

Q46, Q4503, Q853, Q1353, Q2053, Q2553, Q229, Q143, Q235, Q149

Mar 12 2020 08:53:10 1238100726573928449

.@CMSGov has taken additional actions to ensure #Medicare-participating hospital emergency departments continue to implement infection control procedures required under federal regulation, & reinforcing obligations to care for patients in face of #COVID19.

Q16, Q4543, Q853, Q1353, Q2053, Q2553, Q108, Q76, Q118, Q86, Q240

Mar 12 2020 08:52:54 1238100659980963840

.@CMSGov has issued additional guidance about telehealth benefits in #Medicare to ensure beneficiaries are aware of accessible benefits that can both keep them healthy & help prevent the spread of #COVID19.

Q21, Q4402, Q852, Q1352, Q2052, Q2552, Q108, Q76, Q118, Q86, Q120

Mar 12 2020 08:52:33 1238100572450033666

.@CMSGov has expanded its guidance to nursing homes on how facilities should monitor, limit or restrict visitors & staff w/ potential illness, & transferring or accepting patients who have tested positive for or are suspected to have #COVID19.

Q29, Q4419, Q852, Q1352, Q2052, Q2552, Q95, Q89, Q115, Q109, Q183, Q239

Mar 12 2020 08:52:04 1238100450668417027

Thank you @Humana for your dedication to public health and safety as we work to stop #COVID19.

Q12, Q4448, Q852, Q1352, Q2052, Q2552, Q81, Q91

Mar 12 2020 08:51:52 1238100399049060353

Thanks @UnitedHealthGrp for helping ensure your communities have coverage for the #COVID19 testing and treatment they need.

Q25, Q4301, Q851, Q1351, Q2051, Q2551, Q109, Q119

Mar 12 2020 08:51:27 1238100292635418624

No federal approval is needed for state #Medicaid programs to reimburse for telemedicine services, the same way that states pay for face-to-face services. We at @CMSGov encourage states to assess their current payment & coverage policies in light of #COVID19.

Q8, Q4324, Q851, Q1351, Q2051, Q2551, Q145, Q113, Q155, Q123, Q170

Mar 12 2020 08:51:19 1238100260507049984

To ensure individuals who may be impacted by #COVID19 have access to care, @CMSGov is encouraging states to utilize existing federal flexibility to provide #Medicaid services through telemedicine.

Q17, Q4332, Q851, Q1351, Q2051, Q2551, Q128, Q96, Q138, Q106

Mar 12 2020 08:51:02 1238100187580686339

Here are some simple steps that every American and community can take to help decrease the spread of the #coronavirus at work, home, school, and commercial establishments.
For more, visit

Q100, Q4349, Q851, Q1351, Q2051, Q2551, Q15

Mar 12 2020 08:50:02 1238099937411334145

Watch this video to learn how you can help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases like the novel #coronavirus (#COVID19). To learn more, visit

Q44, Q4248, Q850, Q1350, Q2050, Q2550, Q159, Q43, Q179, Q63

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
March Madness.

NCAA Tournament.

Note the empty [] [123456] = [cancel] ???

Replying to self...

NCAA cancels men's and women's basketball tournament due to coronavirus concerns


posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:44 PM
Maryland governor activates National Guard in case needed for coronavirus measures. Maryland also bans events of over 250 people.
Baltimore Sun

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:44 PM
I just watched this video by Austin Steinbart that he entitled 'What Does Qanon Know About UFOs '

And tbh I wasn't impressed. He basically surmised Einstein's theory of gravity. However, within the field of quantum physics, theorists have moved away from the idea of gravity being a force. Also, he never mentions quasicrystals or quantum particles at all which is kind of weird since he's discussing UFOs and 'time machines '. If he was Q or part of the Q team, I'd think he would have a much higher degree of knowledge than what he imparted in this 6 min. video
edit on 12-3-2020 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:46 PM
Corney man just couldn't resist. He must have been triggered by POTUS' tweet today informing us that many Republicans want him to veto the FISA bill until we find out about the illegal attempted "coup" of our duly elected president and others.

JC is so transparent and full of hatefulness, he was bound to respond. What an absolute loser! Also, C omey has to add a philosophical quote and drop a little Qism for the rest of us to catch. What a player!

edit on 12-3-2020 by queenofswords because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

With so many sporting events canceling, the sports betting and Fantasy sports world will take a hit. March madness Bracket challenges are a huge part of sports betting. Not just in office pools but a big drive in traffic to online sources like ESPN and Fox Sports.

Bookies gotta find another game.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:53 PM
ANON calls the shot. 🎯

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: Observationalist
a reply to: crankyoldman

With so many sporting events canceling, the sports betting and Fantasy sports world will take a hit. March madness Bracket challenges are a huge part of sports betting. Not just in office pools but a big drive in traffic to online sources like ESPN and Fox Sports.

Bookies gotta find another game.

STELLAR observation(alist) to be sure. This is crushing - NCAA is huge.

The Python Drug raids are going to be huge there too, some overlap.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: imthegoat

The media hype is part of it but the control of the circulation of cash also plays a major roll. Which is why I hope DJT takes down the Fed and abolishes the IRS while he's at it

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

I've been thinking recently, "Why do we watch sports?"

Surely taking part in sports gives us more seratonin and is healthier?

What was the equivalent of watching sport 10,000 years ago? I'd say it was hiding behind a bush in fear whilst someone else in your community tries to fight off a lion?

From a cabal perspective, it's making us, the sheep, concentrate on a game that has no importance to one's life in reality. It's a way of making us believe that we are winning when in reality we ourselves aren't winning... and the win is of no consequence to positive change in our lives.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:08 PM
No travel
No tourism
No buffets
No events
No sports
No March Madness
No large gatherings
Trap doors activated
Sin City is going to collapse.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

The Romans did the same. Now we have the Corona Gladiators.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:15 PM
Tulsi gabbard just said on Fox that for immediate relief, she wants every American to get $1,000 check each month until this crisis is over with.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

QoS, I think there's a warning to Obama in Comey's tweet:

Even without competent presidential leadership, we all have the chance to be public servants.

“These dark days will be worth all they cost us if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered unto, but to minister to ourselves and to our fellow [humans]” — FDR 1933

a) CAPS only for all except the FDR eignature = ET = 25 = 5by5 = EYES ON,

b) signature as numbers... FDR1933 = 6+4+18+1+9+3+3 = 44 = POTUS44 = Obama

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Tulsi gabbard just said on Fox that for immediate relief, she wants every American to get $1,000 check each month until this crisis is over with.

What is it with them and “free” stuff? They can’t help themselves. It’s like they want to get Americans hooked on minimal govt $ and not strive to take care of themselves.

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